I love when people talk about "equal rights" when it comes to gay marraige


VIP Member
Oct 31, 2012
but have zero problem with "equality" when it comes to some people having money taken from them and other having money given to them. That's some equality lulz
Personally I don't thing that sex between two adults is anyone's business but theirs. On the other hand I don't think you should have ANY rights based on who you have sex with.
Gay guys have the same right to mary a woman that I do. That's equality.
if they dont want to pay taxes they can move to another country.

they do it all the time
if they dont want to pay taxes they can move to another country.

they do it all the time

They'd have to renounce their citizenship too, because along with North Korea, the USA is one of 2 places in the world that tax your income (labor) when you make money outside of the country's borders.
but have zero problem with "equality" when it comes to some people having money taken from them and other having money given to them. That's some equality lulz

Care to explain that logical fallacy further?

I'm hardcore conservative and favor gays having equality.

but have zero problem with "equality" when it comes to some people having money taken from them and other having money given to them. That's some equality lulz

Care to explain that logical fallacy further?

I'm hardcore conservative and favor gays having equality.


I favor them having "equality" too. I favor government getting out of the marriage game completely. What I'm saying is that you frequently hear modern Democrats crying foul because gay people can't get married and straight people can, but you never hear them cry foul because some people are forced to contribute to the welfare state, while others are not made to contribute but only receive. IMO no welfare for anyone unless everyone contributes equally and everyone gets equal benefits, regardless of need.
No one is forced to pay taxes.

you have the freedom to leave.

This country asks the people who benifit to pay the cost of running the government.

if they dont want to the are free to leave.

I pay taxes.

I get the benifit of roads and schools along with many other great infrastructure investiments.

if you dont want to pay for them then you can leave and allow the people who do pay for them to benifit from their investiment in the country
Sorry to douse the flames, but civil marriage is a type of legal contract for the protection of CHILDREN. The government has no legitimate interest in whether consenting adults love each other, have sex with each other or live together. The real issue is whether the government should confer certain tax advantages designed to benefit children (e.g., joint tax returns so that one parent can stay at home) on heterosexual couples without children while withholding it from other couples who do have minor children.
Personally I don't thing that sex between two adults is anyone's business but theirs. On the other hand I don't think you should have ANY rights based on who you have sex with.

Just what do you think marriage gives you exactly?
Sorry to douse the flames, but civil marriage is a type of legal contract for the protection of CHILDREN. The government has no legitimate interest in whether consenting adults love each other, have sex with each other or live together. The real issue is whether the government should confer certain tax advantages designed to benefit children (e.g., joint tax returns so that one parent can stay at home) on heterosexual couples without children while withholding it from other couples who do have minor children.

No it isn't. It's tax contract. It has little to nothing to do with children.
but have zero problem with "equality" when it comes to some people having money taken from them and other having money given to them. That's some equality lulz

Care to explain that logical fallacy further?

I'm hardcore conservative and favor gays having equality.


I favor them having "equality" too. I favor government getting out of the marriage game completely. What I'm saying is that you frequently hear modern Democrats crying foul because gay people can't get married and straight people can, but you never hear them cry foul because some people are forced to contribute to the welfare state, while others are not made to contribute but only receive. IMO no welfare for anyone unless everyone contributes equally and everyone gets equal benefits, regardless of need.

I don't hear Republicans complain because some people are forced to contribute to a couple of wars.

Your illogic has giant holes in it.

but have zero problem with "equality" when it comes to some people having money taken from them and other having money given to them. That's some equality lulz

No comparison, people vs. stuff. You're worried about your stuff. I worry about personal freedom, stuff is secondary.
Sorry to douse the flames, but civil marriage is a type of legal contract for the protection of CHILDREN. The government has no legitimate interest in whether consenting adults love each other, have sex with each other or live together. The real issue is whether the government should confer certain tax advantages designed to benefit children (e.g., joint tax returns so that one parent can stay at home) on heterosexual couples without children while withholding it from other couples who do have minor children.

not just kids but property and possesion laws.

its a legal shortcut to combining your finances with someone.

why shouldnt that be allowed to any two Americans regraudless of why and who?
Personally, I believe there should be no tax deductions or credits or subsidies or loopholes or whatever you want to call them.

None. Zip. Nada. Zero.

It does not get more equal than that.

And if a Congressman cannot tinker with the tax code, it makes it much more difficult and pointless to buy one. Then you just have to watch out for regulation capture.

Care to explain that logical fallacy further?

I'm hardcore conservative and favor gays having equality.


I favor them having "equality" too. I favor government getting out of the marriage game completely. What I'm saying is that you frequently hear modern Democrats crying foul because gay people can't get married and straight people can, but you never hear them cry foul because some people are forced to contribute to the welfare state, while others are not made to contribute but only receive. IMO no welfare for anyone unless everyone contributes equally and everyone gets equal benefits, regardless of need.

I don't hear Republicans complain because some people are forced to contribute to a couple of wars.

Your illogic has giant holes in it.


You assume incorrectly that I am a Republican. I completely agree that we shouldn't maintain our current foreign policy. The word is "defense" not "offense".

but have zero problem with "equality" when it comes to some people having money taken from them and other having money given to them. That's some equality lulz

No comparison, people vs. stuff. You're worried about your stuff. I worry about personal freedom, stuff is secondary.

I'm talking about people. You may look at money as "stuff" but it is stuff that is obtained via people and their LABOR. Taxing my labor is taxing people, you are taxing ME. Personal freedom is the ability to not contribute or benefit from all this ridiculous shit if I don't want to.
if they dont want to pay taxes they can move to another country.

they do it all the time

then the 47% of youse who pay no federal taxes should start packing.

Wouldn't you be telling a lot of Republicans to leave? After all, they should be grateful to the party for the tax cuts that made them part of the 47%. We'd be rid of all those unsightly old people and disabled vets, too. We're really getting somewhere with your plan, aren't we? Pretty soon it'll be just me and you and I'm not too sure about you. :doubt:

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