I have a question about Seperation of Church and State.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Why is it they're allowed to pray openly in Congress but WE can't pray openly in a school?
Willow, that is an excellent question! I cannot answer this and waiting for answers myself. If nothing else, we should have a moment of silence for those who wish to pray for the day ahead or a thought for they day that is encouraging and not of biblical content.
Why is it they're allowed to pray openly in Congress but WE can't pray openly in a school?

Really? My personal opinion is that students should spend more of their time learning to spell while in school. You should be able to appreciate that.

Aside from that obvious observation, my understanding is that students aren't prohibited from praying while at school. It just can't be sanctioned or promoted by the school since the public schools are taxpayer funded. It's not a hard concept to grasp.
There is a lot of hypocrisy inherent in the modern version of separation church/state created by the Supreme Court. There is no concept of separation of church/state in the Constitution. It was invented by FDR appointee Hugo Black, a former KKK member who wrote the majority opinion. Kids today are forced to read the Koran in some liberated areas but would be suspended for even carrying the Bible to school. A Korean War monument with a 40 ft Cross in San Diego was ordered bulldozed because some dumb assed agnostic was offended by it. Schools allow all kinds of craziness after school hours like wikken clubs that pretend to teach witchcraft but Bible studies are universally condemned in the union based public school system.
Why is it they're allowed to pray openly in Congress but WE can't pray openly in a school?

Really? My personal opinion is that students should spend more of their time learning to spell while in school. You should be able to appreciate that.

Aside from that obvious observation, my understanding is that students aren't prohibited from praying while at school. It just can't be sanctioned or promoted by the school since the public schools are taxpayer funded. It's not a hard concept to grasp.

So is the Congress asswipe. Now answer the question.
There is a lot of hypocrisy inherent in the modern version of separation church/state created by the Supreme Court. There is no concept of separation of church/state in the Constitution. It was invented by FDR appointee Hugo Black, a former KKK member who wrote the majority opinion. Kids today are forced to read the Koran in some liberated areas but would be suspended for even carrying the Bible to school. A Korean War monument with a 40 ft Cross in San Diego was ordered bulldozed because some dumb assed agnostic was offended by it. Schools allow all kinds of craziness after school hours like wikken clubs that pretend to teach witchcraft but Bible studies are universally condemned in the union based public school system.

I would love for the supreme court to answer the question.
Why is it they're allowed to pray openly in Congress but WE can't pray openly in a school?

Really? My personal opinion is that students should spend more of their time learning to spell while in school. You should be able to appreciate that.

Aside from that obvious observation, my understanding is that students aren't prohibited from praying while at school. It just can't be sanctioned or promoted by the school since the public schools are taxpayer funded. It's not a hard concept to grasp.

So is the Congress asswipe. Now answer the question.

Congress still is NOT required to pray even as they're not prohibited from praying.

Now, frankly, I'm not much for being a grammar or spelling cop. But when someone starts a thread about praying in school and ends up misspelling a word in the subject line, I think that person has the wrong priorities.
Why can't children sacrifice goats to voodoo gods in school?
Are you advocating that they end prayer in Congress?

Makes sense
I pray when and where I want but it is double faced that we mandate it some places and condem it others. Some school up East is teaching Ariabic and it is mandatory where does that make sense. Come to think of it if you visit a mosque you might know what they are really advocating and I don't think it is peace in the world.
Why is Congress praying on my dime?

They should be working. They can't find time to fix the economy ...but they can waste time praying?
Why is it they're allowed to pray openly in Congress but WE can't pray openly in a school?

Really? My personal opinion is that students should spend more of their time learning to spell while in school. You should be able to appreciate that.

Aside from that obvious observation, my understanding is that students aren't prohibited from praying while at school. It just can't be sanctioned or promoted by the school since the public schools are taxpayer funded. It's not a hard concept to grasp.

Can public schools appoint chaplains to lead the student body in prayer?

Pretty disingenuous to equate the formal prayers held in Congress to the kind of private prayer you're so generously allowing students to slip in between assignments if they're not too conspicuous about it.
Why is it they're allowed to pray openly in Congress but WE can't pray openly in a school?

Children are allowed to pray in school, provided the prayer or acknowledgment of religion is not mandated by the state, has a clear secular purpose, does not attempt to advance religion, and does not manifest an undue entanglement with the state. See: Lemon v. Kurtzman (1973).

With regard to Congress’ chaplaincy practice, however, the Court ruled that prayers by tax-supported chaplains had become part of tradition and custom dating back to the first Congress and invocations for ‘divine guidance’ do not constitute an establishment of religion. In essence the Court carved out a Constitutional exemption for the practice. See: Marsh v. Chambers (1983).

Although the Court abandoned the Lemon Test in Chambers, it could still be argued that the chaplaincy practice does not seek to advance religion per se and manifests no undue entanglement with the state, in this case members of Congress. And the invocation could be construed as secular, as a form meditation or self-contemplation.
Why is it they're allowed to pray openly in Congress but WE can't pray openly in a school?

Children are allowed to pray in school, provided the prayer or acknowledgment of religion is not mandated by the state, has a clear secular purpose, does not attempt to advance religion, and does not manifest an undue entanglement with the state. See: Lemon v. Kurtzman (1973).

With regard to Congress’ chaplaincy practice, however, the Court ruled that prayers by tax-supported chaplains had become part of tradition and custom dating back to the first Congress and invocations for ‘divine guidance’ do not constitute an establishment of religion. In essence the Court carved out a Constitutional exemption for the practice. See: Marsh v. Chambers (1983).

Although the Court abandoned the Lemon Test in Chambers, it could still be argued that the chaplaincy practice does not seek to advance religion per se and manifests no undue entanglement with the state, in this case members of Congress. And the invocation could be construed as secular, as a form meditation or self-contemplation.

that's bullshit. If an atheist congressman requests that NO prayer should be said in Congress because of seperation of church and state should that request become law?

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