I never thought I would say this, but we need more liberals on this forum. I have an idea how to attract them.

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THere's an old saying by some random old person in Politics that I dont remember -- that "if I have 10% hating me for being too liberal and 10% hating me for being too conservative -- then I'm doing EVERYTHING right..

We DO need more folks that are here for discussion and not just the feuding -- And if those people are lefties -- would be great. But we already GET a lot of complaints from BOTH sides accusing us of bias.

What I'm afraid of is -- that lefties wont come here because we DONT ban people for their content and opinions as long as they are discussing the topics. Look at the melt-down over "free speech being the end of Democracy" that's goin on RIGHT NOW... or just listen to Obama's speech at Stanford last week about CONTROLLING speech in this country.
There's another saying, "It doesn't matter how good you are, you are always an arsehole in someone's story".
If you want a load of libs coming to USMB, there is one sure way to attract them.

Add a forum with information and direct links to the welfare office. Make it easy for them to apply for welfare, Section 8, and Food Stamps as they whine about how fucking oppressed they are.

You're welcome.
I'm a former member of several heavily liberal-dominated sites.

Former because the liberals were typical in that they could not stand to have their absurdities pointed out to them with any humor whatsoever. They constantly whined about it. So, the "moderators," or the Liberal Klux Klan, as I call them, would subject me to a high-tech lynching in the form of repeated warnings for no violations, followed by a banning. That's why liberals were willing to keep posting on such sites even though they consistently lost all arguments. The bad people who bested them were sure to be sent packing by the LKK.

My idea is not for moderators to start banning non-libs who best libs in debates. Far from it. But . . . we could get delete this thread and then start several threads where we complain that the mods are all libs, they banned a perfectly decent non-lib, etc. Libs who visit for the first time no doubt look for such complaints to see if they will be happy on a forum.

As long as nobody spilled the beans, libs would keep coming. Imagine their tears when their real complaints to moderators for once do not result in banning.
They’re going back into hiding. They’ve had their Waterloo.
then I'm doing EVERYTHING right..
BS It's not about parties imo.

And once you stop allowing the trolling of the threads upstairs that are trolled with the purpose of crapping on the thread ... so as to move the thread to the pit, where the thread is now used as a taunt factory started upstairs... and the staff know this because they allow the members to do it.

So, until you guys deal with that, you will have little room to talk about doing things right.
That's a classical liberal, now known as "libertarians," since the socialists culturally expropriated the term "liberal."

Yes, we need more of them here also.
Ideology Is a Spitball Fight at a Prep School

Both meanings derive from Latin liberalis, which implies inheriting the ownership of White slaves. Plebeians were excluded from being liberales.

I never thought I would say this, but we need more liberals on this forum. I have an idea how to attract them.

My idea is not for moderators to start banning non-libs who best libs in debates. Far from it. But . . . we could get delete this thread and then start several threads where we complain that the mods are all libs, they banned a perfectly decent non-lib, etc. Libs who visit for the first time no doubt look for such complaints to see if they will be happy on a forum.
What??? How does this work? Where do I look for complaints on this forum, and how do I analyze the numerous complaints if there is a . . .

How much reading until I recognize the bias of the forum from the complaint section?

You've figured out how to do this with an internet forum, and you think it will make things better???


You are out there, bro.

The big prize is to be awarded to the person, or persons, who figure out a practical plan for figuring out how to solve the great social media problem that we have encountered recently.
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What??? How does this work? Where do I look for complaints on this forum, and how do I analyze the numerous complaints if there is a . . .

How much reading until I recognize the bias of the forum from the complaint section?

You've figured out how to do this with an internet forum, and you think it will make things better???


You are out there, bro.

The big prize is to be awarded to the person, or persons, who figure out a practical plan for figuring out how to solve the great social media problem that we have encountered recently.
Ban it. Ban all of it. Remember, we're banning books now. Logical progression.
This board has zero folks under the age of 40
. Too many old racist
I'm a former member of several heavily liberal-dominated sites.

Former because the liberals were typical in that they could not stand to have their absurdities pointed out to them with any humor whatsoever. They constantly whined about it. So, the "moderators," or the Liberal Klux Klan, as I call them, would subject me to a high-tech lynching in the form of repeated warnings for no violations, followed by a banning. That's why liberals were willing to keep posting on such sites even though they consistently lost all arguments. The bad people who bested them were sure to be sent packing by the LKK.

My idea is not for moderators to start banning non-libs who best libs in debates. Far from it. But . . . we could get delete this thread and then start several threads where we complain that the mods are all libs, they banned a perfectly decent non-lib, etc. Libs who visit for the first time no doubt look for such complaints to see if they will be happy on a forum.

As long as nobody spilled the beans, libs would keep coming. Imagine their tears when their real complaints to moderators for once do not result in banning.
That's WHY there are not very many liberals on here...they can't tattle and get people perma-banned.

Liberals are the sorest losers.

But hey...if you want I can ride both bicycles.

I can be a lib.
BS It's not about parties imo.

And once you stop allowing the trolling of the threads upstairs that are trolled with the purpose of crapping on the thread ... so as to move the thread to the pit, where the thread is now used as a taunt factory started upstairs... and the staff know this because they allow the members to do it.

So, until you guys deal with that, you will have little room to talk about doing things right.

If a thread DEGRADES to more of a poo-flinging, we dont clean it up. ESPECIALLY if the OP is joining in or nobody really CARES about the topic. Thread starters have MORE control of this than we do, because we're not reading 220 threads a day and some 8000 posts.

If THEY think ahead as to how THEY are gonna push the importance of their thread and KEEP AT IT -- we love to save failing threads. We rarely move stuff to the pit UNLESS there is SOME life still in the topic -- and then AFTER we've issued suitable warnings/thread bans.
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