"I never had (a relationship) with that (man)...."

"Success" in accumulating wealth is not in it's self necessarily proof that the individual is a good businessman or honest in his/her dealings. Many people swore by billionaire Bernie Madoff right up to the moment he was perp walked into jail. This is one of the main reasons I have trouble with Trump refusing to offer his tax returns for inspection. The American public has the right to expect their president to be transparent. My personal problem with this omission of trust on his part towards us the citizens is not illegal activities but the documents he is hiding will most likely show he is not nearly as wealthy as he claims. I doubt his claims he has 10 billion dollars is true.

But you voted for Obama, right?

No. What is it in the statement that "I have never voted for a democrat in my 67 years" that you do not understand?

Then why are you attacking Trump?

I find him offensive. I have had a "thing" against bullies my entire life. I have stuck up for the victims of bullies since I was in kindergarten. Me, personally, I have never been a "victim". One of my favorite activities was to step in to intercede on behalf of victims. I'm not sure where that came from. I was the oldest son of 4 kids. My parents never so much as laid a hand on me. I just never tolerated a-holes pushing others around.

Don't worry, I will not vote for Hillary. I keep my word. I don't pick on women. Maybe that is why I rarely attack her. A fully grown man has to behave like a man. If he wants my vote he needs to be "presidential". He needs to display great character. Maybe my thing about bullies came from my grandfather whom I respected more than any man I ever knew. I was very young and I was being a jerk picking on my older sister and made her cry. Grand dad hauled off with a back hand that sent me sailing across the room. The swat didn't hurt so much as letting him down. Ya...I believe THAT is when I first started kicking bully's asses.

HOLY SHIT dude the Clinton's and their thugs have bullied and destroyed a long string of women who dared speak out about being sexually assaulted by Bill, what about that? Now that's bullying. Just don't vote this election, you are too poorly informed.

Pay attention! I already said exactly that as to why I cannot vote for Clinton.
But you voted for Obama, right?

No. What is it in the statement that "I have never voted for a democrat in my 67 years" that you do not understand?

Then why are you attacking Trump?

I find him offensive. I have had a "thing" against bullies my entire life. I have stuck up for the victims of bullies since I was in kindergarten. Me, personally, I have never been a "victim". One of my favorite activities was to step in to intercede on behalf of victims. I'm not sure where that came from. I was the oldest son of 4 kids. My parents never so much as laid a hand on me. I just never tolerated a-holes pushing others around.

Don't worry, I will not vote for Hillary. I keep my word. I don't pick on women. Maybe that is why I rarely attack her. A fully grown man has to behave like a man. If he wants my vote he needs to be "presidential". He needs to display great character. Maybe my thing about bullies came from my grandfather whom I respected more than any man I ever knew. I was very young and I was being a jerk picking on my older sister and made her cry. Grand dad hauled off with a back hand that sent me sailing across the room. The swat didn't hurt so much as letting him down. Ya...I believe THAT is when I first started kicking bully's asses.

Your attitude will help Hillary win the election. that's the bottom line. Being a man means doing what's best for your country and your children. Allowing your petulant feelings about Trump to control you is immature and irresponsible.

Speaking of that, if you want your kids to graduate then live in your basement because they can't find a decent paying job vote for Hillary and the bought and paid for establishment. No mother should vote for Hillary, period she's bought and paid for by Wall Street and God knows how many countries who want our jobs.

You people are so misinformed it is a joke. How do you think Romney got rich? OUTSOURCING you fools! The GOP are the kings of sending jobs overseas.
No. What is it in the statement that "I have never voted for a democrat in my 67 years" that you do not understand?

Then why are you attacking Trump?

I find him offensive. I have had a "thing" against bullies my entire life. I have stuck up for the victims of bullies since I was in kindergarten. Me, personally, I have never been a "victim". One of my favorite activities was to step in to intercede on behalf of victims. I'm not sure where that came from. I was the oldest son of 4 kids. My parents never so much as laid a hand on me. I just never tolerated a-holes pushing others around.

