I remember that once I beat an American


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions
I dont know if he was really american or just said so, he spoke fluent german. But I vaguely remember that I was very very drunk and he said Im from America, I got really rage I dont know why and slapped him but only once and I was exhausted (Im weak and such). He didnt had any harm like blood or broken something just a slap. But still Im very sorry and apologise. I shouted then "Austria" dont know why, I was very drunk.
If you slapped me like that...I might forgive you, but I would never forget it, or trust you.
Once I was very drunk and it was in town. And there were a few indian merchants and i was very drunk, i went to them and said that im indian, they said im not, i dont speak a indian language, i dont have a indian name, then i said my grandfather was indian and they asked what was his name and i didnt know any indian names, i said punjabi and they said no go away. Well do you think it was my own initiative or i was a bit manipulated by europeans because they wanted to place me in india? Once a croat girl in school said to a austrian the he looks croat and said "that i look indian". She said you look croat and he looks indian.

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