I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Trump is the PERFECT guy to do it. Why? Because he cares nothing about pandering to Republican's/Democrats. He'll do whats right for this country and all American's. If that means "throwing his party under the bus" to get something done he will do it. That's the kind of President we need. Some one beholden to no one but the American people. You will not find another politician willing to go against his/her own party for the benefit of the country. They are worried about being re-elected and keeping their donors/lobbyists/special interests happy. Trump needs nothing. He can go back to his life in the private sector and be perfectly fine. His life will be even better actually (financially that is). He gains NOTHING by playing by the "rules" of Washington because he already has everything.

The man can't be bought and that scares the shit out the Washington elites and the rich and powerful. They are fucked under a Trump presidency. They stand to lose billions and a shit ton of influence. The neocons will not be able to drag us into pointless wars anymore and we have a good chance of having a better relationship with Russia. No more beating the cold war drums. The gig is up under Trump.

I don't hate anyone synth. Hate is a strong word. I don't know Mrs. Clinton, but she seems like a very nice woman. I like her in that aspect, but she is not fit to run the country at this time.

Yes, this is the Trump fan's line: he can't be bought, he doesn't need anything, yada yada yada.

Let's take a couple of your points:

If he's so rich (he's not), why did he need to give campaign contributions to get special favors? And since he's now saying that Hillary is all about pay to play, and that's illegal, hasn't Trump committed crimes by giving contributions (pay) to get special favors (play)?

Please point to ANYTHING in Trump's career, dating back to the early 1980s, that indicates that he cares about the country, rather than just caring about enriching himself. Because he says so in a political speech? Please.

You say he can go back to private life and actually be better off financially. After everything that has come out (with much more to come, believe me) who in their right mind would ever go into business with him again? This is a guy whose standard business tactic was to order things (tablecloths for his casinos, etc.) with the Trump logo, then refuse delivery unless the small business owner lowered the price. That's unethical, and put more than one small business owner out of business, and created real hardships for others. So why do you now believe he's going to be a champion for small business? Because he says so in a political speech? Please.

He's already suffering financially because of his campaign: bookings at his hotels have plummeted. Because the types of people who can afford $500+ per night on a hotel room are successful, educated people who see through his bullshit, and know better than to believe his promises.
1988..... here's your proof that he cares for the country. Listen to the whole thing.

I can't watch it right now, but if it doesn't include something he's DONE, rather than just him yapping about what he wants to do, it's a waste of time.

I want to know what he's done. Actions, not words. Because we see how much his words mean.

Dude he was in the private sector and you said point to "ANYTHING in Trump's career, dating back to the early 1980s, that indicates that he cares about the country, rather than just caring about enriching himself"

I do it and you change the stipulations and won't watch it. wtf man?

I said I can't watch it - not won't watch it.

I will watch it - just can't do so until later tonight.

(what does being in the private sector have to do with whether he cares about the country or not?)

re: bolded comment

Lawd have mercy. If I wasn't so lazy I'd just post a pic of a face palm here. You need to follow along in your own conversations man :lol: :lol:

You asked to see something from the 80's that shows he cares for the country, I posted the video which shows he cares about the country to which you said "I want to know what he's done. Actions, not words" to which I said he was "in the private sector" and reiterated you wanted to see something that shows he cares and then you come back and say "what does being in the private sector have to do with whether he cares about the country or not" :lmao:

WTF DUDE!!?? Pay the fuck attention
Yes, this is the Trump fan's line: he can't be bought, he doesn't need anything, yada yada yada.

Let's take a couple of your points:

If he's so rich (he's not), why did he need to give campaign contributions to get special favors? And since he's now saying that Hillary is all about pay to play, and that's illegal, hasn't Trump committed crimes by giving contributions (pay) to get special favors (play)?

Please point to ANYTHING in Trump's career, dating back to the early 1980s, that indicates that he cares about the country, rather than just caring about enriching himself. Because he says so in a political speech? Please.

You say he can go back to private life and actually be better off financially. After everything that has come out (with much more to come, believe me) who in their right mind would ever go into business with him again? This is a guy whose standard business tactic was to order things (tablecloths for his casinos, etc.) with the Trump logo, then refuse delivery unless the small business owner lowered the price. That's unethical, and put more than one small business owner out of business, and created real hardships for others. So why do you now believe he's going to be a champion for small business? Because he says so in a political speech? Please.

