I heard Trump's victory speech tonight and all he talked about was how mean people were to him

Most likely. He's already talking about changing the laws to make it easier for him to sue the press. That's quite a horrid sign.
Oh yeah, heaven forbid the press should be held to the same standard as ordinary citizens and not be allowed to broadcast false information about people with whom they disagree politically. You'd be singing a different tune if they were spreading lies about Democrats.

They are. All the same libel and slander laws apply to the press as apply to anyone else.

Trump insisted he would *change* the existing laws to make it easier to sue the press. And given Trump's comic overreactions to criticism (talking about his dick on national television, anyone), that's not a good sign for freedom of the press.
Most candidate mouth platitudes about how they have the "Big MO" and they're looking forward to victory in the next round of primaries.

All Trump talked about in his victory speech was about how so many people were being mean to him, and how much money they were spending attacking him.

If Trump is ever President, it will be dangerous to criticize him, because he will definitely use the agencies of the federal government, especially the IRS, to get revenge.

And Obama is already doing this, so this will become a standard tactic for all Presidents to come.

Umm, no, Obama is not "already doing this" by using federal agencies for petty and vindictive vengeance.

It has already been proven that the IRS went after MORE liberal groups than conservative ones despite RWNJ talking points.
Most likely. He's already talking about changing the laws to make it easier for him to sue the press. That's quite a horrid sign.
Oh yeah, heaven forbid the press should be held to the same standard as ordinary citizens and not be allowed to broadcast false information about people with whom they disagree politically. You'd be singing a different tune if they were spreading lies about Democrats.

They are. All the same libel and slander laws apply to the press as apply to anyone else.

Trump insisted he would *change* the existing laws to make it easier to sue the press. And given Trump's comic overreactions to criticism (talking about his dick on national television, anyone), that's not a good sign for freedom of the press.
How about you post a link explaining just how he would make it easier to sue the press? Then we can discuss it.
The defamation laws are deliberately kept lenient when it comes to public figures. If Trump doesn't like it he can go live in a remote logic cabin, go off the grid, and declare himself a private citizen.
Most candidate mouth platitudes about how they have the "Big MO" and they're looking forward to victory in the next round of primaries.

All Trump talked about in his victory speech was about how so many people were being mean to him, and how much money they were spending attacking him.

If Trump is ever President, it will be dangerous to criticize him, because he will definitely use the agencies of the federal government, especially the IRS, to get revenge.

And Obama is already doing this, so this will become a standard tactic for all Presidents to come.

Umm, no, Obama is not "already doing this" by using federal agencies for petty and vindictive vengeance.

It has already been proven that the IRS went after MORE liberal groups than conservative ones despite RWNJ talking points.
Proof requires a link. Where's yours?
The defamation laws are deliberately kept lenient when it comes to public figures. If Trump doesn't like it he can go live in a remote logic cabin, go off the grid, and declare himself a private citizen.
Different story if it's YOUR candidate though, isn't it?
Most likely. He's already talking about changing the laws to make it easier for him to sue the press. That's quite a horrid sign.
Oh yeah, heaven forbid the press should be held to the same standard as ordinary citizens and not be allowed to broadcast false information about people with whom they disagree politically. You'd be singing a different tune if they were spreading lies about Democrats.

They are. All the same libel and slander laws apply to the press as apply to anyone else.

Trump insisted he would *change* the existing laws to make it easier to sue the press. And given Trump's comic overreactions to criticism (talking about his dick on national television, anyone), that's not a good sign for freedom of the press.
How about you post a link explaining just how he would make it easier to sue the press? Then we can discuss it.

Here's Trump's comments:

"One of the things I'm going to do if I win... I'm going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money," Trump said during a rally in Fort Worth, Texas.

Libel laws already cover this. Yet Trump wants to 'open them up' on the media so he can 'sue and win'.

