I never thought I'd see the day...

Obama has just about accomplished what he has set out to do. That is to divide the people and pit them against each other. This is a practice of divide and conquer. It's easier for government to trample on the people when they are busy battling each other.
The surprising issue is many wealthy people voted for this guy. They voted against their own interests.
Throughout human history, the wealthiest citizens have favored some kind of authoritarian government. This is because dictators NEED the wealthy to fund the government. And as long as the authority leaves the elite alone, they are happy. The wealthy get what they want, which is a population which cannot threaten their wealth. An obedient and fearful workforce and a government which serves the needs of the elite ruling class.
As long as Obama continues to find a comfortable spot among the nation's most wealth people, he can stay om his mission. That mission is to be an ultimate authority figure.

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I never thought I'd see the day...

...when 20 children and 6 adults could be slaughtered by a mentally disturbed man with an assault rifle with extended clips and all people like you can think about is the gov't coming for your guns? Yeah me neither. Ah shit, who am I kidding? I knew you nutjobs would be all over this with your second amendment solutions as soon as I heard the news.

Can you define either or both of those highlighted terms, please?

I don't think they mean what you think they mean...
I never thought I'd see the day...

...when 20 children and 6 adults could be slaughtered by a mentally disturbed man with an assault rifle with extended clips and all people like you can think about is the gov't coming for your guns? Yeah me neither. Ah shit, who am I kidding? I knew you nutjobs would be all over this with your second amendment solutions as soon as I heard the news.

Can you define either or both of those highlighted terms, please?

I don't think they mean what you think they mean...

I'm not going to play that game. But go ahead and replace those two terms with 'rifle' and 'ten round clip'. The rest still stands.
I think I am going to witness civil war on this continent in my life time. I always thought it would be up here with Quebec wanting to secede (but now that's all the rest of the country wants her to do)n Truly we want Quebec to go.

But I really can see where the States are going to fall apart. Most amazing. Truly stunning. The bloody libs have actually moved America forward for this.
Not sure how citizens of NY would react to having their LEGALLY, CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED firearms FORCEFULLY "confiscated" from them, but I can assure you, they try and pull that shit out here in the sticks in small town, middle America, and there's going to be dead people everywhere. I'd like to know who they think they're going to get STUPID enough to go door to door demanding people DISARM knowing their chances of eating lead are about 99%? What then? They going to get the ARMY to attack AMERICAN CITIZENS?

Yes, you very well may see another Civil/Revolutionary War in America... soon. The leftists are pushing their godless, amoral, tyrannical commie shit just about too far. The country is a TINDER BOX right now ready to ignite. obama has set race relations back 75 years, and class warfare and the war on Christianity has never been so bad. People have had ENOUGH. There's going to be a push back.

If it really came to it and the American people democractically desided to go and get certain guns then those people would hand them over in a red hot second with a smile and a thank you to the ATF agent.

Your right wing bluster fools NO ONE any more.
In your twisted little mind, that may occur.
You are not recognizing "real world".
Oh, this country is NOT a democracy.
...where there were actually Americans who are against the Constitution. And, not just one, but many, many Americans who are against the Constitution.

Never did I think I would see that. Stunning.

You missed all the people going on and on about how the health insurance mandate was un-Constitutional?

It is. The Chief SCOTUS Justice had a dilemma. He opted for the path of least resistance.
I have no clue what this lady is babbling about... but admittedly I like her avatar so I'm restraining myself from going in for the kill.


It’s the same tedious rightist nonsense about how America has lost its way, how Americans are not only ignorant of their Constitution but have turned against it, if not willingly then through indifference, and how we’re basically all doomed.

Of course this despondency will pass one a republican is president, at which point everything will be just fine.

You know Clayton, your binary thinking doesn't do you any justice. Lots of us Conservatives were outraged over Bush's extra-Constitutional bullshit like medicare Part D and the Patriot Act.

The Party Machine did it's job and marginalized us to the point of irrelevance.

Just like the Dems have done to the Blue Dogs...

That’s an issue for you and others on the right to resolve.

Millions of other Americans, however, have long ago grown weary of hearing the right whine about how the Constitution is ‘lost,’ ‘ignored,’ or ‘no longer in effect’ simply because they disagree with the case law based upon the Founding Document, and how that case law conflicts with conservative dogma.

Most conservatives fail to understand that all perceptions of the Constitution, ‘originalism,’ ‘strict constructionism,’ ‘Constitutional literalism,’ etc, are all interpretations of the Constitution, no more legitimate than any other interpretation, and no judicial philosophy has a monopoly on the ‘true’ meaning of the Constitution or the original intent of the Framers.