He's already suffering financially because of his campaign: bookings at his hotels have plummeted. Because the types of people who can afford $500+ per night on a hotel room are successful, educated people who see through his bullshit, and know better than to believe his promises.
1988..... here's your proof that he cares for the country. Listen to the whole thing.

I can't watch it right now, but if it doesn't include something he's DONE, rather than just him yapping about what he wants to do, it's a waste of time.

I want to know what he's done. Actions, not words. Because we see how much his words mean.

Dude he was in the private sector and you said point to "ANYTHING in Trump's career, dating back to the early 1980s, that indicates that he cares about the country, rather than just caring about enriching himself"

I do it and you change the stipulations and won't watch it. wtf man?

I said I can't watch it - not won't watch it.

I will watch it - just can't do so until later tonight.

(what does being in the private sector have to do with whether he cares about the country or not?)

re: bolded comment

Lawd have mercy. If I wasn't so lazy I'd just post a pic of a face palm here. You need to follow along in your own conversations man :lol: :lol:

You asked to see something from the 80's that shows he cares for the country, I posted the video which shows he cares about the country to which you said "I want to know what he's done. Actions, not words" to which I said he was "in the private sector" and reiterated you wanted to see something that shows he cares and then you come back and say "what does being in the private sector have to do with whether he cares about the country or not" :lmao:

WTF DUDE!!?? Pay the fuck attention

You'll just have to excuse him. He gets all mixed up now days. /snort
Yes, this is the Trump fan's line: he can't be bought, he doesn't need anything, yada yada yada.

Let's take a couple of your points:

If he's so rich (he's not), why did he need to give campaign contributions to get special favors? And since he's now saying that Hillary is all about pay to play, and that's illegal, hasn't Trump committed crimes by giving contributions (pay) to get special favors (play)?

Please point to ANYTHING in Trump's career, dating back to the early 1980s, that indicates that he cares about the country, rather than just caring about enriching himself. Because he says so in a political speech? Please.

You say he can go back to private life and actually be better off financially. After everything that has come out (with much more to come, believe me) who in their right mind would ever go into business with him again? This is a guy whose standard business tactic was to order things (tablecloths for his casinos, etc.) with the Trump logo, then refuse delivery unless the small business owner lowered the price. That's unethical, and put more than one small business owner out of business, and created real hardships for others. So why do you now believe he's going to be a champion for small business? Because he says so in a political speech? Please.

He's already suffering financially because of his campaign: bookings at his hotels have plummeted. Because the types of people who can afford $500+ per night on a hotel room are successful, educated people who see through his bullshit, and know better than to believe his promises.
1988..... here's your proof that he cares for the country. Listen to the whole thing.

I can't watch it right now, but if it doesn't include something he's DONE, rather than just him yapping about what he wants to do, it's a waste of time.

I want to know what he's done. Actions, not words. Because we see how much his words mean.

Dude he was in the private sector and you said point to "ANYTHING in Trump's career, dating back to the early 1980s, that indicates that he cares about the country, rather than just caring about enriching himself"

I do it and you change the stipulations and won't watch it. wtf man?

I said I can't watch it - not won't watch it.

I will watch it - just can't do so until later tonight.

(what does being in the private sector have to do with whether he cares about the country or not?)

re: bolded comment

Lawd have mercy. If I wasn't so lazy I'd just post a pic of a face palm here. You need to follow along in your own conversations man :lol: :lol:

You asked to see something from the 80's that shows he cares for the country, I posted the video which shows he cares about the country to which you said "I want to know what he's done. Actions, not words" to which I said he was "in the private sector" and reiterated you wanted to see something that shows he cares and then you come back and say "what does being in the private sector have to do with whether he cares about the country or not" :lmao:

WTF DUDE!!?? Pay the fuck attention

I'll watch the video!

Now that I'm home and have some time.
Where does all this CDS come from?

When I see all this baseless Hillary hatred I often think back to this:

“Were you molested by a real estate lady?” Bill Maher and Andrew Sullivan’s shocking Hillary Clinton clash
I don't hate anyone. You're projecting. Hillary seems like a nice enough woman.

