"I never had (a relationship) with that (man)...."

So many you just named none. Convincing

^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

I agree that Hillary is not a perfect candidate. She has contradicted herself several times over the years. But, I have my own reasons for not voting for her.

That said, Is it possible to draw a line somewhere in this election cycle to gauge the relative truthfulness of the candidates?

Since the beginning of the primary section of this presidential run I have seen/heard very few Clinton lies.

On the other hand I have see/heard many dozens of Trump misrepresentations of the truth.

I don't think it is "fair and balanced" to weigh Clinton's whole public history over the last 30 plus years as being "crooked". vs A man who has been secretive and only recently had the onion partially peeled back.

Try not to label me a "liberal low life scum" for suggesting that we compare apples to apples when we are trying to figure out if either of these candidates deserves our vote.

I have never voted for a democrat in 67 years. I did vote for "W" twice and feel I was snookered. We really need to be honest and vet these candidates truthfully. Partisan hackery can/does lead to uninformed voting. Elections DO have consequences.

Fine look at Hillary's record, her habitual lying has continued uninterrupted for decades. She has few actual career accomplishments yet many colossal failures, would you hire someone like that to run your company? For all his faults Trump is successful, he has career accomplishments, he has a tract record of winning. That's the contrast, an incompetent who fails then lies to cover the failures and someone who has been successful.

As for W well he was a GOP establishment hack, bought and paid for. Mark my words the GOP is rooting for Trump to lose. There isn't another Trump waiting in the wings, if Trump loses in 2020 the GOP establishment will be right back to rigging the election for another bought and paid for GOP establishment hack.

"Success" in accumulating wealth is not in it's self necessarily proof that the individual is a good businessman or honest in his/her dealings. Many people swore by billionaire Bernie Madoff right up to the moment he was perp walked into jail. This is one of the main reasons I have trouble with Trump refusing to offer his tax returns for inspection. The American public has the right to expect their president to be transparent. My personal problem with this omission of trust on his part towards us the citizens is not illegal activities but the documents he is hiding will most likely show he is not nearly as wealthy as he claims. I doubt his claims he has 10 billion dollars is true.
So many you just named none. Convincing

^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

Mr. Blues, this thread is about Mr. Trump and if you will kindly review the video I just posted, you will see there are no lies on this thread about him. He's the one who can't seem to grasp the truth....or reality, for that matter.

You are not the boss of the internet lib, Hillary's lies are legend as are many other liberals. Your avatar for example, she's another lying filth liberal.

I think if you are being fair the constant droning by the republicans that Hillary is "crooked" has more to do with public perception than the facts would bare out. I believe EVERY politician in position of power does things that cannot stand close inspection. I doubt she is in reality any worse than plenty of them.

Again I will not cast my vote for her. I would still prefer that actual facts were used against her and not partisan hyperbole. I'm thoroughly tired of e-mails and Benghazi. As the FBI noted ...she was sloppy with the emails but not more so than nearly the entire Bush cabinet. She certainly should have waited to get better intel before reporting the circumstances of the Benghazi attack. Blaming her for the attack and the deaths involved is simply ridiculous. Hindsight is 20/20. I don't appreciate either party's echo chamber character assassination. These two incidents don't move my needle at all.

I have SERIOUS concerns about NAFTA ant the WTO agreements she was for and now she claims to be against. Those and other circumstances like helping downplay her pervert husbands sex exploits are closer to the meat I prefer to chew on.
I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

I agree that Hillary is not a perfect candidate. She has contradicted herself several times over the years. But, I have my own reasons for not voting for her.

That said, Is it possible to draw a line somewhere in this election cycle to gauge the relative truthfulness of the candidates?

Since the beginning of the primary section of this presidential run I have seen/heard very few Clinton lies.

On the other hand I have see/heard many dozens of Trump misrepresentations of the truth.

I don't think it is "fair and balanced" to weigh Clinton's whole public history over the last 30 plus years as being "crooked". vs A man who has been secretive and only recently had the onion partially peeled back.