Lovely. That speaks volumes to what we could have expected from a Trump presidency.
The Donald's victory speech was excellent. He thanked the public for ignoring the douchebags in the MSM and internet who attempted to smear him and had some fun at Mick Romney's expense. The Donald has a great sense of humor. Since he is basically the Republican nominee right now, he did advocate for all republicans to come together to defeat Hillary, assuming the Obama Justice Dept continues to fail to do their job, otherwise.
Most likely. He's already talking about changing the laws to make it easier for him to sue the press. That's quite a horrid sign.
Oh yeah, heaven forbid the press should be held to the same standard as ordinary citizens and not be allowed to broadcast false information about people with whom they disagree politically. You'd be singing a different tune if they were spreading lies about Democrats.

They are. All the same libel and slander laws apply to the press as apply to anyone else.

Trump insisted he would *change* the existing laws to make it easier to sue the press. And given Trump's comic overreactions to criticism (talking about his dick on national television, anyone), that's not a good sign for freedom of the press.
How about you post a link explaining just how he would make it easier to sue the press? Then we can discuss it.

Here's Trump's comments:

"One of the things I'm going to do if I win... I'm going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money," Trump said during a rally in Fort Worth, Texas.

Libel laws already cover this. Yet Trump wants to 'open them up' on the media so he can 'sue and win'.

Lovely. That speaks volumes to what we could have expected from a Trump presidency.
Let me know when you have something other than your own version.
The Donald's victory speech was excellent. He thanked the public for ignoring the douchebags in the MSM and internet who attempted to smear him and had some fun at Mick Romney's expense. The Donald has a great sense of humor. Since he is basically the Republican nominee right now, he did advocate for all republicans to come together to defeat Hillary, assuming the Obama Justice Dept continues to fail to do their job, otherwise.
Absolutely not. Republicans are not going to come together and unite behind Trump. Any Republican who joins the Trump camp will be despised, as Chris Christie is now despised. I have broken with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity on this. But neither of these men have an education, so maybe they don't really understand that this has happened before, in many countries in the last 2000 years, and we can't let it happen here.
Most likely. He's already talking about changing the laws to make it easier for him to sue the press. That's quite a horrid sign.
Oh yeah, heaven forbid the press should be held to the same standard as ordinary citizens and not be allowed to broadcast false information about people with whom they disagree politically. You'd be singing a different tune if they were spreading lies about Democrats.

They are. All the same libel and slander laws apply to the press as apply to anyone else.

Trump insisted he would *change* the existing laws to make it easier to sue the press. And given Trump's comic overreactions to criticism (talking about his dick on national television, anyone), that's not a good sign for freedom of the press.
How about you post a link explaining just how he would make it easier to sue the press? Then we can discuss it.

Here's Trump's comments:

"One of the things I'm going to do if I win... I'm going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money," Trump said during a rally in Fort Worth, Texas.

Libel laws already cover this. Yet Trump wants to 'open them up' on the media so he can 'sue and win'.

Lovely. That speaks volumes to what we could have expected from a Trump presidency.
Let me know when you have something other than your own version.

I gave you a direct quote of Trump on the matter. And as you do, you ignored it and pretended it didn't exist.

Alas, the world doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes.
Oh yeah, heaven forbid the press should be held to the same standard as ordinary citizens and not be allowed to broadcast false information about people with whom they disagree politically. You'd be singing a different tune if they were spreading lies about Democrats.

They are. All the same libel and slander laws apply to the press as apply to anyone else.

Trump insisted he would *change* the existing laws to make it easier to sue the press. And given Trump's comic overreactions to criticism (talking about his dick on national television, anyone), that's not a good sign for freedom of the press.
How about you post a link explaining just how he would make it easier to sue the press? Then we can discuss it.

Here's Trump's comments:

"One of the things I'm going to do if I win... I'm going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money," Trump said during a rally in Fort Worth, Texas.

Libel laws already cover this. Yet Trump wants to 'open them up' on the media so he can 'sue and win'.

Lovely. That speaks volumes to what we could have expected from a Trump presidency.
Let me know when you have something other than your own version.

I gave you a direct quote of Trump on the matter. And as you do, you ignored it and pretended it didn't exist.

