I love when people talk about "equal rights" when it comes to gay marraige

No one is forced to pay taxes.

you have the freedom to leave.

This country asks the people who benifit to pay the cost of running the government.

if they dont want to the are free to leave.

I pay taxes.

I get the benifit of roads and schools along with many other great infrastructure investiments.

if you dont want to pay for them then you can leave and allow the people who do pay for them to benifit from their investiment in the country

By that logic we can end all pollution laws because no one is forced to breathe, they cal always leave.

Believe it or not, roads and bridges would exist even if the government did not pay for them, and everyone would still benefit from them. Pointing out that you benefit from roads in relation to taxes makes almost as much sense as pointing out that you benefit from the internet.

Who would build those roads, and bridges though?

Didn't the internet come about from Government funded research..

Oh wait, yes it did.

You are ACTIVELY benefiting from taxes just by talking to us. You might as well stop using the internet on principle.
Sorry to douse the flames, but civil marriage is a type of legal contract for the protection of CHILDREN. The government has no legitimate interest in whether consenting adults love each other, have sex with each other or live together. The real issue is whether the government should confer certain tax advantages designed to benefit children (e.g., joint tax returns so that one parent can stay at home) on heterosexual couples without children while withholding it from other couples who do have minor children.

If that were true it wouldn't apply to people who don't have children, nor would apply once all the children are grown. Since neither of those is true your argument is null.
No one is forced to pay taxes.

you have the freedom to leave.

This country asks the people who benifit to pay the cost of running the government.

if they dont want to the are free to leave.

I pay taxes.

I get the benifit of roads and schools along with many other great infrastructure investiments.

if you dont want to pay for them then you can leave and allow the people who do pay for them to benifit from their investiment in the country

By that logic we can end all pollution laws because no one is forced to breathe, they cal always leave.

Believe it or not, roads and bridges would exist even if the government did not pay for them, and everyone would still benefit from them. Pointing out that you benefit from roads in relation to taxes makes almost as much sense as pointing out that you benefit from the internet.

Who would build those roads, and bridges though?

Didn't the internet come about from Government funded research..

Oh wait, yes it did.

You are ACTIVELY benefiting from taxes just by talking to us. You might as well stop using the internet on principle.

Government does not build or pay for (lol government has no money) roads. There are countless success stories of private roads working perfectly in America as we speak. I link this meme every chance I get cuz it is hilarious so here:


Just because there are a few benefits doesn't mean taking my liberty via taxation on my labor is just. If we got rid of all cars there would be a few benefits (less pollution, less accidents, etc) but I doubt you'd wanna do that...
By that logic we can end all pollution laws because no one is forced to breathe, they cal always leave.

Believe it or not, roads and bridges would exist even if the government did not pay for them, and everyone would still benefit from them. Pointing out that you benefit from roads in relation to taxes makes almost as much sense as pointing out that you benefit from the internet.

Who would build those roads, and bridges though?

Didn't the internet come about from Government funded research..

Oh wait, yes it did.

You are ACTIVELY benefiting from taxes just by talking to us. You might as well stop using the internet on principle.

Government does not build or pay for (lol government has no money) roads. There are countless success stories of private roads working perfectly in America as we speak. I link this meme every chance I get cuz it is hilarious so here:


Just because there are a few benefits doesn't mean taking my liberty via taxation on my labor is just. If we got rid of all cars there would be a few benefits (less pollution, less accidents, etc) but I doubt you'd wanna do that...

How about we refund you the portion of your income taxes that goes to infrastructure, and in return, you are prohibited from using any of it?
How about if you pay no federal income taxes, you don't get to use any infrastructure??
Personally I don't thing that sex between two adults is anyone's business but theirs. On the other hand I don't think you should have ANY rights based on who you have sex with.

so should they or shouldn't they be allowed the exact same rights as everyone else?
How about if you pay no federal income taxes, you don't get to use any infrastructure??

Any infrastructure not built by a private company? I'm down. I'm sure the poor dumb private sector wouldn't be able to replicate anything I'd be missing out on (not that I can think of anything).
Personally I don't thing that sex between two adults is anyone's business but theirs. On the other hand I don't think you should have ANY rights based on who you have sex with.

so should they or shouldn't they be allowed the exact same rights as everyone else?