Try not to label me a "liberal low life scum" for suggesting that we compare apples to apples when we are trying to figure out if either of these candidates deserves our vote.

I have never voted for a democrat in 67 years. I did vote for "W" twice and feel I was snookered. We really need to be honest and vet these candidates truthfully. Partisan hackery can/does lead to uninformed voting. Elections DO have consequences.

Fine look at Hillary's record, her habitual lying has continued uninterrupted for decades. She has few actual career accomplishments yet many colossal failures, would you hire someone like that to run your company? For all his faults Trump is successful, he has career accomplishments, he has a tract record of winning. That's the contrast, an incompetent who fails then lies to cover the failures and someone who has been successful.

As for W well he was a GOP establishment hack, bought and paid for. Mark my words the GOP is rooting for Trump to lose. There isn't another Trump waiting in the wings, if Trump loses in 2020 the GOP establishment will be right back to rigging the election for another bought and paid for GOP establishment hack.

As far as Trump's accomplishments, It might be a more accurate perspective to step back a few paces and listen to those he has done business with rather than just "take his word for it". I think I will do some research on just THAT. It might shed some light on the "quality" of his business dealings.

Trump has built a multi-billion dollar global company, a fact that is not in dispute. Hillary has nothing even close to that on the board.

Another fact not in dispute is how many times Mr. Trump has filed for bankruptcy. Let us also not forget that he will be going to court soon to defend himself against fraud.
But I will let the very conservative National Review educate you on his bankruptcies: Trump, Lies, and Bankruptcy

These are not personal bankruptcies as hack dishonest lying scum liberals would have you believe. Trump has owned a couple hundred companies, like 6 went bankrupt. Sometimes a business will go bankrupt, frequently due to vampire like taxes and regulations of the left who drive them into bankruptcy. There I just annihilated your dishonest talking point, go put some salve on your butt hurt.
Hillary has told about a zillion lies and you drones continue to eat the peanuts out of her shit, you have no room to talk.

So many you just named none. Convincing

^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are.

Of course you are...Its not like you have anything else left but smear so that makes sense

Ahahaha I don't have the smear the left, they smear themselves with their lies and deceit. The DNC email leak for example, self smear.
^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

Mr. Blues, this thread is about Mr. Trump and if you will kindly review the video I just posted, you will see there are no lies on this thread about him. He's the one who can't seem to grasp the truth....or reality, for that matter.

You are not the boss of the internet lib, Hillary's lies are legend as are many other liberals. Your avatar for example, she's another lying filth liberal.

I think if you are being fair the constant droning by the republicans that Hillary is "crooked" has more to do with public perception than the facts would bare out. I believe EVERY politician in position of power does things that cannot stand close inspection. I doubt she is in reality any worse than plenty of them.

Again I will not cast my vote for her. I would still prefer that actual facts were used against her and not partisan hyperbole. I'm thoroughly tired of e-mails and Benghazi. As the FBI noted ...she was sloppy with the emails but not more so than nearly the entire Bush cabinet. She certainly should have waited to get better intel before reporting the circumstances of the Benghazi attack. Blaming her for the attack and the deaths involved is simply ridiculous. Hindsight is 20/20. I don't appreciate either party's echo chamber character assassination. These two incidents don't move my needle at all.

I have SERIOUS concerns about NAFTA ant the WTO agreements she was for and now she claims to be against. Those and other circumstances like helping downplay her pervert husbands sex exploits are closer to the meat I prefer to chew on.

no she went on Fox New Sunday and flat lied to Chris Wallace, saying Comey said she told the truth....what a fucking bitch.......I mean you must have really low information voters who vote democrat or people who just don't care.
^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

Mr. Blues, this thread is about Mr. Trump and if you will kindly review the video I just posted, you will see there are no lies on this thread about him. He's the one who can't seem to grasp the truth....or reality, for that matter.

