I just realized that international bankers may in fact be working for my plan all alo

I really don't understand how you can be against national governments but think a world government would be successful.
There must be some miscommunication, since you AND driftingsand are asking the same question, while to me the answer seems so obvious. So let me try again to elaborate.
A world government will leave no place for international criminals to hide - they move from nation to nation, destroying nation after nation. one government will educate the whole world, starting in kindergarten how to identify political fraud, how to preserve democracy, how to not be manipulated. New world government can be likened to return of Jesus Christ who does not plan to just return to America or Washington DC or the Oral office, but to the whole world. And as a person who knows Jesus PERSONALLY from my HEART rather than the bible (I never read the bible only few paragraphs here and there) I am the voice that will guide people. Here is a more detailed explanation:

If the world was more like you and me then yes we could probably have one world government supporting not democracy but a republic all based upon Christian teachings and values that you and I hope for. But after 12 years in Iraq and Afghanistan and seeing that the people just won't do it I'm not sure how we get there without a war. Not some pussie ass war but a serious wipe your ass out no holds barred war. In order to have the world you and I want we have to wipe out the muslims. And that pretty much brings us to the prophesy of Armageddon. And only after that war will he return and provide the world view we want and hope for. The war will come first. Unfortunate but it is how it must be.
I really don't understand how you can be against national governments but think a world government would be successful.
There must be some miscommunication, since you AND driftingsand are asking the same question, while to me the answer seems so obvious. So let me try again to elaborate.
A world government will leave no place for international criminals to hide - they move from nation to nation, destroying nation after nation. one government will educate the whole world, starting in kindergarten how to identify political fraud, how to preserve democracy, how to not be manipulated. New world government can be likened to return of Jesus Christ who does not plan to just return to America or Washington DC or the Oral office, but to the whole world. And as a person who knows Jesus PERSONALLY from my HEART rather than the bible (I never read the bible only few paragraphs here and there) I am the voice that will guide people. Here is a more detailed explanation:

If the world was more like you and me then yes we could probably have one world government supporting not democracy but a republic all based upon Christian teachings and values that you and I hope for. But after 12 years in Iraq and Afghanistan and seeing that the people just won't do it I'm not sure how we get there without a war. Not some pussie ass war but a serious wipe your ass out no holds barred war. In order to have the world you and I want we have to wipe out the muslims. And that pretty much brings us to the prophesy of Armageddon. And only after that war will he return and provide the world view we want and hope for. The war will come first. Unfortunate but it is how it must be.
I am in a complete agreement with you, until I run into the word "Muslims" - I am not a Muslim, I am not defending Muslims, like you I would be happy if all the Muslim terrorists died, but that word singles out a group of people and is like singling out liberals or blaming bush for Iraq war, when we know the war was orchestrated by a higher force than the political puppet circus: all puppets, all pawns are equal and the way they stir up these wars is by educating different groups of people in a different way, making them hate each other. I know some Muslims who are very good people, I also know some Jews who are very good people, I know some Jews and Christians and Muslims who are war criminals. YOU ARE NOT WRONG that all the Muslims must be wiped out, but only by also wiping out all CHRISTIANS and JEWS, other way the war WILL CONTINUE, and I believe that MOST of those people can be wiped out and cured of their disease without being hurt physically or even feeling wise, but the stupid ones will be hurt feeling wise and if needed absolutely as you say be exterminated. The return of a Christ like man means also the end of Christianity - NO MORE preaching about Christ, no more worshiping of Christ, for that is a dream of a pedophile and a narcissist, which attracts all sorts of insects to the positions of power, And Christ must return NOT under his previous name under which he has been crucified, but under the name aBrutis, the brutal dictator for it is his time to create a justice system. And as a brutal dictator he shall have no more than few months to show results to the people of the world or he shall be exterminated like a fraud that he is. And the people of the world shall give him the few months, and only THEN we can see the return of Jesus Christ, but he will be HUMBLE and he will never reveal his true identity, he will blend back into society and live among us.