Right to same tax rates?? Yep
Right to power of attorney for medical decisions?? Yep
Right to inheritance?? Yep
Etc etc etc in terms of things government is supposed to control

Right to force others to accept you or not 'discriminate' because they don't agree with something you do or choose to live in a certain manner?? Nope.. Because we discriminate against others for choices every day in our every day lives.... It is this whole 'recognize us or else' thing that turns most people the hell off
but have zero problem with "equality" when it comes to some people having money taken from them and other having money given to them. That's some equality lulz

Ummm...since the vast majority....I'm talking HUGE...of us pay taxes.....your twisted ideas are really irrelevant.

Furhtermore....since most(I won't say all) gays are taxpaying citizens and contribute to our society, shouldn't they be afforded the same right to marry the person they love as straight people do?

You see? You don't give a shit about liberty.....just yourself.
but have zero problem with "equality" when it comes to some people having money taken from them and other having money given to them. That's some equality lulz

Care to explain that logical fallacy further?

I'm hardcore conservative and favor gays having equality.


Basing "equality" on sexual choice is even dumber than basing it on skin color. The intelligent solution is to demand the government stop regulating marriage, not to expand their monitoring of people's actions.

Saying sexual orientation is a choice is what is actually dumb.

but have zero problem with "equality" when it comes to some people having money taken from them and other having money given to them. That's some equality lulz

Ummm...since the vast majority....I'm talking HUGE...of us pay taxes.....your twisted ideas are really irrelevant.

Furhtermore....since most(I won't say all) gays are taxpaying citizens and contribute to our society, shouldn't they be afforded the same right to marry the person they love as straight people do?

You see? You don't give a shit about liberty.....just yourself.

Okay. Let's start with part 1. 46% don't pay federal income tax (aka taking my labor aka slavery). They pay other taxes yes, but not the biggest tax, and they are more commonly than not, the very people receiving the welfare for example. The people paying the top couple of brackets aren't receiving the benefit of the redistribution.

When did I ever say gay people should not be able to get married? If you want the truth of the matter, the government has no right in any marriage, gay or straight. I like how you just make an assumption and then insult me though, classy.
Care to explain that logical fallacy further?

I'm hardcore conservative and favor gays having equality.


Basing "equality" on sexual choice is even dumber than basing it on skin color. The intelligent solution is to demand the government stop regulating marriage, not to expand their monitoring of people's actions.

Saying sexual orientation is a choice is what is actually dumb.


There is zero scientific evidence that sexual orientation is not a choice, so calling me dumb for sticking with a perfectly valid opinion until actual evidence comes along is not dumb.
but have zero problem with "equality" when it comes to some people having money taken from them and other having money given to them. That's some equality lulz

Ummm...since the vast majority....I'm talking HUGE...of us pay taxes.....your twisted ideas are really irrelevant.

Furhtermore....since most(I won't say all) gays are taxpaying citizens and contribute to our society, shouldn't they be afforded the same right to marry the person they love as straight people do?

You see? You don't give a shit about liberty.....just yourself.

Okay. Let's start with part 1. 46% don't pay federal income tax (aka taking my labor aka slavery). They pay other taxes yes, but not the biggest tax, and they are more commonly than not, the very people receiving the welfare for example. The people paying the top couple of brackets aren't receiving the benefit of the redistribution.

When did I ever say gay people should not be able to get married? If you want the truth of the matter, the government has no right in any marriage, gay or straight. I like how you just make an assumption and then insult me though, classy.

Because YOU started the fucking thread, perhaps.....and YOU are the one making the comparison?
Ummm...since the vast majority....I'm talking HUGE...of us pay taxes.....your twisted ideas are really irrelevant.

Furhtermore....since most(I won't say all) gays are taxpaying citizens and contribute to our society, shouldn't they be afforded the same right to marry the person they love as straight people do?

You see? You don't give a shit about liberty.....just yourself.

Okay. Let's start with part 1. 46% don't pay federal income tax (aka taking my labor aka slavery). They pay other taxes yes, but not the biggest tax, and they are more commonly than not, the very people receiving the welfare for example. The people paying the top couple of brackets aren't receiving the benefit of the redistribution.