So when we hear about Americans being ‘against’ the Constitution because they accept or acknowledge settled case law on an issue, or express an opinion on a matter which was never subject to judicial review, or in the case of extra-judicial killings will likely never be subject to judicial review, a weary eye-roll is indeed a perfectly appropriate response.

And no, this doesn’t mean these issues can’t be further debated because the courts have spoken – or not, it means that there are no grounds to make definitive statements that a given action by a president or the Congress is ‘illegal’ or ‘un-Constitutional,’ because that’s simply not the case; consequently, anyone coming to such a definitive conclusion is solely motivated by partisanism, not the facts of the issue, the law, or the Constitution.
Not sure how citizens of NY would react to having their LEGALLY, CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED firearms FORCEFULLY "confiscated" from them, but I can assure you, they try and pull that shit out here in the sticks in small town, middle America, and there's going to be dead people everywhere. I'd like to know who they think they're going to get STUPID enough to go door to door demanding people DISARM knowing their chances of eating lead are about 99%? What then? They going to get the ARMY to attack AMERICAN CITIZENS?

Yes, you very well may see another Civil/Revolutionary War in America... soon. The leftists are pushing their godless, amoral, tyrannical commie shit just about too far. The country is a TINDER BOX right now ready to ignite. obama has set race relations back 75 years, and class warfare and the war on Christianity has never been so bad. People have had ENOUGH. There's going to be a push back.

If it really came to it and the American people democractically desided to go and get certain guns then those people would hand them over in a red hot second with a smile and a thank you to the ATF agent.

Your right wing bluster fools NO ONE any more.

I had hopes that Santa would've brought you a brain this year...

Guess not...
" democractically desided"..what a retard
...where there were actually Americans who are against the Constitution. And, not just one, but many, many Americans who are against the Constitution.

Never did I think I would see that. Stunning.

This is a natural result (and goal) of federalizing education and politicizing the classroom.

Children are no longer taught - they are indoctrinated.
...where there were actually Americans who are against the Constitution. And, not just one, but many, many Americans who are against the Constitution.

Never did I think I would see that. Stunning.

You missed all the people going on and on about how the health insurance mandate was un-Constitutional?

It is. The Chief SCOTUS Justice had a dilemma. He opted for the path of least resistance.

He opted to uphold the law; therefore, it's Constitutional. That's the way it works.
...when 20 children and 6 adults could be slaughtered by a mentally disturbed man with an assault rifle with extended clips and all people like you can think about is the gov't coming for your guns? Yeah me neither. Ah shit, who am I kidding? I knew you nutjobs would be all over this with your second amendment solutions as soon as I heard the news.

Can you define either or both of those highlighted terms, please?

I don't think they mean what you think they mean...

I'm not going to play that game. But go ahead and replace those two terms with 'rifle' and 'ten round clip'. The rest still stands.

OK, what is your proposal to eliminate the 'problem'? Ban all semi-auto rifles?

8 of the last 10 'mass shootings' were accomplished without the use of a rifle. Would you also ban semi-auto pistols?

Please learn the difference between a clip and a magazine, you make yourself look stupid.

Perhaps not overtly, but there exists a faction of people who believe the president( must be lib progressive) should be an ultimate authority figure free to set aside the Constitution when he or she sees fit.
This is exhibited in the oft used "I think the president should be able to..."

Actually wrong. It's the neo cons that feel that way. Hence the patriot act. Also please will one of you fucking coward right wingers tell me what American Obama has ordered the death of.

Coward right wingers? Which ideology resists the right of the people to defend themselves and which one supports that right?
A coward is one who refuses to fight for his liberty and freedom.
So go hide in your closet. Coward.
You libs are the soft white underbelly of the country.
If it really came to it and the American people democractically desided to go and get certain guns then those people would hand them over in a red hot second with a smile and a thank you to the ATF agent.

Your right wing bluster fools NO ONE any more.

The right wing bluster is no sillier than your petty insults. But you're probably right. Most Americans today are frightened sheep, ready to do whatever they're told for fleeting promises of security.

Yeah I got called unamerican and a terrorist supporter for being against the Patriot Act.
...where there were actually Americans who are against the Constitution.

They are not true Americans. They just live in the US but do not grasp the concepts.

Yes, this true. Most right wingers don't understand the little pocket constitution booklet in their pocket. Right wing voters are usually low information voters that vote against selfinterest.
I see you've studied your liberal manifesto well.
Typical lib tactic. Describe what you do and accuse others of doing the same.

