I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Kat I get the same thing. I cannot make them understand that Trump supporters are NOT voting for him because he's conservative, liberal, progressive, or any other ideological label they want to slap on him. Trump supporters are voting for Trump because of the policies he runs on. Call it progressive, left wing, right wing, or bottom wing...they/we don't care.
Kat I get the same thing. I cannot make them understand that Trump supporters are NOT voting for him because he's conservative, liberal, progressive, or any other ideological label they want to slap on him. Trump supporters are voting for Trump because of the policies he runs on. Call it progressive, left wing, right wing, or bottom wing...they/we don't care.
That is a bullshit post because Trump changes his position on everything all day everyday.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Kat I get the same thing. I cannot make them understand that Trump supporters are NOT voting for him because he's conservative, liberal, progressive, or any other ideological label they want to slap on him. Trump supporters are voting for Trump because of the policies he runs on. Call it progressive, left wing, right wing, or bottom wing...they/we don't care.
That is a bullshit post because Trump changes his position on everything all day everyday.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
No this is a bullshit post because this is your opinion :lol:
Trump is the PERFECT guy to do it. Why? Because he cares nothing about pandering to Republican's/Democrats. He'll do whats right for this country and all American's. If that means "throwing his party under the bus" to get something done he will do it. That's the kind of President we need. Some one beholden to no one but the American people. You will not find another politician willing to go against his/her own party for the benefit of the country. They are worried about being re-elected and keeping their donors/lobbyists/special interests happy. Trump needs nothing. He can go back to his life in the private sector and be perfectly fine. His life will be even better actually (financially that is). He gains NOTHING by playing by the "rules" of Washington because he already has everything.

The man can't be bought and that scares the shit out the Washington elites and the rich and powerful. They are fucked under a Trump presidency. They stand to lose billions and a shit ton of influence. The neocons will not be able to drag us into pointless wars anymore and we have a good chance of having a better relationship with Russia. No more beating the cold war drums. The gig is up under Trump.

I don't hate anyone synth. Hate is a strong word. I don't know Mrs. Clinton, but she seems like a very nice woman. I like her in that aspect, but she is not fit to run the country at this time.

Great post, and I couldn't agree more. (well except the liking Hillary part ). If I come even close to saying the above, I am attacked. Everyone believes in our right to believe and vote as we see fit..........as long as we vote for who they want us to vote for. ;)
Kat, I have no problem with you voting for Trump. But if you do, don't ever call yourself a conservative again. Because the two are not compatible on any level.

HT that would be your opinion. Not mine. I am getting a little tired of people and their labels. I know what I am, and know what I am not. What I believe, and what I do not.
Trump is not a conservative. So I do hope you are not alluding to him being one . Voting against hillary is one thing but voting for Trump whole heartedly and ignoring how progressive he is is another.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I'd like to know where I said any of that. I really am getting tired of being labeled, and told who I should or should not vote for. I do not do that to anyone else. I think we all have the right to vote how we see fit, even if we disagree with one another.
Where did I tell you who to vote for? I leave that to the trumpets. I just said don't blow smoke up my ass and tell me I am seeing sunshine. The only reason for a conservative to vote trump is because he is not Clinton. Some of us need more then that

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Kat I get the same thing. I cannot make them understand that Trump supporters are NOT voting for him because he's conservative, liberal, progressive, or any other ideological label they want to slap on him. Trump supporters are voting for Trump because of the policies he runs on. Call it progressive, left wing, right wing, or bottom wing...they/we don't care.
That is a bullshit post because Trump changes his position on everything all day everyday.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
No this is a bullshit post because this is your opinion [emoji38]
Well that kool-aid must be good since it makes you guys retarded and to ignore what Donald Trump actually says

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Trump isn't the guy to do it. He doesn't have the knowledge or the discipline. And I firmly believe he's a sociopath with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I'm fine with an outsider to shake up the system. But it has to be someone who instills confidence from both sides.