When did I ever say gay people should not be able to get married? If you want the truth of the matter, the government has no right in any marriage, gay or straight. I like how you just make an assumption and then insult me though, classy.

Because YOU started the fucking thread, perhaps.....and YOU are the one making the comparison?

But you made up the idea that I don't support gays being able to do whatever the fuck they want. In fact, I'm so in favor of freedom, I'm saying welfare should go away and taxation should go away so I can do what I want with my property! herp derp
Okay. Let's start with part 1. 46% don't pay federal income tax (aka taking my labor aka slavery). They pay other taxes yes, but not the biggest tax, and they are more commonly than not, the very people receiving the welfare for example. The people paying the top couple of brackets aren't receiving the benefit of the redistribution.

When did I ever say gay people should not be able to get married? If you want the truth of the matter, the government has no right in any marriage, gay or straight. I like how you just make an assumption and then insult me though, classy.

Because YOU started the fucking thread, perhaps.....and YOU are the one making the comparison?

But you made up the idea that I don't support gays being able to do whatever the fuck they want. In fact, I'm so in favor of freedom, I'm saying welfare should go away and taxation should go away so I can do what I want with my property! herp derp

So....you're cool with people starving in the street....got it. What about their freedom to survive in the country where everything costs so much?..unless you want a 32" flat screen or some other unessential drivel that you can pick up for a couple hundred dollars....but real necessities? housing, food, clothing, education, health care, utilities? That shit don't come cheap. It's a huge burden for even middle class families, let alone impoverished ones.

I know....you don't care. But most of us do to one extent or another.....and don't give me the "voluntary charity" thing. Your doesn't give the impression of the charitable type.
Basing "equality" on sexual choice is even dumber than basing it on skin color. The intelligent solution is to demand the government stop regulating marriage, not to expand their monitoring of people's actions.

Saying sexual orientation is a choice is what is actually dumb.


There is zero scientific evidence that sexual orientation is not a choice, so calling me dumb for sticking with a perfectly valid opinion until actual evidence comes along is not dumb.

Wow. It just gets dumber and dumber!

This is an Argument From Ignorance logical fallacy.

You made the claim sexual orientation is a choice, and so the burden of proof is on you to prove it is, not for others to prove the negative.

When did you choose not to be gay?

And whether or not someone chooses to be gay is yet another red herring that has nothing to do with whether a person has a right to equal protection of the laws.
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Because YOU started the fucking thread, perhaps.....and YOU are the one making the comparison?

But you made up the idea that I don't support gays being able to do whatever the fuck they want. In fact, I'm so in favor of freedom, I'm saying welfare should go away and taxation should go away so I can do what I want with my property! herp derp

So....you're cool with people starving in the street....got it. What about their freedom to survive in the country where everything costs so much?..unless you want a 32" flat screen or some other unessential drivel that you can pick up for a couple hundred dollars....but real necessities? housing, food, clothing, education, health care, utilities? That shit don't come cheap. It's a huge burden for even middle class families, let alone impoverished ones.

I know....you don't care. But most of us do to one extent or another.....and don't give me the "voluntary charity" thing. Your doesn't give the impression of the charitable type.

Man you are mad. Why do you say rude shit? I care plenty, I just don't want to be robbed is that so bad? If I steal your wallet and buy my starving friend lunch we cool?

How exactly is eliminating taxes or welfare taking away people's ability to survive? I donate to charity, so can you, so can Warren Buffett. You can give 100% of your money if you want instead of whatever tax bracket you pay. You act like welfare even works? Welfare is at unheard of levels and poverty keeps increasing. Hmm
How about we refund you the portion of your income taxes that goes to infrastructure, and in return, you are prohibited from using any of it?

Your argument is completely broken because there is no viable alternative available in those areas where the government has taken over the means of production, and that is precisely the problem.

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How about we refund you the portion of your income taxes that goes to infrastructure, and in return, you are prohibited from using any of it?

This is exactly what school vouchers are all about. Refund the taxpayer their public school tax money and let them use it for private schools.

Right now, a person has to pay income taxes for public school infrastructure, and then if they want to utilize a private school, they have to pay yet more money out of their pocket.

The government is stifling competition in our education system right when we are in most dire need of it.

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