"I never had (a relationship) with that (man)...."

Mr. Trump can't seem to remember if he had a relationship with Mr. Putin or not.... This poor man is seriously mentally ill, not only a narcissist but possibly schizophrenic.

Trump comes unstuck over Putin relationship denial when he is reminded in TV interview that he said THREE TIMES in the past that he DID have relationship with Russian leader
  • Donald Trump is now saying that he's never met or talked on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin
  • In the past Trump said he spoke 'indirectly and directly' with the Russian leader during a Miss Universe pageant in Moscow
  • He also talked about being Putin's 'stablemate' on 60 Minutes - even though their interviews were filmed in different cities
  • Now, amid reports that Russians may have hacked the DNC, Trump says 'I don't know what it means by "having a relationship"'"""

What's a relationship? Trump tries distancing himself from Putin again
When did they meet?
depends on which trump is answering. either several times or never.
It was a simple question.
i know. why do you think trump gives answers that contradict?
Context would help but how about answering my question?
Hillary has told about a zillion lies and you drones continue to eat the peanuts out of her shit, you have no room to talk.

So many you just named none. Convincing

^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:
Mr. Trump can't seem to remember if he had a relationship with Mr. Putin or not.... This poor man is seriously mentally ill, not only a narcissist but possibly schizophrenic.

Trump comes unstuck over Putin relationship denial when he is reminded in TV interview that he said THREE TIMES in the past that he DID have relationship with Russian leader
  • Donald Trump is now saying that he's never met or talked on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin
  • In the past Trump said he spoke 'indirectly and directly' with the Russian leader during a Miss Universe pageant in Moscow
  • He also talked about being Putin's 'stablemate' on 60 Minutes - even though their interviews were filmed in different cities
  • Now, amid reports that Russians may have hacked the DNC, Trump says 'I don't know what it means by "having a relationship"'"""

What's a relationship? Trump tries distancing himself from Putin again
That's the story I told my wife about my gym, and I'm sticking to it.
Mr. Trump can't seem to remember if he had a relationship with Mr. Putin or not.... This poor man is seriously mentally ill, not only a narcissist but possibly schizophrenic.

Trump comes unstuck over Putin relationship denial when he is reminded in TV interview that he said THREE TIMES in the past that he DID have relationship with Russian leader
  • Donald Trump is now saying that he's never met or talked on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin
  • In the past Trump said he spoke 'indirectly and directly' with the Russian leader during a Miss Universe pageant in Moscow
  • He also talked about being Putin's 'stablemate' on 60 Minutes - even though their interviews were filmed in different cities
  • Now, amid reports that Russians may have hacked the DNC, Trump says 'I don't know what it means by "having a relationship"'"""

What's a relationship? Trump tries distancing himself from Putin again
When did they meet?
depends on which trump is answering. either several times or never.
It was a simple question.
i know. why do you think trump gives answers that contradict?

You simply do not understand how "sarcasm" works.
Mr. Trump can't seem to remember if he had a relationship with Mr. Putin or not.... This poor man is seriously mentally ill, not only a narcissist but possibly schizophrenic.

Trump comes unstuck over Putin relationship denial when he is reminded in TV interview that he said THREE TIMES in the past that he DID have relationship with Russian leader
  • Donald Trump is now saying that he's never met or talked on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin
  • In the past Trump said he spoke 'indirectly and directly' with the Russian leader during a Miss Universe pageant in Moscow
  • He also talked about being Putin's 'stablemate' on 60 Minutes - even though their interviews were filmed in different cities
  • Now, amid reports that Russians may have hacked the DNC, Trump says 'I don't know what it means by "having a relationship"'"""

What's a relationship? Trump tries distancing himself from Putin again
When did they meet?
depends on which trump is answering. either several times or never.
It was a simple question.
i know. why do you think trump gives answers that contradict?
Context would help but how about answering my question?
i can't. trump has said he has spoken directly and indirectly with putin, that they shared a staging room, and that they've never met.

which time was he lying?
Hillary has told about a zillion lies and you drones continue to eat the peanuts out of her shit, you have no room to talk.

So many you just named none. Convincing

^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

I agree that Hillary is not a perfect candidate. She has contradicted herself several times over the years. But, I have my own reasons for not voting for her.

That said, Is it possible to draw a line somewhere in this election cycle to gauge the relative truthfulness of the candidates?

Since the beginning of the primary section of this presidential run I have seen/heard very few Clinton lies.

On the other hand I have see/heard many dozens of Trump misrepresentations of the truth.

I don't think it is "fair and balanced" to weigh Clinton's whole public history over the last 30 plus years as being "crooked". vs A man who has been secretive and only recently had the onion partially peeled back.

Try not to label me a "liberal low life scum" for suggesting that we compare apples to apples when we are trying to figure out if either of these candidates deserves our vote.