Alas, the world doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes.
Sorry, but when YOU post something, it requires verification. Nothing personal but you're not exactly known for your integrity or honesty. Know what I mean?
They are. All the same libel and slander laws apply to the press as apply to anyone else.

Trump insisted he would *change* the existing laws to make it easier to sue the press. And given Trump's comic overreactions to criticism (talking about his dick on national television, anyone), that's not a good sign for freedom of the press.
How about you post a link explaining just how he would make it easier to sue the press? Then we can discuss it.

Here's Trump's comments:

"One of the things I'm going to do if I win... I'm going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money," Trump said during a rally in Fort Worth, Texas.

Libel laws already cover this. Yet Trump wants to 'open them up' on the media so he can 'sue and win'.

Lovely. That speaks volumes to what we could have expected from a Trump presidency.
Let me know when you have something other than your own version.

I gave you a direct quote of Trump on the matter. And as you do, you ignored it and pretended it didn't exist.

Alas, the world doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes.
Sorry, but when YOU post something, it requires verification. Nothing personal but you're not exactly known for your integrity or honesty. Know what I mean?

And you can verify the quote in a millisecond. You know its accurate. You know I'm right.

You're just running so you can ignore and pretend Trump never said it.

Its what you do. Its what many Trump supporters do.
Obama and Trump share one trait: they are bullies who can dish it out, but they can't take it. Any time any one says any thing, they have to respond with excess force.

I remember W, who never responded to all the crap and shit the Democrats and the media threw at him. In retrospect, that was not a good strategy, but I admired W for staying above the fray, acting Presidential.

W was genuinely a good man. He helped save millions of lives in Africa and malaria and AIDS and he never made a big deal about it. He just did it because it was the right thing to do.

Bush's Legacy on Africa Wins Praise

I was hoping we could again have a President who was a good man, but Trump ruined that when he joined.
Trump isn't qualified to be president because he's wrong on the issues, because he has no understanding of sound, responsible governance and public poli
Snipped. Trump is a bigot because he's against criminals, murders and rapists crossing into our country? How twisted logic it takes t think that. Your threshold for bigotry is pretty damn low. No wonder we can't trust you people to run this country and protect our freedoms, which is the sole role of our government.
Most likely. He's already talking about changing the laws to make it easier for him to sue the press. That's quite a horrid sign.
Oh yeah, heaven forbid the press should be held to the same standard as ordinary citizens and not be allowed to broadcast false information about people with whom they disagree politically. You'd be singing a different tune if they were spreading lies about Democrats.

They are. All the same libel and slander laws apply to the press as apply to anyone else.

Trump insisted he would *change* the existing laws to make it easier to sue the press. And given Trump's comic overreactions to criticism (talking about his dick on national television, anyone), that's not a good sign for freedom of the press.
How about you post a link explaining just how he would make it easier to sue the press? Then we can discuss it.

Here's Trump's comments:

"One of the things I'm going to do if I win... I'm going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money," Trump said during a rally in Fort Worth, Texas.

Libel laws already cover this. Yet Trump wants to 'open them up' on the media so he can 'sue and win'.

Lovely. That speaks volumes to what we could have expected from a Trump presidency.
Maybe Trump can get the "freedom of the press" clause removed from the 1st Amendment. That is my wish. Why should we give constitutional protections to a Press that sides with the liberal government rather than the People? They were supposed to look out for us and they're more interested in pushing the Obama agenda.
As President, Trump is going work tirelessly to restore pork to school cafeterias and restaurants. lol
Most candidate mouth platitudes about how they have the "Big MO" and they're looking forward to victory in the next round of primaries.

All Trump talked about in his victory speech was about how so many people were being mean to him, and how much money they were spending attacking him.

If Trump is ever President, it will be dangerous to criticize him, because he will definitely use the agencies of the federal government, especially the IRS, to get revenge.

And Obama is already doing this, so this will become a standard tactic for all Presidents to come.

Can you people ever criticize your own without bringing up Obama, this shit is getting so old, like get a life.

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