I hope Bernie Sanders wins the demoncraptic nomination

Oct 5, 2019
First, the obvious reason is that President Trump will have a much better chance of stopping the illegal coup they are calling the 2020 elections if he goes up against a known communist such as Sanders. Secondly, let's say the deep state does have its way and President Trump and our Qanon allies are not able to suspend the 2020 coup in time, and the so-called "American people" vote for the communist instead of President Trump (The greatest president since Jefferson Davis) That means that Sanders will illegally occupy the white house for 4 years (assuming real Americans don't stand up to prevent the communist takeover) During that 4 years he will push to have his communist programs initiated, but there will be so much resistance that nothing will get done. The more "moderate" communist democrats like Biden, Pelosi, Pete Buttgigger, Amy KKKlobarchar, Obama, Clinton etc... will come out against Sander's push for 100% full communism from the git-go , because those moderate democrats want to slow roll the communist implementation in order to collect and hide as much of our tax dollars as possible.

As such, that means Sanders won't get his communist medicare for all passed. It's a lot easier to argue against medicare for all than it is to argue against commie-lite programs like the public option. I can easily argue that I don't support medicare for all because it means it will take away my choice, but it's a lot harder to tell someone without any insurance that I don't support them having the option to get subsidized or "free" health insurance. I don't support that for obvious reasons. I don't think anyone should get anything free. I just don't want to be the one to tell some low income person who is dying that I don't want them to get the care the need if they can't pay for it. I just want them to stop being selfish by forcing me to hear about their problems instead of dying with dignity like a true patriot should.

Anyway, the point is that it would make me feel much more comfortable if bernie wins the nomination for many reasons. His ideas are a lot easier to fight than the more "moderate" ideas that many americans could be convinced to support if the democrats are allowed to spread their communist propaganda (we really need to reel in the lying #FakeNews)
First, the obvious reason is that President Trump will have a much better chance of stopping the illegal coup they are calling the 2020 elections if he goes up against a known communist such as Sanders. Secondly, let's say the deep state does have its way and President Trump and our Qanon allies are not able to suspend the 2020 coup in time, and the so-called "American people" vote for the communist instead of President Trump (The greatest president since Jefferson Davis) That means that Sanders will illegally occupy the white house for 4 years (assuming real Americans don't stand up to prevent the communist takeover) During that 4 years he will push to have his communist programs initiated, but there will be so much resistance that nothing will get done. The more "moderate" communist democrats like Biden, Pelosi, Pete Buttgigger, Amy KKKlobarchar, Obama, Clinton etc... will come out against Sander's push for 100% full communism from the git-go , because those moderate democrats want to slow roll the communist implementation in order to collect and hide as much of our tax dollars as possible.

As such, that means Sanders won't get his communist medicare for all passed. It's a lot easier to argue against medicare for all than it is to argue against commie-lite programs like the public option. I can easily argue that I don't support medicare for all because it means it will take away my choice, but it's a lot harder to tell someone without any insurance that I don't support them having the option to get subsidized or "free" health insurance. I don't support that for obvious reasons. I don't think anyone should get anything free. I just don't want to be the one to tell some low income person who is dying that I don't want them to get the care the need if they can't pay for it. I just want them to stop being selfish by forcing me to hear about their problems instead of dying with dignity like a true patriot should.

Anyway, the point is that it would make me feel much more comfortable if bernie wins the nomination for many reasons. His ideas are a lot easier to fight than the more "moderate" ideas that many americans could be convinced to support if the democrats are allowed to spread their communist propaganda (we really need to reel in the lying #FakeNews)
I'd like to see him win, as well. The old establishment Dems do NOT like Bernie one bit. It would be nice to see him piss these people off. If Bernie somehow DOES win the nomination, I don't think he has any realistic chance of defeating Trump. So that's another reason I'd like to see him win.
First, the obvious reason is that President Trump will have a much better chance of stopping the illegal coup they are calling the 2020 elections if he goes up against a known communist such as Sanders. Secondly, let's say the deep state does have its way and President Trump and our Qanon allies are not able to suspend the 2020 coup in time, and the so-called "American people" vote for the communist instead of President Trump (The greatest president since Jefferson Davis) That means that Sanders will illegally occupy the white house for 4 years (assuming real Americans don't stand up to prevent the communist takeover) During that 4 years he will push to have his communist programs initiated, but there will be so much resistance that nothing will get done. The more "moderate" communist democrats like Biden, Pelosi, Pete Buttgigger, Amy KKKlobarchar, Obama, Clinton etc... will come out against Sander's push for 100% full communism from the git-go , because those moderate democrats want to slow roll the communist implementation in order to collect and hide as much of our tax dollars as possible.

