I guess black lives dont REALLY matter


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2008
I thought they NBA supported BLM? These teams only cared enough to not play for just one game? One game isnt going to cut it. This shows an obvious lack of commitment to their cause. They clearly only did it for PR points. They dont want to sacrifice the money they get for playing. Its downright shameful.

“We had a candid, impassioned and productive conversation yesterday between NBA players, coaches and team governors regarding next steps to further our collective efforts and actions in support of social justice and racial equality. Among others, the attendees included player and team representatives of all 13 teams in Orlando. All parties agreed to resume NBA playoff games on Saturday, Aug. 29..."

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I thought they NBA supported BLM? These teams only cared enough to not play for just one game? One game isnt going to cut it. This shows an obviously lack of commitment to their cause. They obviously only did it for PR points. They dont want to sacrifice the money they get for playing. Its downright shameful.

“We had a candid, impassioned and productive conversation yesterday between NBA players, coaches and team governors regarding next steps to further our collective efforts and actions in support of social justice and racial equality. Among others, the attendees included player and team representatives of all 13 teams in Orlando. All parties agreed to resume NBA playoff games on Saturday, Aug. 29..."

How much do they not earn while not playing in a non-regular season game?
I thought they NBA supported BLM? These teams only cared enough to not play for just one game? One game isnt going to cut it. This shows an obviously lack of commitment to their cause. I feels like they just did it for PR points, but they dont want to sacrifice their money for playing. Its downright shameful.

“We had a candid, impassioned and productive conversation yesterday between NBA players, coaches and team governors regarding next steps to further our collective efforts and actions in support of social justice and racial equality. Among others, the attendees included player and team representatives of all 13 teams in Orlando. All parties agreed to resume NBA playoff games on Saturday, Aug. 29..."

The whole BLM thing is screwed from inception, since they only care about black lives if police are involved. Not to say law enforcement doesn't need to act more restraint at times, but blacks are more concerned about policing policies than standing up for changing black community values toward the murder and crime tolerated in their community on an almost hourly basis. Doesn't look like black lives mattering, to me. The cause is a victim of it's own sloganeering.
I thought they NBA supported BLM? These teams only cared enough to not play for just one game? One game isnt going to cut it. This shows an obviously lack of commitment to their cause. They obviously only did it for PR points. They dont want to sacrifice the money they get for playing. Its downright shameful.

“We had a candid, impassioned and productive conversation yesterday between NBA players, coaches and team governors regarding next steps to further our collective efforts and actions in support of social justice and racial equality. Among others, the attendees included player and team representatives of all 13 teams in Orlando. All parties agreed to resume NBA playoff games on Saturday, Aug. 29..."

How much do they not earn while not playing in a non-regular season game?
It would be different for every player. Depends on your team contracts and your endorsement contracts.
brothers and sisters: let's put Godboy's irrational rantings aside for a moment, to point out that NOT A SINGLE ONE of the folks who black lives matter are demanding justice for have received that justice

not a one. not a one

black privilege? BLACK PRIVILEGE?
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Why can't the games be dedicated to whoever the team members decide to support?

God bless you always!!!

brothers and sisters: let's put Godboy's irrational ratings aside for a moment, to point out that NOT A SINGLE ONE of the folks who black lives matter are demanding justice for have received that justice

not a one. not a one

black privilege? BLACK PRIVILEGE?
I dont know man. That paralyzed dude seems like justice to me. I bet his rape victim is super stoked. :laugh:
I thought they NBA supported BLM? These teams only cared enough to not play for just one game? One game isnt going to cut it. This shows an obviously lack of commitment to their cause. I feels like they just did it for PR points, but they dont want to sacrifice their money for playing. Its downright shameful.

“We had a candid, impassioned and productive conversation yesterday between NBA players, coaches and team governors regarding next steps to further our collective efforts and actions in support of social justice and racial equality. Among others, the attendees included player and team representatives of all 13 teams in Orlando. All parties agreed to resume NBA playoff games on Saturday, Aug. 29..."

The whole BLM thing is screwed from inception, since they only care about black lives if police are involved. Not to say law enforcement doesn't need to act more restraint at times, but blacks are more concerned about policing policies than standing up for changing black community values toward the murder and crime tolerated in their community on an almost hourly basis. Doesn't look like black lives mattering, to me. The cause is a victim of it's own sloganeering.
Well stated!
I thought they NBA supported BLM? These teams only cared enough to not play for just one game? One game isnt going to cut it. This shows an obviously lack of commitment to their cause. They obviously only did it for PR points. They dont want to sacrifice the money they get for playing. Its downright shameful.

“We had a candid, impassioned and productive conversation yesterday between NBA players, coaches and team governors regarding next steps to further our collective efforts and actions in support of social justice and racial equality. Among others, the attendees included player and team representatives of all 13 teams in Orlando. All parties agreed to resume NBA playoff games on Saturday, Aug. 29..."

How much do they not earn while not playing in a non-regular season game?
Maybe a better question is how much will they earn when NBA ticket an merchandise revenue plummets by 50%?
BLM are more energized than they are organized. that's why they've failed

but failure doesn't mean you are morally on the wrong side of history. you can be morally pure, and still fail to win the presidency, for example

but even Jesus if he were with us today would have said "BLACK LIVES MATTER", he would have organized, he would have tweeted, he would have told the world about the injustice facing blacks...and you know what, he still just might do that! give him time!
I thought they NBA supported BLM? These teams only cared enough to not play for just one game? One game isnt going to cut it. This shows an obvious lack of commitment to their cause. They clearly only did it for PR points. They dont want to sacrifice the money they get for playing. Its downright shameful.

