I never thought I'd see the day...

...where there were actually Americans who are against the Constitution. And, not just one, but many, many Americans who are against the Constitution.

Never did I think I would see that. Stunning.


We have a name for them........Republicans

They want to weaken the first amendment, fourth amendment and fifth amendment

Also repeal the 14 th amendment and 17 th amendment
...where there were actually Americans who are against the Constitution. And, not just one, but many, many Americans who are against the Constitution.

Never did I think I would see that. Stunning.

Where were you during the Bush years?

Bush claimed an inherent power to imprison American citizens when he (without oversight) determined they were enemies of the state. He claimed these powers could be exercised without obtaining a warrant and thereby letting American citizens hear the charges against them. He claimed the right to send the national guard into Buffalo, completely destroying the autonomy of NYS to control its own destiny. He used the "War on Terrorism" to destroy the Constitution and grow the power of the executive.

The Bush legal team eroded the distinction between citizen and enemy combatant in ways eerily similar to the Soviet Union. He placed unchecked, unregulated, centralized power inside the hands of Government Bureaucrats to decide who was an enemy of the state. He destroyed judicial and congressional oversight, making it easier for the government to move against anyone they deemed dangerous.

Remember the Bush Fed's first big catch with the Patriot Act? It was a Democratic Governor, Eliot Spitzer, who had just published a shocking article in the Washington Post about Bush's role in the housing bubble. The Bush Fed used the Patriot Act to set up a surveillance web over Spitzer until they caught him doing something. When it turned out that his crime had nothing to do with Terrorism, rather than feeding the case down to local authorities (so the Feds could use their resources to fight terrorism), they stayed on Spitzer until he resigned. This is exactly what happened in the Soviet Union. The Soviet leadership said they needed more surveillance power to protect the country. Then they used that power to hunt political enemies. Constitution? Your party has eviscerated it.

The Bush Surveillance program gave the state vast new powers to monitor phone calls, consumer purchases, library cards, financial activity and internet use. Remember what he said when his leal aids warned him of the potential Constitutional issues?

“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”

“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

And let's not talk about Reagan funding his illegal war in Nicaragua by selling weapons to Iran.

Ronald Reagan sold weapons illegally to the leading terrorist nation on planet earth. This is on the public record. Google Iran Contra.

(You are worried about the Constitution? Are you kidding?)

Your party has been shredding the Constitution for decades sir. Where are you getting your information. Turn off FOX News and Rush Limbaugh and start studying American History.

(You have been lied to)
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No, they won't. Stop living in dreamville. You and the rest are bunch of paranoid idiots.

Most Americans don't give a crap about clips and magazines.

They want the proliferation of certain weapons and large magazine capacities to stop.

and then, some years down the road... long after the bans are set in place...

when the shit really hits the fan...

your grandchildren will look back and wonder "What the fuck were they thinking...?!"
Our legislatures in a republic elected by We the People make those decisions, ba1614, and you obey those laws or pay the price.
Our legislatures in a republic elected by We the People make those decisions, ba1614, and you obey those laws or pay the price.

The House is going to pass a law outlawing guns? Really?

When didn't even do that when you guys had a majority in 09

What makes you think that going to happen now

Also, do you think Reid can pass a budget at some point?
No, they won't. Stop living in dreamville. You and the rest are bunch of paranoid idiots.

Most Americans don't give a crap about clips and magazines.

They want the proliferation of certain weapons and large magazine capacities to stop.

and then, some years down the road... long after the bans are set in place...

when the shit really hits the fan...

your grandchildren will look back and wonder "What the fuck were they thinking...?!"

lol... JS refuses to believe that the world will ever be different from the way it is at this very present moment...

typical response from a history-ignorant lib...
Except that revolvers hold only 6 rounds, whereas he used 30 round clips -- oh excuse me -- magazines. So, no, the result would not have been the same.
Oh? Who was going to stop the killer from reloading? Or in his case, he had multiple weapons on his person. Including two pistols.
Most of the slaughter victims were shot several times. It did not take but one to kill. This was not a weapons issue. This was one of abject cruelty and violence.
That kid had a permanent hole in his soul. He should have been put away long ago.

