I never thought I'd see the day...

The president is well within the Constitution and the rule of law in whacking American citizens who have declared themselves enemy noncombatants waging war against America and are hiding where they cannot be extradited.

No he isn't. He is acting not only unconstitutionally but illegally. What he should do is what was done to Adam Ghadan. He was tried in absentia, convicted of treason (possibly based on his own statements) and stripped of his citizenship. Then there is no question about whacking American citizens. They aren't citizens anymore and what they have done to be relieved of that citizenship is a matter of public record. What obama did was substitute his opinion for justice. He changed the Rule of Law into the Rule of how He Feels Today. Just because he calls it the Rule of Law doesn't mean that it really is.

According to what authority?

Cite the court case making that ruling.

Or is this merely your ignorant partisan opinion, based not on the law or Constitution but the president’s party affiliation.
The president is well within the Constitution and the rule of law in whacking American citizens who have declared themselves enemy noncombatants waging war against America and are hiding where they cannot be extradited.

No he isn't. He is acting not only unconstitutionally but illegally. What he should do is what was done to Adam Ghadan. He was tried in absentia, convicted of treason (possibly based on his own statements) and stripped of his citizenship. Then there is no question about whacking American citizens. They aren't citizens anymore and what they have done to be relieved of that citizenship is a matter of public record. What obama did was substitute his opinion for justice. He changed the Rule of Law into the Rule of how He Feels Today. Just because he calls it the Rule of Law doesn't mean that it really is.

According to what authority?

Cite the court case making that ruling.

Or is this merely your ignorant partisan opinion, based not on the law or Constitution but the president’s party affiliation.

Katz is a slow slow cow of a woman. Also they still can't tell me the name of one single American Obama has ordered the execution of.

Right..Your point?
A trial? Without interest. Done and meaningless.
We do not kowtow to the whims of international tyrants with an anti-American agenda.
Sort of like YOUR anti American agenda.
If you hate it here so much, MOVE THE FUCK OUT.

I'm here for the sabotage. It would not do to move out. As much as FOREIGN courts would want to do so, they are thus far unable to strip an American citizen of citizenship.

obama kills three American citizens without trial or the process of removing their citizenship.

Families of US citizens killed in drone strike file wrongful death lawsuit | World news | guardian.co.uk

Even obama doesn't deny he has a secret kill list. We now know it exists, even if we don't know who is on it.


Mr. Obama is the liberal law professor who campaigned against the Iraq war and torture, and then insisted on approving every new name on an expanding “kill list,” poring over terrorist suspects’ biographies on what one official calls the macabre “baseball cards” of an unconventional war. When a rare opportunity for a drone strike at a top terrorist arises — but his family is with him — it is the president who has reserved to himself the final moral calculation.

“He is determined that he will make these decisions about how far and wide these operations will go,” said Thomas E. Donilon, his national security adviser. “His view is that he’s responsible for the position of the United States in the world.” He added, “He’s determined to keep the tether pretty short.”

obama has declared himself to be not the final arbiter of who lives and who dies but the ONLY arbiter. And all in secret.
The president is well within the Constitution and the rule of law in whacking American citizens who have declared themselves enemy noncombatants waging war against America and are hiding where they cannot be extradited.

No he isn't. He is acting not only unconstitutionally but illegally. What he should do is what was done to Adam Ghadan. He was tried in absentia, convicted of treason (possibly based on his own statements) and stripped of his citizenship. Then there is no question about whacking American citizens. They aren't citizens anymore and what they have done to be relieved of that citizenship is a matter of public record. What obama did was substitute his opinion for justice. He changed the Rule of Law into the Rule of how He Feels Today. Just because he calls it the Rule of Law doesn't mean that it really is.

Name one us citizen president Obama has ordered to death with out trail.

Yes, he is, son. The military can wack anybody who has stated he is at war with America.

No they can't, or at least couldn't before opinion became law. No one can even be prosecuted for saying they are at war with the US government. Look at how the US was slapped down in the prosecution of the Huttarees.

The founders were right, an uninformed public is our greatest internal enemy.

Then you must be number 1 on this fake list. Name one American Obama has ordered to kill.

No he isn't. He is acting not only unconstitutionally but illegally. What he should do is what was done to Adam Ghadan. He was tried in absentia, convicted of treason (possibly based on his own statements) and stripped of his citizenship. Then there is no question about whacking American citizens. They aren't citizens anymore and what they have done to be relieved of that citizenship is a matter of public record. What obama did was substitute his opinion for justice. He changed the Rule of Law into the Rule of how He Feels Today. Just because he calls it the Rule of Law doesn't mean that it really is.

So all those attacks on Democrats/liberals over the years on the charge that they would not treat the war on terror as a war,

but only as a law enforcement matter,

those people were all wrong, eh? All those conservatives who made that charge were full of shit??