You are not the boss of the internet lib, Hillary's lies are legend as are many other liberals. Your avatar for example, she's another lying filth liberal.

Mr. Blues, here's the difference between Hillary's lies and those of Mr. Trump's: She is dishonest but coherent and consistent. Mr. Trump is either lying or is suffering from severe dementia.

I mean, if someone put you on television in 2013 and asked you if you had a relationship with the leader of the Communist world, would you remember that three years later?

How can someone be both coherent and consistent yet her career is overflowing with colossal failures vs success? You can cut right to the core by looking at the end result, how many times did she fail vs secede, in fact her failure rate is off the chart. Trump's batting average on the other hand is YUGE to the tune of billions of dollars, thousands of employees and sustained success over decades. To even compare Hillary to Trump is a joke, she's a stupid hack who has lived on the public dole as a politician most of her corrupt lying life.
Hillary has told about a zillion lies and you drones continue to eat the peanuts out of her shit, you have no room to talk.

So many you just named none. Convincing

^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

Every major factchecker has Trump lying far more than Clinton... When it comes to transparency and honesty Trump is way behind...

View attachment 83935

View attachment 83938

The director of the FBI said Clinton is a big fat liar and kind of stupid (paraphrasing) when it comes to national security, she's disqualified.
^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

I agree that Hillary is not a perfect candidate. She has contradicted herself several times over the years. But, I have my own reasons for not voting for her.

That said, Is it possible to draw a line somewhere in this election cycle to gauge the relative truthfulness of the candidates?

Since the beginning of the primary section of this presidential run I have seen/heard very few Clinton lies.

On the other hand I have see/heard many dozens of Trump misrepresentations of the truth.

I don't think it is "fair and balanced" to weigh Clinton's whole public history over the last 30 plus years as being "crooked". vs A man who has been secretive and only recently had the onion partially peeled back.

Try not to label me a "liberal low life scum" for suggesting that we compare apples to apples when we are trying to figure out if either of these candidates deserves our vote.

I have never voted for a democrat in 67 years. I did vote for "W" twice and feel I was snookered. We really need to be honest and vet these candidates truthfully. Partisan hackery can/does lead to uninformed voting. Elections DO have consequences.

Fine look at Hillary's record, her habitual lying has continued uninterrupted for decades. She has few actual career accomplishments yet many colossal failures, would you hire someone like that to run your company? For all his faults Trump is successful, he has career accomplishments, he has a tract record of winning. That's the contrast, an incompetent who fails then lies to cover the failures and someone who has been successful.

As for W well he was a GOP establishment hack, bought and paid for. Mark my words the GOP is rooting for Trump to lose. There isn't another Trump waiting in the wings, if Trump loses in 2020 the GOP establishment will be right back to rigging the election for another bought and paid for GOP establishment hack.

"Success" in accumulating wealth is not in it's self necessarily proof that the individual is a good businessman or honest in his/her dealings. Many people swore by billionaire Bernie Madoff right up to the moment he was perp walked into jail. This is one of the main reasons I have trouble with Trump refusing to offer his tax returns for inspection. The American public has the right to expect their president to be transparent. My personal problem with this omission of trust on his part towards us the citizens is not illegal activities but the documents he is hiding will most likely show he is not nearly as wealthy as he claims. I doubt his claims he has 10 billion dollars is true.

My God man Hillary and her perv wife cheating intern banging husband have traveled the world soliciting money from our enemies and thug dictatorships who cut gays heads off and you are worried about Trump?
^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

Mr. Blues, this thread is about Mr. Trump and if you will kindly review the video I just posted, you will see there are no lies on this thread about him. He's the one who can't seem to grasp the truth....or reality, for that matter.

You are not the boss of the internet lib, Hillary's lies are legend as are many other liberals. Your avatar for example, she's another lying filth liberal.

I think if you are being fair the constant droning by the republicans that Hillary is "crooked" has more to do with public perception than the facts would bare out. I believe EVERY politician in position of power does things that cannot stand close inspection. I doubt she is in reality any worse than plenty of them.

