I love how repubs think the Russia-Trump scandal has no merit yet they will believe any crap...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...Trump and his rag Breitbart will say about some imaginary wiretap. My god you will people will believe anything when it comes to deflecting away from Trump's bullshit.

I suppose that kind of childish immaturity is what you expect from Trump supporters. It's why they supported Trump to begin with
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...Trump and his rag Breitbart will say about some imaginary wiretap. My god you will people will believe anything when it comes to deflecting away from Trump's bullshit.

I suppose that kind of childish immaturity is what you expect from Trump supporters.
Mark levin who actually started this wire tap lie, admitted today that he has zero evidence that anything happened. he just made it all up to deflect
...Trump and his rag Breitbart will say about some imaginary wiretap. My god you will people will believe anything when it comes to deflecting away from Trump's bullshit.

I suppose that kind of childish immaturity is what you expect from Trump supporters. It's why they supported Trump to begin with
We can only go by what has been reported.
It's clear that there is no evidence of any involvement by the Trump Administration with Russia.
It's also clear that the Obama Administration said that Russia didn't do anything that effected the election.
We do know that the Obama White House applied twice to the FISA court to spy on Trump Tower.
We do know that members of the previous administration released reports to the media about phone conversations between Trump Campaign officials and Russian diplomats and that meetings were arranged by Obama between the two as part of the transition period.

We can only go by what is reported. However, you believe every God Damned thing the biased media says without any evidence.

So this OP is an epic fail.
...Trump and his rag Breitbart will say about some imaginary wiretap. My god you will people will believe anything when it comes to deflecting away from Trump's bullshit.

I suppose that kind of childish immaturity is what you expect from Trump supporters. It's why they supported Trump to begin with
We can only go by what has been reported.
It's clear that there is no evidence of any involvement by the Trump Administration with Russia.
It's also clear that the Obama Administration said that Russia didn't do anything that effected the election.
We do know that the Obama White House applied twice to the FISA court to spy on Trump Tower.
We do know that members of the previous administration released reports to the media about phone conversations between Trump Campaign officials and Russian diplomats and that meetings were arranged by Obama between the two as part of the transition period.

We can only go by what is reported. However, you believe every God Damned thing the biased media says without any evidence.

So this OP is an epic fail.
speaking of evidence:

It's clear that there is no evidence of any involvement by the Trump Administration with Russia.
It's also clear that the Obama Administration said that Russia didn't do anything that effected the election.
The 'Russia' narrative is a liberal McCarthy-esque attempt to demonize Trump, undermine the current US govt, and distract from the fact their leaked hacked e-mails exposed them as racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semites...and the whole thing backfired by exposing 32 Dems who met / exchanged gifts with Russians AND as an added bonus exposed Obama's criminal actsin an attempt to undermine the current government.

...Trump and his rag Breitbart will say about some imaginary wiretap. My god you will people will believe anything when it comes to deflecting away from Trump's bullshit.

I suppose that kind of childish immaturity is what you expect from Trump supporters. It's why they supported Trump to begin with
Awwww.....ignored snowflake....
The 'Russia' narrative is a liberal McCarthy-esque attempt to demonize Trump, undermine the current US govt, and distract from the fact their leaked hacked e-mails exposed them as racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semites...and the whole thing backfired by exposing 32 Dems who met / exchanged gifts with Russians AND as an added bonus exposed Obama's criminal actsin an attempt to undermine the current government.

Why did Sessions, lie, partner
Why did they meet with russians before being sworn in to office
How many trumps met with the russians
Inquiring minds want to know
The 'Russia' narrative is a liberal McCarthy-esque attempt to demonize Trump, undermine the current US govt, and distract from the fact their leaked hacked e-mails exposed them as racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semites...and the whole thing backfired by exposing 32 Dems who met / exchanged gifts with Russians AND as an added bonus exposed Obama's criminal actsin an attempt to undermine the current government.


a direct trump talking point
There is no proof Obama ordered Trumps phones tapped nor is there any proof that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia yet the loons from both sides will continue to spread this bullshit and the morons in the media will continue to fan the flames of this idiocy. All of this is the perfect example of why people have no faith in government and no trust in the media.
There is no proof Obama ordered Trumps phones tapped nor is there any proof that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia yet the loons from both sides will continue to spread this bullshit and the morons in the media will continue to fan the flames of this idiocy. All of this is the perfect example of why people have no faith in government and no trust in the media.
Your point is probably true.
But when there's a blowing blizzard outside, what else is there to do?
The 'Russia' narrative is a liberal McCarthy-esque attempt to demonize Trump, undermine the current US govt, and distract from the fact their leaked hacked e-mails exposed them as racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semites...and the whole thing backfired by exposing 32 Dems who met / exchanged gifts with Russians AND as an added bonus exposed Obama's criminal actsin an attempt to undermine the current government.

Why did Sessions, lie, partner
Why did they meet with russians before being sworn in to office
How many trumps met with the russians
Inquiring minds want to know
So I take it you voted for Romney?
There is no proof Obama ordered Trumps phones tapped nor is there any proof that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia yet the loons from both sides will continue to spread this bullshit and the morons in the media will continue to fan the flames of this idiocy. All of this is the perfect example of why people have no faith in government and no trust in the media.
Your point is probably true.
But when there's a blowing blizzard outside, what else is there to do?
I look at naked women online but that's just me.:biggrin:
I think this week is gonna be HUGE. We will probably get some answers either way.
Obamas going to jail. Sorry bout that, just had to say that

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The bottom line is that the Obama administration/DNC thoughtthey could do anything they wanted thinking HRC was going to win the election.
Now they don't have the legal umbrella to protect themselves from all the improper/illegal decisions that were made.
Why did Sessions, lie, partner
Why did they meet with russians before being sworn in to office
How many trumps met with the russians
Inquiring minds want to know

Sessions did not lie.

Why did who meet with Russia?

None of the Trump administration met with Russia as an official before Trump was elected, as to AFTER, Expected cabinet members are always introduced to Officials from most relevant countries especially those with the clout Russia has in the UN, and NATO the same was true of ohitasses administration.

Only lying stinking shit democrat talking points vomiters want to keep a lie going to save their asses from execution for TREASON.

Any other questions to slap your LIES down?
The Trump-Russia scandal was so deep that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. Left-wingers are the dumbest fucking shits on the planet.
Nobody in the justice dept or congress claims that there is any merit to the Russia-Trump scandal so it seems that lefties will believe any crap.

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