Don't worry, I will not vote for Hillary. I keep my word. I don't pick on women. Maybe that is why I rarely attack her. A fully grown man has to behave like a man. If he wants my vote he needs to be "presidential". He needs to display great character. Maybe my thing about bullies came from my grandfather whom I respected more than any man I ever knew. I was very young and I was being a jerk picking on my older sister and made her cry. Grand dad hauled off with a back hand that sent me sailing across the room. The swat didn't hurt so much as letting him down. Ya...I believe THAT is when I first started kicking bully's asses.

Your attitude will help Hillary win the election. that's the bottom line. Being a man means doing what's best for your country and your children. Allowing your petulant feelings about Trump to control you is immature and irresponsible.

Speaking of that, if you want your kids to graduate then live in your basement because they can't find a decent paying job vote for Hillary and the bought and paid for establishment. No mother should vote for Hillary, period she's bought and paid for by Wall Street and God knows how many countries who want our jobs.

You people are so misinformed it is a joke. How do you think Romney got rich? OUTSOURCING you fools! The GOP are the kings of sending jobs overseas.

OMG the IRONY, we conservatives loath Romney and the GOP establishment try to keep up. GOP establishment as in McCain, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and the rest of those illegal loving traitors.
No. What is it in the statement that "I have never voted for a democrat in my 67 years" that you do not understand?

Then why are you attacking Trump?

I find him offensive. I have had a "thing" against bullies my entire life. I have stuck up for the victims of bullies since I was in kindergarten. Me, personally, I have never been a "victim". One of my favorite activities was to step in to intercede on behalf of victims. I'm not sure where that came from. I was the oldest son of 4 kids. My parents never so much as laid a hand on me. I just never tolerated a-holes pushing others around.

Don't worry, I will not vote for Hillary. I keep my word. I don't pick on women. Maybe that is why I rarely attack her. A fully grown man has to behave like a man. If he wants my vote he needs to be "presidential". He needs to display great character. Maybe my thing about bullies came from my grandfather whom I respected more than any man I ever knew. I was very young and I was being a jerk picking on my older sister and made her cry. Grand dad hauled off with a back hand that sent me sailing across the room. The swat didn't hurt so much as letting him down. Ya...I believe THAT is when I first started kicking bully's asses.

Your attitude will help Hillary win the election. that's the bottom line. Being a man means doing what's best for your country and your children. Allowing your petulant feelings about Trump to control you is immature and irresponsible.

Speaking of that, if you want your kids to graduate then live in your basement because they can't find a decent paying job vote for Hillary and the bought and paid for establishment. No mother should vote for Hillary, period she's bought and paid for by Wall Street and God knows how many countries who want our jobs.

You people are so misinformed it is a joke. How do you think Romney got rich? OUTSOURCING you fools! The GOP are the kings of sending jobs overseas.

I don't think it's the GOP as much as it is the elites......neither elites care about common people...they are for open borders...which gives them cheap labor at the same time it drives wages down for people in the US since it increases the labor supply.
And on trade, the democrats use the same bullshit free trade shit as the republicans....
I like Trump's positions on both and have for about 15 years or longer....one reason I've always had issues with McCain.
At least Trump wants to relook at these agreements and do bilateral ones, not these giant fucking behemoths full of special interest money.
Then why are you attacking Trump?

I find him offensive. I have had a "thing" against bullies my entire life. I have stuck up for the victims of bullies since I was in kindergarten. Me, personally, I have never been a "victim". One of my favorite activities was to step in to intercede on behalf of victims. I'm not sure where that came from. I was the oldest son of 4 kids. My parents never so much as laid a hand on me. I just never tolerated a-holes pushing others around.