There's a huge difference between hating someone and feeling they are totally unfit to run the country. Clinton cannot get done what needs to be done to turn this country around. No career politician, left or right, can for that matter. They have ALL failed us and will continue to fail us. It's time to turn this bitch upside down and make out government what its supposed to be...for, by and of <<remember that little obscure blurb in the constitution?
Trump isn't the guy to do it. He doesn't have the knowledge or the discipline. And I firmly believe he's a sociopath with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I'm fine with an outsider to shake up the system. But it has to be someone who instills confidence from both sides.

You may not hate Hillary, but hatred of her often goes hand in hand with opposing her.
Trump is the PERFECT guy to do it. Why? Because he cares nothing about pandering to Republican's/Democrats. He'll do whats right for this country and all American's. If that means "throwing his party under the bus" to get something done he will do it. That's the kind of President we need. Some one beholden to no one but the American people. You will not find another politician willing to go against his/her own party for the benefit of the country. They are worried about being re-elected and keeping their donors/lobbyists/special interests happy. Trump needs nothing. He can go back to his life in the private sector and be perfectly fine. His life will be even better actually (financially that is). He gains NOTHING by playing by the "rules" of Washington because he already has everything.

The man can't be bought and that scares the shit out the Washington elites and the rich and powerful. They are fucked under a Trump presidency. They stand to lose billions and a shit ton of influence. The neocons will not be able to drag us into pointless wars anymore and we have a good chance of having a better relationship with Russia. No more beating the cold war drums. The gig is up under Trump.

I don't hate anyone synth. Hate is a strong word. I don't know Mrs. Clinton, but she seems like a very nice woman. I like her in that aspect, but she is not fit to run the country at this time.

Yes, this is the Trump fan's line: he can't be bought, he doesn't need anything, yada yada yada.

Let's take a couple of your points:

If he's so rich (he's not), why did he need to give campaign contributions to get special favors? And since he's now saying that Hillary is all about pay to play, and that's illegal, hasn't Trump committed crimes by giving contributions (pay) to get special favors (play)?

Please point to ANYTHING in Trump's career, dating back to the early 1980s, that indicates that he cares about the country, rather than just caring about enriching himself. Because he says so in a political speech? Please.

You say he can go back to private life and actually be better off financially. After everything that has come out (with much more to come, believe me) who in their right mind would ever go into business with him again? This is a guy whose standard business tactic was to order things (tablecloths for his casinos, etc.) with the Trump logo, then refuse delivery unless the small business owner lowered the price. That's unethical, and put more than one small business owner out of business, and created real hardships for others. So why do you now believe he's going to be a champion for small business? Because he says so in a political speech? Please.

He's already suffering financially because of his campaign: bookings at his hotels have plummeted. Because the types of people who can afford $500+ per night on a hotel room are successful, educated people who see through his bullshit, and know better than to believe his promises.
1988..... here's your proof that he cares for the country. Listen to the whole thing.

That was back when he was sane. I'm assuming you can see the difference between that clip and how he talks and behaves today. Most people mature and become more thoughtful at 70 years old than they were at 42 years old. Not Trump. Something you should think about.

See, I was saying things like this last September:

I hope not. I don't want him to be done yet. He has said too many true and important things to have that be forgotten in a few months.

And this:

Well, actually I was talking about the things I agree with him on, and that he's dead right about:

* Saudi Arabia playing us for chumps and not contributing a dime to their own security.

* Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf States not taking a single refugee.

* Big donors like himself owning politicians when they contribute to them, getting them to do what they want.

* Hedge Fund managers not paying their fair share in taxes.

* Strengthening Social Security and Medicare.

Things like that.

He started out fine, with some good ideas - and not conservative ideas, either. Wanting hedge fund managers to pay more taxes is decidedly NOT a conservative idea!

So you think the Oprah video means he cares about the country because he is consistent on a few issues from 1988-2016? Talking about them, anyway - he could have always offered his world class negotiating skills to Bill Clinton or George W. Bush, or even Barack Obama and still kept his day job. But he didn't, did he?

It's funny - nat4900 has the Nostradamus post in that thread:

I hope not. I don't want him to be done yet

Well, I'm with you on that....I wanted for Trump to completely destroy the rest of that dozen bunch of crazies BEFORE imploding....

I still can't get over the difference between sane 42 year old Trump and batshit crazy, Alex Jones spewing 70 year old Trump. Something happened with this guy. I think it's the constant pressure he is under to keep up the facade of a multi-billionaire that's taken a toll on him.

