I know how to solve the problem of hacking

The "hacking" was a phishing scheme most of us learned to avoid when we got our first computer.

Plus it always gets bypassed, there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest.
The "hacking" was a phishing scheme most of us learned to avoid when we got our first computer.

Plus it always gets bypassed, there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest.

If your society and power structure were honest the "two" sides would not have to constantly accuse each other of dishonesty to keep the societal illusion alive.
The "hacking" was a phishing scheme most of us learned to avoid when we got our first computer.

Plus it always gets bypassed, there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest.
Iceweasel, did you ever hear the old cliche about cutting off your nose to spite your face? I ask because you seem to care more about sliming Obama than fighting cyber-hacks. You discredit America in your zeal to discredit Obama.
They just refused to provide proof so now Congress is making decisions in the dark....Which is ass backwards
How To Stop Your Dirty Laundry From Getting Out to The World / How To Stop Hacking:
Here's just a few suggestions:

1. Stop using un-authorized, un-encrypted personal e-mails / servers for embarrassing / classified e-mails/data

2. Stop sharing your passwords with people who have no clearances, like lawyers and MAIDS

3. Stop giving access to embarrassing e-mails/data to people who have no clearances, like aides. lawyers, and MAIDS

4. Exercise better cyber security, actually complete required security training, stop opening e-mails from people you don't know - scan the e-mails 1st, have proper / authorized anti-virus and encryption programs

5. Stop writing/storing/sending embarrassing racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic e-mails / content.

6. Don't save / send via e-mail the fact that you rigged your own Party Primary...you could also try NOT to Rig your own Party Primary
Re-activate the Navajo Wind Talkers.

Clapper to testify now, McCain opening statements now...gotta go

Top US intelligence officials to testify on Russian hacking
These kinds of meetings should not be televised. It's beyond dumb to discuss over open air what your capabilities & limitations are and why you did or did not retaliate for aggressive actions of other states.
These clowns are obsessed with protecting the "parties" and some of them are using their time for nothing more than Trump bashing with McCaskill leading the charge.
Then the CIA chief says we don't punish espionage because we do it too. Well I got news for you! We CONSTANTLY try to influence outcomes in other nations around the world.
The "hacking" was a phishing scheme most of us learned to avoid when we got our first computer.

Plus it always gets bypassed, there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest.
Iceweasel, did you ever hear the old cliche about cutting off your nose to spite your face? I ask because you seem to care more about sliming Obama than fighting cyber-hacks. You discredit America in your zeal to discredit Obama.
obama discredits himself plenty, doesn't need my help. However you avoided my question and lied about me in the hopes that would do for a response. Sorry, doesn't work that way. Again:

"there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest." You can't dance fast enough to make that simple fact go away.
The "hacking" was a phishing scheme most of us learned to avoid when we got our first computer.

Plus it always gets bypassed, there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest.
...that the DNC Hildabeast took the "phishing" hook line and sinker. There's the reason Hildabeast is not president due to her total incompetence and corruption… Fact
The "hacking" was a phishing scheme most of us learned to avoid when we got our first computer.

Plus it always gets bypassed, there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest.
Indeed, Podesta told people his password was "password" and then whined that he was duped by super sophisticated Russian hackers. This guy is one of the top Democrats who was chairman of the Clinton campaign and his password was "password".
from gaming the system in Vegas, to gaming the system in the World Wide Web, to gaming the system printing money, being successful "beating the system" has, and always will be a major part of the system. Someone, somewhere will always give it their best shot with more losers than winners at the end of the day.

It is what it is. Protect and prepare to get beat.. it will happen.
The "hacking" was a phishing scheme most of us learned to avoid when we got our first computer.

Plus it always gets bypassed, there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest.
Iceweasel, did you ever hear the old cliche about cutting off your nose to spite your face? I ask because you seem to care more about sliming Obama than fighting cyber-hacks. You discredit America in your zeal to discredit Obama.
obama discredits himself plenty, doesn't need my help. However you avoided my question and lied about me in the hopes that would do for a response. Sorry, doesn't work that way. Again:

"there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest." You can't dance fast enough to make that simple fact go away.
Iceweasel, I'm not dancing. Your thought that Democrats are dishonest is YOUR thought, not mine. All I see is a poster that thinks he/she has 20/20 vision when looking at his/her opposition, but is blind as a bat when he/she looks at his/her own party's tactics. I don't scorn that. It's likely part of our human nature. But a recognition now and then is in order.
Re-activate the Navajo Wind Talkers.

Clapper to testify now, McCain opening statements now...gotta go

Top US intelligence officials to testify on Russian hacking
These kinds of meetings should not be televised. It's beyond dumb to discuss over open air what your capabilities & limitations are and why you did or did not retaliate for aggressive actions of other states.
These clowns are obsessed with protecting the "parties" and some of them are using their time for nothing more than Trump bashing with McCaskill leading the charge.
Then the CIA chief says we don't punish espionage because we do it too. Well I got news for you! We CONSTANTLY try to influence outcomes in other nations around the world.
Grampa, I heard an ex-CIA today who said that when he was part of the force, they had lots of these investigations in private, but this is the first public one he can think of. I'm guessing that McCain thinks the 'closed-door' investigations of the past few years made the nation and the world think nothing was being done, so he opted for a public show. I am very grateful to him for not allowing this issue to be swept under the rug. The intel is clear that they seem certain Russia did NOT hack any voting machines or systems, just spread a lot of doubts and fake news that we need to stop.
The "hacking" was a phishing scheme most of us learned to avoid when we got our first computer.

