I Just Wrote a Letter To My Local NFL Team

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Sixteen games and ALL AT HOME?

Sports much?

I feel shortchanged --- when I follow a sports team they have to play half their games on the road.

You got caught pulling numbers out of your ass, just admit it.
I believe I addressed this earlier. He said he attended over 400 Bucks games (you assumed home games). In 44 years, he would need to attend ONE away game per year, assuming no post-season. Is that so hard to believe?
To my Raiders:
I just sent this to my Raiders.
"I have loved the Raiders since 1969. I have lived and died with everything since.The Giants took a knee and I am walking away. If you as an org decide to do the same thing, I'll walk away."
Don't threaten. JUST WALK.

Make them BEG you to come back.

They are too much a part of my life to not extend an alternative.
Sixteen games and ALL AT HOME?

Sports much?

I feel shortchanged --- when I follow a sports team they have to play half their games on the road.

You got caught pulling numbers out of your ass, just admit it.
I believe I addressed this earlier. He said he attended over 400 Bucks games (you assumed home games). In 44 years, he would need to attend ONE away game per year, assuming no post-season. Is that so hard to believe?

Yeah it is.

If he attended an away game at (say) Cleveland, that would be a Cleveland game. Why would the Tampa franchise care that he went to Cleveland?

We also didn't factor in strikes and lockouts, which removes at least another ten games from that period.
Sixteen games and ALL AT HOME?

Sports much?

I feel shortchanged --- when I follow a sports team they have to play half their games on the road.

You got caught pulling numbers out of your ass, just admit it.
I believe I addressed this earlier. He said he attended over 400 Bucks games (you assumed home games). In 44 years, he would need to attend ONE away game per year, assuming no post-season. Is that so hard to believe?

Yeah it is.

If he attended an away game at (say) Cleveland, that would be a Cleveland game. Why would the Tampa franchise care that he went to Cleveland?

We also didn't factor in strikes and lockouts, which removes at least another ten games from that period.
So, a game in which the Bucs play is NOT a Bucs game?

I have fucking heard it all. Jesus.

I can't.....
Sixteen games and ALL AT HOME?

Sports much?

I feel shortchanged --- when I follow a sports team they have to play half their games on the road.

You got caught pulling numbers out of your ass, just admit it.
I believe I addressed this earlier. He said he attended over 400 Bucks games (you assumed home games). In 44 years, he would need to attend ONE away game per year, assuming no post-season. Is that so hard to believe?

Yeah it is.

If he attended an away game at (say) Cleveland, that would be a Cleveland game. Why would the Tampa franchise care that he went to Cleveland?

We also didn't factor in strikes and lockouts, which removes at least another ten games from that period.
So, a game in which the Bucs play is NOT a Bucs game?

I have fucking heard it all. Jesus.

I can't.....

WHO is this purported fake letter written to?

FTR, in the entire history of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, they've played 692 games. Plus 15 playoffs.

DO THE MATH. Assuming there's a 2020 season, they'll need 13 more years to play their 400th home game.

MISTER WIZARD! MISTER WIZARD!! We found a letter here from the year 2033!!
Here is the letter that I just wrote to my local NFL team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers >>>

I have been a staunch Tampa Bay Bucs fan since 1976. I have attended Bucs games over 400 Bucs games, and spent hundreds of $$$ on Bucs paraphenalia. I am quitting being a Bucs fan, I will have nothing to do with the Bucs or the NFL. I am sending to you all my Bucs clothing and items.
Your so-called social justice policies and those of the NFL are preposterous.

Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery were not murdered. It is treasonous to kneel during the national anthem. The playing of the black national anthem is racial discrimination. Should we now have a Hispanic national anthem ? An Asian one ? A white one ? A Native American one ?

You wanna talk about social justice ? How about the millions of whites and Asians who are racially discriminated against every day, in race-based Affirmative Action programs, with blacks as the beneficiaries ? This has been going on for 56 years, and millions of peoples' whole lives have been damaged severely from it.

When the NFL gets out of the process of injecting politics (and lousy politics at that), I will come back. You may laugh and say I'm just one insignificant voice, but for every one who writes to you, there are thousands of others tuning out from the NFL, and thinking the same things, but they don't write. You can bet on that.

This was sent in correlation with this article about the NFL's ludicrous new race policies >>

Mod Note: --- Example of a drop-in flame post. Was warned.. Synthaholic
This is a cry for help, from a sad loser who blames everyone else for his failed life.
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Good for you! The athletes need to understand who fills the stands and pays their salaries. You need to swear off TV too. No watching unworthy teams.
Right. No more TV or anything to do with it.
If you have any NFL stuff (shirts, hats, beverage cups, etc), pack them in a box and send them to your local team, along with a letter similar to what I wrote here. You can copy it word for word if you like (except for the team name).