Again I will not cast my vote for her. I would still prefer that actual facts were used against her and not partisan hyperbole. I'm thoroughly tired of e-mails and Benghazi. As the FBI noted ...she was sloppy with the emails but not more so than nearly the entire Bush cabinet. She certainly should have waited to get better intel before reporting the circumstances of the Benghazi attack. Blaming her for the attack and the deaths involved is simply ridiculous. Hindsight is 20/20. I don't appreciate either party's echo chamber character assassination. These two incidents don't move my needle at all.

I have SERIOUS concerns about NAFTA ant the WTO agreements she was for and now she claims to be against. Those and other circumstances like helping downplay her pervert husbands sex exploits are closer to the meat I prefer to chew on.

She's a liar and an imbecile, don't take my word for it that's what the director of the FBI found after a months long investigation by an army of agents.
Trump does not understand the concepts of "audio and video recording".

Neither does Hillary when she lied to the entire country once again about her email scandal in her interview with Chris Wallace.
^^^ and here we have a drone example

You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

I agree that Hillary is not a perfect candidate. She has contradicted herself several times over the years. But, I have my own reasons for not voting for her.

That said, Is it possible to draw a line somewhere in this election cycle to gauge the relative truthfulness of the candidates?

Since the beginning of the primary section of this presidential run I have seen/heard very few Clinton lies.

On the other hand I have see/heard many dozens of Trump misrepresentations of the truth.

I don't think it is "fair and balanced" to weigh Clinton's whole public history over the last 30 plus years as being "crooked". vs A man who has been secretive and only recently had the onion partially peeled back.

Try not to label me a "liberal low life scum" for suggesting that we compare apples to apples when we are trying to figure out if either of these candidates deserves our vote.

I have never voted for a democrat in 67 years. I did vote for "W" twice and feel I was snookered. We really need to be honest and vet these candidates truthfully. Partisan hackery can/does lead to uninformed voting. Elections DO have consequences.

Fine look at Hillary's record, her habitual lying has continued uninterrupted for decades. She has few actual career accomplishments yet many colossal failures, would you hire someone like that to run your company? For all his faults Trump is successful, he has career accomplishments, he has a tract record of winning. That's the contrast, an incompetent who fails then lies to cover the failures and someone who has been successful.

As for W well he was a GOP establishment hack, bought and paid for. Mark my words the GOP is rooting for Trump to lose. There isn't another Trump waiting in the wings, if Trump loses in 2020 the GOP establishment will be right back to rigging the election for another bought and paid for GOP establishment hack.

"Success" in accumulating wealth is not in it's self necessarily proof that the individual is a good businessman or honest in his/her dealings. Many people swore by billionaire Bernie Madoff right up to the moment he was perp walked into jail. This is one of the main reasons I have trouble with Trump refusing to offer his tax returns for inspection. The American public has the right to expect their president to be transparent. My personal problem with this omission of trust on his part towards us the citizens is not illegal activities but the documents he is hiding will most likely show he is not nearly as wealthy as he claims. I doubt his claims he has 10 billion dollars is true.

But you voted for Obama, right?
Donald believes the definition of the word "truth" is: anything his followers are willing to believe.


You just named another. Look at you go!

I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

I agree that Hillary is not a perfect candidate. She has contradicted herself several times over the years. But, I have my own reasons for not voting for her.

That said, Is it possible to draw a line somewhere in this election cycle to gauge the relative truthfulness of the candidates?

Since the beginning of the primary section of this presidential run I have seen/heard very few Clinton lies.

On the other hand I have see/heard many dozens of Trump misrepresentations of the truth.

I don't think it is "fair and balanced" to weigh Clinton's whole public history over the last 30 plus years as being "crooked". vs A man who has been secretive and only recently had the onion partially peeled back.

Try not to label me a "liberal low life scum" for suggesting that we compare apples to apples when we are trying to figure out if either of these candidates deserves our vote.

