I give up, I will no longer try to ERASE DEBT only MANAGE DEBT


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
Seems like every time I try to strive to get to a $0 balance something in life always seems to happens whether its job loss, health expenses, or unexpected financial purchases when something breaks down

So for now on I will just manage the debt I have so that it's 60% to 70% of available credit on both cards. Plus I have a card that has no credit limit for extreme emergencies or unexpected situations related to entertainment. Plus it seems like the credit companies don't want you to hit the balance of $0.00 which is why they keep increasing my limit lol I noticed the closer whenever my balance got close to 0 the credit card company increased my credit limit. Also have a 740 credit score which shows I do a good job in managing debt. This will allow me to live a stress free life and stop worrying myself about trying to erase debt.
Is there a point to all of this?

Yes Mongo. I will no longer stress myself out thinking of the number 0 when it comes to credit card balance or 100% available credit. For now on I will focus on managing 30 to 35% credit card use and maintaining 70 to 75 % available credit
Great. Now I can rest easy. You have no idea how many nights I stayed up worrying about your debt.
Good plan!

Interesting, I cut up all my credit cards 20 years ago. For many people, money burns a hole in their pocket and they are always broke. Most people could put away some money every month but they don't. If I need to spend $500 to fix my car, I get it fixed and pay it.
Curious if you ever got to a point where you actually had zero credit card balance? I had to work a full and part time job for about three years in order to get my debt all paid off. With that done, the savings multiply like mad especially if you live well below your means. Anyway, my 2 cents.
Seems like every time I try to strive to get to a $0 balance something in life always seems to happens whether its job loss, health expenses, or unexpected financial purchases when something breaks down

So for now on I will just manage the debt I have so that it's 60% to 70% of available credit on both cards. Plus I have a card that has no credit limit for extreme emergencies or unexpected situations related to entertainment. Plus it seems like the credit companies don't want you to hit the balance of $0.00 which is why they keep increasing my limit lol I noticed the closer whenever my balance got close to 0 the credit card company increased my credit limit. Also have a 740 credit score which shows I do a good job in managing debt. This will allow me to live a stress free life and stop worrying myself about trying to erase debt.
Your plan isn’t very smart. As shocking as that may be.

It’s a little late now but someone should have taken the time to explain the fiscal facts of life to you a long time ago. That “something in life always seems to happens(sic)” is part of all of our lives in some manner or other, but we’ve been taught to expect such monetary setbacks so we plan for them by saving money for whenever a ‘something’ decides to pay a visit.
Some folks even refer to such savings as an Emergeny Fund. Note, Emergency. Not, Unexpected Situations Related to Entertainment Fund. Those expenditures should come out of your Screwing Around Fund, which, trust me, in your case should be no where near the size of your emergency savings.

Well, happy debt management! Should be an interesting ride, so be sure to keep the class informed.
Seems like every time I try to strive to get to a $0 balance something in life always seems to happens whether its job loss, health expenses, or unexpected financial purchases when something breaks down

So for now on I will just manage the debt I have so that it's 60% to 70% of available credit on both cards. Plus I have a card that has no credit limit for extreme emergencies or unexpected situations related to entertainment. Plus it seems like the credit companies don't want you to hit the balance of $0.00 which is why they keep increasing my limit lol I noticed the closer whenever my balance got close to 0 the credit card company increased my credit limit. Also have a 740 credit score which shows I do a good job in managing debt. This will allow me to live a stress free life and stop worrying myself about trying to erase debt.
Except for all the money you are wasting paying interest on all those card balances. Take a minute to figure out what you pay in interest on those cards every month

Transfer your debt to a card that will give you zero interest for a length of time.

Pay that debt down. if you're not completely paid off when the zero interest term expires then transfer the remaining balance to a different care that will give you zero interest.

Most importantly do not incur any new debt while paying off the old debt.

Once you have paid off the debt take the money you save in interest charges and start saving it so you will have an emergency fund
When you try to erase debit you are in fact managing debit. It's a good idea to make more mortgage payments than are required and a good idea to keep down credit card debit.
Seems like every time I try to strive to get to a $0 balance something in life always seems to happens whether its job loss, health expenses, or unexpected financial purchases when something breaks down

So for now on I will just manage the debt I have so that it's 60% to 70% of available credit on both cards. Plus I have a card that has no credit limit for extreme emergencies or unexpected situations related to entertainment. Plus it seems like the credit companies don't want you to hit the balance of $0.00 which is why they keep increasing my limit lol I noticed the closer whenever my balance got close to 0 the credit card company increased my credit limit. Also have a 740 credit score which shows I do a good job in managing debt. This will allow me to live a stress free life and stop worrying myself about trying to erase debt.

I am now throughly convinced you are just a troll account.

In the off chance you aren't, carrying a balance on your credit cards is financially ignorant. The interest rates are insane. If you want a decent financial future, you will be better off eliminating debt and then saving money to build wealth.

Debt is not an asset.
When you try to erase debit you are in fact managing debit. It's a good idea to make more mortgage payments than are required and a good idea to keep down credit card debit.

So it looks like it's better to just have 1 credit card with no limit and wipe out the debt for the other two cards

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