I guess everyone got tired of "winning"..................


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Remember when Trump told everyone that there would be so much "winning" that the American people would get tired of it?

Well, Trump lost the election, and Pence even said so when Congress certified the electoral votes.

Not only that, but even after Trump lost the election, he managed to campaign for the candidates that lost in GA, and now the Senate has a Democrat majority, as they are 50/50, with Harris being the deciding vote if there is a stalemate.

With all the "winning" that Trump has done lately, are you conservatives tired of it yet, or do you want more "winning" from the Orange Cheeto in Chief? The only way he could "win" more is to start another war for Biden to clean up after.

Trump is handing over a failed economy, a failed response to the pandemic, and he has failed in keeping Rep. control of the Senate. How much more "winning" from Trump do the American people need?

I wonder if Mitch McConnell is tired of the "winning" as well, as he's going to lose his seat as head of the Senate.
Remember when Trump told everyone that there would be so much "winning" that the American people would get tired of it?

Well, Trump lost the election, and Pence even said so when Congress certified the electoral votes.

Not only that, but even after Trump lost the election, he managed to campaign for the candidates that lost in GA, and now the Senate has a Democrat majority, as they are 50/50, with Harris being the deciding vote if there is a stalemate.

With all the "winning" that Trump has done lately, are you conservatives tired of it yet, or do you want more "winning" from the Orange Cheeto in Chief? The only way he could "win" more is to start another war for Biden to clean up after.

Trump is handing over a failed economy, a failed response to the pandemic, and he has failed in keeping Rep. control of the Senate. How much more "winning" from Trump do the American people need?

Don't worry, CHINA is going to do all the winning the next four years.

If you think $2T stimulus is going to save Americas economy while China just hums along stealing, bribing, buying and being welcomed with open arms by weak politician, while NOT taking on massive debt, then you have a different understanding of economics than I do.

The battle is basically over now. It's sad to say, but it was sudden. Trump only delayed it by winning in 2016 it's why I said for some time "he needs two terms to get ensure that China isn't going to win".

As it were, China steamrolled the West over three decades and their ability to divide nations, blunt foreign agencies and destroy American Patriotism will never be matched. To have America go from sole super power status, to China being the sole super power (which is what I predict will happen within 20 years or so), is a phenomenal achievement. All those guarding the henhouse are complicit. China was far smarter, focusing on weaknesses of the West...greed.

We literally had MSNBC anchors praising President Xi for taking on Trump. We had a Washington Post hack who is apparently some great economist, telling CNN "Trump can not beat China in a trade war".

We had former GOP members and Talking Heads take on Trump, but never attacking his policies because they know they are good for Americans. These people are bought and sold like cattle. Weak, if not, compromised. At best, Useful Idiots.

Stay tuned in 2021 and let's see how wrong I am. This world is going to become Chinas very rapidly as Americans focus on "racism, inequality, socialism" and other buzzwords. China needs Western citizens focus elsewhere, they have a job to do.
Remember when Trump told everyone that there would be so much "winning" that the American people would get tired of it?

Well, Trump lost the election, and Pence even said so when Congress certified the electoral votes.

Not only that, but even after Trump lost the election, he managed to campaign for the candidates that lost in GA, and now the Senate has a Democrat majority, as they are 50/50, with Harris being the deciding vote if there is a stalemate.

With all the "winning" that Trump has done lately, are you conservatives tired of it yet, or do you want more "winning" from the Orange Cheeto in Chief? The only way he could "win" more is to start another war for Biden to clean up after.

Trump is handing over a failed economy, a failed response to the pandemic, and he has failed in keeping Rep. control of the Senate. How much more "winning" from Trump do the American people need?

I wonder if Mitch McConnell is tired of the "winning" as well, as he's going to lose his seat as head of the Senate.
Wondering what the events of Wednesday will do to Trump's future chances for the Nobel Peace Prize that he so strongly covets?
Yeah we did get tired of it Trump destroyed Obama's legacy with all his kept campaign promises, nothing left for him to do.
Remember when Trump told everyone that there would be so much "winning" that the American people would get tired of it?

Well, Trump lost the election, and Pence even said so when Congress certified the electoral votes.

Not only that, but even after Trump lost the election, he managed to campaign for the candidates that lost in GA, and now the Senate has a Democrat majority, as they are 50/50, with Harris being the deciding vote if there is a stalemate.