You may not hate Hillary, but hatred of her often goes hand in hand with opposing her.
Trump is the PERFECT guy to do it. Why? Because he cares nothing about pandering to Republican's/Democrats. He'll do whats right for this country and all American's. If that means "throwing his party under the bus" to get something done he will do it. That's the kind of President we need. Some one beholden to no one but the American people. You will not find another politician willing to go against his/her own party for the benefit of the country. They are worried about being re-elected and keeping their donors/lobbyists/special interests happy. Trump needs nothing. He can go back to his life in the private sector and be perfectly fine. His life will be even better actually (financially that is). He gains NOTHING by playing by the "rules" of Washington because he already has everything.

The man can't be bought and that scares the shit out the Washington elites and the rich and powerful. They are fucked under a Trump presidency. They stand to lose billions and a shit ton of influence. The neocons will not be able to drag us into pointless wars anymore and we have a good chance of having a better relationship with Russia. No more beating the cold war drums. The gig is up under Trump.

I don't hate anyone synth. Hate is a strong word. I don't know Mrs. Clinton, but she seems like a very nice woman. I like her in that aspect, but she is not fit to run the country at this time.

Yes, this is the Trump fan's line: he can't be bought, he doesn't need anything, yada yada yada.

Let's take a couple of your points:

If he's so rich (he's not), why did he need to give campaign contributions to get special favors? And since he's now saying that Hillary is all about pay to play, and that's illegal, hasn't Trump committed crimes by giving contributions (pay) to get special favors (play)?

Please point to ANYTHING in Trump's career, dating back to the early 1980s, that indicates that he cares about the country, rather than just caring about enriching himself. Because he says so in a political speech? Please.

You say he can go back to private life and actually be better off financially. After everything that has come out (with much more to come, believe me) who in their right mind would ever go into business with him again? This is a guy whose standard business tactic was to order things (tablecloths for his casinos, etc.) with the Trump logo, then refuse delivery unless the small business owner lowered the price. That's unethical, and put more than one small business owner out of business, and created real hardships for others. So why do you now believe he's going to be a champion for small business? Because he says so in a political speech? Please.

He's already suffering financially because of his campaign: bookings at his hotels have plummeted. Because the types of people who can afford $500+ per night on a hotel room are successful, educated people who see through his bullshit, and know better than to believe his promises.
1988..... here's your proof that he cares for the country. Listen to the whole thing.

I can't watch it right now, but if it doesn't include something he's DONE, rather than just him yapping about what he wants to do, it's a waste of time.

I want to know what he's done. Actions, not words. Because we see how much his words mean.

Dude he was in the private sector and you said point to "ANYTHING in Trump's career, dating back to the early 1980s, that indicates that he cares about the country, rather than just caring about enriching himself"

I do it and you change the stipulations and won't watch it. wtf man?

I said I can't watch it - not won't watch it.

I will watch it - just can't do so until later tonight.

(what does being in the private sector have to do with whether he cares about the country or not?)
Two words for ya... TED CRUZ!

Sigh. Boss...you know I love ya, but Cruz did not win the nomination.

Yes, I am aware he didn't win the nomination. I was asked to name a politician who would go against his own party for the sake of the country... Ted Cruz did just that.

Trump, on the other hand, endorsed 3 establishment candidates this week.
Funny how teabaggers like Ryan are now 'establishment'.

Ugggg! He was Mittens Romney's freaking running mate!

Yes - Mitt was the establishment half, Ryan was the teabagger half.
Conservatives haven't done anything conservative except expand government, get us into senseless wars, drive up debt and fund open borders. If Trump isn't a conservative I'm pretty sure that's a good thing

No.. Conservatives didn't do any of that.... Neocons did. There IS a difference. George Bush... both of them... were Neocons. Dubya was also a social conservative. These are ideologues who claim refuge under the conservative banner but they are not philosophical constitutional conservatives.

I am not even sure Bush was a social conservative. I know for sure Laura was.is not.
He talked the talk, like all Republicans. They never walk the walk, including Reagan.
Trump is the PERFECT guy to do it. Why? Because he cares nothing about pandering to Republican's/Democrats. He'll do whats right for this country and all American's. If that means "throwing his party under the bus" to get something done he will do it. That's the kind of President we need. Some one beholden to no one but the American people. You will not find another politician willing to go against his/her own party for the benefit of the country. They are worried about being re-elected and keeping their donors/lobbyists/special interests happy. Trump needs nothing. He can go back to his life in the private sector and be perfectly fine. His life will be even better actually (financially that is). He gains NOTHING by playing by the "rules" of Washington because he already has everything.

