I Like Him Even More: Records Show Louisiana Rep Steve Scalise Killed Bill Apologizing For Slavery

You're a racist and a shithead, McGarrett, but that doesnt mean you're wrng 100% of the time.
Apologizing for slavery is a meaningless gesture and Scalise was right to oppose it.
You're a racist and a shithead, McGarrett, but that doesnt mean you're wrng 100% of the time.
Apologizing for slavery is a meaningless gesture and Scalise was right to oppose it.
Loving and being proud of your white race and heritage is not racist.
A person that never owned a slave should never apologize to another person who never was one.
If blacks enslaved whites they wouldn't apologize for it. They'd say "See. Proves you're inferior".

Whites need to stop apologizing for their victories.
This man Steve Scalise is a true patriot. I am proud to have him represent our state in such a high leadership position. Yes, Louisiana and our white people will do well with Scalise. The future is promising.

I mean really, why the hell would anybody need to apologize to current blacks for slavery? Nobody living today was alive back then!

GOP Rep. Scalise Once Killed a Bill Apologizing for Slavery Mediaite
Just another Southern Nazi. Onward.
Based on what?
I can apologize for mistakes I personally made. I can sympathize for mistakes others made. I cannot apologize for something I had no control over. Thats what makes apologies for slavery so stupid.
This man Steve Scalise is a true patriot. I am proud to have him represent our state in such a high leadership position. Yes, Louisiana and our white people will do well with Scalise. The future is promising.

I mean really, why the hell would anybody need to apologize to current blacks for slavery? Nobody living today was alive back then!

GOP Rep. Scalise Once Killed a Bill Apologizing for Slavery Mediaite
Just another Southern Nazi. Onward.
Based on what?
Being Southern and a Nazi.
As a fledgling State Representative in 1996 in Louisiana, Scalise was only one of two people in the Louisiana House Governmental Affairs Committee who voted against a resolution apologizing for the state’s role “in the establishment and maintenance of the institution of slavery.”

Eventually, the paper managed to wring a statement of “regret” from him...

...in 2004, two years after he spoke at David Duke’s convention, he voted against making Martin Luther King Day a state holiday.
I can apologize for mistakes I personally made. I can sympathize for mistakes others made. I cannot apologize for something I had no control over. Thats what makes apologies for slavery so stupid.

Not to mention - who would you apologize to? The slaves are all dead.
Ignorance and stupidity at the highest level.

This man Steve Scalise is a true patriot. I am proud to have him represent our state in such a high leadership position. Yes, Louisiana and our white people will do well with Scalise. The future is promising.

I mean really, why the hell would anybody need to apologize to current blacks for slavery? Nobody living today was alive back then!

GOP Rep. Scalise Once Killed a Bill Apologizing for Slavery Mediaite
Let's not forget that it was whites who also ENDED slavery. Blacks didn't do anything to fight for themselves.
Optics, ladies and gentlemen.
Absolutely meaningless. The kind of thing you say when you have nothing substantive.
No, it is a political reality. It does not matter if Scalise is a bigot or not. All that matters is if he is perceived as one.

As I said at the very beginning of the Scalise brouhaha, the muckrakers are going to dig and dig and dig, and if Scalise is a Nazi, the truth will out.

This shit is the best they can find. No smoking gun, but enough for the left wing outlets to pigeonhole him for internal consumption as a racist for their rubes.

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