I guess the 1-2% "Jew" is real

Mortimer, humanity, for the most part, is a muttly crew. Throughout our history, we have immigrated, migrated, conquered, been conquered, married out, married in, and had a whole lot of blessed fun in the process.

My advice? Embrace it. Find out what it means to be Jewish, and celebrate that tiny part that is a part of your family.

What else did it show you?
With pure incredulity, the gods peered down in dismay.
Such a wonderous gift of life that took billions of years to manifest on this incredible planet....soon to be desolate.......squandered in the blink of an eye.
3 companies give me a 1-2 percent jew. I guess it is real, but so minor that it is probably hundreds of years old and I cannot figure out who of my ancestors carried that, at that small percent everyone could have carried it and it was not noticeable at all in nothing.


Mortimer, humanity, for the most part, is a muttly crew. Throughout our history, we have immigrated, migrated, conquered, been conquered, married out, married in, and had a whole lot of blessed fun in the process.

My advice? Embrace it. Find out what it means to be Jewish, and celebrate that tiny part that is a part of your family.

What else did it show you?
Does that mean I can go on occasional scalping parties?

Does it really matter what some far distant ancestor was? I would imagine that you would really only be concerned if you were part of an Aryan Brotherhood. Then, you'd have to put yourself in a Concentration Camp. Otherwise, ignore it.

gee OPRAH made a big deal out of her DNA quest-----is Mortimer someone to be LEFT OUT?
she wanted her ROOTS-----and maybe a link to KUNTA KINTE----for fun. MORTIMER HAS A RIGHT
My sister paid for this, and since we have the same parents, I figured that there was little point in me doing it.

But I always considered myself 100% Polish, but the test results came back 0.5% Ashkenazi Jewish. Really explained my love for pickled herring and bagels.

0.5 % seems like enough for me-----you should notify the Israeli draft board IMMEDIATELY

Considering the fact that I am 64, I'm not sure they would want me for military service. Although I should be qualified to become a member of the Learned Elders of Zion.
My sister paid for this, and since we have the same parents, I figured that there was little point in me doing it.

But I always considered myself 100% Polish, but the test results came back 0.5% Ashkenazi Jewish. Really explained my love for pickled herring and bagels.

0.5 % seems like enough for me-----you should notify the Israeli draft board IMMEDIATELY

Considering the fact that I am 64, I'm not sure they would want me for military service. Although I should be qualified to become a member of the Learned Elders of Zion.

you're NOT QUALIFIED-----your reading material is obscene

Does it really matter what some far distant ancestor was? I would imagine that you would really only be concerned if you were part of an Aryan Brotherhood. Then, you'd have to put yourself in a Concentration Camp. Otherwise, ignore it.

gee OPRAH made a big deal out of her DNA quest-----is Mortimer someone to be LEFT OUT?
she wanted her ROOTS-----and maybe a link to KUNTA KINTE----for fun. MORTIMER HAS A RIGHT

Nowhere in my post did I say that he shouldn't have a DNA test done. I do find it interesting that he was interested in the miniscule 1 to 2 percent of Jewish heritage and who they might have been. If it were me, I wouldn't give a damn about the smallest percentages, only who were the major contributors. That's all.

Does it really matter what some far distant ancestor was? I would imagine that you would really only be concerned if you were part of an Aryan Brotherhood. Then, you'd have to put yourself in a Concentration Camp. Otherwise, ignore it.

gee OPRAH made a big deal out of her DNA quest-----is Mortimer someone to be LEFT OUT?
she wanted her ROOTS-----and maybe a link to KUNTA KINTE----for fun. MORTIMER HAS A RIGHT

Nowhere in my post did I say that he shouldn't have a DNA test done. I do find it interesting that he was interested in the miniscule 1 to 2 percent of Jewish heritage and who they might have been. If it were me, I wouldn't give a damn about the smallest percentages, only who were the major contributors. That's all.

Here’s the rule:

You are whatever your mother is.

Why? Because you always know who your mother is. Your father could conceivably be anybody.
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Does it really matter what some far distant ancestor was? I would imagine that you would really only be concerned if you were part of an Aryan Brotherhood. Then, you'd have to put yourself in a Concentration Camp. Otherwise, ignore it.

gee OPRAH made a big deal out of her DNA quest-----is Mortimer someone to be LEFT OUT?
she wanted her ROOTS-----and maybe a link to KUNTA KINTE----for fun. MORTIMER HAS A RIGHT

Are you jewish? If I claimed that little percent would you accept me "as ethnically jewish"?

