I hope the town fights this and wins.

So you are afraid of the elderly. Is there anything that doesn't make you afraid?

Clearly the point he made sailed over your head.
His point is perfectly valid and probably spot on.

There is senior housing all over the country which is exactly just that, senior housing.

But when you are looking for a boogeyman in every closet...........................
It's known as bait-and-switch, which dishonest lefty political hacks are renowned for, and moonbats like you are fond of excusing with your tired old appeals to emotion.

There are senior housing units all over the country.
This isn't about senior housing, it's about getting the zoning changed to exploit later.

You're either a fool who can't see past his own nose or complicit with this.

LOL, yeah I'm the contractor in disguise. Senior housing is built all over the country. Many seniors really appreciate it.
I didn't say you were the contractor....I'll just go with the "fool" option here.
You probably get that everywhere you go
When idiots in government step in to 'help' everyone should be concerned. Remember these morons were too dumb to land a real job.

Government SUCKS!
Legislature passes laws that make it impossible to breathe without government permission......
then when you call for assistance, you either can't reach anyone or the person is annoyed that you bothered them.....
All the while they're paid excessive wages at taxpayer expense competing unfairly with Private Enterprise.
The roads around my little town have been greatly improved and as a serious cyclist my appreciation could never be expressed in mere words. I no longer get too far from home due to the national emergency, so I ride circuits around this storybook place. Shadows play on country lanes that reach out to me like old friends.

It is safe for now but a recent attempt to install low income housing into the midst of a neighborhood by the airport gives me pause. The project is advertised to provide affordable housing for seniors which seems like a good thing but a four-story high rise with elevators is an obvious nesting place to seed suburbia with future crime. Possible future meth labs and crack houses would not be a good fit for this town.

The safety and serenity of a rural area of mostly single-family homes cannot be guaranteed once the complex is completed. If you look at what oligarchical, elite leadership has done with medical marijuana which is a bait-and-switch tactic to legalize a gateway drug, you can see how these people operate. They disguise something bad as something good to get a foot in the door. That toothpaste can never be put back in the tube now.

Once that foreign monstrosity is constructed it becomes a real and present danger to the character and nature of the quiet and bucolic space people have chosen to live in. There has to be a first step to implement urban sprawl and that project fits the bill. People who live here do not want to live in the city and they do not want the city coming to them.

The project was voted down, but these people will be back with an army of lawyers. There is treasure in bringing the city to the country because the state was blindsided by the results of the last presidential election which was decided by an Electoral College of country voters who do not think like city dwellers.

The state is out to change that by imposing urban chaos into bedroom communities to alter thought patterns. They want to import voters more likely to submit to the elite authoritarianism of centralized government. The intent is to greatly minimize or eliminate single family homes.

The people of the town must fight this and keep on fighting. I do not want to be dodging bullets and Molotov Cocktails on my bicycle.
Fantastic post, Ray. Thank you, and good luck where you live..

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