The man can't be bought and that scares the shit out the Washington elites and the rich and powerful. They are fucked under a Trump presidency. They stand to lose billions and a shit ton of influence. The neocons will not be able to drag us into pointless wars anymore and we have a good chance of having a better relationship with Russia. No more beating the cold war drums. The gig is up under Trump.

I don't hate anyone synth. Hate is a strong word. I don't know Mrs. Clinton, but she seems like a very nice woman. I like her in that aspect, but she is not fit to run the country at this time.

Great post, and I couldn't agree more. (well except the liking Hillary part ). If I come even close to saying the above, I am attacked. Everyone believes in our right to believe and vote as we see fit..........as long as we vote for who they want us to vote for. ;)
Kat, I have no problem with you voting for Trump. But if you do, don't ever call yourself a conservative again. Because the two are not compatible on any level.

HT that would be your opinion. Not mine. I am getting a little tired of people and their labels. I know what I am, and know what I am not. What I believe, and what I do not.
I know what you are, also - an anti-Democrat.

That doesn't mean you're a conservative. Because no true conservative could support Trump. Only Republicans who want a 'win' support Trump.
Great post, and I couldn't agree more. (well except the liking Hillary part ). If I come even close to saying the above, I am attacked. Everyone believes in our right to believe and vote as we see fit..........as long as we vote for who they want us to vote for. ;)
Kat, I have no problem with you voting for Trump. But if you do, don't ever call yourself a conservative again. Because the two are not compatible on any level.

HT that would be your opinion. Not mine. I am getting a little tired of people and their labels. I know what I am, and know what I am not. What I believe, and what I do not.
Trump is not a conservative. So I do hope you are not alluding to him being one . Voting against hillary is one thing but voting for Trump whole heartedly and ignoring how progressive he is is another.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I'd like to know where I said any of that. I really am getting tired of being labeled, and told who I should or should not vote for. I do not do that to anyone else. I think we all have the right to vote how we see fit, even if we disagree with one another.
Where did I tell you who to vote for? I leave that to the trumpets. I just said don't blow smoke up my ass and tell me I am seeing sunshine. The only reason for a conservative to vote trump is because he is not Clinton. Some of us need more then that

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Well, you better go out and find you another candidate, because neither one will fit that bill. And btw.......I was not blowing smoke up ANYONE'S ass...thank you very much. I wasn't even talking to you.....it was Synthaholic that dragged me in this crap, whether I wanted it or not...and he knows better than to do that.
Trump is the PERFECT guy to do it. Why? Because he cares nothing about pandering to Republican's/Democrats. He'll do whats right for this country and all American's. If that means "throwing his party under the bus" to get something done he will do it. That's the kind of President we need. Some one beholden to no one but the American people. You will not find another politician willing to go against his/her own party for the benefit of the country. They are worried about being re-elected and keeping their donors/lobbyists/special interests happy. Trump needs nothing. He can go back to his life in the private sector and be perfectly fine. His life will be even better actually (financially that is). He gains NOTHING by playing by the "rules" of Washington because he already has everything.

The man can't be bought and that scares the shit out the Washington elites and the rich and powerful. They are fucked under a Trump presidency. They stand to lose billions and a shit ton of influence. The neocons will not be able to drag us into pointless wars anymore and we have a good chance of having a better relationship with Russia. No more beating the cold war drums. The gig is up under Trump.

I don't hate anyone synth. Hate is a strong word. I don't know Mrs. Clinton, but she seems like a very nice woman. I like her in that aspect, but she is not fit to run the country at this time.

Great post, and I couldn't agree more. (well except the liking Hillary part ). If I come even close to saying the above, I am attacked. Everyone believes in our right to believe and vote as we see fit..........as long as we vote for who they want us to vote for. ;)
Kat, I have no problem with you voting for Trump. But if you do, don't ever call yourself a conservative again. Because the two are not compatible on any level.