Does it really matter what some far distant ancestor was? I would imagine that you would really only be concerned if you were part of an Aryan Brotherhood. Then, you'd have to put yourself in a Concentration Camp. Otherwise, ignore it.

gee OPRAH made a big deal out of her DNA quest-----is Mortimer someone to be LEFT OUT?
she wanted her ROOTS-----and maybe a link to KUNTA KINTE----for fun. MORTIMER HAS A RIGHT

Nowhere in my post did I say that he shouldn't have a DNA test done. I do find it interesting that he was interested in the miniscule 1 to 2 percent of Jewish heritage and who they might have been. If it were me, I wouldn't give a damn about the smallest percentages, only who were the major contributors. That's all.

Because I didnt know before about it. And it is something new and unexpected. I knew about my majority background before and it is expected which results I received. Makes sense.

Does it really matter what some far distant ancestor was? I would imagine that you would really only be concerned if you were part of an Aryan Brotherhood. Then, you'd have to put yourself in a Concentration Camp. Otherwise, ignore it.

gee OPRAH made a big deal out of her DNA quest-----is Mortimer someone to be LEFT OUT?
she wanted her ROOTS-----and maybe a link to KUNTA KINTE----for fun. MORTIMER HAS A RIGHT

Are you jewish? If I claimed that little percent would you accept me "as ethnically jewish"?

Not for a single second.

Does it really matter what some far distant ancestor was? I would imagine that you would really only be concerned if you were part of an Aryan Brotherhood. Then, you'd have to put yourself in a Concentration Camp. Otherwise, ignore it.

gee OPRAH made a big deal out of her DNA quest-----is Mortimer someone to be LEFT OUT?
she wanted her ROOTS-----and maybe a link to KUNTA KINTE----for fun. MORTIMER HAS A RIGHT

Nowhere in my post did I say that he shouldn't have a DNA test done. I do find it interesting that he was interested in the miniscule 1 to 2 percent of Jewish heritage and who they might have been. If it were me, I wouldn't give a damn about the smallest percentages, only who were the major contributors. That's all.

Because I didnt know before about it. And it is something new and unexpected. I knew about my majority background before and it is expected which results I received. Makes sense.

Well, no doubt plenty of individuals have a small bit of Jewish background, if you think about it. The Hebrews lived in the Middle-East and when the Romans came in and ran Jerusalem, they no doubt took slaves (men and women) to Rome and the Italian peninsula. As such, the Romans and the Hebrew slaves moved throughout areas of Europe with the Romans. As slaves could win their freedoms, they settled throughout Europe in Germania and Hispania, Britannia, et cetera. No matter what your heritage, it doesn't define you.
A Sephardi Jew from Morocco run my results. And he said he was shocked to find so many jew admixed gypsies in my matches or gypsy admixed jews. He thinks Im definitely 1-2% Jewish.

Hey bro. Well I set about 2 hours on your gedmatch and g25. To be honest I dont think in the next years will be a full Gypsy Dna. It depends on the region and on how they were mixing with the local populations. But what I do find is that you have many jews matches but most of them mixed with gypsys. For mw its new I was shock. For example Asnat Harel an Israeli women with super jewish first and last name. And she got ashkenazi serb and gypsy mix. So I cheaked her with ur genes and u dont share the jewish side. But do defenitly have 3 choromoses with Jewish genes that means u definitely have 1-2% Jewish admix Separdic or Ashkenazi or both. They quiet closely. This is ur results. The most accuarte and it was very close be also just Serbian and Gypsy Heee it is :

Target: Svetozar_scaled

Distance: 2.5847% / 0.02584667

56.8 Roma_Balkans

39.4 Serbian

2.4 Russian_Pinega

1.4 Sephardic_Jew

I think that the maximum and accurate results that u can have

3 companies give me a 1-2 percent jew. I guess it is real, but so minor that it is probably hundreds of years old and I cannot figure out who of my ancestors carried that, at that small percent everyone could have carried it and it was not noticeable at all in nothing.



It is from your Roma blood and before you give me any issue with I wrote the fact is I paid for the DNA testing for this Serbian woman and she was like you with one percent Jewish in her DNA and she was Roma from her mother side.

So embrace the Jew in you and know my Grandfather was a damn Nazi...
3 companies give me a 1-2 percent jew. I guess it is real, but so minor that it is probably hundreds of years old and I cannot figure out who of my ancestors carried that, at that small percent everyone could have carried it and it was not noticeable at all in nothing.



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