Lol remember the stink they made when dems wanted to put them on trial in NYC? Also they can't name. One person that is an American that Obama has ordered to death.

Anwar al-Awlaki

(I have no problem with killing him)
The fact remains the president is well within his executive powers to direct military operations in times of war. The president is in charge of the war, not his negstive loony naysayers here.
It's not the point that we have no problem with killing terrorists..it's the right under the US Constitution to due process that matters. Our law states EVERY American is entitled to a speedy trial by his peers.
The fact remains the president is well within his executive powers to direct military operations in times of war. The president is in charge of the war, not his negstive loony naysayers here.

You're wrong and it's a dangerous freedom given to ANY President to summarily execute US Citizens without their rights being afforded them, REGARDLESS of war time. Our military fall under the USMJ. NO ONE can shoot one of them in the head for killing someone in theatre just because it's a time of war. That's insane thinking and dangerous.
In a time of war, the president may take actions in accordance with his constitutional wartime powers.

Some of you reactionaries should become more familiar with that bit of information.
In a time of war, the president may take actions in accordance with his constitutional wartime powers.

Some of you reactionaries should become more familiar with that bit of information.

Really? I'd like to see that Constitutional law that gives a sitting US President the authority to execute Americans without their due process. Link plz.
Since the OP did not deign to tell us just what she is talking about specifically, one has to assume it is the 2nd Amendment...which last time I checked said something about being "well regulated".

Not to mention some of our founding fathers were into the idea of tearing up the constitution every nineteen years and writing a new one. I personally think it's kind of stupid to try to govern the 21st century world with an 18th century document but I do appreciate and respect it's place in our history.

You sound like FDR when he locked up Japanese Americans and who tried to replace Supreme Court Justices who would not pass his programs via his court packing scheme.

What a great man he was.
I think I am going to witness civil war on this continent in my life time. I always thought it would be up here with Quebec wanting to secede (but now that's all the rest of the country wants her to do)n Truly we want Quebec to go.

But I really can see where the States are going to fall apart. Most amazing. Truly stunning. The bloody libs have actually moved America forward for this.

I am wondering when the Quebec separatists will once again start grumbling again. Seem about every ten years or so, there is some silly uprising. I think Anglophone Canadians have had just about enough and more of them are ready to cut Quebec loose.
When I lived in NJ, we used to go to Montreal all the time. It was always fun. The city was pretty clean and relatively crime free. The French were at least tolerant of visiting Americans. The last time I was there was summer 2001. It was miserable. The Francophones were arrogant and obnoxious. They refused to speak English to Americans. We went to Casino Montreal. The dealers were for the most part, pricks.
My take on this is "hey, if you don't want me here, fine by me. I'll go to Toronto.
I never had issues with French Canadians until Quebec went ahead with that "language police" thing. The road signs were all redone to read in French only. Screw them.
Read Article II and see if you can find law that prevents the president from taking such action in time of war. I wanted Romney to be elected because I believe he would have taken even more extensive action such as those actions that you are condemning.

In a time of war, the president may take actions in accordance with his constitutional wartime powers.

Some of you reactionaries should become more familiar with that bit of information.

Really? I'd like to see that Constitutional law that gives a sitting US President the authority to execute Americans without their due process. Link plz.
In a time of war, the president may take actions in accordance with his constitutional wartime powers.

Some of you reactionaries should become more familiar with that bit of information.

In truth, there are no restrictions on the power of the Executive Branch. None.
I never thought I'd see the day...

...when 20 children and 6 adults could be slaughtered by a mentally disturbed man with an assault rifle with extended clips and all people like you can think about is the gov't coming for your guns? Yeah me neither. Ah shit, who am I kidding? I knew you nutjobs would be all over this with your second amendment solutions as soon as I heard the news.
These ongoing wars based on resolution of force acts concern me because of the fact a president can do pretty much what he wants if he can justify his actions under wartime conditions.

Bring the troops home.
I am old, and i don't recall ever seeing it this bad in all my years. Anyway, no sense in complaining,because this is what the voters wanted, and all we can do it try survive now, which isn't going to be easy in the next years. If you think its bad now, just wait another year or two. Get prepared.!!!!!!!! Its just begun./

Obama has just about accomplished what he has set out to do. That is to divide the people and pit them against each other. This is a practice of divide and conquer. It's easier for government to trample on the people when they are busy battling each other.
The surprising issue is many wealthy people voted for this guy. They voted against their own interests.
Throughout human history, the wealthiest citizens have favored some kind of authoritarian government. This is because dictators NEED the wealthy to fund the government. And as long as the authority leaves the elite alone, they are happy. The wealthy get what they want, which is a population which cannot threaten their wealth. An obedient and fearful workforce and a government which serves the needs of the elite ruling class.
As long as Obama continues to find a comfortable spot among the nation's most wealth people, he can stay om his mission. That mission is to be an ultimate authority figure.

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