Plus it always gets bypassed, there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest.
Iceweasel, did you ever hear the old cliche about cutting off your nose to spite your face? I ask because you seem to care more about sliming Obama than fighting cyber-hacks. You discredit America in your zeal to discredit Obama.
obama discredits himself plenty, doesn't need my help. However you avoided my question and lied about me in the hopes that would do for a response. Sorry, doesn't work that way. Again:

"there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest." You can't dance fast enough to make that simple fact go away.
Iceweasel, I'm not dancing. Your thought that Democrats are dishonest is YOUR thought, not mine. All I see is a poster that thinks he/she has 20/20 vision when looking at his/her opposition, but is blind as a bat when he/she looks at his/her own party's tactics. I don't scorn that. It's likely part of our human nature. But a recognition now and then is in order.
Again, the point was:

"...there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest."
Re-activate the Navajo Wind Talkers.

Clapper to testify now, McCain opening statements now...gotta go

Top US intelligence officials to testify on Russian hacking
All I see happening here with this investigation is another bloated government bureau about to be created to waste taxpayer money. Teach people not to click on and download everything that pops up.

I don't even have an antivirus program on my system. I use a script and ad blocker on all of my browsers. Run Hijackthis on my systems regularly. If by some chance something does slip by I have the knowledge to get rid of it myself.
The "hacking" was a phishing scheme most of us learned to avoid when we got our first computer.

Plus it always gets bypassed, there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest.
Iceweasel, did you ever hear the old cliche about cutting off your nose to spite your face? I ask because you seem to care more about sliming Obama than fighting cyber-hacks. You discredit America in your zeal to discredit Obama.
obama discredits himself plenty, doesn't need my help. However you avoided my question and lied about me in the hopes that would do for a response. Sorry, doesn't work that way. Again:

"there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest." You can't dance fast enough to make that simple fact go away.
Iceweasel, I'm not dancing. Your thought that Democrats are dishonest is YOUR thought, not mine. All I see is a poster that thinks he/she has 20/20 vision when looking at his/her opposition, but is blind as a bat when he/she looks at his/her own party's tactics. I don't scorn that. It's likely part of our human nature. But a recognition now and then is in order.
Again, the point was:

"...there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest."
And again, sez who? You? I don't think the Democrats promised half of what Trump is already waffling on. He's not going to 'lock her up' or prosecute "on day one". The Birther movement wasn't HIS idea, it was somebody else's and he just hawked it up like phlegm every day for 7 years. And he can stand on the world's tallest building and shout "RADICAL ISLAMIST'S" til he loses his voice, but it wont change a damn thing. Now he likes Obama as a "good man". Actually, if you could do a 180 as quickly as he does, the country would probably be better off.
The "hacking" was a phishing scheme most of us learned to avoid when we got our first computer.

Plus it always gets bypassed, there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest.
Iceweasel, did you ever hear the old cliche about cutting off your nose to spite your face? I ask because you seem to care more about sliming Obama than fighting cyber-hacks. You discredit America in your zeal to discredit Obama.
obama discredits himself plenty, doesn't need my help. However you avoided my question and lied about me in the hopes that would do for a response. Sorry, doesn't work that way. Again:

"there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest." You can't dance fast enough to make that simple fact go away.
Iceweasel, I'm not dancing. Your thought that Democrats are dishonest is YOUR thought, not mine. All I see is a poster that thinks he/she has 20/20 vision when looking at his/her opposition, but is blind as a bat when he/she looks at his/her own party's tactics. I don't scorn that. It's likely part of our human nature. But a recognition now and then is in order.
Again, the point was:

"...there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest."
And again, sez who? You? I don't think the Democrats promised half of what Trump is already waffling on. He's not going to 'lock her up' or prosecute "on day one". The Birther movement wasn't HIS idea, it was somebody else's and he just hawked it up like phlegm every day for 7 years. And he can stand on the world's tallest building and shout "RADICAL ISLAMIST'S" til he loses his voice, but it wont change a damn thing. Now he likes Obama as a "good man". Actually, if you could do a 180 as quickly as he does, the country would probably be better off.
"...there would be no issue if Democrats were remotely honest."

The evidence is the libwing is trying desperately to keep that off the radar but bring up the email hacks just remind people how corrupt they are. You don't do logic but if the email contents were a problem then the main problem isn't the messenger.

It's pathetic is all you guys have. Personally I'm glad it worked out this way, like the Bush/Gore thing. Some of you will lose your slim hold on sanity and never make it back. While America moves on and prospers you will be foaming in the streets.

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