Don't worry, I will not vote for Hillary. I keep my word. I don't pick on women. Maybe that is why I rarely attack her. A fully grown man has to behave like a man. If he wants my vote he needs to be "presidential". He needs to display great character. Maybe my thing about bullies came from my grandfather whom I respected more than any man I ever knew. I was very young and I was being a jerk picking on my older sister and made her cry. Grand dad hauled off with a back hand that sent me sailing across the room. The swat didn't hurt so much as letting him down. Ya...I believe THAT is when I first started kicking bully's asses.

Your attitude will help Hillary win the election. that's the bottom line. Being a man means doing what's best for your country and your children. Allowing your petulant feelings about Trump to control you is immature and irresponsible.

Speaking of that, if you want your kids to graduate then live in your basement because they can't find a decent paying job vote for Hillary and the bought and paid for establishment. No mother should vote for Hillary, period she's bought and paid for by Wall Street and God knows how many countries who want our jobs.

You people are so misinformed it is a joke. How do you think Romney got rich? OUTSOURCING you fools! The GOP are the kings of sending jobs overseas.

OMG the IRONY, we conservatives loath Romney and the GOP establishment try to keep up. GOP establishment as in McCain, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and the rest of those illegal loving traitors.

They are just the puppet people. The front men. Let's see if the Koch brothers chip in to pull Donald's bacon out of the fire.
Then why are you attacking Trump?

I find him offensive. I have had a "thing" against bullies my entire life. I have stuck up for the victims of bullies since I was in kindergarten. Me, personally, I have never been a "victim". One of my favorite activities was to step in to intercede on behalf of victims. I'm not sure where that came from. I was the oldest son of 4 kids. My parents never so much as laid a hand on me. I just never tolerated a-holes pushing others around.

Don't worry, I will not vote for Hillary. I keep my word. I don't pick on women. Maybe that is why I rarely attack her. A fully grown man has to behave like a man. If he wants my vote he needs to be "presidential". He needs to display great character. Maybe my thing about bullies came from my grandfather whom I respected more than any man I ever knew. I was very young and I was being a jerk picking on my older sister and made her cry. Grand dad hauled off with a back hand that sent me sailing across the room. The swat didn't hurt so much as letting him down. Ya...I believe THAT is when I first started kicking bully's asses.

Your attitude will help Hillary win the election. that's the bottom line. Being a man means doing what's best for your country and your children. Allowing your petulant feelings about Trump to control you is immature and irresponsible.

Speaking of that, if you want your kids to graduate then live in your basement because they can't find a decent paying job vote for Hillary and the bought and paid for establishment. No mother should vote for Hillary, period she's bought and paid for by Wall Street and God knows how many countries who want our jobs.

You people are so misinformed it is a joke. How do you think Romney got rich? OUTSOURCING you fools! The GOP are the kings of sending jobs overseas.

I don't think it's the GOP as much as it is the elites......neither elites care about common people...they are for open borders...which gives them cheap labor at the same time it drives wages down for people in the US since it increases the labor supply.
And on trade, the democrats use the same bullshit free trade shit as the republicans....
I like Trump's positions on both and have for about 15 years or longer....one reason I've always had issues with McCain.
At least Trump wants to relook at these agreements and do bilateral ones, not these giant fucking behemoths full of special interest money.

He would still have to wait until these agreements are up for review.
Mr. Trump can't seem to remember if he had a relationship with Mr. Putin or not.... This poor man is seriously mentally ill, not only a narcissist but possibly schizophrenic.

Trump comes unstuck over Putin relationship denial when he is reminded in TV interview that he said THREE TIMES in the past that he DID have relationship with Russian leader
  • Donald Trump is now saying that he's never met or talked on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin
  • In the past Trump said he spoke 'indirectly and directly' with the Russian leader during a Miss Universe pageant in Moscow
  • He also talked about being Putin's 'stablemate' on 60 Minutes - even though their interviews were filmed in different cities
  • Now, amid reports that Russians may have hacked the DNC, Trump says 'I don't know what it means by "having a relationship"'"""

What's a relationship? Trump tries distancing himself from Putin again
Exactly -- more "flip flopping" by Trump.

