I guess the Christians who defend Kim Davis are right

Davis disobeyed the law. She failed to do her job.

She obeyed God's law.

The only laws of God you care about are the ones approved by your ideology when it's convenient.

You don't know me, cease pretending you do

I don't have to know you to make my comment, all I have to do is read your posts on a variety of subjects that your ideology goes against many verses that are in the Bible.
Davis disobeyed the law. She failed to do her job.

She obeyed God's law.

The country does not run on god's law. The government does not operate on god's law. Marriage licenses are not issued by the church or god's law.
Many people don't believe in god.
Davis' job was not to interpret god's law and apply it to the cleric's office. She was a government employee elected to serve all the people, not just the ones she agrees with. She was not elected to impose god's law but the law of the land.

Doesn't matter, I said she obeyed God's law and she did.

in church she can obey her god's law, as she interprets it. at work, she has to follow the law of the land

They should remove her from her job, but for now they will remove her name on the licenses

Six reasons why the Bible is not against gays
Pro-Gay Theology: Does the Bible Approve of Homosexuality?
Would Jesus Discriminate? - Biblical Evidence
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I wish they'd also throw Kim Davis's fellow Dimocrats in sanctuary cities that also violate federal law.
Davis disobeyed the law. She failed to do her job.

She obeyed God's law.

The country does not run on god's law. The government does not operate on god's law. Marriage licenses are not issued by the church or god's law.
Many people don't believe in god.
Davis' job was not to interpret god's law and apply it to the clerk's office. She was a government employee elected to serve all the people, not just the ones she agrees with. She was not elected to impose god's law but the law of the land.

Doesn't matter, I said she obeyed God's law and she did.

As clerk her job was to serve the state and its laws

As a Christian she is to obey God. I posted she obeyd God's law, she did. Your nonsense has nothing to do with what I said.

David was gay. Jesus did not discriminate or judge the gay. The six quotes were against the use of temple prostitution and rituals.
60 times more admonitions against heterosexual unions.
The crime of sodom was the lack of hospitality to strangers.

Kim was just plain wrong, but now she won't have her name on the licenses any more.

I don't understand how those who claim to be followers of Jesus can be filled with so much hate and prejudice. Its unchristian, or rather it is un-Jesus.
Davis disobeyed the law. She failed to do her job.

She obeyed God's law.

The only laws of God you care about are the ones approved by your ideology when it's convenient.

God belongs in the church, not the courts or the law

Davis did not render unto the state that which is the domain of the state, issuing licenses of marriage is a service of the state. The couples in question are not getting married in her church.
Davis disobeyed the law. She failed to do her job.

She obeyed God's law.

The only laws of God you care about are the ones approved by your ideology when it's convenient.

God belongs in the church, not the courts or the law

Davis did not render unto the state that which is the domain of the state, issuing licenses of marriage is a service of the state. The couples in question are not getting married in her church.

You're annoying
Davis disobeyed the law. She failed to do her job.

She obeyed God's law.

The only laws of God you care about are the ones approved by your ideology when it's convenient.

God belongs in the church, not the courts or the law

Davis did not render unto the state that which is the domain of the state, issuing licenses of marriage is a service of the state. The couples in question are not getting married in her church.

You're annoying

and now even more so

Here's Why Even The Westboro Baptist Church Doesn't Support Kim Davis
Davis disobeyed the law. She failed to do her job.

She obeyed God's law.

The only laws of God you care about are the ones approved by your ideology when it's convenient.

God belongs in the church, not the courts or the law

Davis did not render unto the state that which is the domain of the state, issuing licenses of marriage is a service of the state. The couples in question are not getting married in her church.

You're annoying
Yup. He is annoying because he is telling you how the law should be applied. Why is that so difficult to comprehend?

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