I like Presidents who dont get FBI raids or plead the 5th

/-----/ So, one set of rules for democrats and another for their opponents. The only probable cause is that if Trump runs in 2024 - he will mop the floor with any democrat who runs.
Got probable cause? File your papers. Make it fair. :auiqs.jpg:
Well, your assumptions are horrible as usual. Graduated from high school and enlisted as E-3 in Nuclear Field, Only ET (Reactor Operator) selected of 27 "nukes" in my recruit company. Selected for NROTC scholarship after 9 months active duty. Attended major university majoring in engineering. Top Freshman academically and selected for ballistic missile submarine cruise. 1st midshipman in the Navy ever to qualify submarines. Graduated and commissioned as an officer, trained as Surface Warfare officer, and Nuclear Weapons officer. That's just the first 5 years of my career. Have a nice day, grunt!
With all the careers you claim you have had you have to be about 180 years old.
With all the careers you claim you have had you have to be about 180 years old.
I spent 16 years in the Navy, starting at age 17, nearly two at AT&T 21 years as a teacher and administrator, and 4 years as a civilian recruiting manager for the Army. I am 61 years old now. You just suck at math I guess! :abgg2q.jpg:
“If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” - Donald Trump

^^^ Proceeds to plead the 5th, 450 times during NY AG probe of his business!! LMAO
The number of times is irrelevant, you brain damaged turd. The prosecution lawyers asked that many inappropriate questions simply so morons like you could make a stupid statement like that.
For all we know, the FBI Raided Trumps home just for OPTICS. THey know there is nothing there, BUT THEY KNOW THAT THE MORONIC PUBLIC WILL REMEMBER THAT HIS HOUSE WAS RAIDED SO HE MUST HAVE BEEN UP TO NO GOOD.......Its like accusing the pope of armed robbery,,,,,,just the ALLEGATION of it will destroy him.
What is truly scary, is how the LEFT FLIPS EVERYTHING 180 DEGREES AND BLAMES THEIR CRIMES ON THE REPUBLICANS; they learned this from one of the Lefts chief propagandists : Goebbels under Hitler.
For all we know, the FBI Raided Trumps home just for OPTICS. THey know there is nothing there, BUT THEY KNOW THAT THE MORONIC PUBLIC WILL REMEMBER THAT HIS HOUSE WAS RAIDED SO HE MUST HAVE BEEN UP TO NO GOOD.......Its like accusing the pope of armed robbery,,,,,,just the ALLEGATION of it will destroy him.
What is truly scary, is how the LEFT FLIPS EVERYTHING 180 DEGREES AND BLAMES THEIR CRIMES ON THE REPUBLICANS; they learned this from one of the Lefts chief propagandists : Goebbels under Hitler.
/----/ Excellent points.
BLAMES THEIR CRIMES ON THE REPUBLICANS; they learned this from one of the Lefts chief propagandists : Goebbels under Hitler.

Oh Christ on a cracker.....we get another refugee from Stormfront and Daily Stormer?
Another wannabe Hitlerjugend?
How many of those sort wanna be on USMB?
To be totally blunt and honest.....I am all for the Jews replacing those dead-enders.

I like my presidents to be people who dont have to get their homes searched by law enforcement and dont need to plead the 5th in court . Biden is ok for now. For 2024, Im kinda liking either Liz Warren or Mayor Pete

You're oblivious
Trump being harassed by the FBI and having to use the constitutional protection of the Fifth Amendment, only means that he's doing a good job at pissing off you commie faggots.
If that were the case, pleading the Fifth won't help him. It tells us he's doing a shitty job.
A US President has NEVER had their home raided in US history...

....and instead of blaming the proven criminal, treasonous pitically partisan FBI that has been proven to have violated Constitution and law, tge FBI that violated the Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA Court, participated in a failed coup, and just perpetrated the 1st-ever raid on a US President...

....you want to blame Trump?

And none still haven't.
I like congresses that don't put innocent people through endless frivolous investigations that produce NOTHING. In 2022, for the first time in my life, I am voting a strict Republican party line and in 2024, it will be either Trump or DeSantis. I've had enough of democrat shenanigans for life and this is coming from a 50+ year democrat. They have been taken over by globalists. They are not Americans.
There is nothing innocent about stealing documents. What Trump did is a federal crime.

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