I Sure Wish There Were More Smokers...

I've never read anything by Ann Coulter. All I know about her is secondhand stuff on message boards and what I vaguely remember from an appearance she made maybe 12 years ago on Politically Incorrect and all I remember of that is her hair and that Bill maher was hysterically funny. I wass thinking of reading this stuff Pol Chic linked to since I like Chic's sense of humor and sometimes agree with her. Then I read those excerpts. I'm kinda thinking Ann Coulter ahould be smoked, not killed but just put in a meat smoker and smoked till she's a piece of fine shoe leather. Then maybe she can try walking in the shoes of some single mothers. I doubt she'd last a day.

To be serious for a moment, giving you total immunity for whatever your condition or position, I wonder if you were to read one or two of her best-seller and ponder her points rather than the way that she delivers them, you might not tend to agree with them.

I say that based on the fact that you sometimes agree with me, and that indicates that you have not totally imbibed the populist, secularist, debilitating propaganda that some of my friends on this board have allowed to become their persona.
Coulter is not directing her invective toward any particular individual, other than those named, and neither should you take these arguments personally. Only view them in terms of their value to society.
Single motherhood, by contrast, directly harms children, occurs at a rate of about 1.5 million a year and has a causal relationship to criminal behavior, substance abuse, juvenile delinquency, sexual victimization and almost every other social disorder.
This is such incredible bullshit that I can't believe anyone takes this person seriously. Why is she such a hater? Now she's trying to alienate millions of mothers with a stupid lie. If I were a single mother I'd punch her in the face.

Yes Ravi, I agree with you about the OP. I always found Ann Coulter rather shrill, to say the least.

I just felt like razzing Robert, the self proclaimed exemplary Christian. Ironically enough, I'm finding him equally shrill, so the razzing impulse is not likely to stop anytime soon. :razz:
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Yes Ravi, I agree with about the OP. I always found Ann Coulter rather shrill, to say the least.

I just felt like razzing Robert, the self proclaimed exemplary Christian. Ironically enough, I'm finding him equally shrill, so the razzing impulse is not likely to stop anytime soon. :razz:

I never called myself the perfect Christian or the poster example of one. So yeah. :cuckoo:
Three days afrer 9/11, Ann wrote this in her column:

Airports scrupulously apply the same laughably ineffective airport harassment to Suzy Chapstick as to Muslim hijackers. It is preposterous to assume every passenger is a potential crazed homicidal maniac. We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones cheering and dancing right now.

We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war

Sorry, but that right there takes away any credibility she ever had.

Ah, once again you're intellectuals are on view for all to see. Her style is one that is over-the-top, and not to be taken seriously, but rather to make a point. To translate for you, she is saying that we should take the war on terrorism seriously.

It's actually sad that you are not able to enjoy this satire. But I suspect, you're right there slapping your knees when Bill Maher speaks in the same vein.

BTW, her credibility is based on the studies that she provides to document the points she makes in her books, not whether or not you like her sense of humor.

Would I be correct in assuming you didn't read the article?
To be serious for a moment, giving you total immunity for whatever your condition or position, I wonder if you were to read one or two of her best-seller and ponder her points rather than the way that she delivers them, you might not tend to agree with them.

I say that based on the fact that you sometimes agree with me, and that indicates that you have not totally imbibed the populist, secularist, debilitating propaganda that some of my friends on this board have allowed to become their persona.
Coulter is not directing her invective toward any particular individual, other than those named, and neither should you take these arguments personally. Only view them in terms of their value to society.

Honestly Chic, I don't think I would take the time to read one of her books. That quote from Robert above is enough to turn me away from ever wanting to. I don't think I could stomach that kind of invective regardless of what point she is trying to make. Maybe after my dinner is digested I might read the link you posted.
How about you prove her assertion that there is a causal relationship with single-mothered children and the crimes and social disorders she attributes to them?

How about you put your dinero where you put your dinner?

If I give the studies that prove the assertions, how about you agree to use the new avatar, which you so richly deserve?
Okay, go ahead and post the studies that prove "Single motherhood has a causal relationship to criminal behavior, substance abuse, juvenile delinquency, sexual victimization and almost every other social disorder.
If I give the studies that prove the assertions, how about you agree to use the new avatar, which you so richly deserve?
Okay, go ahead and post the studies that prove "Single motherhood has a causal relationship to criminal behavior, substance abuse, juvenile delinquency, sexual victimization and almost every other social disorder.[/QUOTE]

But but, Ann didn't parrot her such statistics. Why are you trying to make her think for herself? :lol:
Robert---did someone shove a cob up your ass or is Obama jsut not panning out for ya like you thought he would ?:lol:

I'm just tired of how 2/3 of the posts on here don't debate the issues; rather the people behind the issues. I've tried and tried again to have civilized discussions on here but it just doesn't work.