I do not know if this is written in the bible, but this is from the book of ultimate truth which is implanted in my head.
1. Perhaps you do not realize that I would take your decision more seriously than you imagine, but we must understand that only one person must lead, let us discus and decide which one of us you or me it should be. Not only the suffering but understanding is necessary, and you do not appear to me as an ignorant person either,
2. International bankers are paving the way for the world leader, as someone explained to me was even written in the bible about Dictatorship paving the way for the return of Christ. It may be in different terms, but seems the same thing to me. Chinese women and Mexican men stream into America because their own nations are now destroyed by the same puppet masters who control our government, I advise you to read my post above in full.
3. I do not consider international bankers to be "folks", if you do then it is YOU who is defending them, not me. it is I who has faith in humanity, and I state that in almost ALL my speeches, while CHRISTIANS wait for the destruction of humanity, I believe humanity can be healed, I explained in detail what CAUSES humanity to be degraded, I have stated in my speeches that I am no better than any criminal, no more intelligent than any ignorant person etc.

1) I have no desire to lead the world. I would rather be the "king of my own castle" somewhere deep in the forest and simply be left alone by power-mad, controlling politicians who have nothing better to do than to dictate how others should live their lives. The nice thing about the early structure of this nation is that every man was his own king.
2) International Bankers' are machines built for taking, taking, taking. They won't stop taking until they have it all. The rest of humanity is seen as chattel to be milked or harvested. Yes ... they do play a part in leading mankind into global slavery but the truly Great Emancipator will free mankind of its chains. Unfortunately, many men of great stature and greater intentions have tried to topple the Banking Empire only to be defeated or assassinated.
3) "Folks" can be a generic term used to describe groups of people. It doesn't necessarily have to be an endearing term. I don't know any Christian who's "waiting for the destruction" of humanity. We're eagerly waiting for the return of Christ so that humanity can find freedom from evil and tyranny.
1. Perhaps you do not realize that I would take your decision more seriously than you imagine, but we must understand that only one person must lead, let us discus and decide which one of us you or me it should be. Not only the suffering but understanding is necessary, and you do not appear to me as an ignorant person either,
2. International bankers are paving the way for the world leader, as someone explained to me was even written in the bible about Dictatorship paving the way for the return of Christ. It may be in different terms, but seems the same thing to me. Chinese women and Mexican men stream into America because their own nations are now destroyed by the same puppet masters who control our government, I advise you to read my post above in full.
3. I do not consider international bankers to be "folks", if you do then it is YOU who is defending them, not me. it is I who has faith in humanity, and I state that in almost ALL my speeches, while CHRISTIANS wait for the destruction of humanity, I believe humanity can be healed, I explained in detail what CAUSES humanity to be degraded, I have stated in my speeches that I am no better than any criminal, no more intelligent than any ignorant person etc.

1) I have no desire to lead the world. I would rather be the "king of my own castle" somewhere deep in the forest and simply be left alone by power-mad, controlling politicians who have nothing better to do than to dictate how others should live their lives. The nice thing about the early structure of this nation is that every man was his own king.
2) International Bankers' are machines built for taking, taking, taking. They won't stop taking until they have it all. The rest of humanity is seen as chattel to be milked or harvested. Yes ... they do play a part in leading mankind into global slavery but the truly Great Emancipator will free mankind of its chains. Unfortunately, many men of great stature and greater intentions have tried to topple the Banking Empire only to be defeated or assassinated.
3) "Folks" can be a generic term used to describe groups of people. It doesn't necessarily have to be an endearing term. I don't know any Christian who's "waiting for the destruction" of humanity. We're eagerly waiting for the return of Christ so that humanity can find freedom from evil and tyranny.
1. I do live deep in the forest and personally am quite happy, but I have a blood of Jesus Christ in my soul and that is the problem with your suggested scenario. I have my friend son of a tax collector here also advise me the exact same thing, before my dogs were shot, but if we just live happily ever after, it is my understanding that the plague that are the international bankers will catch up with all of us, and that is PRECISELY WHY I spend time on these political forums - I see into the FUTURE and I can not fully enjoy today until we liberate ourselves, and as a struggling man against the bigger evil, I DO see all those "good" people who have given up on the fight as an OBSTICLE, especially the intelligent ones who talk but offer no solution, because they only serve the purpose of presenting themselves as experts and are nothing more than distractors.
3. Good, but see my post above, or here it is slightly improved and posted as a separate thread: http://www.usmessageboard.com/relig...n-of-jesus-christ-one-paragraph-reminder.html

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