Right. They were. By his AR-15.

The gun did not shoot the people. The person operating the weapon did that.
So, that's your issue? Terminology? Whatever, dude. You know what I meant. Like I said, I'm not playing that game. Hide behind your BS reasoning. And please go fuck yourself.

Great response!.....:clap2:

Shutup, cock-sleeve

Just for that. I am going to make YOU my personal cause.
I will drive you to distraction. You cannot ignore me. You're a lib. You MUST have the last word.
I can do this all day. You're fucked.
Great response!.....:clap2:

Shutup, cock-sleeve

Just for that. I am going to make YOU my personal cause.
I will drive you to distraction. You cannot ignore me. You're a lib. You MUST have the last word.
I can do this all day. You're fucked.

Holy Melt-down Batman!

Since the OP did not deign to tell us just what she is talking about specifically, one has to assume it is the 2nd Amendment...which last time I checked said something about being "well regulated".

Yeah, like there's ever been a FIRST time you checked. :eusa_hand: :bsflag:
So, that's your issue? Terminology? Whatever, dude. You know what I meant. Like I said, I'm not playing that game. Hide behind your BS reasoning. And please go fuck yourself.

Way to go, Josef!!

You ran right past the first two statements and questions!

You want to give it another go, sport?

I didn't run by anything. You chose to focus on terminology.

Now you want me to seriously answer your questions? Ok. But keep that in mind the next time you want to nitpick.

Yes, semi-auto rifles should be banned. Semi-auto pistols as well. You don't need them.

Hey spineless. If the guy is in my house, I want rapid fire capability.
Who the fuck are you to tell anyone what they need...
Speak for yourself. And ONLY for yourself.
Since the OP did not deign to tell us just what she is talking about specifically, one has to assume it is the 2nd Amendment...which last time I checked said something about being "well regulated".

Yeah, like there's ever been a FIRST time you checked. :eusa_hand: :bsflag:

Seawytch makes the common mistake of applying the modern definition of "regulated" to the 2nd amendment. The proper usage from the era is one of "properly functioning or operating".
So, that's your issue? Terminology? Whatever, dude. You know what I meant. Like I said, I'm not playing that game. Hide behind your BS reasoning. And please go fuck yourself.

Way to go, Josef!!

You ran right past the first two statements and questions!

You want to give it another go, sport?

I didn't run by anything. You chose to focus on terminology.

Now you want me to seriously answer your questions? Ok. But keep that in mind the next time you want to nitpick.

Yes, semi-auto rifles should be banned. Semi-auto pistols as well. You don't need them.

Thank you for being honest.

I think you're a fucking idiot for trying to tell me what I need, but again I appreciate the honesty.

Most of you jackboots try to avoid that.
Of course the world changes, BB. But an overarmed minority far right wing is not a change for good.
No, they won't. Stop living in dreamville. You and the rest are bunch of paranoid idiots.

and then, some years down the road... long after the bans are set in place...

when the shit really hits the fan...

your grandchildren will look back and wonder "What the fuck were they thinking...?!"

lol... JS refuses to believe that the world will ever be different from the way it is at this very present moment...

typical response from a history-ignorant lib...
Way to go, Josef!!

You ran right past the first two statements and questions!

You want to give it another go, sport?

I didn't run by anything. You chose to focus on terminology.

Now you want me to seriously answer your questions? Ok. But keep that in mind the next time you want to nitpick.

Yes, semi-auto rifles should be banned. Semi-auto pistols as well. You don't need them.

Who are you to determine what someone else "needs"? You progressives need to fuck off with that shit.

You don't need an automatic or semi-automatic weapon. 'Nuff said. If you can't survive without one, then curl up in a corner and die for all I care.
Oh? Who was going to stop the killer from reloading? Or in his case, he had multiple weapons on his person. Including two pistols.
Most of the slaughter victims were shot several times. It did not take but one to kill. This was not a weapons issue. This was one of abject cruelty and violence.
That kid had a permanent hole in his soul. He should have been put away long ago.

Right. They were. By his AR-15.

The gun did not shoot the people. The person operating the weapon did that.

Right. And this person happened to operate an AR-15 rifle with an extended magazine.

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