I SUPPORT TALIBANI GENOCIDE and imprison the white house occupier!!!!

Let us assume that Ed did serve. He still shouldn't share his personal information. Not here. Not via PM's. Not at all.

And whether he served or not or exaggerated or didn't? Kind of NOT the actual topic of the thread.

Agreed about not sharing,liability,but im proud of my service,and lets say,if you asked me for creds,id produce in a heartbeat. But,to garbage like him,i certainly wont provide accurate info. Especialky when theres one trump proving he never served,and its some info ge shared,or didnt know,in this case. But,like you said,back to the OP.
Let us assume that Ed did serve. He still shouldn't share his personal information. Not here. Not via PM's. Not at all.

And whether he served or not or exaggerated or didn't? Kind of NOT the actual topic of the thread.

He doesn't have too. In fact, I don't support people sharing their personal information on the net.

I can tell he is lying (about Ranger School at least) by the things he's said on this thread.
Im intending on running for office at some point soon,so itll come out anyways,i just have a family to protect.
Im not,lying,though....and i am transparant enough to share to trusted people.
Let us assume that Ed did serve. He still shouldn't share his personal information. Not here. Not via PM's. Not at all.

And whether he served or not or exaggerated or didn't? Kind of NOT the actual topic of the thread.

The "actual" topic is so stupid and crazy that the real point to be made on this thread is if the OP is lying or insane. And...I'm STILL better looking than Eddie.
Lets turn the tables around. He needs to prove himself,as theres one minute bit of info that proved him not a ranger,and just came on thread to divert the OP,and scumbag knows what it is.
You scumbags obviously support the taliban and the killing of our troops anyone supporting this should go out and be forced to serve to appreciate the freedom we have which yall are trying to destroy.

I have served.

I just don't see the purpose of continuing to play hall monitor between the Taliban and the corrupt Karzai government. We've been over there for 11 years now, Karzai is corrupt, probably a little crazy and his government is not stepping up to the plate.

Here's an area where I fault Obama. He's the one who doubled down in Afghanistan, because during the 2008 campaign, he wanted to look hawkish while advocating withdrawl from Iraq.

So he called Afghanistan the "war of Necessity" while Iraq was the "War of Choice".

But what are we trying to accomplish there? Al Qaeda left the building a long time ago. Karzai's govenrment is not a democracy and never will be.
as far as i am concerned Karzai is just the Mayor of Kabul......outside the city he has no authority....
He will probably find a reason to pull out of Afgahnistan immediately after he is re-elected.

There is no way he could do it in this term.

could not come soon enough for me.........let the Taliban have their way with them....
Lets turn the tables around. He needs to prove himself,as theres one minute bit of info that proved him not a ranger,and just came on thread to divert the OP,and scumbag knows what it is.

Oh, by all means, tell me.

I am just about to stop laughing over here.

Are you struggling to hold in a fart in this pic?

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