I have never voted for a democrat in 67 years. I did vote for "W" twice and feel I was snookered. We really need to be honest and vet these candidates truthfully. Partisan hackery can/does lead to uninformed voting. Elections DO have consequences.

Fine look at Hillary's record, her habitual lying has continued uninterrupted for decades. She has few actual career accomplishments yet many colossal failures, would you hire someone like that to run your company? For all his faults Trump is successful, he has career accomplishments, he has a tract record of winning. That's the contrast, an incompetent who fails then lies to cover the failures and someone who has been successful.

As for W well he was a GOP establishment hack, bought and paid for. Mark my words the GOP is rooting for Trump to lose. There isn't another Trump waiting in the wings, if Trump loses in 2020 the GOP establishment will be right back to rigging the election for another bought and paid for GOP establishment hack.

"Success" in accumulating wealth is not in it's self necessarily proof that the individual is a good businessman or honest in his/her dealings. Many people swore by billionaire Bernie Madoff right up to the moment he was perp walked into jail. This is one of the main reasons I have trouble with Trump refusing to offer his tax returns for inspection. The American public has the right to expect their president to be transparent. My personal problem with this omission of trust on his part towards us the citizens is not illegal activities but the documents he is hiding will most likely show he is not nearly as wealthy as he claims. I doubt his claims he has 10 billion dollars is true.

But you voted for Obama, right?

No. What is it in the statement that "I have never voted for a democrat in my 67 years" that you do not understand?
I'm calling out the left for the lying lowlife double standards filth they are. They can't win an election on the issues so they lie and spin hell its been that way for 20 plus years now. Is Hillary going to run in her record? Ahahahaha not happening. :laugh:

I agree that Hillary is not a perfect candidate. She has contradicted herself several times over the years. But, I have my own reasons for not voting for her.

That said, Is it possible to draw a line somewhere in this election cycle to gauge the relative truthfulness of the candidates?

Since the beginning of the primary section of this presidential run I have seen/heard very few Clinton lies.

On the other hand I have see/heard many dozens of Trump misrepresentations of the truth.

I don't think it is "fair and balanced" to weigh Clinton's whole public history over the last 30 plus years as being "crooked". vs A man who has been secretive and only recently had the onion partially peeled back.

Try not to label me a "liberal low life scum" for suggesting that we compare apples to apples when we are trying to figure out if either of these candidates deserves our vote.

I have never voted for a democrat in 67 years. I did vote for "W" twice and feel I was snookered. We really need to be honest and vet these candidates truthfully. Partisan hackery can/does lead to uninformed voting. Elections DO have consequences.

Fine look at Hillary's record, her habitual lying has continued uninterrupted for decades. She has few actual career accomplishments yet many colossal failures, would you hire someone like that to run your company? For all his faults Trump is successful, he has career accomplishments, he has a tract record of winning. That's the contrast, an incompetent who fails then lies to cover the failures and someone who has been successful.

As for W well he was a GOP establishment hack, bought and paid for. Mark my words the GOP is rooting for Trump to lose. There isn't another Trump waiting in the wings, if Trump loses in 2020 the GOP establishment will be right back to rigging the election for another bought and paid for GOP establishment hack.

"Success" in accumulating wealth is not in it's self necessarily proof that the individual is a good businessman or honest in his/her dealings. Many people swore by billionaire Bernie Madoff right up to the moment he was perp walked into jail. This is one of the main reasons I have trouble with Trump refusing to offer his tax returns for inspection. The American public has the right to expect their president to be transparent. My personal problem with this omission of trust on his part towards us the citizens is not illegal activities but the documents he is hiding will most likely show he is not nearly as wealthy as he claims. I doubt his claims he has 10 billion dollars is true.

But you voted for Obama, right?

No. What is it in the statement that "I have never voted for a democrat in my 67 years" that you do not understand?