Maybe Hannity should do a week with medical experts on THAT!
I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.
Well Boss,
I actually think Trump is a Con artist , compulsive liar, ignorant, hypocrite and a bully who is absolutely clueless about how to run the most powerfull nation in the world.
That said, I simply don't like Hillary. She is probably slightly better than him because at least everyone knows what to expect from her.
Odd how all these accusations are flying about Trump, as if they are total fact, yet no one has yet to prove it. They just follow MSM like little pups lapping up everything they say.
Yeah, really. Not to worry, I have seen, heard, and or read about all of it.

Then I have seen, heard and read about all the wonderful things on Hillary.
I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.
Well Boss,
I actually think Trump is a Con artist , compulsive liar, ignorant, hypocrite and a bully who is absolutely clueless about how to run the most powerfull nation in the world.
That said, I simply don't like Hillary. She is probably slightly better than him because at least everyone knows what to expect from her.
Why am I not surprised you're a hitlery supporter.....
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That said, I simply don't like Hillary. She is probably slightly better than him because at least everyone knows what to expect from her.

Well stated and right on target........Its that mercurial personality of Trump that should worry even the most avid of his supporters......Its NOT that Trump "tells it like it is"....its more that Trump "tells it like his ego dictates."
That said, I simply don't like Hillary. She is probably slightly better than him because at least everyone knows what to expect from her.

Well stated and right on target........Its that mercurial personality of Trump that should worry even the most avid of his supporters......Its NOT that Trump "tells it like it is"....its more that Trump "tells it like his ego dictates."
And your hitlery tells it like your Nazi Soros says it is.....
You aren't a conservative, or there is no way you could risk her nominating a supreme court judge. Thanks for the fake story tho.

Well, I am a conservative and I hope that she doesn't get to pick SCOTUS justices but I don't know that Trump's justices would be any better. It doesn't really matter what I think at this point, Trump continues to tank on his own. I know you guys have to put on the game face here and pretend that everything is fine but you know it as well as I do.

You hope she doesn't get to? She will nominate the most radical anti 2nd amendment judge she can find. Wave bye to the 2nd. That is how important this election is, and why Oblowhard was not allowed to nominate one.

You're absolutely right but that doesn't change reality. Trump is tanking in the polls... like every poll. Safe red states are now up in the air. Hillary has all the prime cherry states.. CA, NY, PA... Probably has Ohio and Michigan, probably has New Jersey and most of the Northeast. Trump now clings to a small swath of states from Florida across the Southeast and Southwest. The electoral count is getting close to insurmountable in Hillary's favor.

So no matter how much you and I like it or don't like it... no matter how awful it will be... it's looking more like a reality every day.

You think all these polls are real? I saw one ran by NBC. On the front page, it showed Killary 49% Trump 46%. The actual results page, had it 3 to 1 in favor of Trump. I believe they are trying to prop up Killary. Because she is the most hated candidate ever.

Heres another, it's worse than 3 to 1

NBC Poll ™ : Vote For Your President
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You aren't a conservative, or there is no way you could risk her nominating a supreme court judge. Thanks for the fake story tho.

Well, I am a conservative and I hope that she doesn't get to pick SCOTUS justices but I don't know that Trump's justices would be any better. It doesn't really matter what I think at this point, Trump continues to tank on his own. I know you guys have to put on the game face here and pretend that everything is fine but you know it as well as I do.

You hope she doesn't get to? She will nominate the most radical anti 2nd amendment judge she can find. Wave bye to the 2nd. That is how important this election is, and why Oblowhard was not allowed to nominate one.

You're absolutely right but that doesn't change reality. Trump is tanking in the polls... like every poll. Safe red states are now up in the air. Hillary has all the prime cherry states.. CA, NY, PA... Probably has Ohio and Michigan, probably has New Jersey and most of the Northeast. Trump now clings to a small swath of states from Florida across the Southeast and Southwest. The electoral count is getting close to insurmountable in Hillary's favor.

So no matter how much you and I like it or don't like it... no matter how awful it will be... it's looking more like a reality every day.

