I Just Faced My Biggest Fear Ever

For those of you like OhPleaseJustQuit and Slade3200, you already know that I'm engaged, and you also know how anxious I am about finding a place and getting everything in order, but today I realized that I wasn't as afraid of it as I thought I was. I was more afraid that there would be something wrong with me or the romantic relationship I have with my fiancée if I confessed to him how I was feeling and it turns out that I was worried for nothing as he completely understands me and where I'm coming from and feels exactly like I do.

Preparing for the future and making new adjustments in our lives can be both exciting as well as terrifying. However, courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. In this case it's the love we have for one another and being together. Btw, this is where I got that quote from as I think I'm going to write it down and tape it to my door. It's from The Princess Diaries.

Not communicating is the biggest mistake. None of us are mind readers.
For those of you like OhPleaseJustQuit and Slade3200, you already know that I'm engaged, and you also know how anxious I am about finding a place and getting everything in order, but today I realized that I wasn't as afraid of it as I thought I was. I was more afraid that there would be something wrong with me or the romantic relationship I have with my fiancée if I confessed to him how I was feeling and it turns out that I was worried for nothing as he completely understands me and where I'm coming from and feels exactly like I do.

Preparing for the future and making new adjustments in our lives can be both exciting as well as terrifying. However, courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. In this case it's the love we have for one another and being together. Btw, this is where I got that quote from as I think I'm going to write it down and tape it to my door. It's from The Princess Diaries.

Good news!

Once the wedding is planned, try to remember that your marriage is YOUR marriage and no one else's. :) I had so many people tell me horror stories about the first year. I'm not minimizing that it can be tough for some people. But we had a wonderful year. It felt like we grew into one family...it was great. We celebrate 28 years this month and he's still my favorite person and best friend. You can't know what's down the road. None of us do. But if you know you want to spend it/face it with him, then you're in good shape. Congrats!
Before FDR people who came here didnt get a handout but had to work their asses off just to make a living, funny how with Joe Biden another progressive, people are again having the work their asses off just ot make a living. And millions of more illegals crossing the border buying up gas guzzling cars doesnt help Global Warming. So are you for Global Warming or are you against it, and a science denier?
People have to work their asses off just to make a living in order to give it to the illegal aliens as well as all the Democrat voters who have no intention of working at all.
The biggest fear for normal young men back in the day was the draft. Some faced their fears and some fled to Canada. You gotta wonder about the modern generation when their biggest fear is a freaking wedding.

I misread this before and I'm not afraid of the wedding, I'm afraid of the preparations for it. I thought that I already made this clear.

Nope,you said fear.
I wasnt afraid just nervous.

Good point, I guess it's more nerves than anything else.

Good news!

Once the wedding is planned, try to remember that your marriage is YOUR marriage and no one else's. :) I had so many people tell me horror stories about the first year.]

The fact that my mind is already flying and starting to go so fast isn't helping, but yeah I also have a lot of what if's going in my mind, but they're mostly about the wedding itself. As much as we love each other, yeah, I have what if's, but they're so tiny that it isn't my biggest issue at the moment.
I guess it's just like the song says,.. miracles happen even it takes a little time if we believe. :) (This song makes me happy cry.)

Tell the two Mothers in law to butt out if you haven't done so already. It reduces the stress immensely.

remember -- it's your wedding and not theirs.

Actually that isn't my issue. Due to my mental disabilities this is the first time I'm going to be out on my own and yeah, I might as well just say it now.
Oh and I was just talking to my fiancee on the phone about this as well. Moving out on my own and getting married is like going from middle school to high school. You're excited about it, but at the same time it's nerve-wracking about what it's going to be like. It's sounding more and more normal by the moment btw.
Oh and I was just talking to my fiancee on the phone about this as well. Moving out on my own and getting married is like going from middle school to high school. You're excited about it, but at the same time it's nerve-wracking about what it's going to be like. It's sounding more and more normal by the moment btw.

How old are you again?
How old are you again?

Thirty-two. I told you I'm mentally challenged. I can still be independent and married and have a family it just took me longer to reach this goal. I didn't say anything before because I was afraid I would be made fun of and ridiculed for it, but at this point,.. if I can handle libtards, I can handle anything and I like myself for who I am. If anybody has a problem with that, it's their issue not mine.
Thirty-two. I told you I'm mentally challenged. I can still be independent and married and have a family it just took me longer to reach this goal. I didn't say anything before because I was afraid I would be made fun of and ridiculed for it, but at this point,.. if I can handle libtards, I can handle anything and I like myself for who I am. If anybody has a problem with that, it's their issue not mine.

I was just asking.
I was just asking.

I know. I honestly don't think you would make fun of me and that comment wasn't directed towards you. You already know that just because I have special needs doesn't make me less than of a person and I'm certainly not stupid although a lot of people tend to think I am.
My brother was older than that when he got married.

Really? Wow, that's pretty cool. Btw, this song helped me come to the point of self-acceptance and I think it speaks to everybody with disabilities. :)

Really? Wow, that's pretty cool. Btw, this song helped me come to the point of self-acceptance and I think it speaks to everybody with disabilities. :)

Dont take this the wrong way but his marriage was a disaster.
She left him because he's a complete asshole. Hell,I dont even speak with him anymore.
He can no longer see his daughter which is a real shame because she turned out great!!
The Wife and I are covering her college costs beyond what she received in scholarship monies.
Here's an example of how big of an asshole he is...when he bought sodas or as we call them in the south Cokes,which covers all brands and types.
He bought name brand Cokes for himself and knock off brands for his stepsons.
And thats just the tip of the iceberg. He owes the Wife and I at least 20k for all the times we bailed him out of trouble.
And than had the nerve to rob my mother blind leaving the Wife and I to pay for her assisted living care.
His excuse? He said the Wife and I have plenty of money to take care of mom. I wouldnt piss on him if he were on fire.
Dont take this the wrong way but his marriage was a disaster.
She left him because he's a complete asshole. Hell,I dont even speak with him anymore.
He can no longer see his daughter which is a real shame because she turned out great!!
The Wife and I are covering her college costs beyond what she received in scholarship monies.
Here's an example of how big of an asshole he is...when he bought sodas or as we call them in the south Cokes,which covers all brands and types.
He bought name brand Cokes for himself and knock off brands for his stepsons.
And thats just the tip of the iceberg. He owes the Wife and I at least 20k for all the times we bailed him out of trouble.
And than had the nerve to rob my mother blind leaving the Wife and I to pay for her assisted living care.
His excuse? He said the Wife and I have plenty of money to take care of mom. I wouldnt piss on him if he were on fire.

Of course I wouldn't take that the wrong way. That's awful! But I already know my fiancee isn't like that. I've known him since high school. We were childhood friends, then sweethearts and now engaged. It's sort of like an ending of a fairytale. He would have proposed a long time ago, but he wasn't ready either because he's disabled like me and he wanted to make sure that he was ready for it both physically and emotionally.

As I said before though, I was questioning if I was ready for it at one time, because I was under the impression that nerves aren't allowed if you're getting ready to marry somebody and now I realize that that was silly. Love matters and it's the only thing that matters in our relationship. In fact, I think the fact that we're both kind of nervous but wanting to get married anyways just proves how much we love one another and how committed we are.
Oh yeah, we should still obviously take our time with it though. No rush. :)

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