“We had a candid, impassioned and productive conversation yesterday between NBA players, coaches and team governors regarding next steps to further our collective efforts and actions in support of social justice and racial equality. Among others, the attendees included player and team representatives of all 13 teams in Orlando. All parties agreed to resume NBA playoff games on Saturday, Aug. 29..."

Lebron seems to run the league, and he is Obamas Water Boy, so the chain of command is in place. Obama ordered him back to work.

As it were Lebron is a horrible choice to be league leader, he was outspoken against Dallas Mavs GM when a simple tweet of support went out for HK. Lebron couldn't care less if people are tossed into jail or oppressed, as long as he can expand his personal wealth on their backs in China.

Weak and cowardly. At least find a suitable leader for the league who is consistent and not showing his own ignorance and cowardice when it matters.
BLM are more energized than they are organized. that's why they've failed

but failure doesn't mean you are morally on the wrong side of history. you can be morally pure, and still fail to win the presidency, for example

but even Jesus if he were with us today would have said "BLACK LIVES MATTER", he would have organized, he would have tweeted, he would have told the world about the injustice facing blacks...and you know what, he still just might do that! give him time!
Their message isnt the problem, though it is problematic. The truth is, cops killing people is super rare. In a nation our size, im shocked that it doesnt happen far more often. The expectation that the police must be perfect is unrealistic. There will always be teachers that commit murder, nurses that commit murder and cops too. Humans are humans, regardless of their profession.

BLM's biggest problem is HOW they protest. They do it wrong every single time. Why protest by kneeling when you know kneeling for the anthem pisses people off? That will never win people over. It is merely done BECAUSE they know it pisses people off. Trolling is super popular.

When they arent kneeling they are blocking traffic in the streets and on bridges. Again, not a good strategy for winning people over. Making scenes in school libraries doesnt work, blocking students from entering a campus doesnt work. Going to the streets and screaming at people is unhelpful, pounding on cars is dumb and dangerous, and rioting sure as hell doesnt work.

I compare BLM to Hezbollah. Their goal may be freedom, but if your method to achieve freedom is terrorism, then youre a terrorist, not a freedom fighter.
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BLM are more energized than they are organized. that's why they've failed

but failure doesn't mean you are morally on the wrong side of history. you can be morally pure, and still fail to win the presidency, for example

but even Jesus if he were with us today would have said "BLACK LIVES MATTER", he would have organized, he would have tweeted, he would have told the world about the injustice facing blacks...and you know what, he still just might do that! give him time!
Their message isnt the problem, though it is problematic. The truth is, cops killing people is super rare. In a nation our size, im shocked that it doesnt happen far more often. The expectation that the police must be perfect is unrealistic. There will always be teachers that commit murder, nurses that commit murder and cops too. Humans are humans, regardless of their profession.

BLM's biggest problem is HOW they protest. They do it wrong every single time. Why protest by kneeling when you know kneeling for the anthem pisses people off? That will never win people over. It is merely done BECAUSE they know it pisses people off. Trolling is super popular.

When they arent kneeling they are blocking traffic in the streets and on bridges. Again, not a good strategy for winning people over. Making scenes in school libraries does work, blocking students from entering a campus doesnt work. Going to the streets and screaming at people is unhelpful, pounding on cars is dumb and dangerous, and rioting sure as hell doesnt work.

I compare BLM to Hezbollah. Their cause may be freedom, but if your method to achieve freedom is terrorism, then youre a terrorist.
They seem to want unlimited freedom, without responsibility to society for their own conduct, as if too dumb to understand, all freedom, rights and privileges come with and can only be maintained by taking responsibility.
BLM are more energized than they are organized. that's why they've failed

but failure doesn't mean you are morally on the wrong side of history. you can be morally pure, and still fail to win the presidency, for example

but even Jesus if he were with us today would have said "BLACK LIVES MATTER", he would have organized, he would have tweeted, he would have told the world about the injustice facing blacks...and you know what, he still just might do that! give him time!

"but even Jesus if he were with us today would have said "BLACK LIVES MATTER", he would have organized, he would have tweeted, he would have told the world about the injustice facing blacks...and you know what, he still just might do that! give him time!"

I think if Jesus were alive today he would have said ALL LIVES MATTER, including those not yet born. He would have spoken out about ALL injustices and inequalities rather than focusing on only one group. And he would have utterly condemned the violence and mayhem going on anywhere.
BLM are more energized than they are organized. that's why they've failed

but failure doesn't mean you are morally on the wrong side of history. you can be morally pure, and still fail to win the presidency, for example

but even Jesus if he were with us today would have said "BLACK LIVES MATTER", he would have organized, he would have tweeted, he would have told the world about the injustice facing blacks...and you know what, he still just might do that! give him time!

"but even Jesus if he were with us today would have said "BLACK LIVES MATTER", he would have organized, he would have tweeted, he would have told the world about the injustice facing blacks...and you know what, he still just might do that! give him time!"

I think if Jesus were alive today he would have said ALL LIVES MATTER, including those not yet born. He would have spoken out about ALL injustices and inequalities rather than focusing on only one group. And he would have utterly condemned the violence and mayhem going on anywhere.
since when are you Jesus' spokesman?

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