Does Mitt Romney and flip flopping ring any bells?

This must be a GOP affliction of some kind.
I find him offensive. I have had a "thing" against bullies my entire life. I have stuck up for the victims of bullies since I was in kindergarten. Me, personally, I have never been a "victim". One of my favorite activities was to step in to intercede on behalf of victims. I'm not sure where that came from. I was the oldest son of 4 kids. My parents never so much as laid a hand on me. I just never tolerated a-holes pushing others around.

Don't worry, I will not vote for Hillary. I keep my word. I don't pick on women. Maybe that is why I rarely attack her. A fully grown man has to behave like a man. If he wants my vote he needs to be "presidential". He needs to display great character. Maybe my thing about bullies came from my grandfather whom I respected more than any man I ever knew. I was very young and I was being a jerk picking on my older sister and made her cry. Grand dad hauled off with a back hand that sent me sailing across the room. The swat didn't hurt so much as letting him down. Ya...I believe THAT is when I first started kicking bully's asses.

Your attitude will help Hillary win the election. that's the bottom line. Being a man means doing what's best for your country and your children. Allowing your petulant feelings about Trump to control you is immature and irresponsible.

Speaking of that, if you want your kids to graduate then live in your basement because they can't find a decent paying job vote for Hillary and the bought and paid for establishment. No mother should vote for Hillary, period she's bought and paid for by Wall Street and God knows how many countries who want our jobs.

You people are so misinformed it is a joke. How do you think Romney got rich? OUTSOURCING you fools! The GOP are the kings of sending jobs overseas.

I don't think it's the GOP as much as it is the elites......neither elites care about common people...they are for open borders...which gives them cheap labor at the same time it drives wages down for people in the US since it increases the labor supply.
And on trade, the democrats use the same bullshit free trade shit as the republicans....
I like Trump's positions on both and have for about 15 years or longer....one reason I've always had issues with McCain.
At least Trump wants to relook at these agreements and do bilateral ones, not these giant fucking behemoths full of special interest money.

He would still have to wait until these agreements are up for review.

We he wouldn't do TPP, so thank god, as for NAFTA, I think he can trigger it if they aren't living up to their end, which I'm fairly confident they aren't in areas like environmental standards.
Your attitude will help Hillary win the election. that's the bottom line. Being a man means doing what's best for your country and your children. Allowing your petulant feelings about Trump to control you is immature and irresponsible.

Speaking of that, if you want your kids to graduate then live in your basement because they can't find a decent paying job vote for Hillary and the bought and paid for establishment. No mother should vote for Hillary, period she's bought and paid for by Wall Street and God knows how many countries who want our jobs.

You people are so misinformed it is a joke. How do you think Romney got rich? OUTSOURCING you fools! The GOP are the kings of sending jobs overseas.

I don't think it's the GOP as much as it is the elites......neither elites care about common people...they are for open borders...which gives them cheap labor at the same time it drives wages down for people in the US since it increases the labor supply.
And on trade, the democrats use the same bullshit free trade shit as the republicans....
I like Trump's positions on both and have for about 15 years or longer....one reason I've always had issues with McCain.
At least Trump wants to relook at these agreements and do bilateral ones, not these giant fucking behemoths full of special interest money.

He would still have to wait until these agreements are up for review.

We he wouldn't do TPP, so thank god, as for NAFTA, I think he can trigger it if they aren't living up to their end, which I'm fairly confident they aren't in areas like environmental standards.

I haven't a clue what he would TRY to do. If he thinks he can bully and bluster his way with other countries he is mistaken.
Speaking of that, if you want your kids to graduate then live in your basement because they can't find a decent paying job vote for Hillary and the bought and paid for establishment. No mother should vote for Hillary, period she's bought and paid for by Wall Street and God knows how many countries who want our jobs.

You people are so misinformed it is a joke. How do you think Romney got rich? OUTSOURCING you fools! The GOP are the kings of sending jobs overseas.

