
Sep 23, 2010
Last night FOX played ‘Gotcha’ with Bashar al-Assad. The transcript of the interview tells me they didn’t get him. I still do not see any proof that Assad, and not the rebels, launched the attack. I’m not defending Assad. Even if he is lying he is no worse than Barack Taqiyya & Company lying about everything for five years. Only fools would believe the reasons they offer for getting involved Syria’s civil war.

NOTE: On the domestic front Taqiyya, and Harry Reid, are telling lies about shutting down the government in order to defund the ACA faster than Old Faithful erupts.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWrklFuYnb0&feature=player_embedded]Old Faithful Geyser Erupts, Yellowstone National Park - YouTube[/ame]
Old Faithful Erupts every 45 to 125 minutes​


FOX did not get Assad but I got FOX. The interview reads like FOX was going after a drug company for marketing a dangerous drug while protecting the pharmaceutical industry. In my analogy the United Nations is Big Pharma.

The following excerpts show that empowering the UNIC (United Nations/International Community), and non-existent International law, was FOX’s objective. I spliced in a few necessary comments for clarity. I did not include Assad’s responses or references to the UN:

Fox News: Hello Mr. President, thank you very much for providing Fox News with this opportunity for an interview. I’m joined by my colleague, reporter Greg Palkot, and we’re very interested in proceeding. As you know, there’s been a number of breaking stories which we need to discuss with you. The UN has just released its chemical weapon report. My colleague Greg Palkot will be discussing that with you in a moment.


Fox News: So, just so summarize, you do have chemical weapons, you’re prepared to go along with the plan to destroy them, and that you’re prepared to cooperate with the international community in that.


Fox News: You problem was that there was a threat of force coming from the United States, there’s still discussion of the so-called Chapter Seven resolution being put forward to the UN which would include the possibility of force.


Fox News: Chapter Seven resolution in the UN which allows bodies in the UN to use force if you’re not complying.


Fox News: So that’s irrelevant to you?


Fox News: And again that timeframe which Dennis mentioned, one week to come up with a full account of your chemical weapons, November for the first inspectors to come in, mid 2014 for all your chemical weapons to be destroyed; that’s an ambitious timetable even by expert standards, but you think that is doable?


Fox News: You don’t necessarily sign on to that time limit?


Fox News: Let’s go on to the latest breaking news. There’s a lot of breaking news in this region right now, and that’s the just-released UN report on the chemical weapon attack last month in the outskirts of Damascus right now. According to this report, and this is the report you said you were waiting for. You said you didn’t want to hear the US, you didn’t want to hear the UK, you didn’t want to hear France, you want the UN to speak, and they have spoken, and they have said and I quote “there’s clear and convincing evidence that the nerve gas Sarin has been used”, and they base this on environmental, chemical, medical samples, they say the killing happened on a relatively large scale, that killing included children. Do you agree with this assessment?

No one doubts that sarin gas was used. The UN’s report offers no proof that Assad used it.

Fox News: It’s different. You disagree with the UN report?


Fox News: They have the evidence. They’ve interviewed 40-50 people on the ground.

The UN’s credibility is less than the administration’s.

Fox News: Let’s go hypothetical then. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has said that this is in fact a war crime, that it is despicable, and that it is a grave violation of international law. If that event happened as they say it did happen, would it be despicable, would it be a violation of international law?


Fox News: There’s a last key element to this UN report, and while the UN inspectors did not lay blame, that is they did not place culpability for the attack, there are many experts interpreting this report, some that I’ve spoken to in the last 12 hours, they frankly say this attack looks firmly like an attack coming from your government, from the Syrian government. They point to a few things; they say it was a large amount of gas, Sarin gas, maybe as much as a ton. The rebels could not have had that. They said the type of rocket, an M-14 artillery at 300 millimetres never used by the rebels before, the rebels don’t have that, and maybe most importantly they point to the trajectory of the rockets. They say they were able to trace the rockets back from the impact point to where they came from, and in two different occasions, this is according to the UN, they say that the start point was Qasyoun Mountain, the headquarters of the republican guards. What do you say to that?

Again, the UN’s credibility is suspect.

Also, the words “looks firmly like” indicate that FOX’s experts offered opinions.

Fox News: These points are all part of the report. These are all facts.

Points are not facts. They do not even qualify as circumstantial evidence. To me, it looks like FOX, and the UN, are moving toward “consensus is proof" à la manmade global warming.

Fox News: Just to conclude this portion, Mr. President, will you allow more investigation? Will you allow UN investigators to come in, maybe to further investigate this attack, as you say, other attacks? There’s something like 14 different attacks where accusations are being made on both sides and even a UN team to decide on the culpability, the blame for this attack. You will allow those UN teams to come in?


Fox News: Before I go back to Greg; there are a lot countries now involved in this process; not just the US and Russia, but Iran, Israel, Turkey and even China. So much depends on Syria's cooperation with the Geneva process. Are you prepared to make sure that this opportunity doesn't fall apart?

Finally, the Geneva process is a United Nations backed peace conference. Once again the UN is empowered giving Barack Taqiyya & Company what they want at the expense of America’s sovereignty.

Here’s the link to the transcript:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=qmMmGZQaVsc]FULL EXCLUSIVE Interview of Fox News with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad - 9/18/2013 - YouTube[/ame]​
I just can't take Assad seriously.


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