Then why are you attacking Trump?
I agree that Hillary is not a perfect candidate. She has contradicted herself several times over the years. But, I have my own reasons for not voting for her.

That said, Is it possible to draw a line somewhere in this election cycle to gauge the relative truthfulness of the candidates?

Since the beginning of the primary section of this presidential run I have seen/heard very few Clinton lies.

On the other hand I have see/heard many dozens of Trump misrepresentations of the truth.

I don't think it is "fair and balanced" to weigh Clinton's whole public history over the last 30 plus years as being "crooked". vs A man who has been secretive and only recently had the onion partially peeled back.

Try not to label me a "liberal low life scum" for suggesting that we compare apples to apples when we are trying to figure out if either of these candidates deserves our vote.

I have never voted for a democrat in 67 years. I did vote for "W" twice and feel I was snookered. We really need to be honest and vet these candidates truthfully. Partisan hackery can/does lead to uninformed voting. Elections DO have consequences.

Fine look at Hillary's record, her habitual lying has continued uninterrupted for decades. She has few actual career accomplishments yet many colossal failures, would you hire someone like that to run your company? For all his faults Trump is successful, he has career accomplishments, he has a tract record of winning. That's the contrast, an incompetent who fails then lies to cover the failures and someone who has been successful.

As for W well he was a GOP establishment hack, bought and paid for. Mark my words the GOP is rooting for Trump to lose. There isn't another Trump waiting in the wings, if Trump loses in 2020 the GOP establishment will be right back to rigging the election for another bought and paid for GOP establishment hack.

"Success" in accumulating wealth is not in it's self necessarily proof that the individual is a good businessman or honest in his/her dealings. Many people swore by billionaire Bernie Madoff right up to the moment he was perp walked into jail. This is one of the main reasons I have trouble with Trump refusing to offer his tax returns for inspection. The American public has the right to expect their president to be transparent. My personal problem with this omission of trust on his part towards us the citizens is not illegal activities but the documents he is hiding will most likely show he is not nearly as wealthy as he claims. I doubt his claims he has 10 billion dollars is true.

But you voted for Obama, right?

No. What is it in the statement that "I have never voted for a democrat in my 67 years" that you do not understand?

Then why are you attacking Trump?

I find him offensive. I have had a "thing" against bullies my entire life. I have stuck up for the victims of bullies since I was in kindergarten. Me, personally, I have never been a "victim". One of my favorite activities was to step in to intercede on behalf of victims. I'm not sure where that came from. I was the oldest son of 4 kids. My parents never so much as laid a hand on me. I just never tolerated a-holes pushing others around.

Don't worry, I will not vote for Hillary. I keep my word. I don't pick on women. Maybe that is why I rarely attack her. A fully grown man has to behave like a man. If he wants my vote he needs to be "presidential". He needs to display great character. Maybe my thing about bullies came from my grandfather whom I respected more than any man I ever knew. I was very young and I was being a jerk picking on my older sister and made her cry. Grand dad hauled off with a back hand that sent me sailing across the room. The swat didn't hurt so much as letting him down. Ya...I believe THAT is when I first started kicking bully's asses.
Fine look at Hillary's record, her habitual lying has continued uninterrupted for decades. She has few actual career accomplishments yet many colossal failures, would you hire someone like that to run your company? For all his faults Trump is successful, he has career accomplishments, he has a tract record of winning. That's the contrast, an incompetent who fails then lies to cover the failures and someone who has been successful.

As for W well he was a GOP establishment hack, bought and paid for. Mark my words the GOP is rooting for Trump to lose. There isn't another Trump waiting in the wings, if Trump loses in 2020 the GOP establishment will be right back to rigging the election for another bought and paid for GOP establishment hack.

"Success" in accumulating wealth is not in it's self necessarily proof that the individual is a good businessman or honest in his/her dealings. Many people swore by billionaire Bernie Madoff right up to the moment he was perp walked into jail. This is one of the main reasons I have trouble with Trump refusing to offer his tax returns for inspection. The American public has the right to expect their president to be transparent. My personal problem with this omission of trust on his part towards us the citizens is not illegal activities but the documents he is hiding will most likely show he is not nearly as wealthy as he claims. I doubt his claims he has 10 billion dollars is true.

