I no longer support Roe v Wade

If women cared about their reproductive rights, equal pay and respect they would not have voted for Trump

53% of white women voted for Trump

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If women cared about their reproductive rights, equal pay and respect they would not have voted for Trump

53% of white women voted for Trump
I'm sure women will appreciate you telling them what they should think and do.
It is still important to establish and enforce Constitutional issues on both sides.
otherwise, this fight will continue if we never finish resolving the conflicts.

As for abortion itself, the problem will end when MEN are held equally
responsible for the decision to have sex, or MORE responsible in the case of rape
and coercion where women didn't agree to the sex, the pregnancy, and/or the abortion.

Address relationship abuse and sexual abuse, and abortion will be prevented as a result.

Remember the crazy republican who said that a woman can stop herself from getting pregnant if she was raped... What a dumb out of touch man.

I do think that the morning after pill should be legal and over the counter for everyone.

But some dumb out of touch man will say that it is abortion......

I would say women in general probably should act in the way were they don't have to have consistent abortions over and over again... lol
and how can any of these "women" do that, without "men" acting with them?
What women can't say no?

Rustic again
why can't men say no when they don't want to get married
to the woman and support pregnancy or children?

Why can't BOTH say no?

And men can abuse women to coerce them
more readily than women can force a man to have sex against his will.

Think about that physiologically!

That's fine if you want to hold women responsible,
but that should also apply to men equally.
It seems foolish to have abortion on demand because of a foolish mistake. After all the most innocent party in the whole abortion thing is the baby, and they end up paying the ultimate price.
If women cared about their reproductive rights, equal pay and respect they would not have voted for Trump

53% of white women voted for Trump
What are you some type of free love hippy?
Conservative women don't have to worry about have an abortion clinic on every corner…
The only purpose of Roe v Wade is to allow abortions in Red States

As Trump demonstrated so well, women in Red States really don't care
Dude, have you know shame in using this topic as a political football? Do you really need for me to re-post the court testimony about how they tear the limbs off of the baby while it is still alive? Seriously?
Abortion is a political issue
No. It is not. It is a moral issue. It is a societal issue. Jack-a-napes make it a political issue for political gain.
Come on tell us again RW how the next republican president is not born yet

Hi bear513 well people could say Trump is not a real Republican
but like Sanders and Obama, they use the party to push socialist agenda.
With Trump he is more populist, and I hope the PEOPLE he listens to
and represents include the Constitutionalists equally who will stand up to and stop overreaching.

Bush would not listen to his own, nor would Obama listen to Constitutional checks and balances.
Obama had to get sued over the ACA spending and to this day hasn't acknowledged
the mandates are unconstitutional.

If Trump keeps Cruz in his circle of advisors, he can stay on track.
But a liberal Constitutionalist may be needed to check Cruz
and keep Trump in the middle. Not a Statist liberal like Obama,
but one who argues not to abuse govt to impose on either left or right by the other.
Most people take sides, and even Cruz did on the marriage issue that should
be out of courts and in states and among the people to decide, not govt.

Both Clintons supported DOMA and that proved to be unconstitutional.
So we need a balanced slate of Constitutionalists on both sides
to make sure Trump doesn't make the same mistakes of Bush and Obama issuing
decrees that divide the nation in war, whether overseas or domestic political war for control.

We can avoid that if Trump listens to both sides, but it's best if they
meet in agreement and not compromise as with ACA that both sides rejected as corporate garbage.

Hey Emily, I am smart but not that smart, I want the mandate over for selfish reasons but how can the insurance companies afford millions of New folks ?
Q. Do you tell a woman who is considering a D&E that the fetal arms, legs, extremities may be
dismembered is in the course of a dismemberment variation D&E, Dr. Westhoff?
A. I tell patients that we will remove all of the fetus and the uterus and membrane, the placenta
and membranes from the uterus as safely as possible and that that proceeds somewhat differently
for all patients.
Q. How often will it be necessary to collapse the fetal skull during D&E whether the D&E
proceeds by a dismemberment or more relatively intact, Doctor?
A. For the vast majority of D&Es [] be necessary it either crush or collapse the fetal skull.
THE COURT: Do you tell the woman that? Do you use the word crush?
THE WITNESS: Your Honor, I do not.
THE COURT: I didn't think so.

What do you recommend if a woman is going to die unless if she has an abortion..
What is your solution?

Maybe not have as many horndog republicans....?

That's between her and God, not me. But if I were her, I would risk my life for my child.

God?, who's that?
Maybe you will find out one day, but I'd like to thank you for proving one of my points.

Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it. They are modern American liberals.

God. Prove the existence of God, with a logical argument.