I have never voted for a democrat in 67 years. I did vote for "W" twice and feel I was snookered. We really need to be honest and vet these candidates truthfully. Partisan hackery can/does lead to uninformed voting. Elections DO have consequences.
Hillary has told about a zillion lies and you drones continue to eat the peanuts out of her shit, you have no room to talk.

So many you just named none. Convincing

^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

I agree that Hillary is not a perfect candidate. She has contradicted herself several times over the years. But, I have my own reasons for not voting for her.

That said, Is it possible to draw a line somewhere in this election cycle to gauge the relative truthfulness of the candidates?

Since the beginning of the primary section of this presidential run I have seen/heard very few Clinton lies.

On the other hand I have see/heard many dozens of Trump misrepresentations of the truth.

I don't think it is "fair and balanced" to weigh Clinton's whole public history over the last 30 plus years as being "crooked". vs A man who has been secretive and only recently had the onion partially peeled back.

Try not to label me a "liberal low life scum" for suggesting that we compare apples to apples when we are trying to figure out if either of these candidates deserves our vote.

I have never voted for a democrat in 67 years. I did vote for "W" twice and feel I was snookered. We really need to be honest and vet these candidates truthfully. Partisan hackery can/does lead to uninformed voting. Elections DO have consequences.

Fine look at Hillary's record, her habitual lying has continued uninterrupted for decades. She has few actual career accomplishments yet many colossal failures, would you hire someone like that to run your company? For all his faults Trump is successful, he has career accomplishments, he has a tract record of winning. That's the contrast, an incompetent who fails then lies to cover the failures and someone who has been successful.

As for W well he was a GOP establishment hack, bought and paid for. Mark my words the GOP is rooting for Trump to lose. There isn't another Trump waiting in the wings, if Trump loses in 2020 the GOP establishment will be right back to rigging the election for another bought and paid for GOP establishment hack.
So many you just named none. Convincing

^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

I agree that Hillary is not a perfect candidate. She has contradicted herself several times over the years. But, I have my own reasons for not voting for her.

That said, Is it possible to draw a line somewhere in this election cycle to gauge the relative truthfulness of the candidates?

Since the beginning of the primary section of this presidential run I have seen/heard very few Clinton lies.

On the other hand I have see/heard many dozens of Trump misrepresentations of the truth.

I don't think it is "fair and balanced" to weigh Clinton's whole public history over the last 30 plus years as being "crooked". vs A man who has been secretive and only recently had the onion partially peeled back.

Try not to label me a "liberal low life scum" for suggesting that we compare apples to apples when we are trying to figure out if either of these candidates deserves our vote.

I have never voted for a democrat in 67 years. I did vote for "W" twice and feel I was snookered. We really need to be honest and vet these candidates truthfully. Partisan hackery can/does lead to uninformed voting. Elections DO have consequences.

Fine look at Hillary's record, her habitual lying has continued uninterrupted for decades. She has few actual career accomplishments yet many colossal failures, would you hire someone like that to run your company? For all his faults Trump is successful, he has career accomplishments, he has a tract record of winning. That's the contrast, an incompetent who fails then lies to cover the failures and someone who has been successful.

As for W well he was a GOP establishment hack, bought and paid for. Mark my words the GOP is rooting for Trump to lose. There isn't another Trump waiting in the wings, if Trump loses in 2020 the GOP establishment will be right back to rigging the election for another bought and paid for GOP establishment hack.

As far as Trump's accomplishments, It might be a more accurate perspective to step back a few paces and listen to those he has done business with rather than just "take his word for it". I think I will do some research on just THAT. It might shed some light on the "quality" of his business dealings.
^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

I agree that Hillary is not a perfect candidate. She has contradicted herself several times over the years. But, I have my own reasons for not voting for her.

That said, Is it possible to draw a line somewhere in this election cycle to gauge the relative truthfulness of the candidates?

Since the beginning of the primary section of this presidential run I have seen/heard very few Clinton lies.

On the other hand I have see/heard many dozens of Trump misrepresentations of the truth.

I don't think it is "fair and balanced" to weigh Clinton's whole public history over the last 30 plus years as being "crooked". vs A man who has been secretive and only recently had the onion partially peeled back.

Try not to label me a "liberal low life scum" for suggesting that we compare apples to apples when we are trying to figure out if either of these candidates deserves our vote.

I have never voted for a democrat in 67 years. I did vote for "W" twice and feel I was snookered. We really need to be honest and vet these candidates truthfully. Partisan hackery can/does lead to uninformed voting. Elections DO have consequences.

Fine look at Hillary's record, her habitual lying has continued uninterrupted for decades. She has few actual career accomplishments yet many colossal failures, would you hire someone like that to run your company? For all his faults Trump is successful, he has career accomplishments, he has a tract record of winning. That's the contrast, an incompetent who fails then lies to cover the failures and someone who has been successful.

