I never thought I would say this, but we need more liberals on this forum. I have an idea how to attract them.

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THere's an old saying by some random old person in Politics that I dont remember -- that "if I have 10% hating me for being too liberal and 10% hating me for being too conservative -- then I'm doing EVERYTHING right..

We DO need more folks that are here for discussion and not just the feuding -- And if those people are lefties -- would be great. But we already GET a lot of complaints from BOTH sides accusing us of bias.

What I'm afraid of is -- that lefties wont come here because we DONT ban people for their content and opinions as long as they are discussing the topics. Look at the melt-down over "free speech being the end of Democracy" that's goin on RIGHT NOW... or just listen to Obama's speech at Stanford last week about CONTROLLING speech in this country.

IDK. IIRC it wasn't long after I joined that I stopped posting for a long time because the freaking Stormfronters seem to have taken over the site. I am not sure if they mostly went away or if I just don't see that crap as much dee to a healthy ignore list. Now I am mostly about the snark so I guess I am as guilty as anybody regarding serious discussions.
IDK. IIRC it wasn't long after I joined that I stopped posting for a long time because the freaking Stormfronters seem to have taken over the site. I am not sure if they mostly went away or if I just don't see that crap as much dee to a healthy ignore list. Now I am mostly about the snark so I guess I am as guilty as anybody regarding serious discussions.
I enjoy a variety of thread topics, from serious to silly.

Imo, a bit of snark can bring a spark of life to a thread that gets bogged down by posts that are too long, too serious, or simply boring.
I enjoy a variety of thread topics, from serious to silly.

But a bit of snark can bring a spark of life to a thread that gets bogged down by posts that are too long, too serious, or simply boring.

There is an ebb and flow to these things. Sometimes this site becomes bogged down with protypical screaming talking points by ideologues or threads become overwhelmed by the same two people going at it for another 8 hours about shit having nothing to do with anything said, and sometimes it is more chill. Another site I post at occasionally used to have more meaty conversations but is currently bogged down with just ugh shitposting. I am sure once we are in the home stretch on the 2022 election, the interwebz will be filled with you are with us or you are against us 24/7 like it always is.

we need more liberals on this forum​


Just dig them up. That's what Joe did.
I'm a former member of several heavily liberal-dominated sites.

Former because the liberals were typical in that they could not stand to have their absurdities pointed out to them with any humor whatsoever. They constantly whined about it. So, the "moderators," or the Liberal Klux Klan, as I call them, would subject me to a high-tech lynching in the form of repeated warnings for no violations, followed by a banning. That's why liberals were willing to keep posting on such sites even though they consistently lost all arguments. The bad people who bested them were sure to be sent packing by the LKK.

My idea is not for moderators to start banning non-libs who best libs in debates. Far from it. But . . . we could get delete this thread and then start several threads where we complain that the mods are all libs, they banned a perfectly decent non-lib, etc. Libs who visit for the first time no doubt look for such complaints to see if they will be happy on a forum.

As long as nobody spilled the beans, libs would keep coming. Imagine their tears when their real complaints to moderators for once do not result in banning.
I doubt they were liberals. Most heavily moderated sites are full of people like Far Left Progressives and Far Right

I'm a former member of several heavily liberal-dominated sites.

Former because the liberals were typical in that they could not stand to have their absurdities pointed out to them with any humor whatsoever. They constantly whined about it. So, the "moderators," or the Liberal Klux Klan, as I call them, would subject me to a high-tech lynching in the form of repeated warnings for no violations, followed by a banning. That's why liberals were willing to keep posting on such sites even though they consistently lost all arguments. The bad people who bested them were sure to be sent packing by the LKK.

My idea is not for moderators to start banning non-libs who best libs in debates. Far from it. But . . . we could get delete this thread and then start several threads where we complain that the mods are all libs, they banned a perfectly decent non-lib, etc. Libs who visit for the first time no doubt look for such complaints to see if they will be happy on a forum.

As long as nobody spilled the beans, libs would keep coming. Imagine their tears when their real complaints to moderators for once do not result in banning.
I doubt they were liberals. Most heavily moderated sites are full of people like Far Left Moonbats and Far Right Wingnuts.

its sad to see so many people misunderstand what makes a person a Liberal or even a Conservative

I wonder `` do you consider DJT a Conservative?
That's a classical liberal, now known as "libertarians," since the socialists culturally expropriated the term "liberal."

