CDZ I have truly had it with ISIS/ISIL...not Muslims in general, ISIS/ISIL

320 Years of History

Gold Member
Nov 1, 2015
Some time back I wrote that I'd just as soon implement what amounts to a pogrom against ISIS were it left up to me. (For some reason(s) nobody has bothered to respond to that post/thread in spite of how controversial its ideas are..) Now that the U.S. intelligence sources have said ISIS will attempt an attack on U.S. homeland soil in 2016, I'm now even more sure it's what I'd want to do.

I am truly just done with ISIS. All the tolerance I may have had for them is just gone. Period. With all deliberate haste, away with them I say.
no disrespect but what , you had tolerance for the 'Islamic state' murderers , rapists , yada , yada at one time 320 ??
no disrespect but what , you had tolerance for the 'Islamic state' murderers , rapists , yada , yada at one time 320 ??

I am able, even now, to see the merit of some of their international politics claims. I am able to see how it is they feel pressed to use bellicose means to get those claims heard and considered dispassionately, feel as though they have no other alternative; however, I am not able to see merit in their actually acting on those feelings.
Some time back I wrote that I'd just as soon implement what amounts to a pogrom against ISIS were it left up to me. (For some reason(s) nobody has bothered to respond to that post/thread in spite of how controversial its ideas are..) Now that the U.S. intelligence sources have said ISIS will attempt an attack on U.S. homeland soil in 2016, I'm now even more sure it's what I'd want to do.

I am truly just done with ISIS. All the tolerance I may have had for them is just gone. Period. With all deliberate haste, away with them I say.
They're pretty much following muhamed's example.
Some time back I wrote that I'd just as soon implement what amounts to a pogrom against ISIS were it left up to me. (For some reason(s) nobody has bothered to respond to that post/thread in spite of how controversial its ideas are..) Now that the U.S. intelligence sources have said ISIS will attempt an attack on U.S. homeland soil in 2016, I'm now even more sure it's what I'd want to do.

I am truly just done with ISIS. All the tolerance I may have had for them is just gone. Period. With all deliberate haste, away with them I say.

Why did you have tolerance with them to begin with? Or did you mean you had tolerance enough not to have the U.S. get involved fully and now you think we should get involved completely? Just trying to gauge what your tolerance was.
Some time back I wrote that I'd just as soon implement what amounts to a pogrom against ISIS were it left up to me. (For some reason(s) nobody has bothered to respond to that post/thread in spite of how controversial its ideas are..) Now that the U.S. intelligence sources have said ISIS will attempt an attack on U.S. homeland soil in 2016, I'm now even more sure it's what I'd want to do.

I am truly just done with ISIS. All the tolerance I may have had for them is just gone. Period. With all deliberate haste, away with them I say.

Why did you have tolerance with them to begin with? Or did you mean you had tolerance enough not to have the U.S. get involved fully and now you think we should get involved completely? Just trying to gauge what your tolerance was.

Which part of post #4 did you not understand?
Some time back I wrote that I'd just as soon implement what amounts to a pogrom against ISIS were it left up to me. (For some reason(s) nobody has bothered to respond to that post/thread in spite of how controversial its ideas are..) Now that the U.S. intelligence sources have said ISIS will attempt an attack on U.S. homeland soil in 2016, I'm now even more sure it's what I'd want to do.

I am truly just done with ISIS. All the tolerance I may have had for them is just gone. Period. With all deliberate haste, away with them I say.

Why did you have tolerance with them to begin with? Or did you mean you had tolerance enough not to have the U.S. get involved fully and now you think we should get involved completely? Just trying to gauge what your tolerance was.

Which part of post #4 did you not understand?

Sounded vague to me. Don't get all antsy over it I just asked.
seems to me that the enemy , all of them need to be eradicated from the face of the earth !!
Now that the U.S. has determined that ISIS will attempt an attack in 2016, the questions are against what and when. To me, the likely answer is against crops and water. Why? Read the Koran. In it, you'll find that The Prophet specifically instructed his followers to leave well water and crops alone -- unless the armies of Islam were in a defensive position, in which case Muslims in the lands of infidels should be unmerciful, and poison away.

But why would ISIS in 2016 attempt an agricultural attack against the U.S? Well...
  • What have ISIS been doing for the past year or two in Syria?
    • Taking more and more land.
  • And what is one little swath of land that ISIS got it's hands on and that it's had time to make something out of what it found there?
    • Plamyra


  • What might they have found in Palmyra?
  • Why do I think ISIS' planned attack on U.S. soil will be chemical?
    • Mainly because Sheikh Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, the Islamic State’s chief spokesman, called on Muslims in Western countries such as France and Canada to find an infidel and “smash his head with a rock,” poison him, run him over with a car, or “destroy his crops.” Adnani was not merely talking trash, despite what it may seem like to folks who aren't somewhat well versed in Islam. His speech was laced with theological and legal discussion, and his exhortation to attack crops directly echoed orders from Muhammad as described at the outset of this post.
    • Partly because though the U.S and other nation states use highly advanced technological weapons, ISIS knows damn well that going low tech will do just fine for their needs. They don't have to use rockets and missiles to deliver their destruction. Why would they when they have plenty of suicide warriors?
  • But what if they wanted to pursue a physical attack? What would they strike?
    • Well, once they land people inside the nation, there's no shortage of "soft targets." Heck, they could row a boat up the Potomac and into the Tidal Basin to the front steps of the Jefferson Memorial during the Cherry Blossom Festival, or to the retaining wall at Ft. McNair if they think it has a chance of working and would further their cause somehow.



      The water looks empty in those pics, but make no mistake, there are often enough plenty of private craft on the Potomac.



      And that's just a few approaches. Imagine their just sailing a boat to the pylons of any of the bridges into D.C. from VA....If you don't live in D.C. the impact of it may be lost on you, but what it does is either force all traffic to take far, far longer routes to get to D.C. from VA (and vice versa, which also hinders access to MD) and then sets up a subsequent attack on the road into which all traffic has been "funnelled." NYC is an equally susceptible and attractive target in that regard. The disruption of such a physical attack would endure for at least a year.
I've just used D.C. as an example. The U.S. is such an overall soft target it's more about how they'll get someone here than it is about choosing a target.
ISIS is a pimple. Pop them? Sure, why not. Will another pimple pop up? Of course. The only cure for pimples is growing up and getting laid more.

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