I don't think Republicans are quite too happy about Obama with the way some of them have been acting since November. And to think, I thought things might calm down a little after the election.
It is more than passable interesting how the media has decided to treat smoking as more harmful to society than single motherhood. Which cost more in dollars? ($92 billion vs. $112 billion). Which is correlated with criminality and various social disorders?

How many college graduates are single mothers by choice?

Please follow this link to read an informative article on the subject (Secondhand Children):

Welcome to AnnCoulter.com

Interesting read. Smokers are true patriots because their habit pays for a multitude of government health programs. There should be a national smoker appreciation day in honor of their patriotism. Maybe single mothers should be taxed through the nose to help pay for programs to eliminate single mothers.
Robert---did someone shove a cob up your ass or is Obama jsut not panning out for ya like you thought he would ?:lol:

I'm just tired of how 2/3 of the posts on here don't debate the issues; rather the people behind the issues. I've tried and tried again to have civilized discussions on here but it just doesn't work.

I don't think Republicans are quite too happy about Obama with the way some of them have been acting since November. And to think, I thought things might calm down a little after the election.

How hypocritical coming from someone who JUST attacked the messenger. :lol:
How hypocritical coming from someone who JUST attacked the messenger. :lol:

Not really, I'm merely playing fire with fire now a days. I refuse to sit there and post page and page of facts only for someone to say they refute it and not even answer it by saying "Bullshit". Why should I go the extra mile if people don't even want to have a civil conversation?

God forbid a Republican can go a page on here anymore without invoking the following 5 words (any apply): Obama, Socialism, Liberal, Unpatriotic, and or Bush.

(Usually when they invoke Bush, they scream how they've had to "hear it" the past 8 years so it totally makes it right to act on the same level as extremists.")

It's not worth my time to try and debate or try to have a conversation actually have some depth when it eventually turns into mischaracterizations, personal attacks, and generalizations.
It is more than passable interesting how the media has decided to treat smoking as more harmful to society than single motherhood. Which cost more in dollars? ($92 billion vs. $112 billion). Which is correlated with criminality and various social disorders?

How many college graduates are single mothers by choice?

Please follow this link to read an informative article on the subject (Secondhand Children):

Welcome to AnnCoulter.com

Interesting read. Smokers are true patriots because their habit pays for a multitude of government health programs. There should be a national smoker appreciation day in honor of their patriotism. Maybe single mothers should be taxed through the nose to help pay for programs to eliminate single mothers.

I told my daughter that she doesn't need to prepare for college after all, instead to get ready for juvie then the Big House instead!

Thanks Anne!
I told my daughter that she doesn't need to prepare for college after all, instead to get ready for juvie then the Big House instead!

Thanks Anne!

I'm going to have a helping of those Valentine ravioli's while no one is looking. :eusa_shhh:
I told my daughter that she doesn't need to prepare for college after all, instead to get ready for juvie then the Big House instead!

Thanks Anne!

I'm going to have a helping of those Valentine ravioli's while no one is looking. :eusa_shhh:

Well, with all the money I'm going to be saving not having to pay for college, I'm buying!

How about a nice Merlot to go with it?
It is more than passable interesting how the media has decided to treat smoking as more harmful to society than single motherhood. Which cost more in dollars? ($92 billion vs. $112 billion). Which is correlated with criminality and various social disorders?

How many college graduates are single mothers by choice?

Please follow this link to read an informative article on the subject (Secondhand Children):

Welcome to AnnCoulter.com

Interesting read. Smokers are true patriots because their habit pays for a multitude of government health programs. There should be a national smoker appreciation day in honor of their patriotism. Maybe single mothers should be taxed through the nose to help pay for programs to eliminate single mothers.

I told my daughter that she doesn't need to prepare for college after all, instead to get ready for juvie then the Big House instead!

Thanks Anne!

While I understand the temptation to take these things personally, I bet you weren't being singled out specifically.
While I understand the temptation to take these things personally, I bet you weren't being singled out specifically.

An attack on single mothers in general and the public school system is an attack on all single mothers and everybody who attends such a system.
You better check your ass for that corncob, dude. Your statement is a fallacy.

It's not, Ann Coulter talks about ALL FEMALE SINGLE MOTHERS; not certain ones.

She includes ALL FEMALE SINGLE MOTHERS in her statistics.

So therefore, she is talking about ALL FEMALE SINGLE MOTHERS.

Get the point?

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