But you voted for Obama, right?

No. What is it in the statement that "I have never voted for a democrat in my 67 years" that you do not understand?

Then why are you attacking Trump?

I find him offensive. I have had a "thing" against bullies my entire life. I have stuck up for the victims of bullies since I was in kindergarten. Me, personally, I have never been a "victim". One of my favorite activities was to step in to intercede on behalf of victims. I'm not sure where that came from. I was the oldest son of 4 kids. My parents never so much as laid a hand on me. I just never tolerated a-holes pushing others around.

Don't worry, I will not vote for Hillary. I keep my word. I don't pick on women. Maybe that is why I rarely attack her. A fully grown man has to behave like a man. If he wants my vote he needs to be "presidential". He needs to display great character. Maybe my thing about bullies came from my grandfather whom I respected more than any man I ever knew. I was very young and I was being a jerk picking on my older sister and made her cry. Grand dad hauled off with a back hand that sent me sailing across the room. The swat didn't hurt so much as letting him down. Ya...I believe THAT is when I first started kicking bully's asses.

Your attitude will help Hillary win the election. that's the bottom line. Being a man means doing what's best for your country and your children. Allowing your petulant feelings about Trump to control you is immature and irresponsible.
"Success" in accumulating wealth is not in it's self necessarily proof that the individual is a good businessman or honest in his/her dealings. Many people swore by billionaire Bernie Madoff right up to the moment he was perp walked into jail. This is one of the main reasons I have trouble with Trump refusing to offer his tax returns for inspection. The American public has the right to expect their president to be transparent. My personal problem with this omission of trust on his part towards us the citizens is not illegal activities but the documents he is hiding will most likely show he is not nearly as wealthy as he claims. I doubt his claims he has 10 billion dollars is true.

But you voted for Obama, right?

No. What is it in the statement that "I have never voted for a democrat in my 67 years" that you do not understand?

Then why are you attacking Trump?

I find him offensive. I have had a "thing" against bullies my entire life. I have stuck up for the victims of bullies since I was in kindergarten. Me, personally, I have never been a "victim". One of my favorite activities was to step in to intercede on behalf of victims. I'm not sure where that came from. I was the oldest son of 4 kids. My parents never so much as laid a hand on me. I just never tolerated a-holes pushing others around.

Don't worry, I will not vote for Hillary. I keep my word. I don't pick on women. Maybe that is why I rarely attack her. A fully grown man has to behave like a man. If he wants my vote he needs to be "presidential". He needs to display great character. Maybe my thing about bullies came from my grandfather whom I respected more than any man I ever knew. I was very young and I was being a jerk picking on my older sister and made her cry. Grand dad hauled off with a back hand that sent me sailing across the room. The swat didn't hurt so much as letting him down. Ya...I believe THAT is when I first started kicking bully's asses.

Your attitude will help Hillary win the election. that's the bottom line. Being a man means doing what's best for your country and your children. Allowing your petulant feelings about Trump to control you is immature and irresponsible.

If Trump earns the trust and respect of the majority then he will be the next president. So far he isn't doing THAT for most American voters. He COULD start acting presidential and reverse the impression he is showing Americans. I've seen bullies learn the error of their ways. He still has plenty of time. It isn't up to me. The ball is in his court.
Fine look at Hillary's record, her habitual lying has continued uninterrupted for decades. She has few actual career accomplishments yet many colossal failures, would you hire someone like that to run your company? For all his faults Trump is successful, he has career accomplishments, he has a tract record of winning. That's the contrast, an incompetent who fails then lies to cover the failures and someone who has been successful.