HT that would be your opinion. Not mine. I am getting a little tired of people and their labels. I know what I am, and know what I am not. What I believe, and what I do not.
I know what you are, also - an anti-Democrat.

That doesn't mean you're a conservative. Because no true conservative could support Trump. Only Republicans who want a 'win' support Trump.

That has to be one of the most ignorant things you have ever said to me...and as you know there have been a lot. WTF did you drag me in this fight? I do not give a damn what you think. You are so far left I am surprised you haven't fallen off the earth.
Continue your conversation, but leave me the hell out of it. I will vote or not as I see fit.
Trump supporters are voting for Trump because of the policies he runs on.

He has changed his policies from the primaries. His tax plan, originally lauded by conservatives, is now a fucking joke. He wants to raise the minimum wage to $10/hr. and wants to "build roads and bridges" with another shovel-ready stimulus, bigger than Obama's and bigger than the one Hillary wants. He wants to repeal and replace Obamacare with Trumpcare which is essentially what even the radical democrats couldn't pass before settling on Obamacare... Single Payer, nationalized health care.
Kat I get the same thing. I cannot make them understand that Trump supporters are NOT voting for him because he's conservative, liberal, progressive, or any other ideological label they want to slap on him. Trump supporters are voting for Trump because of the policies he runs on. Call it progressive, left wing, right wing, or bottom wing...they/we don't care.


Yet they are soooooooo smart...just ask 'em. ;)

But yes, I agree with what you said. And will do so until I lose that right.
Conservatives haven't done anything conservative except expand government, get us into senseless wars, drive up debt and fund open borders. If Trump isn't a conservative I'm pretty sure that's a good thing

No.. Conservatives didn't do any of that.... Neocons did. There IS a difference. George Bush... both of them... were Neocons. Dubya was also a social conservative. These are ideologues who claim refuge under the conservative banner but they are not philosophical constitutional conservatives.

I am not even sure Bush was a social conservative. I know for sure Laura was.is not.
He talked the talk, like all Republicans. They never walk the walk, including Reagan.

So? I said it first. LOL Has it really come to this??? I was first...no I was first. Grow the F up.
Trump is the PERFECT guy to do it. Why? Because he cares nothing about pandering to Republican's/Democrats. He'll do whats right for this country and all American's. If that means "throwing his party under the bus" to get something done he will do it. That's the kind of President we need. Some one beholden to no one but the American people. You will not find another politician willing to go against his/her own party for the benefit of the country. They are worried about being re-elected and keeping their donors/lobbyists/special interests happy. Trump needs nothing. He can go back to his life in the private sector and be perfectly fine. His life will be even better actually (financially that is). He gains NOTHING by playing by the "rules" of Washington because he already has everything.

The man can't be bought and that scares the shit out the Washington elites and the rich and powerful. They are fucked under a Trump presidency. They stand to lose billions and a shit ton of influence. The neocons will not be able to drag us into pointless wars anymore and we have a good chance of having a better relationship with Russia. No more beating the cold war drums. The gig is up under Trump.

I don't hate anyone synth. Hate is a strong word. I don't know Mrs. Clinton, but she seems like a very nice woman. I like her in that aspect, but she is not fit to run the country at this time.

Yes, this is the Trump fan's line: he can't be bought, he doesn't need anything, yada yada yada.

Let's take a couple of your points:

If he's so rich (he's not), why did he need to give campaign contributions to get special favors? And since he's now saying that Hillary is all about pay to play, and that's illegal, hasn't Trump committed crimes by giving contributions (pay) to get special favors (play)?

Please point to ANYTHING in Trump's career, dating back to the early 1980s, that indicates that he cares about the country, rather than just caring about enriching himself. Because he says so in a political speech? Please.

