I have Pneumonia

I am sorry but I have never had just a cold and had a fever of 102. If the fever was there it was always something other then a cold. I have had pneumonia twice also. Never been hospitalized for it though. I save that for diabetes and my stomach.
Call the farmacia and see if they have a product called Mucosylvan. If not, try to get some non Jap green tea and drink nothing but. ( The Jap stuff is irradiated now)
A condition that once killed many earlier in life is now usually easily taken care of with anitbiotic.

Thus most of us live long enough to need hip replacements and whatnot.

Care4All's good forture to be born late enough not to have to worry about dying from pnumonia is another example of why our health care costs continue to rise.
$get well soon.jpg

Get plenty of rest.
A condition that once killed many earlier in life is now usually easily taken care of with anitbiotic.

Thus most of us live long enough to need hip replacements and whatnot.

Care4All's good forture to be born late enough not to have to worry about dying from pnumonia is another example of why our health care costs continue to rise.
Shoot, it killed Andy Gibb, just a few decades ago.....

I am allergic to the Antibiotics that they normally use to treat pneumonia now, but they do have some alternatives for me to take, it just could take a few weeks longer to heal...plus they have all these inhaler medicines that they did not have in the past, that you can take home with you and give yourself the treatment every 4 hours.... lots of improvements in medicines, for certain!
Care4all make sure you care for the ONE and get all better soon.

Hope you beat it in record time
just got back from the clinic associated with the hospital here....

i thought i had the flu or something....kept putting off going to the doc, even though my temp was running 102.2 as my high, it went down with motrin....i kept thinking i was going to get better....at the doc's office this late afternoon... it was 102.9!!!

it was a little strange cuz i did not have any head cold/flu like symptoms, other than a chest cold, but i still thought it was the flu.... but NOPE, it's Pneumonia!!! :eek:

it could take 2 weeks or longer to get rid of it.... :(

Sorry to hear it, Care4all, but I'm glad you took the health issue to medical professionals. I had it twice when I was 8, and twice again when I was 25. I now get regular pnaumonia vaccines. The last one said it would be for life, but that could change as bugs change their little attachment-to-cell alleles.

You're on my prayer list for healing.
just got back from the clinic associated with the hospital here....

i thought i had the flu or something....kept putting off going to the doc, even though my temp was running 102.2 as my high, it went down with motrin....i kept thinking i was going to get better....at the doc's office this late afternoon... it was 102.9!!!

it was a little strange cuz i did not have any head cold/flu like symptoms, other than a chest cold, but i still thought it was the flu.... but NOPE, it's Pneumonia!!! :eek:

it could take 2 weeks or longer to get rid of it.... :(

I told you I suspected an infection. Did he give you penicillin to clear it up?

You can buy penicillin capsules from Canada without a prescription, and keep them on hand for any bacterial infection you get.:eusa_angel: Wish you well again.

Oh, I see you may not be able to use it.
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Let yourself rest, stay hydrated, get some fresh air, take the full course of antibiotics, and you'll be all better soon!

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just got back from the clinic associated with the hospital here....

i thought i had the flu or something....kept putting off going to the doc, even though my temp was running 102.2 as my high, it went down with motrin....i kept thinking i was going to get better....at the doc's office this late afternoon... it was 102.9!!!

it was a little strange cuz i did not have any head cold/flu like symptoms, other than a chest cold, but i still thought it was the flu.... but NOPE, it's Pneumonia!!! :eek:

it could take 2 weeks or longer to get rid of it.... :(

that sucks. but take it easy and do what the docs tell you. you don't want to risk damage to your lungs which could lead to future problems.
A condition that once killed many earlier in life is now usually easily taken care of with anitbiotic.

Thus most of us live long enough to need hip replacements and whatnot.

Care4All's good forture to be born late enough not to have to worry about dying from pnumonia is another example of why our health care costs continue to rise.
Shoot, it killed Andy Gibb, just a few decades ago.....

I am allergic to the Antibiotics that they normally use to treat pneumonia now, but they do have some alternatives for me to take, it just could take a few weeks longer to heal...plus they have all these inhaler medicines that they did not have in the past, that you can take home with you and give yourself the treatment every 4 hours.... lots of improvements in medicines, for certain!
Eat a lot of yogurt when you are taking the antibiotics. It helps keep the bacteria up in your digestive system
just got back from the clinic associated with the hospital here....

i thought i had the flu or something....kept putting off going to the doc, even though my temp was running 102.2 as my high, it went down with motrin....i kept thinking i was going to get better....at the doc's office this late afternoon... it was 102.9!!!

it was a little strange cuz i did not have any head cold/flu like symptoms, other than a chest cold, but i still thought it was the flu.... but NOPE, it's Pneumonia!!! :eek:

it could take 2 weeks or longer to get rid of it.... :(

Community acquired or atypical? Sounds more like community acquired. Do you have a productive cough?
That's a bummer, I hope you feel better very very soon.

There is this stuff called Airborne that when I start to get to feeling sick I take. Can get it at most pharmacies. You drop it in some water and drink it.

It's about 7 bucks and the Lemon Lime one tastes pretty good actually. Just suggesting it (if you want) as it has a bunch of good stuff in it to try to help your weakened immune system.

Airborne Effervescent Health Formula


No offense (I used to use it too), but that stuff is total voodoo.

There is no evidence based medicine that it does much of anything. The same with pounding vitamin C.
Wow, I'm so sorry to hear that. I've only had pneumonia once, when I was much, much younger and it put me on my ass. Be very careful for a while. You'll begin to feel better, then pop up and start doing things because you're restless... resist the urge. As you've noted, this can be a very dangerous and unpredictable infection.

I join with the others in suggesting you get the vaccine. You only need it every couple/few years. I have a degenerative lung condition, and my doctors make certain that I'm current on the vaccine, because I wouldn't survive pneumonia at this point. And guess what?? It works!!

Baby yourself and get better! :)
That's a bummer, I hope you feel better very very soon.

There is this stuff called Airborne that when I start to get to feeling sick I take. Can get it at most pharmacies. You drop it in some water and drink it.

It's about 7 bucks and the Lemon Lime one tastes pretty good actually. Just suggesting it (if you want) as it has a bunch of good stuff in it to try to help your weakened immune system.

Airborne Effervescent Health Formula


No offense (I used to use it too), but that stuff is total voodoo.

There is no evidence based medicine that it does much of anything. The same with pounding vitamin C.
people swear by it. Placebo effect?
people swear by rush limbargh or what ever his name is...people are idiots....

rest and hydrate and eat all your comfie foods.....just in case you die

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