I SUPPORT TALIBANI GENOCIDE and imprison the white house occupier!!!!

Well? Do you have credentials to backup your service? I thought you were socalled training at a hospital...hmmmmmm.whos lying what here?if you were any kind of ranger,youd realize there are FOUR TRAINING BASES.for ranger class,you fraud.

I went to medical school after I left active duty.
god help us,if thats true,will you leave americans wait and fixup illegals like alot of scumbag doctors do these days?
No scholarships or handouts,i paid my own way,army helped me with the rest.
You have to privide the burden of proof wannabe,just like a.liberal,diversion tactics.
Just as i figured,PWND.in any event,since the wannabe loser pushed the point,anyone on the friends list requesting my service record,political record,etc...i can provide on demand.
Just as i figured,PWND.in any event,since the wannabe loser pushed the point,anyone on the friends list requesting my service record,political record,etc...i can provide on demand.

You can stop now. You aren't fooling anyone and you are just making yourself out to be a bigger ass.

In the future, just be honest about what you did in the military. It might not be as cool as claiming you went to Ranger School or whatever, but at least you earned it.
Guess what,scam artist,i did,have proof,and youre pissed cause you cant prove otherwise.
now,back to the OP,which go to hell,was probably making friends with the terrirusts while the real soldiers were fighting...
Oh,i most certainly knew. I dont have to provide legit info to antiamerican trash like him. If he really did serve,hes probably one of the enlistees that caused real soldiers to get killed,with that attitude and all.

Like i said,and will repeat,anyone on my friends list wants to see,ill gladly provide with trabsparancy,on demand.
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Thats why i offered him to look me up,and he refused. Hes the one that never served,ever...
This is some funny shit.

Is this as painfully obvious to you as it is to me?

Him claiming he was in the same Ranger class as you sealed it. He had no idea what you meant by "04-02".


Class number - Year.

That means I was in the Fourth class of 2002. I think they go by potential graduation date for the number. There are several (9 or 10) classes a year. Class 4 is the straight up winter class that starts in January and ends in March and doesn't get a break for Christmas.

In 2002, he wasn't in the Army. He then claimed he graduated in "Class 92", which is non-existent. When I showed him the pictures from the year 1992, he claimed he didn't go to Ranger School at Ft. Benning.

In Viet Nam, there was a Ranger Course in country. But other than that, the only course in CONUS has been the Ft. Benning course. Since he is a liar, he is trying to claim that the other phases of the Benning course, "mountain phase in Dalonega, GA", "swamp phase at Eglin AFP FL", and the now defunct "desert phase at Dugway" are actually separate Ranger Schools, but that's retarded. They are all part of the Benning Course that starts and ends (with graduation) at Ft. Benning.

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Let us assume that Ed did serve. He still shouldn't share his personal information. Not here. Not via PM's. Not at all.

And whether he served or not or exaggerated or didn't? Kind of NOT the actual topic of the thread.
Unlike liberal puke trash like go to hell, i have been engaged,faithfully,to the same woman for six years.

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