Zone1 I suggest a separate forum on antisemitism

Thank you. In the interim, may I bring up topics of antisemitism in the racism forum? If not, I’ll hold off.

Why do you want to give collectivists, who want nothing more than to steer the forum in a direction that encourages Americans to adopt only a group mentality rather than Individualism, more room to do just that thing?

If you give them an inch they'll take a mile every single time. And eagerly. That's what Marxist purveyors of institutionalized privilege for designated victim status groups thrive on.

People like that (openly) detest the very notion of Individualism. They believe that just because some people share some kind of superficial characteristic that everyone should be viewed as members of groups rather than as Individuals.

Ultimately it leads to arbitrary victim status cards being raised all over the place and discussion moves even closer to the idea that the role of government is to placate group claims (again, institutionalized privilege for these so-called designated victim status groups) rather than, as the Framers believed, to protect Individual liberty.

You're giving them what they want on a silver platter. And letting server name the platter on top if things. Can't you see?
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Why do you want to give collectivists who want nothing more than to resteer the forum in a direction that encourages Americans to adopt a group mentality rather than Individualism more room to further encourage collectivism?

If you give them an inch they'll take a mile every single time. And eagerly.
How would exposing antisemitism further collectivism?
Whatever, though.

People get what they deserve is my view on it.

I just had to ask anyway. Somebody had to.

People don't always think things through all the way.

And some people love them for it.

Sad state of affairs, really.
That’s because my Wonder Twin is smart, and he isn’t even Jewish!!

Yup. Super fan here, bro. :113: Whatever pads the ego, my man. :itsok: But then again, I yam who I yam, so ...
You're just jelly cause I've got a hawt wonder twin and you don't.
Behind what? Are you now attempting to use some made up breakthrough point that I am so behind I couldn't possibly understand? Please. Elaborate. Camera is on you. Go.
You have taken this thread quite far enough from its origins already.

Have at it.
Antisemitism is at its highest point since the lead-up to Nazi Germany, and on a per-capita basis, Jews are more likely to be victims of hate crimes than other minorities.(I personally have been victimized twice.)

It has been suggested to me that topics related to antisemitism be placed under the religion forum, but that forum is so broad - covering all different religions and traditions - that it would get buried there. Beyond that, people who have no interest at all in religious topics and never go there would miss the opportunity to be educated about antisemitism.

I thus believe the subject deserves to own forum, just as racism has its own forum. Otherwise, the message is - as we continue to get IRL - that antisemitism is of less concern than racism.
I know better than to mess with these zone 1 things, but I know I saw a Zone1 race-something forum here already and it seems that would be where to deal with things like that. Now I must go away, because anything I post in that "Zone1" area will be deleted and might could get me in trouble, and I don't want that. My 1st post here got nuked to hell, so I'm treading lightly. Also avoiding any green tag things for the most part. So good luck with your "antisemitism" quest!
Antisemetism is bad, but you will not be seeing me in those green tag threads about it.
You have taken this thread quite far enough from its origins already.

Have at it.
You are combative to an idiot that simply wanted to truly understand your point. You jettisoned that nonsense right away.

What the fuck are we supposed to think? Please. Tell us
You are combative to an idiot that simply wanted to truly understand your point. You jettisoned that nonsense right away.

What the fuck are we supposed to think? Please. Tell us
“Combative!” That was the word I was looking for to describe your need to tell me, a Jew who suggested an antisemitism thread, that you are apathetic toward Jews.

Time for you to bow out. You made your point.
"Asians" (orientals) would disagree

Maybe you can start by not using terms like "Orientals", which is kind of racist.

As an atheist your condescending and self-righteous attitude towards things you don't understand or respect, annoys me

I understand it perfectly well. There is no God. I've checked. All religions are a little silly, but sadly, as long as people are afraid of dying, they will have an audience.

I miss the days of my youth when people combatted antisemitism because they were LIBERAL.

That was before the Zionists engaged in some of the same behavior. I look at Zionists like abused children who have gotten big enough to beat up on someone else.
Antisemites aren’t hostile toward Judaism. They are hostile toward JEWS.

Any hostility is usually rooted in a complaint- some valid, some not.

So, why is there hostility towards Jews today?
Well, most of the world is kind of horrified by the goings-on in Palestine.

One of the hallmarks of much antisemitic discourse is to deny the very validity of Jewish ethnic identity while pretending it is simply a religion.

If Judaism was simply a religion seeking converts, do these people really not realize there would be at least a couple BILLION Jews by now instead of just a few million? Good grief, some people are simply incapable of reason.

Well, I think it's a marketing thing.

Standard Christianity offers you a puppy and sunshine afterlife where you get to see all your dead loved ones. (Even though they tell you that getting into heaven is really hard, your loved ones are all there, really!)
Islam promises you a paradise with virgins to meet your every whim.
Mormonism promises you that you can rule your own planet in the Celestial heaven.

Judaism? Well, they promise you that you will live on in the memories of your loved ones... That's probably more accurate, but kind of underwhelming.

The problem is Jews aren't an "ethnicity"... they are a religion. So you have Ashkenazi Jews from central Europe, Sephardic Jews from the Middle East via Spain, Ethiopian Jews from Beta Israel...

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