“I just want a Republican in the White House.”

jihad is thousands of years old.

you and the moron that thanked your post make morons look like geniuses.

When you put the X beside the D on the ballot, does it stand for:

D elusional
D umb
D isturbed
D esparate

or D imocrat?

It stands for Donald.
Nah, the Dems don't have that self disgust that GOP do.


They hide a Celery Stalk for 3.5 years and tell us he's fine.

When there is no hiding it anymore, they are shocked (having been around him) and we are not (be we know braindead when we see it).

Self disgust ?

Self-delusion is more like it.

Many are voting for Harris because she is not Trump. You are stupid if you don't know that.....well, take away that qualifier....you are just stupid.
You know that The Halfrican is the root cause of Trump running in 2016 don't you?

If he had not poked the bear at that correspondent's dinner Trump would have never come down the escalator.

Dems fucked around and found out.
the same could be said of those voting for Hillary, Biden, and kammie.

not one of the 4 should be allowed within 100 miles of the Oval Office.

but people at our level have no say in who is nominated or elected.

All three of the Democrats are among the MOST qualified candidates in decades.

But Trump and Vance are the most unqualified candidates in US history. Trump had no government service when he was elected and he didn't have the first clue about what he was doing, and it showed. Vance has been in the Senate for 2 years. Even adding his military service on, he's still less qualified than either Hillary, or Harris.

Harris has 21 years of public service, first as a DA, then AG, then Senator,, and Vice-President. Only Joe Biden has more experience than Kamala.

Trump was a 6-times bankrupt businessman, and con artist before he was elected.
You know that The Halfrican is the root cause of Trump running in 2016 don't you?

If he had not poked the bear at that correspondent's dinner Trump would have never come down the escalator.

Dems fucked around and found out.

Too bad more than a million people died because Donnie got his feelings hurt. Guess you found out what a stupid thing you did.

Or not.
All three of the Democrats are among the MOST qualified candidates in decades.

But Trump and Vance are the most unqualified candidates in US history. Trump had no government service when he was elected and he didn't have the first clue about what he was doing, and it showed. Vance has been in the Senate for 2 years. Even adding his military service on, he's still less qualified than either Hillary, or Harris.

Harris has 21 years of public service, first as a DA, then AG, then Senator,, and Vice-President. Only Joe Biden has more experience than Kamala.

Trump was a 6-times bankrupt businessman, and con artist before he was elected.
All three of the Democrats are among the MOST qualified candidates in decades.

do you spell moron with an e?

Hillary wouldn't get anywhere without the last name Clinton.

she had to carpetbag to NY to get elected, because the name clinton was dirt in Arkansas.

She got SoS by dropping out and supporting Obama.

if you think Trump is a con artist, he doesn't hold a candle to the Clintons.

Biden was picked for VP, because they figured, rightly, no one would be dumb enough to kill Obama, with him next in line. they used the same reasoning to add Kammie to his ticket.

now the sheep have been convinced she's the best thing since sliced bread.

it'd amazing how sheep will follow the leader.

Trump bankrupted 6 times?

out of how many efforts?

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