I fear our Liberty is bludgeoned perhaps to death


...worst of all I'm DULL
Dec 30, 2011
This latest nonesense about Chik-fila(sp?) being vilified and punished for the beliefs of its President has me in a funk. This just the latest in a long line of such outrages where folks have been pummeled for what they believe and say.

I think perhaps people in South America have more Liberty than we do. The libs seem to have finally corrupted the National culture to the point where we have become serfs to their oppression.

Please tell me I'm wrong. :eusa_silenced:
You, Sir, are correct.

I fear we are right.

It was good while it lasted - At least I'm happy my uberAmerican Grandfather didn't live to see it. He'd have died of a stroke instead of peacefully in his sleep.
I have no problem with people boycotting Chikee-fil-a because of what the CEO said.

I have a problem with the local goverments trying to shut down or zone them out of existence.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Bigots can't say bigoted things without some consequences! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
You would be correct tenthertoo, but the blame doesn't fall squarely on the shoulders of liberals; neo-cons are just as guilty of this crime (they're perfectly fine with the Patriot Act, TSA, drones patrolling the streets, etc.)

The damage isn't completely irreversable, but the chances of undoing what has been done is unlikely as long as the majority of the population is either brainwashed or doesn't care. Tobe honest, I think this country is slowly trending towards a mindset where people aren't totally opposed to government-sponsored groupthink, and sacrificing freedom for (preceived) security.

I really don't consider the whole Chick-fil-A thing too newsworthy, but I did have a SMH moment when watching Daily Show (or Colbert Report... basically the same thing anyway). When Stewart (or Colbert) mentioned the Boston mayor's intention to ban the restaurant from the city, the statement was met with loud cheers and applause. I do not advocate the views of C.F-A's owner, but his business is operating within its legal boundaries and not discriminating...

I'm still considering bailing out on this sinking ship in the long term, but if this were Obama trying to pull this stunt on a nationwide scale... it would certainly tempt me to apply for international work permits the next day.
This latest nonesense about Chik-fila(sp?) being vilified and punished for the beliefs of its President has me in a funk. This just the latest in a long line of such outrages where folks have been pummeled for what they believe and say.

I think perhaps people in South America have more Liberty than we do. The libs seem to have finally corrupted the National culture to the point where we have become serfs to their oppression.

Please tell me I'm wrong. :eusa_silenced:

This isn't the first time these kind of people have plagued humanity.


Yes. We all know it will end ugly.
This latest nonesense about Chik-fila(sp?) being vilified and punished for the beliefs of its President has me in a funk. This just the latest in a long line of such outrages where folks have been pummeled for what they believe and say.

I think perhaps people in South America have more Liberty than we do. The libs seem to have finally corrupted the National culture to the point where we have become serfs to their oppression.

Please tell me I'm wrong. :eusa_silenced:

You are WRONG. I do think that the Mayor of Boston was way off base, but I also think that private individuals DO have a right to express their First Amendment Rights .
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Bigots can't say bigoted things without some consequences! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

1. You make my point
2. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! - Who? Not me I'd think. BUT I'd think you'd have some sympathy for the people who work there who'd be saying Waaaaaaah! if they lost their jobs. But idealogues don't care about such things. Do they??
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Bigots can't say bigoted things without some consequences! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

So if a political leader doesn't like your opinion on something, you are okay with him using the power of his office to ruin you?

Some people have NO IDEA what the first amendment means.
If they lose their jobs because thinking people no longer want to eat the chicken from the bigoted company, who is to blame?

Personal responsibility.......try it.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Bigots can't say bigoted things without some consequences! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

So if a political leader doesn't like your opinion on something, you are okay with him using the power of his office to ruin you?

No. What does that have to do with what I said?

Reread the OP. it does not mention the idiot Mayor of Boston. Save your outrage for a time when it makes sense.
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If they lose their jobs because thinking people no longer want to eat the chicken from the bigoted company, who is to blame?

Personal responsibility.......try it.

That response was NOT relevent to your first post. That post suggested that the company should be banned from doing business. Very different from individuals choosing not to eat there. (which is perfectly OK with me - THAT"S Liberty)
I have no problem with people boycotting Chikee-fil-a because of what the CEO said.

I have a problem with the local goverments trying to shut down or zone them out of existence.

You'd think that's how it would work: They open for business, there's not enough demand (for whatever reason), they go out of business.

America, 2012: Watch what you say.

If they lose their jobs because thinking people no longer want to eat the chicken from the bigoted company, who is to blame?

Personal responsibility.......try it.

That response was NOT relevent to your first post. That post suggested that the company should be banned from doing business. Very different from individuals choosing not to eat there. (which is perfectly OK with me - THAT"S Liberty)

Suggested? My ass. I suggested no such thing. Not my thing......banning.
This latest nonesense about Chik-fila(sp?) being vilified and punished for the beliefs of its President has me in a funk. This just the latest in a long line of such outrages where folks have been pummeled for what they believe and say.

I think perhaps people in South America have more Liberty than we do. The libs seem to have finally corrupted the National culture to the point where we have become serfs to their oppression.

Please tell me I'm wrong. :eusa_silenced:

You're wrong.

He can say whatever stupid thing he wants. Normal people get to respond accordingly.

Or do we only boycott the Dixie Chicks?
This latest nonesense about Chik-fila(sp?) being vilified and punished for the beliefs of its President has me in a funk. This just the latest in a long line of such outrages where folks have been pummeled for what they believe and say.

I think perhaps people in South America have more Liberty than we do. The libs seem to have finally corrupted the National culture to the point where we have become serfs to their oppression.

Please tell me I'm wrong. :eusa_silenced:
I realize it seems control freakish. But I do not think people in Venezuela have more Liberty than we do. As a matter of fact, for esample, Venezuela's Human Rights Abuses are into hundreds of complaints per year to international agencies as of 2008. I do not know if that has changed.

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