I knew it! Guess (((who))) is behind the opioid crisis.

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Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
A quarter of a million white Christians and counting.

A new article in Esquire focuses on the publicity-averse Sackler family, who’ve raked in billions peddling the opioid OxyContin since unleashing it on a pain-addled—and now drug-addled—American public 21 years ago.

The Sackler dynasty has an estimated net worth of $14 billion, much of it thought to have been reaped from sales of “hillbilly heroin.” According to the article, the Sacklers were able to foist the drug upon the American public by citing dubious research from the 1980s—which was later disavowed by its author—claiming that long-term opioid abuse presented a less than 1% chance of addiction. They also have repeatedly claimed that since the drug is time-released, it presents scant temptation to addicts who desire an immediate rush. However, one merely needs to crush the pill and snort it to experience its effects in one quick blast.

Since OxyContin’s launch, an estimated 200,000 Americans “have died from overdoses of OxyContin and other prescription painkillers.”

“What’s next—a blanket ban on the works of Charles Dickens because his name includes the word ‘dick’ and thus might frighten rape victims?”
OxyContin is far more expensive than street heroin and is thought to be a primary factor in a rise of heroin addiction and overdoses, particularly in rural America. One could make a case that nearly a quarter-million Americans have been “Sacklered” while the family dynasty rakes in cash while standing on their corpses.​
Well cnelsen
I can guess what's on the other side of this media trip.

the solution to addictions coming from Christian spiritual healing.
which is free, and cuts through the dependence and monopoly on
medications and pharmaceutical industry.

when people discover the solution was there the whole time,
that it's true what people have said that Christian prayer and healing
set them free from abuse and addiction and saved their lives, mind
and relationships,

and that this spiritual healing therapy is free, it is
replicable and multiplies to heal whole families and communities,
then we might see mass benefits from
Christianity, but in terms of increased social health
and means of reducing costs of medical care
so we have enough resources to support
affordable sustainable health care for all.

thanks in part to the very Christians
that liberals have been rejecting in the media
for fear of the prolife conservatives and religious right
dominating abortion and gun policies.

The Christians also have the solution to
universal health care, if people would
study and research the diverse areas
where spiritual healing has proven to work
to reduce costs of treatment, enhance therapy
and healing, and cure causes of diseases,
whether mental or physical , or even
abusive relations, and social ills.
Very troubling. I actually temped at Purdue Pharma in Norwalk as an accountant a couple decades ago. I left after a week because I did not like the weirdness.
No doubt, and most respectable White doctors (very few left) are very careful when prescribing painkillers. So why is ZOG preventing pot from being legalized nationally?
If you wish to do drugs that is your choice.

maybe, if you and other people who support drugs as a choice agree to pay for all your medical bills and therapy should you destroy your brain, are left unable to work and support yourself during addiction or recovery, or commit a drug-related crime or have an accident that causes damage or death to others.

if pro drug supporters agree to pay for the risks and consequences, maybe we can separate tax funding on health care vs. criminal justice and drug policies. and see what choices the taxpayers would rather support and invest in.
ScienceRocks is clearly against welfare and the state intervention in the lives of crack addicts like The Mad Hatter, Maxine Waters and other low IQ individuals. :p
A quarter of a million white Christians and counting.

A new article in Esquire focuses on the publicity-averse Sackler family, who’ve raked in billions peddling the opioid OxyContin since unleashing it on a pain-addled—and now drug-addled—American public 21 years ago.

The Sackler dynasty has an estimated net worth of $14 billion, much of it thought to have been reaped from sales of “hillbilly heroin.” According to the article, the Sacklers were able to foist the drug upon the American public by citing dubious research from the 1980s—which was later disavowed by its author—claiming that long-term opioid abuse presented a less than 1% chance of addiction. They also have repeatedly claimed that since the drug is time-released, it presents scant temptation to addicts who desire an immediate rush. However, one merely needs to crush the pill and snort it to experience its effects in one quick blast.

Since OxyContin’s launch, an estimated 200,000 Americans “have died from overdoses of OxyContin and other prescription painkillers.”

“What’s next—a blanket ban on the works of Charles Dickens because his name includes the word ‘dick’ and thus might frighten rape victims?”
OxyContin is far more expensive than street heroin and is thought to be a primary factor in a rise of heroin addiction and overdoses, particularly in rural America. One could make a case that nearly a quarter-million Americans have been “Sacklered” while the family dynasty rakes in cash while standing on their corpses.​
After 8 years of dealing with Obama and his "I hate whitie" campaign, it is no wonder why whites, have turned to drugs... Bring in illegals, have them bring drugs and guns across, deal with the poor whites, and then you have many liberal whites, killing themselves. Along with abortions soon there wont be a Democrat party anymore. Go team.
Well cnelsen
I can guess what's on the other side of this media trip.

the solution to addictions coming from Christian spiritual healing.
which is free, and cuts through the dependence and monopoly on
medications and pharmaceutical industry.

when people discover the solution was there the whole time,
that it's true what people have said that Christian prayer and healing
set them free from abuse and addiction and saved their lives, mind
and relationships,

and that this spiritual healing therapy is free, it is
replicable and multiplies to heal whole families and communities,
then we might see mass benefits from
Christianity, but in terms of increased social health
and means of reducing costs of medical care
so we have enough resources to support
affordable sustainable health care for all.

thanks in part to the very Christians
that liberals have been rejecting in the media
for fear of the prolife conservatives and religious right
dominating abortion and gun policies.

