"I Stand With Obama" Tweets(?) Cory. . .Actually A Mayor(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Anyone notices, after a few days, that the Romney approach of Bain Capital is nausea to anybody! Anyone notices that Mayor Booker did not. . .repeat. . .did not. . .throw up on "Meet The Press!"

Cory Booker 'Fit To Be Tied' After GOP's 'I Stand with Cory Booker' Email - Yahoo! News

Mayor Villagairosa, of Los Angeles, stands more with the HomeBoy Industries kind of entrepreneurial intervention. Those are the creators of "Jobs Not Jails," appropriate to the Guacamole Lifestyle of so much of the Hollywood Hills, of California. Famously, the Catholic Church is more behind the HomeBoy Industries approach. The RNC / Romney concept of charity was more famously, and recently, showcased in Forbes. The Romneys send in the $1.0 mil. $350,000.00 goes to the check-writer, or the real estate agent, or whomever. $650,000.00 goes to whatever the charity is supporting: Apparently, and especially, if it is politically connected(?).

What private equity kind of business is Bain? "Total Attorneys" is recently touted on the website as a beneficiary of the private equity, venture-level, largesse. That is probably largesse, not even intended for a Moms Mabely level venture, at all! (About that: People who knew, knew!)

Then differentiating the two types of largesse: Anyone sees that that there are 'hoods, that get supported, and then there are 'hoods(?) that get supported! Private Equity at Romney's Bain is only about keeping the money among the rich, and only for those 'hoods. Private Equity at RNC is to take what deficit there is: And spread it around among the engineers, and war-machine-making entrepreneurs: Of those 'hoods.

The need for a HomeBoy Industries approach is actually an outcome of the "Reagan Trajectory" of deficits for the rich, and turf wars for the poor, and especially the colored poor.

No doubt the compare and constrast will be centerpiece in the fall elections campaign. Los Angeles Mayor Villagairosa will even be prominent at the Democratic National Convention: Which is even likely to nominate a Hawaiian for the Presidency.

It will be shown, in effect, that it is not just about the "Tiny Bubbles," anymore.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Lands of Many Nations, even: Now Ready(?)!. . .for a veritable nausea contagion. . .protection against house fires(?)!)

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