As for W well he was a GOP establishment hack, bought and paid for. Mark my words the GOP is rooting for Trump to lose. There isn't another Trump waiting in the wings, if Trump loses in 2020 the GOP establishment will be right back to rigging the election for another bought and paid for GOP establishment hack.

As far as Trump's accomplishments, It might be a more accurate perspective to step back a few paces and listen to those he has done business with rather than just "take his word for it". I think I will do some research on just THAT. It might shed some light on the "quality" of his business dealings.

Trump has built a multi-billion dollar global company, a fact that is not in dispute. Hillary has nothing even close to that on the board.
Hillary has told about a zillion lies and you drones continue to eat the peanuts out of her shit, you have no room to talk.

So many you just named none. Convincing

^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

Mr. Blues, this thread is about Mr. Trump and if you will kindly review the video I just posted, you will see there are no lies on this thread about him. He's the one who can't seem to grasp the truth....or reality, for that matter.
You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

I agree that Hillary is not a perfect candidate. She has contradicted herself several times over the years. But, I have my own reasons for not voting for her.

That said, Is it possible to draw a line somewhere in this election cycle to gauge the relative truthfulness of the candidates?

Since the beginning of the primary section of this presidential run I have seen/heard very few Clinton lies.

On the other hand I have see/heard many dozens of Trump misrepresentations of the truth.

I don't think it is "fair and balanced" to weigh Clinton's whole public history over the last 30 plus years as being "crooked". vs A man who has been secretive and only recently had the onion partially peeled back.

Try not to label me a "liberal low life scum" for suggesting that we compare apples to apples when we are trying to figure out if either of these candidates deserves our vote.

I have never voted for a democrat in 67 years. I did vote for "W" twice and feel I was snookered. We really need to be honest and vet these candidates truthfully. Partisan hackery can/does lead to uninformed voting. Elections DO have consequences.

Fine look at Hillary's record, her habitual lying has continued uninterrupted for decades. She has few actual career accomplishments yet many colossal failures, would you hire someone like that to run your company? For all his faults Trump is successful, he has career accomplishments, he has a tract record of winning. That's the contrast, an incompetent who fails then lies to cover the failures and someone who has been successful.

As for W well he was a GOP establishment hack, bought and paid for. Mark my words the GOP is rooting for Trump to lose. There isn't another Trump waiting in the wings, if Trump loses in 2020 the GOP establishment will be right back to rigging the election for another bought and paid for GOP establishment hack.

As far as Trump's accomplishments, It might be a more accurate perspective to step back a few paces and listen to those he has done business with rather than just "take his word for it". I think I will do some research on just THAT. It might shed some light on the "quality" of his business dealings.

Trump has built a multi-billion dollar global company, a fact that is not in dispute. Hillary has nothing even close to that on the board.

Another fact not in dispute is how many times Mr. Trump has filed for bankruptcy. Let us also not forget that he will be going to court soon to defend himself against fraud.
But I will let the very conservative National Review educate you on his bankruptcies: Trump, Lies, and Bankruptcy
Hillary has told about a zillion lies and you drones continue to eat the peanuts out of her shit, you have no room to talk.

So many you just named none. Convincing

^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

Mr. Blues, this thread is about Mr. Trump and if you will kindly review the video I just posted, you will see there are no lies on this thread about him. He's the one who can't seem to grasp the truth....or reality, for that matter.

You are not the boss of the internet lib, Hillary's lies are legend as are many other liberals. Your avatar for example, she's another lying filth liberal.
Hillary has told about a zillion lies and you drones continue to eat the peanuts out of her shit, you have no room to talk.

So many you just named none. Convincing

^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are.

Of course you are...Its not like you have anything else left but smear so that makes sense
So many you just named none. Convincing

^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

Mr. Blues, this thread is about Mr. Trump and if you will kindly review the video I just posted, you will see there are no lies on this thread about him. He's the one who can't seem to grasp the truth....or reality, for that matter.

You are not the boss of the internet lib, Hillary's lies are legend as are many other liberals. Your avatar for example, she's another lying filth liberal.

Mr. Blues, here's the difference between Hillary's lies and those of Mr. Trump's: She is dishonest but coherent and consistent. Mr. Trump is either lying or is suffering from severe dementia.

I mean, if someone put you on television in 2013 and asked you if you had a relationship with the leader of the Communist world, would you remember that three years later?
Hillary has told about a zillion lies and you drones continue to eat the peanuts out of her shit, you have no room to talk.

So many you just named none. Convincing

^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are.

Of course you are...Its not like you have anything else left but smear so that makes sense

Mr. Blues is a legend in his own mind.
Hillary has told about a zillion lies and you drones continue to eat the peanuts out of her shit, you have no room to talk.

So many you just named none. Convincing

^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

Every major factchecker has Trump lying far more than Clinton... When it comes to transparency and honesty Trump is way behind...



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