The Christians also have the solution to
universal health care, if people would
study and research the diverse areas
where spiritual healing has proven to work
to reduce costs of treatment, enhance therapy
and healing, and cure causes of diseases,
whether mental or physical , or even
abusive relations, and social ills.
I don't doubt you are right, but where Christians are all fucked up is with the ethnomasochism and the fundies' idiotic belief that Jews are God's "chosen people". How fucking stupid does one have to be to buy something like that. In the first place, no real god would have a "chosen people", for crissakes. In the second place, what could be worse than believing our enemy within are semi-Gods. It's exactly as stupid as the idiot Indians were who thought Europeans were gods when they saw them on horses. Most Christians are morons.
A quarter of a million white Christians and counting.

A new article in Esquire focuses on the publicity-averse Sackler family, who’ve raked in billions peddling the opioid OxyContin since unleashing it on a pain-addled—and now drug-addled—American public 21 years ago.

The Sackler dynasty has an estimated net worth of $14 billion, much of it thought to have been reaped from sales of “hillbilly heroin.” According to the article, the Sacklers were able to foist the drug upon the American public by citing dubious research from the 1980s—which was later disavowed by its author—claiming that long-term opioid abuse presented a less than 1% chance of addiction. They also have repeatedly claimed that since the drug is time-released, it presents scant temptation to addicts who desire an immediate rush. However, one merely needs to crush the pill and snort it to experience its effects in one quick blast.

Since OxyContin’s launch, an estimated 200,000 Americans “have died from overdoses of OxyContin and other prescription painkillers.”

“What’s next—a blanket ban on the works of Charles Dickens because his name includes the word ‘dick’ and thus might frighten rape victims?”
OxyContin is far more expensive than street heroin and is thought to be a primary factor in a rise of heroin addiction and overdoses, particularly in rural America. One could make a case that nearly a quarter-million Americans have been “Sacklered” while the family dynasty rakes in cash while standing on their corpses.​
After 8 years of dealing with Obama and his "I hate whitie" campaign, it is no wonder why whites, have turned to drugs... Bring in illegals, have them bring drugs and guns across, deal with the poor whites, and then you have many liberal whites, killing themselves. Along with abortions soon there wont be a Democrat party anymore. Go team.
Not to mention the routine articles in the (((media))) titled "Dear White People, How To Overcome Whiteness" and the steady stream of anti-white filth coming from (((Hollywood))) and the anti-white hatred in....
A quarter of a million white Christians and counting.

A new article in Esquire focuses on the publicity-averse Sackler family, who’ve raked in billions peddling the opioid OxyContin since unleashing it on a pain-addled—and now drug-addled—American public 21 years ago.

The Sackler dynasty has an estimated net worth of $14 billion, much of it thought to have been reaped from sales of “hillbilly heroin.” According to the article, the Sacklers were able to foist the drug upon the American public by citing dubious research from the 1980s—which was later disavowed by its author—claiming that long-term opioid abuse presented a less than 1% chance of addiction. They also have repeatedly claimed that since the drug is time-released, it presents scant temptation to addicts who desire an immediate rush. However, one merely needs to crush the pill and snort it to experience its effects in one quick blast.

Since OxyContin’s launch, an estimated 200,000 Americans “have died from overdoses of OxyContin and other prescription painkillers.”

“What’s next—a blanket ban on the works of Charles Dickens because his name includes the word ‘dick’ and thus might frighten rape victims?”
OxyContin is far more expensive than street heroin and is thought to be a primary factor in a rise of heroin addiction and overdoses, particularly in rural America. One could make a case that nearly a quarter-million Americans have been “Sacklered” while the family dynasty rakes in cash while standing on their corpses.​
The "Opiod Crisis" is the result of decades of feel good indoctrination in which people were taught that "getting tough" was not the acceptable norm.

We run to doctors to treat our pain and whine when it isn't strong enough. That leaves doctors no choice but to prescribe medications that are not good for the patient in order to gain satisfaction - and return patients.

If more people would get some backbone and allow themselves to suffer pain - which is natural - they would avoid using such addictive meds.
Good grief because someone is white and rural doesn't mean they are Christian

What a stupid thread
A quarter of a million white Christians and counting.

A new article in Esquire focuses on the publicity-averse Sackler family, who’ve raked in billions peddling the opioid OxyContin since unleashing it on a pain-addled—and now drug-addled—American public 21 years ago.

The Sackler dynasty has an estimated net worth of $14 billion, much of it thought to have been reaped from sales of “hillbilly heroin.” According to the article, the Sacklers were able to foist the drug upon the American public by citing dubious research from the 1980s—which was later disavowed by its author—claiming that long-term opioid abuse presented a less than 1% chance of addiction. They also have repeatedly claimed that since the drug is time-released, it presents scant temptation to addicts who desire an immediate rush. However, one merely needs to crush the pill and snort it to experience its effects in one quick blast.

Since OxyContin’s launch, an estimated 200,000 Americans “have died from overdoses of OxyContin and other prescription painkillers.”

“What’s next—a blanket ban on the works of Charles Dickens because his name includes the word ‘dick’ and thus might frighten rape victims?”
OxyContin is far more expensive than street heroin and is thought to be a primary factor in a rise of heroin addiction and overdoses, particularly in rural America. One could make a case that nearly a quarter-million Americans have been “Sacklered” while the family dynasty rakes in cash while standing on their corpses.​
Jews were peddling this shit to us even back then.
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