You think all these polls are real? I saw one ran by NBC. On the front page, it showed Killary 49% Trump 46%. The actual results page, had it 3 to 1 in favor of Trump. I believe they are trying to prop up Killary. Because she is the most hated candidate ever.

they would all have to be faked for them not to be true.

it's so cute how brainwashed RWNJ's are.

you saw no actual poll that was 3 to 1 in favor of dumb donald. if you did, it was an online poll where trumpsters kept clicking in.
You aren't a conservative, or there is no way you could risk her nominating a supreme court judge. Thanks for the fake story tho.

Well, I am a conservative and I hope that she doesn't get to pick SCOTUS justices but I don't know that Trump's justices would be any better. It doesn't really matter what I think at this point, Trump continues to tank on his own. I know you guys have to put on the game face here and pretend that everything is fine but you know it as well as I do.

You hope she doesn't get to? She will nominate the most radical anti 2nd amendment judge she can find. Wave bye to the 2nd. That is how important this election is, and why Oblowhard was not allowed to nominate one.

You're absolutely right but that doesn't change reality. Trump is tanking in the polls... like every poll. Safe red states are now up in the air. Hillary has all the prime cherry states.. CA, NY, PA... Probably has Ohio and Michigan, probably has New Jersey and most of the Northeast. Trump now clings to a small swath of states from Florida across the Southeast and Southwest. The electoral count is getting close to insurmountable in Hillary's favor.

So no matter how much you and I like it or don't like it... no matter how awful it will be... it's looking more like a reality every day.

You think all these polls are real? I saw one ran by NBC. On the front page, it showed Killary 49% Trump 46%. The actual results page, had it 3 to 1 in favor of Trump. I believe they are trying to prop up Killary. Because she is the most hated candidate ever.

they would all have to be faked for them not to be true.

it's so cute how brainwashed RWNJ's are.

you saw no actual poll that was 3 to 1 in favor of dumb donald. if you did, it was an online poll where trumpsters kept clicking in.

You think my post was funny? Check out the link I added!
You aren't a conservative, or there is no way you could risk her nominating a supreme court judge. Thanks for the fake story tho.

Well, I am a conservative and I hope that she doesn't get to pick SCOTUS justices but I don't know that Trump's justices would be any better. It doesn't really matter what I think at this point, Trump continues to tank on his own. I know you guys have to put on the game face here and pretend that everything is fine but you know it as well as I do.

You hope she doesn't get to? She will nominate the most radical anti 2nd amendment judge she can find. Wave bye to the 2nd. That is how important this election is, and why Oblowhard was not allowed to nominate one.

You're absolutely right but that doesn't change reality. Trump is tanking in the polls... like every poll. Safe red states are now up in the air. Hillary has all the prime cherry states.. CA, NY, PA... Probably has Ohio and Michigan, probably has New Jersey and most of the Northeast. Trump now clings to a small swath of states from Florida across the Southeast and Southwest. The electoral count is getting close to insurmountable in Hillary's favor.

So no matter how much you and I like it or don't like it... no matter how awful it will be... it's looking more like a reality every day.

You think all these polls are real? I saw one ran by NBC. On the front page, it showed Killary 49% Trump 46%. The actual results page, had it 3 to 1 in favor of Trump. I believe they are trying to prop up Killary. Because she is the most hated candidate ever.

they would all have to be faked for them not to be true.

it's so cute how brainwashed RWNJ's are.

you saw no actual poll that was 3 to 1 in favor of dumb donald. if you did, it was an online poll where trumpsters kept clicking in.

Oh thats how you wash away the most hated candidate in history? It's just Trumpsters over voting? Ha! Only one side would do that right?
You aren't a conservative, or there is no way you could risk her nominating a supreme court judge. Thanks for the fake story tho.

Well, I am a conservative and I hope that she doesn't get to pick SCOTUS justices but I don't know that Trump's justices would be any better. It doesn't really matter what I think at this point, Trump continues to tank on his own. I know you guys have to put on the game face here and pretend that everything is fine but you know it as well as I do.

You hope she doesn't get to? She will nominate the most radical anti 2nd amendment judge she can find. Wave bye to the 2nd. That is how important this election is, and why Oblowhard was not allowed to nominate one.

You're absolutely right but that doesn't change reality. Trump is tanking in the polls... like every poll. Safe red states are now up in the air. Hillary has all the prime cherry states.. CA, NY, PA... Probably has Ohio and Michigan, probably has New Jersey and most of the Northeast. Trump now clings to a small swath of states from Florida across the Southeast and Southwest. The electoral count is getting close to insurmountable in Hillary's favor.

