I see another Russian conspiracy theory failure, go figure


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
No amount of research can change history. Unless of course it's BS, stupidity or ignorance. Anyway, here's where we sit with Don Jr. OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia

Perhaps it was all a set-up huh?, considering no information was provided. Gosh I don't know, maybe it was a Clinton Russian conspiracy, or even a Clinton/Goldstone conspiracy or combination of. Perhaps Goldstone is just nuts. Regardless, what are you left with at trail end?
Great article that sums it up quite nicely. Now if only the left will read it as it contains all facts from beginning to end, including this snippet-

In the Times’ first story published Saturday, reporting a meeting among Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, and a Russian lawyer, the meeting is curiously described as “previously unreported,” despite the fact that both Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort disclosed the meeting before the Times’ reporting.

The Times’ own reporting admits this several paragraphs down and then adds, “Because Donald Trump Jr. does not serve in the administration and does not have a security clearance, he was not required to disclose his foreign contacts.” In short, this meeting, which was portrayed as nefarious across several anti-Trump media outlets, was disclosed and openly reported by its attendees — Kushner and Manafort.
Thought of the day: Conspiracy to collude involving Russian/Clinton collusion. And the kicker is, if material was provided and Jr. ran with it, in what manner would this be classified as Trump/Russian Gov. collusion?
:coffee:I've noticed it isn't headlines news everywhere now.
Thought of the day: Conspiracy to collude involving Russian/Clinton collusion. And the kicker is, if material was provided and Jr. ran with it, in what manner would this be classified as Trump/Russian Gov. collusion?
Pretty F--in' stupid to meet with a Russian Spy to get dirt on your opponent that the spy doesn't even have. What was gained in the meeting? Nada. Zip. So was all of this some sort of game, set-up? Sure looks so. Like you say, all of the known connections with Russia really revolve around the Clintons and others. So how will this get played out? Likely as all the Trumps being crooked------ yep, they were strict, honest businessmen turned crooks as soon as their father entered politics. Or they will be played as hapless----- again, right, they were astute, successful businessmen who turned into bumbling fools as politicians. Problem is, ever meet a really smart politician? I guess they are good at one thing----- at getting people to elect them over and over so they can sit in some padded office riding in a limo collecting fat pay and benefits you will never see while only working short easy hours. If that is Trump's true failure, not being a good politician, thank you Donald, for being a better Leader instead.

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