I don't think it's the GOP as much as it is the elites......neither elites care about common people...they are for open borders...which gives them cheap labor at the same time it drives wages down for people in the US since it increases the labor supply.
And on trade, the democrats use the same bullshit free trade shit as the republicans....
I like Trump's positions on both and have for about 15 years or longer....one reason I've always had issues with McCain.
At least Trump wants to relook at these agreements and do bilateral ones, not these giant fucking behemoths full of special interest money.

He would still have to wait until these agreements are up for review.

We he wouldn't do TPP, so thank god, as for NAFTA, I think he can trigger it if they aren't living up to their end, which I'm fairly confident they aren't in areas like environmental standards.

I haven't a clue what he would TRY to do. If he thinks he can bully and bluster his way with other countries he is mistaken.
No you can, pre NAFTA us and Mexico would trade surpluses around 1 billion....now it's 60 billion for Mexico. To force them to comply with NAFTA AND build the wall he can do a couple of things.
He can stop all remittances to Mexico, that would fuck them huge. That's ALOT of money
And if he were to threaten no trade, who would be hurt more ? US or Mexico? it's obvious Mexico.
One reason I feel ok with Trump is he knows the US has power and value in the world. We do not use it to our benefit. He will, he understands it and that's what trade and NATO and other things are about.
If people don't live up to their end, we won't on ours....and if that were to happen, people would straighten up. They would have to. Right now people fuck us over and we do nothing about it.
I find him offensive. I have had a "thing" against bullies my entire life. I have stuck up for the victims of bullies since I was in kindergarten. Me, personally, I have never been a "victim". One of my favorite activities was to step in to intercede on behalf of victims. I'm not sure where that came from. I was the oldest son of 4 kids. My parents never so much as laid a hand on me. I just never tolerated a-holes pushing others around.

Don't worry, I will not vote for Hillary. I keep my word. I don't pick on women. Maybe that is why I rarely attack her. A fully grown man has to behave like a man. If he wants my vote he needs to be "presidential". He needs to display great character. Maybe my thing about bullies came from my grandfather whom I respected more than any man I ever knew. I was very young and I was being a jerk picking on my older sister and made her cry. Grand dad hauled off with a back hand that sent me sailing across the room. The swat didn't hurt so much as letting him down. Ya...I believe THAT is when I first started kicking bully's asses.

Your attitude will help Hillary win the election. that's the bottom line. Being a man means doing what's best for your country and your children. Allowing your petulant feelings about Trump to control you is immature and irresponsible.

Speaking of that, if you want your kids to graduate then live in your basement because they can't find a decent paying job vote for Hillary and the bought and paid for establishment. No mother should vote for Hillary, period she's bought and paid for by Wall Street and God knows how many countries who want our jobs.

You people are so misinformed it is a joke. How do you think Romney got rich? OUTSOURCING you fools! The GOP are the kings of sending jobs overseas.

OMG the IRONY, we conservatives loath Romney and the GOP establishment try to keep up. GOP establishment as in McCain, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and the rest of those illegal loving traitors.

They are just the puppet people. The front men. Let's see if the Koch brothers chip in to pull Donald's bacon out of the fire.

The Koch brothers have already said they are sitting out the Presidential election and will not contribute to Trump.
Your attitude will help Hillary win the election. that's the bottom line. Being a man means doing what's best for your country and your children. Allowing your petulant feelings about Trump to control you is immature and irresponsible.

Speaking of that, if you want your kids to graduate then live in your basement because they can't find a decent paying job vote for Hillary and the bought and paid for establishment. No mother should vote for Hillary, period she's bought and paid for by Wall Street and God knows how many countries who want our jobs.

You people are so misinformed it is a joke. How do you think Romney got rich? OUTSOURCING you fools! The GOP are the kings of sending jobs overseas.