You say he can go back to private life and actually be better off financially. After everything that has come out (with much more to come, believe me) who in their right mind would ever go into business with him again? This is a guy whose standard business tactic was to order things (tablecloths for his casinos, etc.) with the Trump logo, then refuse delivery unless the small business owner lowered the price. That's unethical, and put more than one small business owner out of business, and created real hardships for others. So why do you now believe he's going to be a champion for small business? Because he says so in a political speech? Please.

He's already suffering financially because of his campaign: bookings at his hotels have plummeted. Because the types of people who can afford $500+ per night on a hotel room are successful, educated people who see through his bullshit, and know better than to believe his promises.
1988..... here's your proof that he cares for the country. Listen to the whole thing.

I can't watch it right now, but if it doesn't include something he's DONE, rather than just him yapping about what he wants to do, it's a waste of time.

I want to know what he's done. Actions, not words. Because we see how much his words mean.

Dude he was in the private sector and you said point to "ANYTHING in Trump's career, dating back to the early 1980s, that indicates that he cares about the country, rather than just caring about enriching himself"

I do it and you change the stipulations and won't watch it. wtf man?

I said I can't watch it - not won't watch it.

I will watch it - just can't do so until later tonight.

(what does being in the private sector have to do with whether he cares about the country or not?)

Synthaholic go get you some Dreamland, and calm down...sheesh.
Kat, I have no problem with you voting for Trump. But if you do, don't ever call yourself a conservative again. Because the two are not compatible on any level.

HT that would be your opinion. Not mine. I am getting a little tired of people and their labels. I know what I am, and know what I am not. What I believe, and what I do not.
Trump is not a conservative. So I do hope you are not alluding to him being one . Voting against hillary is one thing but voting for Trump whole heartedly and ignoring how progressive he is is another.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I'd like to know where I said any of that. I really am getting tired of being labeled, and told who I should or should not vote for. I do not do that to anyone else. I think we all have the right to vote how we see fit, even if we disagree with one another.
Where did I tell you who to vote for? I leave that to the trumpets. I just said don't blow smoke up my ass and tell me I am seeing sunshine. The only reason for a conservative to vote trump is because he is not Clinton. Some of us need more then that

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Well, you better go out and find you another candidate, because neither one will fit that bill. And btw.......I was not blowing smoke up ANYONE'S ass...thank you very much. I wasn't even talking to you.....it was Synthaholic that dragged me in this crap, whether I wanted it or not...and he knows better than to do that.
The only thing I've dragged around is your heart!

Trump is the PERFECT guy to do it. Why? Because he cares nothing about pandering to Republican's/Democrats. He'll do whats right for this country and all American's. If that means "throwing his party under the bus" to get something done he will do it. That's the kind of President we need. Some one beholden to no one but the American people. You will not find another politician willing to go against his/her own party for the benefit of the country. They are worried about being re-elected and keeping their donors/lobbyists/special interests happy. Trump needs nothing. He can go back to his life in the private sector and be perfectly fine. His life will be even better actually (financially that is). He gains NOTHING by playing by the "rules" of Washington because he already has everything.

The man can't be bought and that scares the shit out the Washington elites and the rich and powerful. They are fucked under a Trump presidency. They stand to lose billions and a shit ton of influence. The neocons will not be able to drag us into pointless wars anymore and we have a good chance of having a better relationship with Russia. No more beating the cold war drums. The gig is up under Trump.

I don't hate anyone synth. Hate is a strong word. I don't know Mrs. Clinton, but she seems like a very nice woman. I like her in that aspect, but she is not fit to run the country at this time.

Great post, and I couldn't agree more. (well except the liking Hillary part ). If I come even close to saying the above, I am attacked. Everyone believes in our right to believe and vote as we see fit..........as long as we vote for who they want us to vote for. ;)
Kat, I have no problem with you voting for Trump. But if you do, don't ever call yourself a conservative again. Because the two are not compatible on any level.

HT that would be your opinion. Not mine. I am getting a little tired of people and their labels. I know what I am, and know what I am not. What I believe, and what I do not.
I know what you are, also - an anti-Democrat.

That doesn't mean you're a conservative. Because no true conservative could support Trump. Only Republicans who want a 'win' support Trump.