As such, that means Sanders won't get his communist medicare for all passed. It's a lot easier to argue against medicare for all than it is to argue against commie-lite programs like the public option. I can easily argue that I don't support medicare for all because it means it will take away my choice, but it's a lot harder to tell someone without any insurance that I don't support them having the option to get subsidized or "free" health insurance. I don't support that for obvious reasons. I don't think anyone should get anything free. I just don't want to be the one to tell some low income person who is dying that I don't want them to get the care the need if they can't pay for it. I just want them to stop being selfish by forcing me to hear about their problems instead of dying with dignity like a true patriot should.

Anyway, the point is that it would make me feel much more comfortable if bernie wins the nomination for many reasons. His ideas are a lot easier to fight than the more "moderate" ideas that many americans could be convinced to support if the democrats are allowed to spread their communist propaganda (we really need to reel in the lying #FakeNews)
I'd like to see him win, as well. The old establishment Dems do NOT like Bernie one bit. It would be nice to see him piss these people off. If Bernie somehow DOES win the nomination, I don't think he has any realistic chance of defeating Trump. So that's another reason I'd like to see him win.

Although bernie and the establishment have some of the very same goals ..they fear him much more than trump

When old commies and brainwashed commie kids get together....buh bye
All hes gotta do is win put his guys in charge of the burrecracies and intelligence agencies

I dont think the Obama's and Clinton's would even escape his wrath lol
Sanders wont get the nomination. I would love to see it. But, I think he will only do well as long as the DNC allows him to do well. Once they decide its time to get serious, they will push him out and bring Clinton back into the fold.
Socialist winning in an American election is very bad news.

Civil war is nearing.
First, the obvious reason is that President Trump will have a much better chance of stopping the illegal coup they are calling the 2020 elections if he goes up against a known communist such as Sanders. Secondly, let's say the deep state does have its way and President Trump and our Qanon allies are not able to suspend the 2020 coup in time, and the so-called "American people" vote for the communist instead of President Trump (The greatest president since Jefferson Davis) That means that Sanders will illegally occupy the white house for 4 years (assuming real Americans don't stand up to prevent the communist takeover) During that 4 years he will push to have his communist programs initiated, but there will be so much resistance that nothing will get done. The more "moderate" communist democrats like Biden, Pelosi, Pete Buttgigger, Amy KKKlobarchar, Obama, Clinton etc... will come out against Sander's push for 100% full communism from the git-go , because those moderate democrats want to slow roll the communist implementation in order to collect and hide as much of our tax dollars as possible.

As such, that means Sanders won't get his communist medicare for all passed. It's a lot easier to argue against medicare for all than it is to argue against commie-lite programs like the public option. I can easily argue that I don't support medicare for all because it means it will take away my choice, but it's a lot harder to tell someone without any insurance that I don't support them having the option to get subsidized or "free" health insurance. I don't support that for obvious reasons. I don't think anyone should get anything free. I just don't want to be the one to tell some low income person who is dying that I don't want them to get the care the need if they can't pay for it. I just want them to stop being selfish by forcing me to hear about their problems instead of dying with dignity like a true patriot should.

Anyway, the point is that it would make me feel much more comfortable if bernie wins the nomination for many reasons. His ideas are a lot easier to fight than the more "moderate" ideas that many americans could be convinced to support if the democrats are allowed to spread their communist propaganda (we really need to reel in the lying #FakeNews)

Yes that is why Russia wants him to win, thinking tramp could win him easily. Russia is everything pro tramp.
First, the obvious reason is that President Trump will have a much better chance of stopping the illegal coup they are calling the 2020 elections if he goes up against a known communist such as Sanders. Secondly, let's say the deep state does have its way and President Trump and our Qanon allies are not able to suspend the 2020 coup in time, and the so-called "American people" vote for the communist instead of President Trump (The greatest president since Jefferson Davis) That means that Sanders will illegally occupy the white house for 4 years (assuming real Americans don't stand up to prevent the communist takeover) During that 4 years he will push to have his communist programs initiated, but there will be so much resistance that nothing will get done. The more "moderate" communist democrats like Biden, Pelosi, Pete Buttgigger, Amy KKKlobarchar, Obama, Clinton etc... will come out against Sander's push for 100% full communism from the git-go , because those moderate democrats want to slow roll the communist implementation in order to collect and hide as much of our tax dollars as possible.