I don't think it's the GOP as much as it is the elites......neither elites care about common people...they are for open borders...which gives them cheap labor at the same time it drives wages down for people in the US since it increases the labor supply.
And on trade, the democrats use the same bullshit free trade shit as the republicans....
I like Trump's positions on both and have for about 15 years or longer....one reason I've always had issues with McCain.
At least Trump wants to relook at these agreements and do bilateral ones, not these giant fucking behemoths full of special interest money.

He would still have to wait until these agreements are up for review.

We he wouldn't do TPP, so thank god, as for NAFTA, I think he can trigger it if they aren't living up to their end, which I'm fairly confident they aren't in areas like environmental standards.

Guys its simple, there is not another Trump waiting in the wings for 2020 so if Trump loses the GOP establishment will go right back to rigging their elections for the bought and paid for establishment puppet and we'll have missed our one opportunity in a generation.
You people are so misinformed it is a joke. How do you think Romney got rich? OUTSOURCING you fools! The GOP are the kings of sending jobs overseas.

I don't think it's the GOP as much as it is the elites......neither elites care about common people...they are for open borders...which gives them cheap labor at the same time it drives wages down for people in the US since it increases the labor supply.
And on trade, the democrats use the same bullshit free trade shit as the republicans....
I like Trump's positions on both and have for about 15 years or longer....one reason I've always had issues with McCain.
At least Trump wants to relook at these agreements and do bilateral ones, not these giant fucking behemoths full of special interest money.

He would still have to wait until these agreements are up for review.

We he wouldn't do TPP, so thank god, as for NAFTA, I think he can trigger it if they aren't living up to their end, which I'm fairly confident they aren't in areas like environmental standards.

I haven't a clue what he would TRY to do. If he thinks he can bully and bluster his way with other countries he is mistaken.
No you can, pre NAFTA us and Mexico would trade surpluses around 1 billion....now it's 60 billion for Mexico. To force them to comply with NAFTA AND build the wall he can do a couple of things.
He can stop all remittances to Mexico, that would fuck them huge. That's ALOT of money
And if he were to threaten no trade, who would be hurt more ? US or Mexico? it's obvious Mexico.
One reason I feel ok with Trump is he knows the US has power and value in the world. We do not use it to our benefit. He will, he understands it and that's what trade and NATO and other things are about.
If people don't live up to their end, we won't on ours....and if that were to happen, people would straighten up. They would have to. Right now people fuck us over and we do nothing about it.

Many of the biggest manufacturing companies in Mexico are owned by Americans.
Your attitude will help Hillary win the election. that's the bottom line. Being a man means doing what's best for your country and your children. Allowing your petulant feelings about Trump to control you is immature and irresponsible.

Speaking of that, if you want your kids to graduate then live in your basement because they can't find a decent paying job vote for Hillary and the bought and paid for establishment. No mother should vote for Hillary, period she's bought and paid for by Wall Street and God knows how many countries who want our jobs.

You people are so misinformed it is a joke. How do you think Romney got rich? OUTSOURCING you fools! The GOP are the kings of sending jobs overseas.

OMG the IRONY, we conservatives loath Romney and the GOP establishment try to keep up. GOP establishment as in McCain, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and the rest of those illegal loving traitors.

They are just the puppet people. The front men. Let's see if the Koch brothers chip in to pull Donald's bacon out of the fire.

The Koch brothers have already said they are sitting out the Presidential election and will not contribute to Trump.

See ya Donald. Wouldn't want to be ya. Except for the 757. :lol:
Speaking of that, if you want your kids to graduate then live in your basement because they can't find a decent paying job vote for Hillary and the bought and paid for establishment. No mother should vote for Hillary, period she's bought and paid for by Wall Street and God knows how many countries who want our jobs.

You people are so misinformed it is a joke. How do you think Romney got rich? OUTSOURCING you fools! The GOP are the kings of sending jobs overseas.