That has to be one of the most ignorant things you have ever said to me...and as you know there have been a lot. WTF did you drag me in this fight? I do not give a damn what you think. You are so far left I am surprised you haven't fallen off the earth.
Continue your conversation, but leave me the hell out of it. I will vote or not as I see fit.
There have?

But in all the years I've known you I have never seen you say a nice word or support any Democrat.

Edit to add: Come to think of it, I can only think of a couple of Republicans I've ever had a nice word for...Jon Huntsman is one. But I can't remember if it's because his daughter Abby is hot.
Last edited:
Conservatives haven't done anything conservative except expand government, get us into senseless wars, drive up debt and fund open borders. If Trump isn't a conservative I'm pretty sure that's a good thing

No.. Conservatives didn't do any of that.... Neocons did. There IS a difference. George Bush... both of them... were Neocons. Dubya was also a social conservative. These are ideologues who claim refuge under the conservative banner but they are not philosophical constitutional conservatives.

I am not even sure Bush was a social conservative. I know for sure Laura was.is not.
He talked the talk, like all Republicans. They never walk the walk, including Reagan.

So? I said it first. LOL Has it really come to this??? I was first...no I was first. Grow the F up.
Yes, this is the Trump fan's line: he can't be bought, he doesn't need anything, yada yada yada.

Let's take a couple of your points:

If he's so rich (he's not), why did he need to give campaign contributions to get special favors? And since he's now saying that Hillary is all about pay to play, and that's illegal, hasn't Trump committed crimes by giving contributions (pay) to get special favors (play)?

Please point to ANYTHING in Trump's career, dating back to the early 1980s, that indicates that he cares about the country, rather than just caring about enriching himself. Because he says so in a political speech? Please.

You say he can go back to private life and actually be better off financially. After everything that has come out (with much more to come, believe me) who in their right mind would ever go into business with him again? This is a guy whose standard business tactic was to order things (tablecloths for his casinos, etc.) with the Trump logo, then refuse delivery unless the small business owner lowered the price. That's unethical, and put more than one small business owner out of business, and created real hardships for others. So why do you now believe he's going to be a champion for small business? Because he says so in a political speech? Please.

He's already suffering financially because of his campaign: bookings at his hotels have plummeted. Because the types of people who can afford $500+ per night on a hotel room are successful, educated people who see through his bullshit, and know better than to believe his promises.
1988..... here's your proof that he cares for the country. Listen to the whole thing.

I can't watch it right now, but if it doesn't include something he's DONE, rather than just him yapping about what he wants to do, it's a waste of time.

I want to know what he's done. Actions, not words. Because we see how much his words mean.

Dude he was in the private sector and you said point to "ANYTHING in Trump's career, dating back to the early 1980s, that indicates that he cares about the country, rather than just caring about enriching himself"

I do it and you change the stipulations and won't watch it. wtf man?

I said I can't watch it - not won't watch it.

I will watch it - just can't do so until later tonight.

(what does being in the private sector have to do with whether he cares about the country or not?)

Synthaholic go get you some Dreamland, and calm down...sheesh.

It's SOOOOO good!

Dreamland Bar-B-Que - Tuscaloosa

Damn - they fixed the place up a bit - it used to be a cider block building that had no charm. But great ribs!
1988..... here's your proof that he cares for the country. Listen to the whole thing.

I can't watch it right now, but if it doesn't include something he's DONE, rather than just him yapping about what he wants to do, it's a waste of time.

I want to know what he's done. Actions, not words. Because we see how much his words mean.

Dude he was in the private sector and you said point to "ANYTHING in Trump's career, dating back to the early 1980s, that indicates that he cares about the country, rather than just caring about enriching himself"

I do it and you change the stipulations and won't watch it. wtf man?

I said I can't watch it - not won't watch it.

I will watch it - just can't do so until later tonight.

(what does being in the private sector have to do with whether he cares about the country or not?)

Synthaholic go get you some Dreamland, and calm down...sheesh.

It's SOOOOO good!

Dreamland Bar-B-Que - Tuscaloosa

Damn - they fixed the place up a bit - it used to be a cider block building that had no charm. But great ribs!


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