As such, that means Sanders won't get his communist medicare for all passed. It's a lot easier to argue against medicare for all than it is to argue against commie-lite programs like the public option. I can easily argue that I don't support medicare for all because it means it will take away my choice, but it's a lot harder to tell someone without any insurance that I don't support them having the option to get subsidized or "free" health insurance. I don't support that for obvious reasons. I don't think anyone should get anything free. I just don't want to be the one to tell some low income person who is dying that I don't want them to get the care the need if they can't pay for it. I just want them to stop being selfish by forcing me to hear about their problems instead of dying with dignity like a true patriot should.

Anyway, the point is that it would make me feel much more comfortable if bernie wins the nomination for many reasons. His ideas are a lot easier to fight than the more "moderate" ideas that many americans could be convinced to support if the democrats are allowed to spread their communist propaganda (we really need to reel in the lying #FakeNews)

Yes that is why Russia wants him to win, thinking tramp could win him easily. Russia is everything pro tramp.
I truly love watching your posts.....it shows the creeping mental disorder slowly, but surely taking over your life....BUT it will sooner or later cause havoc within you as you try to decide if white mans communism is a stronger power than a religion of hatred and suppression.....in you. I fear Islamic rule will be the big winner!

This should go over well ...small room of supporters cheers loudest for illegal

Always great when a socialist talks about "rethinking America".

He should have never been anywhere near the country. Should have stayed in his honeymoon location.

This should go over well ...small room of supporters cheers loudest for illegal

Always great when a socialist talks about "rethinking America".

He should have never been anywhere near the country. Should have stayed in his honeymoon location.

He has no idea how to run a country and it's economic engine. He (and his supporters) are about to find out he is just a scream. He will sell out at DNC convention to get his campaign debt paid off by eventual nominee.
Crazy Bernie should have never been elected to any public office and in fact there is a reason he was never employed all his life until he discovered the scam of government trickery when he was 40. He is obviously an untalented, low IQ, incompentent, douchebag idiot that nobody wanted. But he somehow won a mayorial race by a handful of votes...these types of elections are not uncommon in the northeast..."Independent" means neither republican nor democrats want you, but you have Soros type financial backing and assorted schemes to tweak the elections.
Socialist winning in an American election is very bad news.

Civil war is nearing.


It's like those in Venezuela saying they hope Chavez gets nominated, pure madness to want the brown shirts anywhere near the seat of power.
Socialist winning in an American election is very bad news.

Civil war is nearing.


It's like those in Venezuela saying they hope Chavez gets nominated, pure madness to want the brown shirts anywhere near the seat of power.
You don’t know anything.

The people of Venezuela voted Chavez and Maduro. They did this in democratic elections that were deemed fair by the international community. I thought cons liked democracy.

If you can’t see that our criminal politicians are doing the bidding of big oil, you’re blind.
Socialist winning in an American election is very bad news.

Civil war is nearing.


It's like those in Venezuela saying they hope Chavez gets nominated, pure madness to want the brown shirts anywhere near the seat of power.
You don’t know anything.

The people of Venezuela voted Chavez and Maduro. They did this in democratic elections that were deemed fair by the international community. I thought cons liked democracy.

If you can’t see that our criminal politicians are doing the bidding of big oil, you’re blind.

Cons do not like unlimited democracy exactly for the catastrophic mistakes like you present. Here is what Sanders has to say

"A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in 1932," Sanders said during an event organized by the Christian Science Monitor in June. "He won an election, and 50 million people died as a result of that election in World War II, including 6 million Jews. So what I learned as a little kid is that politics is, in fact, very important."

Dumb people elect socialists of all kinds. Of course back then we were not 100% certain that socialism doesn't work. Now we are, and yet losers STILL fall for it.
Socialist winning in an American election is very bad news.

Civil war is nearing.


It's like those in Venezuela saying they hope Chavez gets nominated, pure madness to want the brown shirts anywhere near the seat of power.
You don’t know anything.

The people of Venezuela voted Chavez and Maduro. They did this in democratic elections that were deemed fair by the international community. I thought cons liked democracy.

If you can’t see that our criminal politicians are doing the bidding of big oil, you’re blind.

Cons do not like unlimited democracy exactly for catastrophic mistakes like you present. Here is what Sanders has to say

"A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in 1932," Sanders said during an event organized by the Christian Science Monitor in June. "He won an election, and 50 million people died as a result of that election in World War II, including 6 million Jews. So what I learned as a little kid is that politics is, in fact, very important."
Dumb. Please stop posting.
Socialist winning in an American election is very bad news.

