I Have Returned


Semper Fi
Sep 1, 2010
I apologize but I had to leave abruptly. I got married on 9/11. We hadn't planned to get married until later but her parents, which are from Russia, surprised her and her 5 sisters by flying over. We decided that since they were here and probably couldn't afford to come back anytime soon we should go ahead and do it now.

The wedding was perfect. We flew up to New York where 3 of her sisters live up in White Plains. We got married in a church and had the reception back at their house. It was a wild party. It was a definite odd mix. Mostly jarheads and Russians. It got a little rowdy but I expected such. Couple people got tossed in the pool and my wife's uncle got so hammered on vodka he passed out and fell on and broke a table. Me and my good friend who was a Lt. Col. looked at each other and broke out in laughter because we've both been that guy before. You know how they say Russians love their vodka? It's not a myth. They're nuts about the stuff.

For our honeymoon we went to Hawaii, Tokyo, Brussels and then capped it off in Rome. We had a blast. Met a lot of great people. In Japan we met this couple who we became friends with and spent a few days together. He was retired special forces from the Japanese military and she owned a few businesses in Tokyo. Turns out they have a home here in the states. Next time they fly over we'll probably get together again.

Anyways, glad to be back and look forward to getting back into the mix and debating with you fine people.

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