Dear NYcarbineer

We can agree on a definition of God we all believe in such as
God meaning:

Life or Creation or Universe
Nature or forces/laws of nature
Truth or collective knowledge or energy
Universal Good Will for all

We can prove a process can be followed to reach consensus on God
by demonstrating that
* forgiveness of differences in beliefs allows for agreement between
people without changing their beliefs
* unforgiveness and fear correlates proportionally to
rate or degrees of failure to reconcile between people of conflicting faiths or beliefs

so we COULD prove scientifically by statistics
that the factors preventing agre ement on the meaning of God
are fear and unforgiveness,
while degrees of forgiveness and inclusion
CORRELATE statistically with
ability or success rate in resolving conflicts and relationships
between diverse or opposing groups or philosophies.
The only purpose of Roe v Wade is to allow abortions in Red States

As Trump demonstrated so well, women in Red States really don't care
Dude, have you know shame in using this topic as a political football? Do you really need for me to re-post the court testimony about how they tear the limbs off of the baby while it is still alive? Seriously?
Abortion is a political issue
No. It is not. It is a moral issue. It is a societal issue. Jack-a-napes make it a political issue for political gain.

Dear ding and rightwinger
It is BOTH
because making abortion legal to practice in medicine is going to involve govt.
(or criminalizing it and penalizing it is going to)
so therefore it becomes political.

the right to life is a POLITICAL belief because it affects public laws and taxpayers,
as does the belief in right to choose NOT being penalized by govt

These involve spiritual beliefs, and that's why govt should not mandate for citizens.
But govt has a responsibility for enforcing laws,
so the people have to come to some agreement, at least state by state if not nationally, if
we are going to enforce laws constistently without violating beliefs of one side or the other!
Fine, let abortions go back to the states. All that will accomplish is that a girl in a red state will have to sneak across some border into a blue state to get her abortion.

Women in red states do not seem to care. 70% voted for Trump

If they do not care to stand up for their rights, why should I fight for them?
The only purpose of Roe v Wade is to allow abortions in Red States

As Trump demonstrated so well, women in Red States really don't care
Dude, have you know shame in using this topic as a political football? Do you really need for me to re-post the court testimony about how they tear the limbs off of the baby while it is still alive? Seriously?
Abortion is a political issue
No. It is not. It is a moral issue. It is a societal issue. Jack-a-napes make it a political issue for political gain.

Dear ding and rightwinger
It is BOTH
because making abortion legal to practice in medicine is going to involve govt.
(or criminalizing it and penalizing it is going to)
so therefore it becomes political.

the right to life is a POLITICAL belief because it affects public laws and taxpayers,
as does the belief in right to choose NOT being penalized by govt

These involve spiritual beliefs, and that's why govt should not mandate for citizens.
But govt has a responsibility for enforcing laws,
so the people have to come to some agreement, at least state by state if not nationally, if
we are going to enforce laws constistently without violating beliefs of one side or the other!
Laws are not political. Laws are about maintaining order. Politics is anything but order.
Fine, let abortions go back to the states. All that will accomplish is that a girl in a red state will have to sneak across some border into a blue state to get her abortion.

Women in red states do not seem to care. 70% voted for Trump

If they do not care to stand up for their rights, why should I fight for them?
Then don't. Problem solved. Please don't tell me that their fate rests on your shoulders. It seems you have an over-inflated sense of self worth.
The only purpose of Roe v Wade is to allow abortions in Red States

As Trump demonstrated so well, women in Red States really don't care
Dude, have you know shame in using this topic as a political football? Do you really need for me to re-post the court testimony about how they tear the limbs off of the baby while it is still alive? Seriously?
Abortion is a political issue
No. It is not. It is a moral issue. It is a societal issue. Jack-a-napes make it a political issue for political gain.

Dear ding and rightwinger
It is BOTH
because making abortion legal to practice in medicine is going to involve govt.
(or criminalizing it and penalizing it is going to)
so therefore it becomes political.

the right to life is a POLITICAL belief because it affects public laws and taxpayers,
as does the belief in right to choose NOT being penalized by govt

These involve spiritual beliefs, and that's why govt should not mandate for citizens.
But govt has a responsibility for enforcing laws,
so the people have to come to some agreement, at least state by state if not nationally, if
we are going to enforce laws constistently without violating beliefs of one side or the other!
Laws are not political. Laws are about maintaining order. Politics is anything but order.

Ok so we are using politics different.

Can we agree that abortion laws involve govt
and thus involves political beliefs about govt?
If women cared about their reproductive rights, equal pay and respect they would not have voted for Trump

53% of white women voted for Trump
I'm sure women will appreciate you telling them what they should think and do.

Just like they appreciate being called fat, pigs, ugly by Trump? Just like they appreciate a man who dumps his wives for younger and prettier women?

It is obvious they do not care how they are treated
Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?
Every cloud has a silver lining.

Consider that millions of babies conceived since 1973 by liberal parents, were killed in the womb and so never lived to follow in their parents' footprints.

Could the liberals make a colorable argument that Roe v. Wade resulted in Hillary's defeat in 2016?
Conservative sluts have abortions too

How misogynistic of you. You MUST be a trumpette.
Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?

Prior to 1972 and Roe v Wade, the states decided whether to allow abortion or not. In effect, Blue states allowed it and red states banned it

After Roe v Wade, women in red states were allowed access to abortion.

With the nomination of Trump, it was obvious that Trump would appoint conservative federal judges and Supreme Court justices who would water down and eventually repeal Roe v Wade.

