I Look Forward to Democrats All White Debate

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You know it’s coming.

All that woke diversity, inclusiveness, tolerance and socialism, only old rich white folks allowed.

Well, at least there will be a debate. Unlike on the other side of the aisle. You get to hold your nose (or not) and hope the stench doesn't take what's left of your integrity.

Nothing stinks about my choice for President. He smells like the fresh air of freedom. Promised made, promises kept.

You on the other hand, will have to hold your nose and vote for one of the the rich, white, old communists who promises you more free shit, but will never deliver what he or she promised.

It takes absolutely no integrity to vote for one of those shitheads.

The fresh air of what freedom?...war against people of color?..war against immigrants?..war against the weak and the vulnerable? That's not really promises made/kept, that's what he's been doing almost his entire adult life.

My point here is that he won't have to face other candidates in his party that could possibly make him look like the incompetent buffoon his is. If he gets pinned into even a modest policy debate, he's street pizza.

Oh yeah, and both parties never really deliver on what they promise. And the whole communist/free shit/socialism...blah, blah, blah?..just talking points for distraction.

So we should check you off for the commie vote.

Seriously, do you even know what the definition of communist is?..or are you just regurgitating the right wing talk radio/internet media talking points?
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You know it’s coming.

All that woke diversity, inclusiveness, tolerance and socialism, only old rich white folks allowed.

Well, at least there will be a debate. Unlike on the other side of the aisle. You get to hold your nose (or not) and hope the stench doesn't take what's left of your integrity.

Nothing stinks about my choice for President. He smells like the fresh air of freedom. Promised made, promises kept.

You on the other hand, will have to hold your nose and vote for one of the the rich, white, old communists who promises you more free shit, but will never deliver what he or she promised.

It takes absolutely no integrity to vote for one of those shitheads.

The fresh air of what freedom?...war against people of color?..war against immigrants?..war against the weak and the vulnerable? That's not really promises made/kept, that's what he's been doing almost his entire adult life.

My point here is that he won't have to face other candidates in his party that could possibly make him look like the incompetent buffoon his is. If he gets pinned into even a modest policy debate, he's street pizza.

Oh yeah, and both parties never really deliver on what they promise. And the whole communist/free shit/socialism...blah, blah, blah?..just talking points for distraction.

So we should check you off for the commie vote.

Seriously, do you even know what the definition of communist is?..or are you just regurgitating the right wing talk radio/internet media talking points?
Honeymoon in the USSR and covet Soviet doctrine?
View attachment 300103

You know it’s coming.

All that woke diversity, inclusiveness, tolerance and socialism, only old rich white folks allowed.

Well, at least there will be a debate. Unlike on the other side of the aisle. You get to hold your nose (or not) and hope the stench doesn't take what's left of your integrity.

Nothing stinks about my choice for President. He smells like the fresh air of freedom. Promised made, promises kept.

You on the other hand, will have to hold your nose and vote for one of the the rich, white, old communists who promises you more free shit, but will never deliver what he or she promised.

It takes absolutely no integrity to vote for one of those shitheads.

The fresh air of what freedom?...war against people of color?..war against immigrants?..war against the weak and the vulnerable? That's not really promises made/kept, that's what he's been doing almost his entire adult life.

My point here is that he won't have to face other candidates in his party that could possibly make him look like the incompetent buffoon his is. If he gets pinned into even a modest policy debate, he's street pizza.

Oh yeah, and both parties never really deliver on what they promise. And the whole communist/free shit/socialism...blah, blah, blah?..just talking points for distraction.

Regardless, Trump will win his second term in 2020, and there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop it from happening.

Might as well suck it up like a man, and go on with your life.

I wouldn't make book on that yet. Long way till November. As I've said in other threads, Trump will have the same mathematical issues he had in 2016. It will come down to the small number of independent voters in 5 or 6 key swing states. And I don't think despite his best efforts or most ardent longings, he'll get any assists this time.
Putin has it all taken care of.
Old Racist white cis gender candidates

I'm voting for the only viable candidate of color


Orange lives matter
Not to worry.

Twentysomethings today will be able to tell their future grandchildren: "I know that you cannot believe it, but way back in 2020, all the candidates for the president were Caucasians. This year, there may be one Caucasian on the debate stage tonight."
Now we watch the whities tonight try to out Leftard each other. They have no clue that everyone can hear what they say and will be played back over and over this summer.
View attachment 300103

You know it’s coming.

All that woke diversity, inclusiveness, tolerance and socialism, only old rich white folks allowed.

Honestly, I'm betting normal folks are sick of all this some bull shit. I'll relay a story. I work for a school district. I was at one of our high schools pulling a floor sink in an art class. The kids are amazing artist to. I love looking at what they made. On a wall I see this,


Wow, I was blown away and I asked if the kids did these water colors, I wows told no, and that they were prints of portraits that Adolpf Hitler had done. Holey shit! So we discussed how a guy with talent like that becomes or is borne one of the most evil people in history. How that clever mind and those skilled hands can be turned to such evil. So over the holidays I was with family and this topic came up. At one point, my dear old dad points out I work for a school district and talking about such things can cost me my job. At that, my Aunt, her hubby and most of the rest told him to fuck off and have another drink. All of these folks are democrats. This culture of shutting down tough conversations is not healthy. In the end Adolph Hitler was an evil man and a coward. He just painted good.
View attachment 300103

You know it’s coming.

All that woke diversity, inclusiveness, tolerance and socialism, only old rich white folks allowed.

They actually have one Asian and one Negro still in the race, but they won't allow either to participate.
Of course they keep the Asian and negro outside. It’s a Whites Only event.

Well, don't forget the Liz is part Indian. That must count for something.

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