I love this image.

You people couldn’t ignore Trump if you tried. Further, you people care more about what the rest of the World thinks of us vs. what many Americans think.
"You people care more about what the rest of the World thinks of us vs. what many Trumptard Deplorable think," is more accurate. To which I say "abso-bloody-lutely...Why would anybody care what a bunch of white trailer-trash, anti-vax, conspiracy theory whackadoodles think?"
There are two reasons, but I don't really know which one tickles my fancy. It's either because Merkel looks like a school teacher telling off a little boy, or it's Trump's defiant-looking "I-don't-give-a-shit" attitude. Then there is the secondary players like the Japanese Prime Minister. It's like he's looking at Merkel and thinking, "do you best, I've tried", or "I told you so, there's no getting through to him". God knows what Bolton is saying. The guy on the left looks like a priest about to give the last rites. Who to, I don't know.

Anyway, Merkel bows out. I know conservative Americans hate her, but she will go down as one of the leading lights of democracy. One of the few Western leaders who stood up to Putin and didn't take shit from Britain when it hit the Brexit button.
View attachment 541606

Merkel is a Nazi thug.
It's got nothing to do with politics so I guess desperate times call for unflattering photos of the former president.
Humanitarian aid my ass. All she did was inflict a pack of freeloaders on her tax paying citizens. Those freeloaders cause nothing but trouble and take every dime they can get.

Do you mean because these Syrian refugees are Semitic Mideasterners?
Do you think the Germans instead should round them up and put them in camps?
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Examples of how they were shit.
Build a wall? Really? On one of the porous borders in the world? You're going to waste literally 100s of billions of dollars on a wall that would never work. You do realise that the VAST majority - VAST - of illegals initially arrive in the US legally on temporary Visas. You do know that, right? Sure, it looks good visually. But while your public hospitals are getting overcrowded due to COVID, just remember those billions of dollars being thrown away on a useless wall.

Tariffs on China? He didn't know that the tariffs were on your own goods. He thought he was charging China. How fucking dumb is he?
Build a wall? Really? On one of the porous borders in the world? You're going to waste literally 100s of billions of dollars on a wall that would never work. You do realise that the VAST majority - VAST - of illegals initially arrive in the US legally on temporary Visas. You do know that, right? Sure, it looks good visually. But while your public hospitals are getting overcrowded due to COVID, just remember those billions of dollars being thrown away on a useless wall.

Tariffs on China? He didn't know that the tariffs were on your own goods. He thought he was charging China. How fucking dumb is he?
Walls work. Pretty sure your house has doors and locks. He was right about China. Don’t have the time or patience to teach you about foreign trade. See the disaster we have at the border now?
There are two reasons, but I don't really know which one tickles my fancy. It's either because Merkel looks like a school teacher telling off a little boy, or it's Trump's defiant-looking "I-don't-give-a-shit" attitude. Then there is the secondary players like the Japanese Prime Minister. It's like he's looking at Merkel and thinking, "do you best, I've tried", or "I told you so, there's no getting through to him". God knows what Bolton is saying. The guy on the left looks like a priest about to give the last rites. Who to, I don't know.

Anyway, Merkel bows out. I know conservative Americans hate her, but she will go down as one of the leading lights of democracy. One of the few Western leaders who stood up to Putin and didn't take shit from Britain when it hit the Brexit button.
View attachment 541606
It’s the image of an incompetent, unprepared neophyte with no understanding of foreign policy or international relations.

It’s the image of a reckless, irresponsible autocrat who as a consequence of his ignorance and stupidity is willing to betray America’s allies and pander to a common enemy – in particular, Putin.

And it’s the image of a failed, feckless ‘president’ thankfully voted out of office because he is incompetent and unfit to hold office.
Build a wall? Really? On one of the porous borders in the world? You're going to waste literally 100s of billions of dollars on a wall that would never work. You do realise that the VAST majority - VAST - of illegals initially arrive in the US legally on temporary Visas. You do know that, right? Sure, it looks good visually. But while your public hospitals are getting overcrowded due to COVID, just remember those billions of dollars being thrown away on a useless wall.

Tariffs on China? He didn't know that the tariffs were on your own goods. He thought he was charging China. How fucking dumb is he?

I agree with you on walls, but tariffs not only work, there is nothing else.
The Chinese merchandise is wiping out our unions.
There are two reasons, but I don't really know which one tickles my fancy. It's either because Merkel looks like a school teacher telling off a little boy, or it's Trump's defiant-looking "I-don't-give-a-shit" attitude. Then there is the secondary players like the Japanese Prime Minister. It's like he's looking at Merkel and thinking, "do you best, I've tried", or "I told you so, there's no getting through to him". God knows what Bolton is saying. The guy on the left looks like a priest about to give the last rites. Who to, I don't know.

Anyway, Merkel bows out. I know conservative Americans hate her, but she will go down as one of the leading lights of democracy. One of the few Western leaders who stood up to Putin and didn't take shit from Britain when it hit the Brexit button.
View attachment 541606

I read "Golly, I read this picture like this to suit my personal opinions about stuff, and Merkel is a hero."
"You people care more about what the rest of the World thinks of us vs. what many Trumptard Deplorable think," is more accurate. To which I say "abso-bloody-lutely...Why would anybody care what a bunch of white trailer-trash, anti-vax, conspiracy theory whackadoodles think?"
Why should I care what a bunch of new world order ingrates think of US? Those people you call “deplorable” and “white trash” are still fellow Americans. As for the anti-vax part, you might want to address that with the large number of minorities who are not vaccinated. You people live for control over minorities and yet they have their reservations about vaccinations.

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