I Know It's Early - But Here's My Next Superbowl Prediction

I think it depends how long this lockout goes on.
If pre-season or any regular season games are missed I like New England out of the AFC.
The NFC possible repeat in Green Bay.

And the Super Bowl is in Indy this year!

Come on down! Or Up! Or Over! Or Across!

And visit your old stomping ground! :beer:

Well, if ya gunna go early, go before camp would start.

eh, what the hell

The Bears will suck ass the entire year. If the lock out keeps the main players out and they take scabs in, Detroit wins the Black and Blue division. Since thier starters will need to show up anyway as most JV teams could take them.

The Rams will blow either way


GB, N'orleans, Colts, Philly

My shock pick for the post season; Browns, by a RCH.
Never, under any circumstances, forget that the Pittsburgh Steelers are in the National Football League.

Any prediction that does not include the Steelers is a puff of smoke.
Way too early...especially since there have been no free agents signed

But if we must..

Ravens- Packers
I'd like to see the Jets VS Lions. That is my fantasty pick.

The reality pick is Steelers VS Eagles.

GO LIONS!!!!!!
There's just so much talent and depth on the Packers that it's hard for me to not pick them for the NFC. Just think about their success last year with all those second-stringers

The AFC will be interesting to watch. Don't sleep on them Jets. At the end of last season I heard they were seriously looking to go after Asomugha, but that was before the lockout so who knows. That would make them the sickest secondary in the league hands down. B

And the Super Bowl is in Indy this year!

Come on down! Or Up! Or Over! Or Across!

And visit your old stomping ground! :beer:

When I was there in the mid-80s I could get into ANY game. The stadium was never, ever sold out!

Colts back then stood for

With little time to practice I'd pick the stronger defenses to dominate. Of course teams with several years of continuity on the O side shouldn't be looked past.

Just for laugh, and because they have a solid defense and added strength to the D in the draft, I see the Niners finally getting into the playoffs.

So, Niners v. New England or Pittsburg.

I already hear the laughter.
With little time to practice I'd pick the stronger defenses to dominate. Of course teams with several years of continuity on the O side shouldn't be looked past.

Just for laugh, and because they have a solid defense and added strength to the D in the draft, I see the Niners finally getting into the playoffs.

So, Niners v. New England or Pittsburg.

I already hear the laughter.

hey, ya gotta route for the home team. Unless it's the Lions.
I'd like to see the Jets VS Lions. That is my fantasty pick.

The reality pick is Steelers VS Eagles.

GO LIONS!!!!!!

God love ya. It's so wide open in both conferences, until we see who signs the top FAs, it's hard to tell. I'm going with Steelers - Saints, I wonder if Aaron Rodgers can last 16 games. Same for Vick.
Packers vs Steelers.

Pack is legit -will only get better.

You must be convinced Aaron Rodgers is going to stay upright all season. I wouldn't bet the rent on it.

Realistically, he doesn't need to stay upright all season. Just enough to ensure they make the playoffs (assuming whoever is the backup can't win some games in his stead) and then through the playoffs. If he can at least have no more than relatively minor injury during the regular season and stay healthy enough to play in the playoffs, they have a good shot at another run.

And who knows? Perhaps their running game will suck less this season and not only will Rodgers be asked to throw the ball less, but they might have a decent shot to win even with a bad backup starting! :lol:

I wish I could say I think the Niners are going to shock everyone this coming season, but I just can't do it with a straight face. :( They could very will win the worst division in football (as any of those teams might) but at the moment there's nothing that would make me think they can make a splash in the playoffs if they get there. At best I think it will take Harbaugh a couple of years to get the team fully his and put them in that sort of position, if he can do it.

Hell, with the talent they are getting on both sides of the ball, I wouldn't be surprised if the Lions end up doing better than the Niners, maybe even a surprise playoff spot at 9-7 if the chips fall right for them.

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