So no matter how much you and I like it or don't like it... no matter how awful it will be... it's looking more like a reality every day.

You think all these polls are real? I saw one ran by NBC. On the front page, it showed Killary 49% Trump 46%. The actual results page, had it 3 to 1 in favor of Trump. I believe they are trying to prop up Killary. Because she is the most hated candidate ever.

Heres another, it's worse than 3 to 1

NBC Poll ™ : Vote For Your President

Well, the polls were sure as heck "for real" whenever Trump was up on Hillary by several points in key battleground states. Now, they're all wrong? :dunno:

Look... I know that polls are sometimes unreliable and I'm sure there are examples which show Trump isn't that far behind. But when you look at all the various national polls from major sources, Trump is very clearly losing by a chunk. Everyone except those in total denial agree.

Several weeks ago, he stood up there and said he didn't need or want the constitutionalist's vote... took a few more backhanded slaps at Ted Cruz and his family and smirked that he would win without them. He was supposed to win all this Democrat support, Bernie voters, moderates and independents... none of that is happening. He was possibly going to win New York... that's obviously not going to happen. He can't even hold on to Georgia.
You aren't a conservative, or there is no way you could risk her nominating a supreme court judge. Thanks for the fake story tho.

Well, I am a conservative and I hope that she doesn't get to pick SCOTUS justices but I don't know that Trump's justices would be any better. It doesn't really matter what I think at this point, Trump continues to tank on his own. I know you guys have to put on the game face here and pretend that everything is fine but you know it as well as I do.

You hope she doesn't get to? She will nominate the most radical anti 2nd amendment judge she can find. Wave bye to the 2nd. That is how important this election is, and why Oblowhard was not allowed to nominate one.

You're absolutely right but that doesn't change reality. Trump is tanking in the polls... like every poll. Safe red states are now up in the air. Hillary has all the prime cherry states.. CA, NY, PA... Probably has Ohio and Michigan, probably has New Jersey and most of the Northeast. Trump now clings to a small swath of states from Florida across the Southeast and Southwest. The electoral count is getting close to insurmountable in Hillary's favor.

So no matter how much you and I like it or don't like it... no matter how awful it will be... it's looking more like a reality every day.

You think all these polls are real? I saw one ran by NBC. On the front page, it showed Killary 49% Trump 46%. The actual results page, had it 3 to 1 in favor of Trump. I believe they are trying to prop up Killary. Because she is the most hated candidate ever.

Heres another, it's worse than 3 to 1

NBC Poll ™ : Vote For Your President

Well, the polls were sure as heck "for real" whenever Trump was up on Hillary by several points in key battleground states. Now, they're all wrong? :dunno:

Look... I know that polls are sometimes unreliable and I'm sure there are examples which show Trump isn't that far behind. But when you look at all the various national polls from major sources, Trump is very clearly losing by a chunk. Everyone except those in total denial agree.

Several weeks ago, he stood up there and said he didn't need or want the constitutionalist's vote... took a few more backhanded slaps at Ted Cruz and his family and smirked that he would win without them. He was supposed to win all this Democrat support, Bernie voters, moderates and independents... none of that is happening. He was possibly going to win New York... that's obviously not going to happen. He can't even hold on to Georgia.

Just watch and learn! The establishment, and media are all over her. This shit is about as honest as a North Korea poll.
Just watch and learn! The establishment, and media are all over her. This shit is about as honest as a North Korea poll.

Well, you can all live in denial until election night if that makes things better for you. I don't know what to tell you? But I can say this, it's not about the butthurt Cruz voters... he is losing by such a margin that if WE ever had that kind of influence, Ted Cruz would've won the nomination. So it's NOT us... I think it's the independents moving away from Trump.
Just watch and learn! The establishment, and media are all over her. This shit is about as honest as a North Korea poll.

Well, you can all live in denial until election night if that makes things better for you. I don't know what to tell you? But I can say this, it's not about the butthurt Cruz voters... he is losing by such a margin that if WE ever had that kind of influence, Ted Cruz would've won the nomination. So it's NOT us... I think it's the independents moving away from Trump.
Your love of hitlery is epic.....

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