With all the "winning" that Trump has done lately, are you conservatives tired of it yet, or do you want more "winning" from the Orange Cheeto in Chief? The only way he could "win" more is to start another war for Biden to clean up after.

Trump is handing over a failed economy, a failed response to the pandemic, and he has failed in keeping Rep. control of the Senate. How much more "winning" from Trump do the American people need?

I wonder if Mitch McConnell is tired of the "winning" as well, as he's going to lose his seat as head of the Senate.
Trump lost because of the corona virus which brought down the economy.
But he also lost because the DNC is so corrupt and lawless they stole an election.
But most of all he lost because America is stupid, ignorant, and full of themselves.
And by that I mean they seek pleasure and comfort and care little or nothing about God.
Now, go celebrate.
Remember when Trump told everyone that there would be so much "winning" that the American people would get tired of it?

Well, Trump lost the election, and Pence even said so when Congress certified the electoral votes.

Not only that, but even after Trump lost the election, he managed to campaign for the candidates that lost in GA, and now the Senate has a Democrat majority, as they are 50/50, with Harris being the deciding vote if there is a stalemate.

With all the "winning" that Trump has done lately, are you conservatives tired of it yet, or do you want more "winning" from the Orange Cheeto in Chief? The only way he could "win" more is to start another war for Biden to clean up after.

Trump is handing over a failed economy, a failed response to the pandemic, and he has failed in keeping Rep. control of the Senate. How much more "winning" from Trump do the American people need?

I wonder if Mitch McConnell is tired of the "winning" as well, as he's going to lose his seat as head of the Senate.
Wondering what the events of Wednesday will do to Trump's future chances for the Nobel Peace Prize that he so strongly covets?

I gave you a "funny", because there is no way in hell that Trump will ever get the Nobel. He's fucked up too badly, and there is no way he can ever recover. It's amusing to me that he ever thought he could get one in the first place. The only reason he wanted it is because Obama got one.
Yeah we did get tired of it Trump destroyed Obama's legacy with all his kept campaign promises, nothing left for him to do.

Trump destroyed Obama's legacy? Really? All the Orange Idiot ever did was write EO's to try to get rid of Obama's legacy. And, sorry for him, but Biden can do the same thing Trump did, and sign EO's to get rid of all the damage Trump did. Trump has no lasting legacy.
Yeah we did get tired of it Trump destroyed Obama's legacy with all his kept campaign promises, nothing left for him to do.

Trump destroyed Obama's legacy? Really? All the Orange Idiot ever did was write EO's to try to get rid of Obama's legacy. And, sorry for him, but Biden can do the same thing Trump did, and sign EO's to get rid of all the damage Trump did. Trump has no lasting legacy.

Oh really Amy, gorsuch and kav
Yeah we did get tired of it Trump destroyed Obama's legacy with all his kept campaign promises, nothing left for him to do.

Trump destroyed Obama's legacy? Really? All the Orange Idiot ever did was write EO's to try to get rid of Obama's legacy. And, sorry for him, but Biden can do the same thing Trump did, and sign EO's to get rid of all the damage Trump did. Trump has no lasting legacy.

Oh really Amy, gorsuch and kav

Even the people Trump appointed to the USSC have said that he's an idiot and have ruled against him when cases about the election were brought before them.
Yeah we did get tired of it Trump destroyed Obama's legacy with all his kept campaign promises, nothing left for him to do.

Trump destroyed Obama's legacy? Really? All the Orange Idiot ever did was write EO's to try to get rid of Obama's legacy. And, sorry for him, but Biden can do the same thing Trump did, and sign EO's to get rid of all the damage Trump did. Trump has no lasting legacy.
His "Legacy" is the stain on democracy he made
Yeah we did get tired of it Trump destroyed Obama's legacy with all his kept campaign promises, nothing left for him to do.

Trump destroyed Obama's legacy? Really? All the Orange Idiot ever did was write EO's to try to get rid of Obama's legacy. And, sorry for him, but Biden can do the same thing Trump did, and sign EO's to get rid of all the damage Trump did. Trump has no lasting legacy.
Trump saved me like $3,200 bucks by getting rid of the Obama care tax..
The Republicans lost the Presidency, the House and the Senate because of Trump.

He's a loser.


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