Right..Your point?
A trial? Without interest. Done and meaningless.
We do not kowtow to the whims of international tyrants with an anti-American agenda.
Sort of like YOUR anti American agenda.
If you hate it here so much, MOVE THE FUCK OUT.

I'm here for the sabotage. It would not do to move out. As much as FOREIGN courts would want to do so, they are thus far unable to strip an American citizen of citizenship.

obama kills three American citizens without trial or the process of removing their citizenship.

Families of US citizens killed in drone strike file wrongful death lawsuit | World news | guardian.co.uk

Even obama doesn't deny he has a secret kill list. We now know it exists, even if we don't know who is on it.


Mr. Obama is the liberal law professor who campaigned against the Iraq war and torture, and then insisted on approving every new name on an expanding “kill list,” poring over terrorist suspects’ biographies on what one official calls the macabre “baseball cards” of an unconventional war. When a rare opportunity for a drone strike at a top terrorist arises — but his family is with him — it is the president who has reserved to himself the final moral calculation.

“He is determined that he will make these decisions about how far and wide these operations will go,” said Thomas E. Donilon, his national security adviser. “His view is that he’s responsible for the position of the United States in the world.” He added, “He’s determined to keep the tether pretty short.”

obama has declared himself to be not the final arbiter of who lives and who dies but the ONLY arbiter. And all in secret.

The strike that killed the two so called Americans in Yemen, one of which was the blogger for a terrorist newsletter and happened to live near here, was perhaps unlawful but it also served a purpose. That is to make it known that Americans who turn against their country and join terror groups will never be out of the reach of our forces.
Now, while I support and defend the duty of our government to act under the rule of law, dealing with terrorists and terror groups is outside the norms of law.
What I find ironic is these two were targeted and killed BEFORE they had the chance to carry out their plans. The terrorists in Benghazi were permitted to do as they pleased even though the Ambassador to Libya sent several requests for additional security. Said requests were denied.
We cannot have inconsistency like this.
I never thought I'd see the day...

...when 20 children and 6 adults could be slaughtered by a mentally disturbed man with an assault rifle with extended clips and all people like you can think about is the gov't coming for your guns? Yeah me neither. Ah shit, who am I kidding? I knew you nutjobs would be all over this with your second amendment solutions as soon as I heard the news.

Not clips. Magazines.
The weapon had ZERO to do with the shooting. The guy could have used a .38 caliber revolver and accomplished the same effect. Dead children shot execution style.
Progressives need their own state (yes, only one) where they will be unarmed with no rights. Obama will build a fence -- to keep them in.
Can you define either or both of those highlighted terms, please?

I don't think they mean what you think they mean...

I'm not going to play that game. But go ahead and replace those two terms with 'rifle' and 'ten round clip'. The rest still stands.

OK, what is your proposal to eliminate the 'problem'? Ban all semi-auto rifles?

8 of the last 10 'mass shootings' were accomplished without the use of a rifle. Would you also ban semi-auto pistols?

Please learn the difference between a clip and a magazine, you make yourself look stupid.

So, that's your issue? Terminology? Whatever, dude. You know what I meant. Like I said, I'm not playing that game. Hide behind your BS reasoning. And please go fuck yourself.
I never thought I'd see the day...

...when 20 children and 6 adults could be slaughtered by a mentally disturbed man with an assault rifle with extended clips and all people like you can think about is the gov't coming for your guns? Yeah me neither. Ah shit, who am I kidding? I knew you nutjobs would be all over this with your second amendment solutions as soon as I heard the news.

Not clips. Magazines.
The weapon had ZERO to do with the shooting. The guy could have used a .38 caliber revolver and accomplished the same effect. Dead children shot execution style.

Except that revolvers hold only 6 rounds, whereas he used 30 round clips -- oh excuse me -- magazines. So, no, the result would not have been the same.
Obama has just about accomplished what he has set out to do. That is to divide the people and pit them against each other. This is a practice of divide and conquer. It's easier for government to trample on the people when they are busy battling each other.
The surprising issue is many wealthy people voted for this guy. They voted against their own interests.
Throughout human history, the wealthiest citizens have favored some kind of authoritarian government. This is because dictators NEED the wealthy to fund the government. And as long as the authority leaves the elite alone, they are happy. The wealthy get what they want, which is a population which cannot threaten their wealth. An obedient and fearful workforce and a government which serves the needs of the elite ruling class.
As long as Obama continues to find a comfortable spot among the nation's most wealth people, he can stay om his mission. That mission is to be an ultimate authority figure.

Cuckoo huh? What the fuck do you think is going on right here on this message board?
Do you really believe the positions taken by each ideological side would be as sharply opposed but for Obama's policies and style of leadership?

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