"i hate america"...Unhinged liberal steals MAGA hat from Trump supporter,says Trump wants 'genocide'

It's not about politics, it's about race.

Wake up Whitey
This is how blacks and Latinos feel. Thank you for reminding us.
What will conservative America do when they finally realize they aren't in the majority anymore in the 21st century??? Shouldn't conservatives try to get along with other races.......before they find themselves in the minority??? After all we know the history how conservatives treated minorities thru out history.
------------------------------------------------------- and thats why i warn liberal lefties as i warn them Rasta . When the USA changes as you describe its gonna be he11 to pay for conservative men , women and their kids . That he11 will also happen to young people that are white no matter their political leanings . For proof of what i say , watch some videos of 'blm' rioting where 'blm' says , hey , there is a white guy , lets get him . I'll try to scare up some video from a year or 2 ago , i think that what i describe happened in Ferguson Rasta .
but probably going to take some time , i figure that most older conservatives and whites will be ok depending on their age and where they live Rasta .
Trump hates America even more...Wants to make this country like Africa with shitty infrastructure, no science institutions and shitty education.

This guy was just pissed.

Why don't you STFU.

This thread isn't about your head-up-your-ass opinions.

It's about a woman from the left (where you live) violating someones rights in the name of who knows what.

How do you knw what was said, motherfucker ?
It's not about politics, it's about race.

Wake up Whitey
This is how blacks and Latinos feel. Thank you for reminding us.
What will conservative America do when they finally realize they aren't in the majority anymore in the 21st century??? Shouldn't conservatives try to get along with other races.......before they find themselves in the minority??? After all we know the history how conservatives treated minorities thru out history.
If you know how conservatives treated minorities, you know it can always be done again. After all what did the British do in India as a comparative handful of men. In the Americas and in Africa it was the same story.

No one is afraid of the big black.
What will conservative America do when they finally realize they aren't in the majority anymore in the 21st century??? Shouldn't conservatives try to get along with other races.......before they find themselves in the minority??? After all we know the history how conservatives treated minorities thru out history.
You would just love for White people to give up and let America become another third world brown shithole.

No thanks, lets fight this shit out you fucking leach
Trump hates America even more...Wants to make this country like Africa with shitty infrastructure, no science institutions and shitty education.

This guy was just pissed.
Proff of this, or you talking out your ass again?
Trump hates America even more...Wants to make this country like Africa with shitty infrastructure, no science institutions and shitty education.

This guy was just pissed.
And what happened to that trillion dollar stimulus Obama got to rebuild America? Oh yeah, he laughed about those shovel ready jobs wasn't shovel ready. I guess you support your kids or grandkids paying that Bill? Thanks Obama! Obama put us back on the road to being a third world country.
Trump hates America even more...Wants to make this country like Africa with shitty infrastructure, no science institutions and shitty education.

This guy was just pissed.
And what happened to that trillion dollar stimulus Obama got to rebuild America? Oh yeah, he laughed about those shovel ready jobs wasn't shovel ready. I guess you support your kids or grandkids paying that Bill? Thanks Obama! Obama put us back on the road to being a third world country.

What we ended up with was unemployment well over 10% despite Obama's claims it wouldn't go over 8% and record numbers on food stamps.

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