I hope EVERYBODY will do this. As team offices start filling up with sweatshirts, jackets, hats, etc, eventually, these idiots will start getting the message of THE OTHER SIDE, and begin to realize we exist > the SILENT MAJORITY.

We must be silent NO MORE.
You’re an idiot. :lol:
Sixteen games and ALL AT HOME?

Sports much?

I feel shortchanged --- when I follow a sports team they have to play half their games on the road.

You got caught pulling numbers out of your ass, just admit it.
I believe I addressed this earlier. He said he attended over 400 Bucks games (you assumed home games). In 44 years, he would need to attend ONE away game per year, assuming no post-season. Is that so hard to believe?

Yeah it is.

If he attended an away game at (say) Cleveland, that would be a Cleveland game. Why would the Tampa franchise care that he went to Cleveland?

We also didn't factor in strikes and lockouts, which removes at least another ten games from that period.
So, a game in which the Bucs play is NOT a Bucs game?

I have fucking heard it all. Jesus.

I can't.....
It’s irrelevant - the OP is talking out his ass.
You got caught pulling numbers out of your ass, just admit it.
And that’s why, if he even sent this letter - doubtful, they will disregard it and correctly assume he’s a kook.

They will do a age calculation in there head and say they are loosing one old racist fan but gaining and keeping hundreds of younger fans...

Business model is assured...
You got caught pulling numbers out of your ass, just admit it.
And that’s why, if he even sent this letter - doubtful, they will disregard it and correctly assume he’s a kook.

They will do a age calculation in there head and say they are loosing one old racist fan but gaining and keeping hundreds of younger fans...

Business model is assured...

Even better --- since the letter-writer claims to have attended "400 games" they'll just bill him for season tickets through 2033 when the actually do play game 400.
You got caught pulling numbers out of your ass, just admit it.
And that’s why, if he even sent this letter - doubtful, they will disregard it and correctly assume he’s a kook.

They will do a age calculation in there head and say they are loosing one old racist fan but gaining and keeping hundreds of younger fans...

Business model is assured...

Even better --- since the letter-writer claims to have attended "400 games" they'll just bill him for season tickets through 2033 when the actually do play game 400.

Mod Note: --- Example of a drop-in flame post. Was warned.. CowboyTed

Without the racist asshole shouting his mouth off the place is getting more family friendly...


mind you this could be he type of family
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I'm gonna watch as the kneeling thing is just to get attention. I won't give them any attention so I win. I see no need for the anthem before a game in reality anyway.

I see no need for major League sports anymore.
Television is chock full of sports. Even more so, now that I have a smart TV, and can even create games to watch (with YouTube) in most sports from as far back as the 1930s (Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe Dimaggio, etc).

I just recently watched one of the games of the 1962 world series. Without knowing who was going to win, or even remembering who even won the world series that year, it was just like as if I was in 1962, and watching the game live. So cool seeing Roger Maris win game 3 on a home run, in the 9th inning. I was a Yankee fan back in those days.
..I sent an email...they are saying FU to whites and cops...if you are for BLM/etc, you don't care about white lives....so FU .....you force people to join the KKK/etc
Sixteen games and ALL AT HOME?
NO, of course they were not ALL AT HOME, fool. Many were in other cities, and if you'd stay on topic, you wouldn't be here making a fool out of yourself, Mr Gotcha.
So you do whatever you're told on command without question, do you. Why am I not surprised. Hey, you're the asshat that just sat here and called kneeling for the anthem "treason". Now you're running away from it. Wimp.
You're really going out of your way trying to make me look bad. In so doing, you're doing a great job of making YOURSELF look bad. Of course, I don't do whatever I'm "told on command without question". I stand for the national anthem because I respect it, and what it stands for, you idiot.

"Wimp" ? I'd ask you what you're talking about, since it doesn't make sense, but you're words are so scrambled and nuts, that I would just as well not know. Intelligent posters in this forum know what a goofball you are, and you make of mess of yourself every time you type. You're kind of like Joe Biden. No need for a debate. Just let him talk and make an idiot out of himself.

Hint: making things up, to try to demean somebody rarely ever works. :rolleyes:
So your answer is no, you weren't there. Yet you "know", because you were told what to think, and you hear and obey.
As The ROCK of WWE fame would say "IT DOESN'T MATTER" if I was there. You see, this is 2020, and now we have a thing called VIDEO. And better yet, we also have a thing called internet, and youtube, And when you want to see what happened somewhere, at some time, you just go look up that VIDEO, and you WATCH IT happening. Get it ?

Great that you have me here to fill you in on all these modern things, that you had no idea about. And you're getting all this education for free.

As for being "told what to think, and you hear and obey", looks like that's what YOU are doing. Since when Arbery easily had an opportunity to walk away from the McMichaels and their truck, instead, he turned and attacked Travis McMichael. But some people have to always be on the side of a black guy (even when he's wrong). :rolleyes:
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