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I just took a vacation on the most amazing planet!


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Within the family of Sentient Monkeys crashing through time on Planet Earth are Monkeys who call themselves Nudists. Nudist Monkeys know how to let their hair down and party.

O.k., they party as hardy as the average twenty-one year-old plus American and Canadian Monkeys who're mostly represented by the 45 - 70 crowd are known to party, but there’s a freedom in doing it naked that can’t be explained. It must be experienced. ;)

Last week AVG-Wife & I joined a rockin’ party of 3,000 naked Monkeys, cruising on the Carnival Ship appropriately named 'Freedom' across the blue Caribbean Sea, stopping along the way to haul our party ashore in Cozumel Mexico, Limon Costa Rica and Colon Panama.

Central America rocks! :rock:

The boat ride… The Carnival Freedom was commissioned in 2007 so She has some wear and tear, but she got us there and back again without a hitch. The various teams that the crew was organized into are quite simply the best. Well-trained young professionals who’re managed by a team that also seems to know what they’re doing, and who seem to have the respect of their employees. Food, beverages, shows & other entertainment… they truly do know how to throw a party on a cruise ship! Have you any idea how fun it is to plop your naked ass on to a fast moving, sky-high salt-water slide with a nice, long and twisted ride that starts a hundred and fifty feet above one of the bluest tropical seas you can imagine?

Board-shorts are brakes – if you like speed on a water slide, go naked! :thup:

The thing I love about Mexico is that while nothing is up to ‘code’, everything works. Sure, they suffer the occasional cluster-fuck like every other group and sub group that Monkeys have organized themselves in to, but basically shit works. We took catamarans and a speed boat called 'The Twister' on an excursion to a stretch of beach and had a good, old-fashioned, naked on a white sand beach party. Margaritas, beer, mix drinks, water and EXCELLENT chow at a place with shade set up close to a great sand beach, chairs you could carry to the perfect spot, fresh-water showers and well kept facilities.

They had big toys to climb on floating in the ocean, volleyball and other activities… :2up: Two big thumbs up for Cozumel and Passion Island!

In Costa Rica we put on some clothes and went white-water rafting. The air was eighty-six degrees with high, puffy clouds floating in blue, and the river water was tropical-cool. The guide really knew his stuff and we learned a lot about both the economy and the biology of the area on the bus ride to the start. The river was up for this time of year and had enough water considering the dry season to be a blast. Our guide Ray was glad that the folks who dumped their raft were on a different bus... apparently the company has a bit of paperwork when that happens. :eek:

The canopy was green and orange; a particular tree I can’t remember the name of was blooming in an incredible display. Ray said we picked the absolute best week of the season to be there, as we would be riding on the rain from the past week. On a boat of six, the ten-mile trip was hard work and at the end I was hungry. The tour operators had the most amazing traditional meal waiting for us after we showered and changed. I fell in love with Central America that day.

In Panama we took a train ride along the isthmus pathway that preceded the canal and hoisted a brew on the Pacific side. The guide for this tour had a lot of historical knowledge and the jungle scenery along the lake was breathtaking. On the Pacific side we saw the video for tourists and watched them push two big freighters up toward the lakes in the Miraflores Locks. Until this past week, I had no idea that the ‘canal’ was basically a big-ass man made lake in the center of the country, with a three lift lock system on the Atlantic side and a two sets of locks on the Pacific. Very clever engineering!

After we left Panama, we had two more days and nights at sea to party, play, relax and work on our tan-line free tans while cruising back to Ft. Lauderdale. Day one was perfect and we spent it in the sun, day two saw a little rain and cooler weather. Truth be told, we welcomed the excuse to stay inside. The cruise had plenty of activities already scheduled, all we had to do was go. Cruising ain’t cheap, but this one was worth every dime in the humble opinion of this average Monkey. ;)
Central America certainly still has its political problems, but I’m encouraged by how the people are learning to take care of their own neighborhood, now that they pretty much have control. Both Panama and Costa Rica have chosen to not maintain a military, mostly because it makes sense given the simple geography of where they are on the planet and, with no military, there's a much lower risk of losing their democracies to a military coup, at least according to Errol, our guide in Panama. Apparently it was a pretty decisive vote in Panama, coming right on the heels of the removal of crazy-man Noriega by the US.

Both countries have decided instead to invest in education and health care. I was also impressed by their welfare attitude... which in a nutshell is “The collective will provide each Monkey with an education at minimal cost and affordable health care, but it’s up to each individual to find something productive to do or starve.” I don’t know what that means for the truly and profoundly disabled, that question was never posed in my presence. Our guide in Panama told us that with a country of only three million Monkeys, and national income from the canal running in the several millions per day range, they could easily use the canal to provide each citizen with enough money to sit around all day and watch t.v. but they don’t. Choosing instead to provide education and health care, as well as investing in additional infrastructure. Panama city on the Pacific side is a stunning skyline of glass and steel monuments to Monkey business, and the people of Panama are working hard to open access to the canal for much larger vessels by 2015.

By expanding this infrastructure, they expect to easily double the shared income produced by this incredible man-made resource. Since the best thing about being an educated Monkey is the choices that open up in life, Panama is doing so much more with their economy than just shipping. Like Costa Rica, they’re producing food for export and they’re negotiating contracts with multi-national corporations for good production jobs in technology. I love the fact that they’re also seeing the value in eco-tourism and the productive work that can be done simply showing off the living dirt between oceans that they’re lucky enough to call home.
Welcome back Joe! I missed you! Hope you used zinc oxide on your tender parts ;)
What I love about Mexico, is that when things don't work which seems to happen quite often, the people don't go nuts over it. I remember being in small town in Mexico some years ago. The church bell which would ring every morning to wake up the town ceased to function. No problem, the town policeman just drove his car around the town with his siren on to wake up the people. I returned several years latter and the policeman was still waking up the town.

The hotel I stayed in had a little sign in the room that said the water would be off from 2-5pm and guest should arrange their schedule accordingly. The sign looked like it had been there for years.

It would have driven a New Yorker mad but the townspeople never complained.
This would not work for me....I am a clothes horse....and no one can take my Panama off my head.....You sound like you had fun. Thanks for sharing!
I think people should be pre-approved to be naked in public. I don't need my appetite ruined.
I think people should be pre-approved to be naked in public. I don't need my appetite ruined.

The secret to nudism is proper application of the phrase "when appropriate".

That's why the teen-age years is a really bad time for some Monkeys to try that style on. :disbelief: Really bad.
:eusa_eh: Clothes horse?!?

Yep my day job.....
...I am the one with four legs.

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