I don't think it's the GOP as much as it is the elites......neither elites care about common people...they are for open borders...which gives them cheap labor at the same time it drives wages down for people in the US since it increases the labor supply.
And on trade, the democrats use the same bullshit free trade shit as the republicans....
I like Trump's positions on both and have for about 15 years or longer....one reason I've always had issues with McCain.
At least Trump wants to relook at these agreements and do bilateral ones, not these giant fucking behemoths full of special interest money.

He would still have to wait until these agreements are up for review.

We he wouldn't do TPP, so thank god, as for NAFTA, I think he can trigger it if they aren't living up to their end, which I'm fairly confident they aren't in areas like environmental standards.

I haven't a clue what he would TRY to do. If he thinks he can bully and bluster his way with other countries he is mistaken.

Look all Trump is saying is he will use all the tools at his disposal to force them to trade fairly. Fair trade not free trade. Look at the contrast with Jeb Bush and John Kasich, they said repeatedly that basically we just have to bend over and let China and Mexico hump us. Trump is saying he will at least fight them AND their traitor allies here in the US.
I don't think it's the GOP as much as it is the elites......neither elites care about common people...they are for open borders...which gives them cheap labor at the same time it drives wages down for people in the US since it increases the labor supply.
And on trade, the democrats use the same bullshit free trade shit as the republicans....
I like Trump's positions on both and have for about 15 years or longer....one reason I've always had issues with McCain.
At least Trump wants to relook at these agreements and do bilateral ones, not these giant fucking behemoths full of special interest money.

He would still have to wait until these agreements are up for review.

We he wouldn't do TPP, so thank god, as for NAFTA, I think he can trigger it if they aren't living up to their end, which I'm fairly confident they aren't in areas like environmental standards.

I haven't a clue what he would TRY to do. If he thinks he can bully and bluster his way with other countries he is mistaken.
No you can, pre NAFTA us and Mexico would trade surpluses around 1 billion....now it's 60 billion for Mexico. To force them to comply with NAFTA AND build the wall he can do a couple of things.
He can stop all remittances to Mexico, that would fuck them huge. That's ALOT of money
And if he were to threaten no trade, who would be hurt more ? US or Mexico? it's obvious Mexico.
One reason I feel ok with Trump is he knows the US has power and value in the world. We do not use it to our benefit. He will, he understands it and that's what trade and NATO and other things are about.
If people don't live up to their end, we won't on ours....and if that were to happen, people would straighten up. They would have to. Right now people fuck us over and we do nothing about it.

Many of the biggest manufacturing companies in Mexico are owned by Americans.

That's fine, but if it's an American company, founded and headquarted in our country, they need to stay here....ad for Mexican companies, I'm not sure, but they should stay in Mexico.
I think if we enforced NAFTA it would work and I was for it initially, but it didn't last long, knew we didn't do anything to enforce it and now it's a disaster.
Speaking of that, if you want your kids to graduate then live in your basement because they can't find a decent paying job vote for Hillary and the bought and paid for establishment. No mother should vote for Hillary, period she's bought and paid for by Wall Street and God knows how many countries who want our jobs.

You people are so misinformed it is a joke. How do you think Romney got rich? OUTSOURCING you fools! The GOP are the kings of sending jobs overseas.

OMG the IRONY, we conservatives loath Romney and the GOP establishment try to keep up. GOP establishment as in McCain, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and the rest of those illegal loving traitors.

They are just the puppet people. The front men. Let's see if the Koch brothers chip in to pull Donald's bacon out of the fire.

The Koch brothers have already said they are sitting out the Presidential election and will not contribute to Trump.

See ya Donald. Wouldn't want to be ya. Except for the 757. :lol:

I predicted many months ago that it would be a miracle of Trump wins. He has to fight the lying lowlife filth liberals, their lying lowlife filth pals in the MSM, and these GOP establishment pricks. Those are tall odds, I'm surprised he's doing as well as he is considering the GOP establishment is stabbing him in the back every chance they get. Boy did they out themselves as lying backstabbers. They force Trump to sign a pledge to support the nominee and make a huge deal about it, then welsh on the pledge when Trump wins God they are puke.

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