I Really Like Tulsi Gabbard, Here is a Video Why from the left/center, but he is sayiung a lot of th


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This guy is coming from the left/center but I agree with his take on Gabbards appearance on the View.

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No Democrat has ANY chance to get my vote as long as they continue to promote the social justice bullshit.
Not a chance in hell
I am not sure that that phrase is used consistently across the political spectrum.

But of course you have the right to believe what you want. I want real social justice e, however, not this deflection crap the Democrats like to spew.
Social justice has to include the unborn. So long as it doesn't, the Democrats are wrong.
Even weakened borders are a bad idea...we need to know who enters our nation and whether that soul can care for his or her self.....its only fair to the people that are here legally and paying taxes for the privilege....
Dems don't want borders...that is dangerous to our republic....so even Gabbard who I like and respect will be a bad choice because a dem in the white house...is a dem in the white house....and that is not good for the USA....
Sorry OP, that guy in the first video is a flaming idiot. He claims to know the inside shit on Trump because he read Mccabe's book where McCabe said Trump said thus and such. I guess the idiot believes everything printed. What a dumbfuck. Gabbard sits there and avoids questions in the vid this nut shows.

I gotta add that I also watched the Bill Mahar interview with Gabbard. He pointed out (and had a screen shot that he put up) of a newspaper headline where all the Democrat candidates raised their hands when asked if they would pay for illegal alien health care. She immediately pivoted to the media with not so much as a by your leave explanation of just exactly WHY she raised her hand!!! Bill just let it go. (probably had a secret hard on)
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no need to vote for a left winger like Tulsi.....you might as well vote for somebody like Omar for heavens sake!
What makes her leftwing in your perspective?

well...is she Republican?

So all nonRepublicans are leftwing?

Are any Republicans leftwing, in your opinion?

no need to vote for a left winger like Tulsi.....you might as well vote for somebody like Omar for heavens sake!
What makes her leftwing in your perspective?

well...is she Republican?

So all nonRepublicans are leftwing?

Are any Republicans leftwing, in your opinion?

stop it

no they are not
I don't pay any attention to Democrat candidates; they will all work together to spread racism, open borders, and destroy this country in their dope addled infantile fits of rage and mindless self-indulgence. I don't pay any attention to right wingers of any Party for much the same reasons; they support the same things, pandering to globalists and Wall Street.
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no need to vote for a left winger like Tulsi.....you might as well vote for somebody like Omar for heavens sake!
What makes her leftwing in your perspective?

well...is she Republican?

So all nonRepublicans are leftwing?

Are any Republicans leftwing, in your opinion?

Establishment Republicans represent many of the same policies the left wing supports, open borders, Red Chinese build ups, Wall Street and off-shoring, mindless self-indulgence, and racial displacement agendas. Trump only represents a faction of the GOP; most of that Party's leadership opposed Trump, and wanted Hillary to win.
What makes her leftwing in your perspective?

From PBS.....Tulsi's policies.....

"Climate change: Mandate an end to the use of fossil fuels for electricity by 2050. Ban fracking"

"Education: Tuition-free community college for all and tuition-free public university for most families."

"Guns: Ban assault weapons and require universal background checks."

"Health care: Create “Medicare for All,” a universal, government-sponsored health care system."

"Social Issues: Protect abortion rights. Ban discrimination based on sexual preference, identity."

"Military intervention: Withdraw from Afghanistan and Syria."

"Saudi Arabia: End U.S. support for Saudi-led conflict in Yemen."

Wow!!! Talk about radical, progressive leftist views!!!! She's from America Somoa. Home of some Amazon women. Trump better watch out!!! LOL

What does Tulsi Gabbard believe? Where the candidate stands on 7 issues
What makes her leftwing in your perspective?

From PBS.....Tulsi's policies.....

"Climate change: Mandate an end to the use of fossil fuels for electricity by 2050. Ban fracking"

"Education: Tuition-free community college for all and tuition-free public university for most families."

"Guns: Ban assault weapons and require universal background checks."

"Health care: Create “Medicare for All,” a universal, government-sponsored health care system."

"Social Issues: Protect abortion rights. Ban discrimination based on sexual preference, identity."

"Military intervention: Withdraw from Afghanistan and Syria."

"Saudi Arabia: End U.S. support for Saudi-led conflict in Yemen."

Wow!!! Talk about radical, progressive leftist views!!!! She's from America Somoa. Home of some Amazon women. Trump better watch out!!! LOL

What does Tulsi Gabbard believe? Where the candidate stands on 7 issues
Giving away free shit really isn't a platform for anyone who has even a modicum of intelligence.

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