Yes, we need more of them here also.
Classical liberalism is not libertarianism as such. The only consistently meaningful way to regard classical liberalism is to understand that it's predicated on the natural law of the Anglo-American tradition, i.e., the Lockean iteration of republicanism. In today's parlance, classical liberalism is a synthesis of American conservatism proper and classic laissez-faire. Placing any given form of libertarianism within that range of liberty would entail more qualifications relative to real-world outcomes.
I doubt they were liberals. Most heavily moderated sites are full of people like Far Left Progressives and Far Right


I doubt they were liberals. Most heavily moderated sites are full of people like Far Left Moonbats and Far Right Wingnuts.

its sad to see so many people misunderstand what makes a person a Liberal or even a Conservative

I wonder `` do you consider DJT a Conservative?
I see nothing wrong with qualifying political ideology per carefully defined historical parameters.
Ideology Is a Spitball Fight at a Prep School

Both meanings derive from Latin liberalis, which implies inheriting the ownership of White slaves. Plebeians were excluded from being liberales.
I got no problem with ideology. I have a problem with careless thinking and with the tripe it produces.
What??? How does this work? Where do I look for complaints on this forum, and how do I analyze the numerous complaints if there is a . . .

How much reading until I recognize the bias of the forum from the complaint section?

You've figured out how to do this with an internet forum, and you think it will make things better???
Are you serious? Complaints are found in the feedback section, in this and every other forum that I've been on, IIRC. On this forum, it is called "Announcements and Feedback," and is the section on which this very thread is posted.

You won't see complaints about moderators banning conservatives for winning arguments with liberals, because they don't do that here, praise Allah. But there are complaints about not enforcing the rules about accusations of pedophilia, complaints that the board does not ban Disney for promoting pedophilia, and one about not being able to start a conversation with a mod.

I could name several that you could look at the complaint section and find numerous complaints of moderator bias.

You are out there, bro.

The big prize is to be awarded to the person, or persons, who figure out a practical plan for figuring out how to solve the great social media problem that we have encountered recently.
Oh, I'll bite . . . what is the great social media problem about which you speak?


If you were being sarcastic about the phrase "great social media problem," you got me, so hats off!
I'm a former member of several heavily liberal-dominated sites.

Former because the liberals were typical in that they could not stand to have their absurdities pointed out to them with any humor whatsoever. They constantly whined about it. So, the "moderators," or the Liberal Klux Klan, as I call them, would subject me to a high-tech lynching in the form of repeated warnings for no violations, followed by a banning. That's why liberals were willing to keep posting on such sites even though they consistently lost all arguments. The bad people who bested them were sure to be sent packing by the LKK.

My idea is not for moderators to start banning non-libs who best libs in debates. Far from it. But . . . we could get delete this thread and then start several threads where we complain that the mods are all libs, they banned a perfectly decent non-lib, etc. Libs who visit for the first time no doubt look for such complaints to see if they will be happy on a forum.

As long as nobody spilled the beans, libs would keep coming. Imagine their tears when their real complaints to moderators for once do not result in banning.
Feel free to debate me. I'm a Liberal. Have a sense of humor. And am even known to on rare occasions admit to be wrong. Having said that. I find that very few Conservatives are capable of having an honest debate, so if you feel yourself capable, any topic, any time.
Oh, I'll bite . . . what is the great social media problem about which you speak?


If you were being sarcastic about the phrase "great social media problem," you got me, so hats off!
The great social media problem is that the greatly improved communications is not approaching the "better society" that founders of social media believe their product will provide.

A person is not going to develop a communications platform just for some personal thrill. They are inclined to believe, and promote, their idea as being for the better approach to community. They did not expect people to use their product without their altruistic ideals of good community.

There is just no way Zuckerburg and the Twitter guy, thought that their products would be great revenge devices for people to use. Nobody id going to sign up to be ridiculed by "friends," and annonomous trolls.

It seemingly appears that social media is a verbal shooting gallery.
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If people would actually read some political philosophy, they would realize that liberalism is not an authoritarian ideology -- especially one predicated completely on identity.

The leftists on this forum are just about the furthest things imaginable from actual liberalism.
In what way?

Did you support the Democrat scheme to shut down small business?

If so, you are the very antithesis of a liberal.
I support the notion that the government can and should hold lives over the economy. If this includes shutting down businesses during a global health crisis I support it. It's interesting that all of a sudden this is controversial. Quarantines during disease outbreaks have been done before Roman times.

I also believe taxes aren't a punishment but a way to fund certain services I want a government to provide. Etc. Etc.
Feel free to debate me. I'm a Liberal. Have a sense of humor. And am even known to on rare occasions admit to be wrong. Having said that. I find that very few Conservatives are capable of having an honest debate, so if you feel yourself capable, any topic, any time.
Perfect! Full disclosure, I'm libertarian not conservative. It happens that at this time, it is liberals who tend to push authoritarian policies and cons who oppose them. In the sixties and seventies I was more in synch with liberals.

Still am on issues like drug legalization and LGBT rights (for grownups).

I'll look for your posts.
I support the notion that the government can and should hold lives over the economy. If this includes shutting down businesses during a global health crisis I support it. It's interesting that all of a sudden this is controversial. Quarantines during disease outbreaks have been done before Roman times.

I also believe taxes aren't a punishment but a way to fund certain services I want a government to provide. Etc. Etc.
So, you are not a liberal in any way, shape or form, then, since you support enriching Jeff Bezos at the expense of countless little guys.
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