70 percent of women in Red States supported Trump. It is obvious that women in red states have little interest in maintaining abortion rights in their state

Repeal would mean that small minority of women would have to go to a blue state for abortions.......doesn't seem to be that big a deal to women


i find it fascinating because some women voted badly that you're being vindictive to all of us.

i find that sad and pathetic. i'm incredibly disappointed. are you that ugly a person. i'd always thought you were decent.

why aren't you raging against your fellow men? a majority of you voted for the orange fascist. a majority of women voted for hillary clinton.
Fine, let abortions go back to the states. All that will accomplish is that a girl in a red state will have to sneak across some border into a blue state to get her abortion.

Women in red states do not seem to care. 70% voted for Trump

If they do not care to stand up for their rights, why should I fight for them?

You should fight for your own rights and beliefs that only you can represent.
In that way, then you enforce the same respect for others to defend represent and exercise their rights
in and of themselves. And not depend on you to do that for them for them to have their rights respected.
Q. Do you tell a woman who is considering a D&E that the fetal arms, legs, extremities may be
dismembered is in the course of a dismemberment variation D&E, Dr. Westhoff?
A. I tell patients that we will remove all of the fetus and the uterus and membrane, the placenta
and membranes from the uterus as safely as possible and that that proceeds somewhat differently
for all patients.
Q. How often will it be necessary to collapse the fetal skull during D&E whether the D&E
proceeds by a dismemberment or more relatively intact, Doctor?
A. For the vast majority of D&Es [] be necessary it either crush or collapse the fetal skull.
THE COURT: Do you tell the woman that? Do you use the word crush?
THE WITNESS: Your Honor, I do not.
THE COURT: I didn't think so.

What do you recommend if a woman is going to die unless if she has an abortion..
What is your solution?

Maybe not have as many horndog republicans....?

That's between her and God, not me. But if I were her, I would risk my life for my child.

God?, who's that?
Maybe you will find out one day, but I'd like to thank you for proving one of my points.

Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it. They are modern American liberals.

God. Prove the existence of God, with a logical argument.
The laws of nature are such that at the moment space and time came into existence, beings that know and create were pre-destined to arise by the laws of nature. Here is the proof you have been looking for. The reality is that the Bible correctly explains that the universe had a beginning and was created in steps. Science tells us that the universe did have a beginning and what we see today is a result of the evolution of matter and was a process that was done in steps. Subatomic particles evolved into hydrogen and helium. Hydrogen and helium formed cosmic structures. Supernovas created the other elements. Chemical evolution created all the compounds. Life mad the leap from inorganic matter to organic matter. Life made the leap from single cells to multi cells and to eventually beings that know and create. The laws of nature came into existence at the time space and time were created. Those laws predestined that beings that know and create would eventually arise. Check mate.
Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?

Prior to 1972 and Roe v Wade, the states decided whether to allow abortion or not. In effect, Blue states allowed it and red states banned it

After Roe v Wade, women in red states were allowed access to abortion.

With the nomination of Trump, it was obvious that Trump would appoint conservative federal judges and Supreme Court justices who would water down and eventually repeal Roe v Wade.

70 percent of women in Red States supported Trump. It is obvious that women in red states have little interest in maintaining abortion rights in their state

Repeal would mean that small minority of women would have to go to a blue state for abortions.......doesn't seem to be that big a deal to women


i find it fascinating because some women voted badly that you're being vindictive to all of us.

i find that sad and pathetic. i'm incredibly disappointed. are you that ugly a person. i'd always thought you were decent.

why aren't you raging against your fellow men?

Dear jillian and rightwinger
I think rightwinger is either using reverse psychology
or should rethink the REASONS and come up with better ones for supporting free choice.
It should NOT be conditioned on whether you get the result you want,
but whether the stance is so consistent you would fight for it regardless if you are outnumbered or opposed anyway.
What principle is it that you really stand for?
What is going to help empower people, besides depending how votes go for federal govt?
Isn't there a better approach to achieve the real liberation from oppression?
Trump has convinced me

Abortion has divided this country for 40 years. Why continue to fight for it?

Prior to 1972 and Roe v Wade, the states decided whether to allow abortion or not. In effect, Blue states allowed it and red states banned it

After Roe v Wade, women in red states were allowed access to abortion.

With the nomination of Trump, it was obvious that Trump would appoint conservative federal judges and Supreme Court justices who would water down and eventually repeal Roe v Wade.

70 percent of women in Red States supported Trump. It is obvious that women in red states have little interest in maintaining abortion rights in their state

Repeal would mean that small minority of women would have to go to a blue state for abortions.......doesn't seem to be that big a deal to women


i find it fascinating because some women voted badly that you're being vindictive to all of us.

i find that sad and pathetic. i'm incredibly disappointed. are you that ugly a person. i'd always thought you were decent.

why aren't you raging against your fellow men?
Hardly vindictive

Abortion has torn the nation apart for 40 years. Just so women in red states can get an abortion.

70% of women in those states were willing to vote for a man who will stock the courts to take away their reproductive rights.

Why should I fight for their rights when they won't?

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