i have dreaded this day for years

I THINK that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

(Joyce Kilmer)
well it is over but for the massive clean up.....(that was not included in the bid)

it is so different......there is so much light now.....and suddenly you can see.....this means people can see in.....



and lets guess how much this is costing.......lol

600 hundred bucks

started out ...900 to 1000.......which was way more than i wanted to spend.....my reasoning my ho insurance would pay if it fell....hubby makes the point that we needed to live thru it failing on the bedroom.....

in the end i paid 600 cash.....

now this took some haggling and all...

the stump grinder he wants 200 for...or 150 and dinner ....its a 30 k piece of equipment

oooooooooo i need to do stuff......
i think i will spend the money on expanding the small ass deck......i want to make it big enough for a table with chairs....
i think i will spend the money on expanding the small ass deck......i want to make it big enough for a table with chairs....

Funny, I just finished tearing back my big deck to make a small ass deck.
It was rotting out, but discovered it's made of redwood. Found a guy to haul it off for free- he makes wooden crafts.
silver maple.....that is what the tree guys said....said it is evasion in the water (read septic)

the climber stayed in the tree most of the time...only coming down once to eat and take a smoke break....they started a 7:30 am and ended about noon....i was amazed....it was fun to watch till the climber would swing between branches.....i couldnt take that i came inside and cooked...
Good call.

When my brothers and I were kids, my older brother would climb to the tops of the pines, get them swaying back and forth, then jump from one tree to the next.

Monkey indeed!

We also used to climb trees, yell "BEDDY BYE!!!" and free fall backwards into the underbrush....

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