Civil war is nearing.


It's like those in Venezuela saying they hope Chavez gets nominated, pure madness to want the brown shirts anywhere near the seat of power.
You don’t know anything.

The people of Venezuela voted Chavez and Maduro. They did this in democratic elections that were deemed fair by the international community. I thought cons liked democracy.

If you can’t see that our criminal politicians are doing the bidding of big oil, you’re blind.

Cons do not like unlimited democracy exactly for catastrophic mistakes like you present. Here is what Sanders has to say

"A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in 1932," Sanders said during an event organized by the Christian Science Monitor in June. "He won an election, and 50 million people died as a result of that election in World War II, including 6 million Jews. So what I learned as a little kid is that politics is, in fact, very important."
Dumb. Please stop posting.

As a socialist supporter you have no position to call anyone dumb. You are the one falling for the shit that has never worked anywhere.

It also sounds like you like Bernie are sympathetic to the death cult. The fact that socialists can win elections despite the fact it has never worked anywhere is proof enough that democracy has a significant flaw in it.
Last edited:
Socialist winning in an American election is very bad news.

Civil war is nearing.


It's like those in Venezuela saying they hope Chavez gets nominated, pure madness to want the brown shirts anywhere near the seat of power.
You don’t know anything.

The people of Venezuela voted Chavez and Maduro. They did this in democratic elections that were deemed fair by the international community. I thought cons liked democracy.

If you can’t see that our criminal politicians are doing the bidding of big oil, you’re blind.

Cons do not like unlimited democracy exactly for catastrophic mistakes like you present. Here is what Sanders has to say

"A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in 1932," Sanders said during an event organized by the Christian Science Monitor in June. "He won an election, and 50 million people died as a result of that election in World War II, including 6 million Jews. So what I learned as a little kid is that politics is, in fact, very important."
Dumb. Please stop posting.

As a socialist supporter you have no position to call anyone dumb. You are the one falling for the shit that has never worked anywhere.

It also sounds like you like Bernie are sympathetic to the death cult because they have managed to win elections many times. The fact that socialists can win elections despite the fact it has never worked anywhere is proof enough that democracy has a significant flaw in it.
You don’t know what socialism is. Please get an education.

It's like those in Venezuela saying they hope Chavez gets nominated, pure madness to want the brown shirts anywhere near the seat of power.
You don’t know anything.

The people of Venezuela voted Chavez and Maduro. They did this in democratic elections that were deemed fair by the international community. I thought cons liked democracy.

If you can’t see that our criminal politicians are doing the bidding of big oil, you’re blind.

Cons do not like unlimited democracy exactly for catastrophic mistakes like you present. Here is what Sanders has to say

"A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in 1932," Sanders said during an event organized by the Christian Science Monitor in June. "He won an election, and 50 million people died as a result of that election in World War II, including 6 million Jews. So what I learned as a little kid is that politics is, in fact, very important."
Dumb. Please stop posting.

As a socialist supporter you have no position to call anyone dumb. You are the one falling for the shit that has never worked anywhere.

It also sounds like you like Bernie are sympathetic to the death cult because they have managed to win elections many times. The fact that socialists can win elections despite the fact it has never worked anywhere is proof enough that democracy has a significant flaw in it.
You don’t know what socialism is. Please get an education.

I know perfectly well what socialism is. It's a death cult.

Do you admit to being a socialist?
You don’t know anything.

The people of Venezuela voted Chavez and Maduro. They did this in democratic elections that were deemed fair by the international community. I thought cons liked democracy.

If you can’t see that our criminal politicians are doing the bidding of big oil, you’re blind.

Cons do not like unlimited democracy exactly for catastrophic mistakes like you present. Here is what Sanders has to say

"A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in 1932," Sanders said during an event organized by the Christian Science Monitor in June. "He won an election, and 50 million people died as a result of that election in World War II, including 6 million Jews. So what I learned as a little kid is that politics is, in fact, very important."
Dumb. Please stop posting.

As a socialist supporter you have no position to call anyone dumb. You are the one falling for the shit that has never worked anywhere.

It also sounds like you like Bernie are sympathetic to the death cult because they have managed to win elections many times. The fact that socialists can win elections despite the fact it has never worked anywhere is proof enough that democracy has a significant flaw in it.
You don’t know what socialism is. Please get an education.

I know perfectly well what socialism is. It's a death cult.

Do you admit to being a socialist?
LOL. You just proved you don’t know shit.

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