As for W well he was a GOP establishment hack, bought and paid for. Mark my words the GOP is rooting for Trump to lose. There isn't another Trump waiting in the wings, if Trump loses in 2020 the GOP establishment will be right back to rigging the election for another bought and paid for GOP establishment hack.

"Success" in accumulating wealth is not in it's self necessarily proof that the individual is a good businessman or honest in his/her dealings. Many people swore by billionaire Bernie Madoff right up to the moment he was perp walked into jail. This is one of the main reasons I have trouble with Trump refusing to offer his tax returns for inspection. The American public has the right to expect their president to be transparent. My personal problem with this omission of trust on his part towards us the citizens is not illegal activities but the documents he is hiding will most likely show he is not nearly as wealthy as he claims. I doubt his claims he has 10 billion dollars is true.

But you voted for Obama, right?

No. What is it in the statement that "I have never voted for a democrat in my 67 years" that you do not understand?

Then why are you attacking Trump?

I find him offensive. I have had a "thing" against bullies my entire life. I have stuck up for the victims of bullies since I was in kindergarten. Me, personally, I have never been a "victim". One of my favorite activities was to step in to intercede on behalf of victims. I'm not sure where that came from. I was the oldest son of 4 kids. My parents never so much as laid a hand on me. I just never tolerated a-holes pushing others around.

Don't worry, I will not vote for Hillary. I keep my word. I don't pick on women. Maybe that is why I rarely attack her. A fully grown man has to behave like a man. If he wants my vote he needs to be "presidential". He needs to display great character. Maybe my thing about bullies came from my grandfather whom I respected more than any man I ever knew. I was very young and I was being a jerk picking on my older sister and made her cry. Grand dad hauled off with a back hand that sent me sailing across the room. The swat didn't hurt so much as letting him down. Ya...I believe THAT is when I first started kicking bully's asses.

HOLY SHIT dude the Clinton's and their thugs have bullied and destroyed a long string of women who dared speak out about being sexually assaulted by Bill, what about that? Now that's bullying. Just don't vote this election, you are too poorly informed.
"Success" in accumulating wealth is not in it's self necessarily proof that the individual is a good businessman or honest in his/her dealings. Many people swore by billionaire Bernie Madoff right up to the moment he was perp walked into jail. This is one of the main reasons I have trouble with Trump refusing to offer his tax returns for inspection. The American public has the right to expect their president to be transparent. My personal problem with this omission of trust on his part towards us the citizens is not illegal activities but the documents he is hiding will most likely show he is not nearly as wealthy as he claims. I doubt his claims he has 10 billion dollars is true.

But you voted for Obama, right?

No. What is it in the statement that "I have never voted for a democrat in my 67 years" that you do not understand?

Then why are you attacking Trump?

I find him offensive. I have had a "thing" against bullies my entire life. I have stuck up for the victims of bullies since I was in kindergarten. Me, personally, I have never been a "victim". One of my favorite activities was to step in to intercede on behalf of victims. I'm not sure where that came from. I was the oldest son of 4 kids. My parents never so much as laid a hand on me. I just never tolerated a-holes pushing others around.

Don't worry, I will not vote for Hillary. I keep my word. I don't pick on women. Maybe that is why I rarely attack her. A fully grown man has to behave like a man. If he wants my vote he needs to be "presidential". He needs to display great character. Maybe my thing about bullies came from my grandfather whom I respected more than any man I ever knew. I was very young and I was being a jerk picking on my older sister and made her cry. Grand dad hauled off with a back hand that sent me sailing across the room. The swat didn't hurt so much as letting him down. Ya...I believe THAT is when I first started kicking bully's asses.

Your attitude will help Hillary win the election. that's the bottom line. Being a man means doing what's best for your country and your children. Allowing your petulant feelings about Trump to control you is immature and irresponsible.

Speaking of that, if you want your kids to graduate then live in your basement because they can't find a decent paying job vote for Hillary and the bought and paid for establishment. No mother should vote for Hillary, period she's bought and paid for by Wall Street and God knows how many countries who want our jobs.

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